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Do you drink mate?
no m8 I prefer to abstain
When I was in the ME yeah, everyday.
Too expensive in Israel
Maybe when I'll visit South America I'll try it
How so. Mate was going for $5 a pack in Syria.
No I don't drink, mate
Every day
I wasn't asking you
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every day, hot
i don't get this meme
What does it taste like? The green look kinda seems gross
Do I look like I drink?
Of course I drink, mate!
Tastes green
no that tastes like grass tea, never understood why people subject themselves to that
Tastes green
thats her booba meat
Not really. But lately all the time because it fixes my brain from the damage done by being around retard losers my whole life.
I drink chinese tea
I don't know anything about weird brazil tea
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It's Polish
I'm not your mate, guy
You are who you spend time with
What does this mean if you only spent time with yourself?
You are nothing
Le reacomodaria la entraña
the pajarito yerba is the best one, that "organic" variant
I did and it didn't do anything for me. I still have some left and am open to tips for brewing it.
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I agree wholeheartedly but you do know the owner is a Nazi, right?
Not really, no.
I don't restrict myself but I pretty much never have any desire to partake.
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>but you do know the owner is a Nazi, right?
You have given me yet another reason to enjoy this yerba
around friends or family mostly, i don't have a cuia at home, plus it's not the same if you don't share
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I prefer it in tea form
and ice cold
with lemon
sometimes I mix yerba mate with herbal green tea and make
herbal yerb
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Please consume official products
No, it's awful.
Regularly? No
Have I had it before? Yes, ex drank it so I tried it. A bit too bitter for me.
I’d try it even if it looks like cud
You gotta let her go man

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