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>be brit
>do everything different than europe because you're spceial snowflakes
>accidentally become russian
This map is outdated btw.
turks confirmed euros btw
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The Polish sign has him walking to the left now
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Nothing to explain. Not every sign in pic is up to date
kek it looks like everyone just walking away from poland
which of these is doing an incelwalk?
>be Polish
>to stupid to walk
brits are walking towards poland
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for me? it's the finnish stride.
they're going there to tell them they must leave
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no wait, for me it's actually the nordic trichotomy
Fuck you niggers I told you it's OUTDATED. We changed the fucking sign. How about instead of being Nazi incel freaks you educate yourself. And why is it always us? No one is saying anything about Germany drawing a line to remind everyone that they invented pants. Imagine being so fucking self conscious that you are a barbarian so you have to remind that they had at least one useless invention. The book "Germany must perish" was right you should really be genocided and vasectomised after WW2. Stupid snow niggers. Ha ha ha. But NO you Have to insult Poland
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Why is he just standing there?
take your low quality eastern european meds, slavfriend.
the thread isn't even about you, i mentioned the brits
he's being prepared to be hoisted upon a cross (for you see, poland is somehow the christ figure of europe, despite the fact that catholics are heretics)
they changed it recently. now it's genderless character instead of man
the dangers of a female head of state
suleiman, ataturk, mehmed was whiter than any pr*testant g*rm
it was truly retarded waste of taxpayer money
historically inaccurate
>I-its about Brits
Shut the fuck up blondoid.
The image is taken from literall Reddit meme but you knew that since this post is a dog whistle to promote anti polonism. The muh laughing at Brits is just an excuse since when other polophobes started pointing this out you immediately join them. Kys nazi.
most insane post in months
everyone is walking away from you
>t. walking into the sea
Wow wow wow calm down friend take a STAND
Uhm Germanbro, where is your funny guy with the hat??
you're mentally ill
go to your nearest warsawian clinic and find someone to help you
We are walking towards mecca as any good muslim should
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i'm ashamed of not thinking of this first
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You're not running away from the truth.
i think you should buy a new compass, pretty sure it also tends to the south
muslim countries having all their walk signs aligned to mecca would be a funny national gimmick though
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i'm not german, i'm somali-australian
it's why my command of the english tongue is so bad
I'll just stand here and enjoy reading this thread
It's ****O.U.T.D.A.T.ED.****
i want to convert this map into vectors and determine the central locality of ick of the people within it (spoiler : it is poland)
Man you really are STANDING your ground on this issue
you're really not moving an inch on this topic polebro
>I-I'm not German actually I'm human too !1!1!!1!1
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soon to be reality
Stand up and fight bro. You can't just take this standing. If it's a stand off they want than you won't stand to dissapoint them.
Wracaj skąd przyszłeś ślońziak.
>Germans are an execrable people I They think and dream of nothing but chicanery. Their great joy consists in fault-finding, shrieking and threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their mouths instead of ordinary human speech, issue the rumbling of artillery and the clash of steel; their life is one of perpetual explosion. The German does not live on the heights; he avoids light, and from his hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his malign influence on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures angles, and traces with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers. To love their country is for them to despise, flout and insult every other country. They are capable of little else but hating and lying, even to themselves. They meddle in everyone else's affairs, poking their nose into matters that do not concern them, criticising everything, bossing everything, lowering and distorting everything. What a pity that twenty-three centuries after Socrates and Plato, two thousand years after Christ, the voice of men like these should still be heard in the world, worse still that they should be listened to, and worst of all that any one should believe them! Country for them is an isolated organism and they admit it is possible for them to live and breathe in an atmosphere of haughty contempt for their neighbors. They conceive their country as a permanent element of dissolution like a devouring and insatiable monster, a beast of prey, whose one function is to plunder. All that it does not possess it has been robbed of. The universe belongs to it by right. "Whoever attempts to escape from its tyranny is a rebel. This jingo country, this bloodthirsty fetish of which they are the champions, they endow, with the capriciousness of potentates, when it suits their purpose, with every marvelous and charming attribute. Whoever does not at once agree with their extravagances is a barbarian.
Part 1/???
It represents Poles going home after brexit
>You must love their country in full armor, with dervish-like celebrations and howls, eyes shut and body trembling with ecstasy; a deaf ear must be turned to the rest of the world on its failings. Everything that is not it must be hated. Hate is sacred. Love and hate are in connection with your country two terms proceeding from one condition of mind. For them Industrial progress is not a happy sign of national prosperity but a means of domination. Geography is not the science of the earth, but a mere revelation of the boundaries between which are elaborated strategical schemes of conquest. Every neighbor is of necessity a jealous one, and the enemy who is vigilant is jealous too. The world is populated by hyenas crouching on the plots of earth from which they ought to be dislodged.
>The German has decided that his race has been elected by God to order the modern world. Anyone who resists him will be an arrogant usurper, who ought to be crushed. The German professes to want peace, but it must be his own sort of peace, after the pattern of the Persian satrap's who out of love for peace and concord, throws everyone to the lions who dares dispute him. His voice is raucous and resounding; he does not argue but makes sweeping assertions and lays down the law. At the first sign of resistance he grows crimson in the face, and has resource to thunder and lightning. He holds forth on the authority of a sacred categorical imperative which stands in the stead of truth and order; he respects nothing and no one. Should he find himself confronted by the law, he says that it needs reforming. Ministers are mere clerks to be used as pawns in his manoeuvring. He is exacting and cantankerous; whoever undertakes to shout with him never shouts loud enough. To give in to him means becoming enlisted as his civil agent. He is an agitator and swashbuckler.
Part 2/3
>He dips his pen in gall and he sets in motion with his antics the marionettes which appeal to the nation and may come to conquer it* The fundamental superiority of the German race, the necessity of expanding German prestige in all quarters of the globe, of protecting the German wherever he may be found, no matter what he may be, because he bears within him a residium of the race; that is what the educators of youth coming down the years in disciplined array like battalions crossing the manoeuver fields, have never ceased to drum into the popular understanding and the flame of victory rising to the sky will be the signal for it to boil over.
We now also have a female variant which of course set non-binary freaks steaming.
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Mad at getting called out germ?
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Yeah of course you have new variants but this stupid outdated map doesn't show them because it was posted by deceitful germ.
mmm..it seems like the balkans and turkey copied italy
Man i was about to just mention how posh Belgium is but wtf is happening with the Polish people in this thread
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based italians
however ironically ataturk basically copied france

