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I don't get it
Why was she naked?
Itsa stonetoss reference.
It's about a man entering a woman's house and raping her
why does this comic make chuds seethe?
Anything less than victim blaming is sacrilege to Chuds
Fuck u chuds
Right side of second panel
>"just talk to her bro"
>"the worst thing she can do is say no"
she was asking for it
Am I retarded or is this supposed to be about period cramps kek
It doesn't make me seethe it gives me a boner
no cap, spiders do be dabbin on dat oriental gyatt fr fr ong
who is the author?
>potraying the rapist as black
Uhhh... woke sisters... did we fuck this one up?
nvm it's rape
Who was in the wrong here?
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So that's where the original idea of Liminal spaces came from.
Nobody does that or looks like that
A spider in an australian house
You probably look like this though
>purposely doing chores in suggestive poses
>wide open door
Dumb bitch deserved to get raped.
Cool guy but don't ever read The Tartar Steppe unless you're fine with never feeling good ever again in your life.
I like the memes
But I also think this is actually good art
Huh? Why would I seethe about wish fulfillment?
>The Tartar Steppe
This is what they call good art. Thoughtful, discussion provoking, open to interpretation, the piece doesn't need a name or the artists autograph, instantly recognizable, produces countless memes, parodies and imitations, not forced, really makes you think.
Don't read it and don't ask for a QRD. You've been warned twice. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
I hate this le rape deep bad shit
We get it, you have a guilty conscience.
Do i really need 8 panels of drawings to understand that rape is bad?
With that flag, you may need 10 panels
Where did the dark dimension entity go?

Girl with suspiciously dark entity shaped belly.
she asked for it
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Buzzati made a whole graphic novel (in 1969: there wasn't even the concept of "graphic novel" back then).
Buzzati himself used to have pretty perv fantasies, you know.
is rape really *that* bad?
>twitter discourse on /int/
4chan is now Xchan
a lot of men don't get that rape is bad, but even then what's wrong with portraying it anyway?
Yes there was
yes, rope yourself asap
Yeah it's fascinating.
Perhaps but it wasn't as widespread and his work was still groundbreaking.
Francis Bacon ripoff
What the fuck
only the first one jumps higher its height
open mouths are both overexplain what is happening and manipulate audience's emotions
I unironically don't understand the last panel
it wasn't called "graphic novel"

it was called the comics
Who's getting rape there?
the second panel as a sudden and brutal introduction to the rapist in such a threatening background is pure kino
the viewer
it's savant garden art
Malay grindset
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Literally me
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Only for the woman
Feels like good old 4chan again.
Surprised you didn't get it immediately
Black rape
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i dont get it
woman fuck dogs for free and horses for money but when rape is literally murder
Sick album cover
socio-economic factors
Where mogus?
you just know buzzati was fapping to this
you guys said it was rape but I still don't get it
i thought it was about paranoia and schizophrenia until someone pointed out it was about rape
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Silly little fella
Is it mass rape?

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