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File: Untitled 2.png (30 KB, 748x804)
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would you accept me in your cunt?

pic related is me
Inshallah you look Turkic af, ottoman phenotype
i am pakistani, indo-aryan
good morning sir
Why do you have reptilian eyes bachem
You look Brazilian, but Brazil now only accepts white people, so no we wouldn't accept you.
Are you discriminated against in norway?
everything except the eyes is me. this wojack was probably made by a racist

brazilians are not white. i want blonde gf

yes, they won't hire me
>they won't hire me
>they won't hire me
They won't hire anyone anon. It's over
And they won't for me neither but at least you get the best NEETbux system in the world
my cousin in sweden says it's better there
>yes, they won't hire me
you probably don't know the language or have skills in demand
ikke nødvendigvis
>i want blonde gf

You're in the land of blonde women.
i am low status
¿Kalcifer? ¿Eres tu?
No, you massive pathetic faggot.
Kill yourself.
hope you get deported and die
We don’t like drawings around my parts
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2.07 MB
2.07 MB WEBM
not good enough, you still need to pass the genetics requirements
Caricatures are haram, stop this brother

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