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From Russian imageboard двaч, thoughts on their rules in your country?
>saying please and thank you in 2024
Why are Russians still so nice when everyone else is so rude?
Simply an ESL moment, excessive please and thank yous are indicative of poor language comprehension
>russian int
>please post in english
>go on 2ch
>everything is in russian
>being critical of the government's military in the same level of cp
Them being both banned doesn't mean they are treated as the same criminally, I'd assume posting cp should warrant heavier sanctions at least in the written law
is possessing gay porn legal in russia? it would be funny because cp is
why are you there?
>Welcome to Russian /int/
>Please, post in English
Къкoлдpи ъф дъ хaйecт opдep.
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I was simply curious, it's one of the largest non English imageboards and I find Russian internet fascinating desu, the low English fluency + large native language population (meaning internet subcultures can exist independent of English counterparts) + relatively closeness to European history and roots creates a sort of strange bizarro internet.

I also find the grimness fascinating, the fact that on their largest imageboard they are forbidden from posting gay pornography or criticizing the armed forces of Russia is very uniquely grim.
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i once went there out of curiosity after an anon linked a coomer tiktok thread. i wanted to ask for sauce but the captcha was in fucking cyrillic so i had to open the russian alphabet wiki page and copy paste the letters one at a time. how do they expect foreigners to post?
bump for interest
Tell that to poor Assange.
If I went to their board I'd probably feel like Tucker Carlson walking around Moscow.
>No tranny threads?
>Pleases and thank yous?
>What is this magical place?!
Kek, supporting urine and spreading fakes about Russian army may get you in prisons for 15 years.
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Delete this, NOW
send the liborashkas to badass kadyrov when they demean the koran
>the only meme to come out of russian 2chan is vatnik meme which lead to them getting so buthurt that they threatened to kill the guy that made it
Also yoba, Ukrainian pigdog etc.
>Ukrainian pigdog
hardly a meme when only shills use it
Vatnik/zigger is only used by shills like you too.
Aren't these Russian boards known for having literal FSB agents as mods?

I know we joke about the CIA posting on 4chan, but I think it actually happens in Russia
vatnik meme predates the shill era though
Vatnik predates the war
Was just used to make fun of how retarded russian nationalists are
Like mutt memes
Yep like I said above guy that made vatnik meme had the russian gov go after him
They are pathetic
Meanwhile we have NORF FC and post it proudly
Russia has had pro western shills for ages.
For example, pussy riot are typical pro western shills paid by Soros.
Pigdog also predates the war. Urinians we’re called like that on 2 h long time ago.

> Yep like I said above guy that made vatnik meme had the russian gov go after him
If our government had gone after him, he’d have ended up in prison, yet he just got cancelled and went away to Kiev. I hope he got mobilized and eaten by homeless dogs near bakhmut. He wised to say Russians should be genocide as a nation, this alone is already hate speech and illegal.
> Urinians were called like that on 2ch long time ago
Why should they tolerate fifth column traitors?
>He wised to say Russians should be genocide as a nation, this alone is already hate speech and illegal.
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why are they like this?
Apart of >discrediting of Russia Armed force

the rest is pretty BASED , they are losing hard in Ukraine , their people can't at least suggest some suggestion?
>Pigdog also predates the war. Urinians we’re called like that on 2 h long time ago.
i would like to fact check this claim but your so-called meme is too irrelevant to find any information on it
good one i could probably get this faggot >>199273513 jailed for calling it a war if i wanted to
>page created 11 October 2022
yeah predates the war for sure
You already made such thread.

Bro you just got filtered by aryan captcha
So are we gonna start posting gay furry porn orrrrr.....
That's not the same schizo.

I can say fuck joe biden, the b 21 projects a overpriced piece of shit and the elections are made up. Fuck trump and fuck all the veterans

Nothing will happen to me involving the law. Either you will get arrested or you are just some piece of shit ruining everyones conversations with a VPN fag shit
You couldn’t. Everyone calls it a war here.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see you win

I am very happy to see Russia win for extra Lulz and Giggles watching these Slimy Stank Lefties Gay Liberals and Kikes screeee and cry especially in US

But after lot of hours spending my time on WebM and Telegram watching videos tons of them how incompetent Russia army is, You people deserved it.