i believe top scientists call this an "inferiority complex"
This thread was made by Germany to incite anti polish sentiment to start the next war in Europe. After 80 years of slumber the germ demon rears it's ugly demonic head again and tries to start another genocide in the form of AfD. Dehumanising is the first step in creating consent for this. I believe Noam Chomsky was writing about it.
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>believe top scientists call this an "inferiority complex
Yeah this is what I was talking about. For germs everyone must kneel to their barbarous ways or else they are having "inferiority complex", are "projecting", or "gaslighting". It's all to common in their 1000 years old retarded mindset.
meds, i already told you, i'm half somlian and half australian
The polish guy is just standing. Some guy claims the map is outdated and it has led to some controversy
I'm not trusting anything from German wicked mouth.
It seems Europe once again has become a powder keg. Will Germany and Poland be the spark that ignites it?
Poland? No we are peaceful nation but Germany surely will because they're evil.
q: why did the pole cross the road?
a: he didn't, he just stood there :DD
Looks like everyone is walking away from Poland
NO! This is *outdated* map made to insult us don't trust the germs. They made it to make us seen as not cool but Poland is very cool.
heh they're mad
you just can't walk away from this one, huh?
LITERALLY backwards nations
based polish stand and stare pedestrian
>Finland flag enters
>Time for a shizo thread
Rangeban them
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some serious mad itt lads
>liking israel is bad because I'm a muslim in finland or something
Yeah, I farted. No, I won't apologize. That's right, walk away, faggots
>to stupid
your dum
>Just move back when Germ tries to dehumanize you
I'm not a cuck
Fuck you stupid fucking nazi piece of shit
Your HATLESS and SHOELESS stickmen are also SOVLLESS.
we're sorry, we can't afford hats, let alone shoes
brits drive on left
what's russia's excuse?
We are like the white Russians

I honestly think proper Brits have more in common with Russia than America
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Actually it's Germans who try to be special snowflakes, pic related

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