Lot of Ballistic are damps and duds, those who mobilize are mostly drunkens and fat middle aged dudes , their equipment are basically garbage expeciallt the made in China ones...

saw a video the whole Platoon are fucking dead drunks, like total WASTED drunk , they can't even tied their pants ,

how are we gonna win??
>Бpo йю жycт гoт филтepeд бй apйaн кaптчa
Also I will continue to make such thread.
Boт и дyмaй cвoeй гoлoвoй
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old dvach holds a special place in my heart
US government literally spent Billions on Ukraine , the Jews in Tel Aviv literally kvetch their kike butts hard since US had to cut their aids pretty significantly.....

Can you imagine, how much how loud these New World gay faggots reeeeeeeeeeee if Russia won at the end of the day? It sweet!
Дyмaй этими нyтc, ниггa
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Isn't criticizing the government illegal in Russia though?
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Point to the Soviet Union on a current map.
What’s the site called? I want to post gay porn
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it's called smo, chud
>Scott Simon
How much can we trust this a Kike Jorno?
Well, Ukrainians were called like that long before 2022 even on 4chan. It came from 2ch.

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assange is a free man. meanwhile in russia
Why don't they ban heterosexual content? Seems worthless to uniquely mention homosexual content then later say all NSFW content is banned?
It's Russian. Homosex is on their mind all the time. Which is hawt but that's besides the point.
hahahahah russians were called pigdogs first and then went like
>no u
Knowing russians, no one follows that rule

Knowing russians even more, i am certain the cp rule is constantly broken
>free man
Sure, after 13 years in prison for exposing the crimes of the USA army.
Your English is horrid and you should stick to whatever the Bahasa Malayu version of 4chan is.
>not the same
Fine, then take Boeing for example. Don’t worry anon, you won’t go to jail, you’ll just kill yourself.
say this war is lost then the country is divided and dead, so how in the world would you as a citizen be against it? Just leave if you wish it death
it's dead containment board, nobody posts there. 2ch is dead but that board was just fishing net for curious foreingers.
>russian board
>must post in english
glowies killed a few boards with posting cp
I loved 0chan so much, people there were drawing pixelshit by hand and doing flash loops for fun and then asking each other the source on the music used. And I remember picking up JoJo manga in 2011 because of resident autist said it's great and the 7 part was about to be done
Same reason as Krautchan and Ylilauta
/int/ boards mean English only
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assange was in prison for a total of 5 years after leaking secret government documents, meanwhile russian kids get the same sentence for saying "no to war" on social media
> Germans Could Face Jail Time for Publicly Supporting Russia's Ukraine War
COULD and UP TO while the 15 year old boy was already sentenced to 5
And that's based as fuck
supporting a genocidal war should not be tolerated, i fail to see the problem here
Here is even worse. That guy who made a joke about a judge got 40 years in prison.
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>supports Israel killing 30k children
>says russia is commiting a genocide
Amazing job sista, you're very smart
>supports Israel killing 30k children
>lack of freedom of speech is le good
>low IQ orc doesn't understand how free speech works and where its limits are
many such cases
harkach is such a shithole these days
it went downhill really fast after it was acquired by mailru
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>it's good when we do it, it's bad when you do it
Buy a rope and join your fellow colleagues already
Why do thirdies love having no rights?
You literally living in Ireland, you could go to jail for hate speech if you criticize rapefugees and you're here saying we're the ones that don't have rights lol
>low iq glowpig believes that putting limits on free speech is le good when it’s in compliance with his copro pseudo liberal values
>supporting and opposing genocide are both equally valid opinions and should be treated the same by law
if i would advocate for genocide against russians i would get in trouble too. those russian retards who marched here in support of putlers invasion were literally protected by the police from an angry ukrainian mob. not one was ever actually jailed for their opinions. russian fascists dont deserve this freedom since they dont believe in it, but unfortunately we live in a democratic country where retards are protected
Who said I was defending my government you stupid macaco.
>allow ctitics
>board gets filled by gypkranian gore spam
>suicide methods
You wouldn't post shit if you had self awareness, retard. There's no difference between your government and the Russian one, except one uses force to benefit their own people and yours uses force to benefit others
Congrats for being a fucking slave

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