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Aryan Ocasio Cortez edition
first for cum con sex
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The core constitutional powers granted to the president that create huge issues with immunity:

>Command the Armed Forces
So the president can still use the military as a proxy to do anything unconstitutional with immunity. This is horrible but extra horrible if included with the other immune actions.
>Convene or Adjourn Congress
Adjourning our legislation and being immune from retaliation leads to adjourning our legislation unconstitutionally. If we indefinitely adjourn our legislative branch we are no longer a republic... obviously
>Receive Ambassadors, Make Treaties
I worry that the president is allowed to commit treason with immunity. Treaties is the same issue.
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UGH, Aryan AOC
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I think having a super old guy as president is funny
it is really funny
>goshpaedo new
i am a libertarian but not like a cringe one who thinks we should abolish drivers licenses but a cool one who thinks we should abolish the fda
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>i am a libertarian
lolbertarians are all fat jewish pedophiles
make your own new then
Jason eating good
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Fact check: true
i am 185lbs at 6'1"
i am not jewish but i am 25% armenian and 2 of my exes were jewish, jewish girls are really my type often
i kinda have a gentle femdom inclination, and shoot for barely older than me
Just got home from prison. Posting from my parents wifi. It was a krazy year.
why don't you ever eat at a table with your friends and/or family
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Me at the dinner table with my family. Checkmate, conservatard.
aren't jews either cnn shitlibs or orthodox conservatards like ben shapiro
idk man, as far as jews go, libertarian is like the one thing that they aren't
for me i don't eat at the dinner table because i'm not allowed to bring my computer to the dinner table, so i have to bring my dinner to my computer
Lolbertarianism was invented by jews and 90% of lolbertarians are jews. Leave it to lolberts to be ignorant retards lol....
jason what the hell are your political views anyway
i am liberal
It's always a fucking drama with orthodox mfs
homosexual socialist
libertarianism is hilarious. successful libertarianism ends libertarianism. it's the kind of ideology you have a phase with in highschool, just like acne.
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jason has your physique changed since picrel
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what can be, unburdened by what has been
wtf's wrong with those eggs
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>canada doesnt have 1 (ONE) single qt politician
Trudeau is qt
Ammazzati ricchione
yes we do
this is what good pussy looks like(or so I'm told)
he's too old to transition its over
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we have a mommy foreign minister
I'm a racist progressive and a socially conscious globalist. Nationalism is cringe, conservatards and libtards are jew pawns, we need to depopulate India and Africa through forced sterilization and military action, destroy the jewish state in Pakestine and make a Solar system with only Whites and Asians.
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Who told you that jeffrey dahmer?
my first gf was a virgin and was too tight for me, i'd bust in less than 10 pumps without fail
my current gf is a lot looser and that makes it better, i can turn my brain off and pound away more
Jeffrey Dahmer was gay
Love this channel
>Anime picture
You are the problem.
so an esoteric wignat. thx
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> socially conscious globalist. Nationalism is cringe
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what emotion does this reaction image convey
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sexo con mejican bussy
What a fag lol
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Brown rabbi worshiper lol
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gf is listening to insane clown posse rn
Kill yourself
smokes, lets go
wish I could cum buckets desu
Im makin pussy niggas push the panic button
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i never had sex
when my little sister lost her virginity she told my mom, they sat on the couch crying and eating ice cream and talking about sex for like 2 hours and my dad looked pissed off the entire time
did any of your families have such a humiliation ritual?
>Who told you that
yo mama
**cums on your tummy**
how old was she
mom knows im a loser retard so that will never happen
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No I mean like actual buckets, like just spewing and spewing like a run off pipe in a rainstorm just pumping girls with litres of cum, until they puke cum
you watch/read too many hentai
Im so glad i never had a sister growing up
I think I did fry my brain with cumflation animations and hentai desu
but still it would be kino imo
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Both my imoutos are still virgins.
and you know this how?
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I'm romantically involved with one and she told me.
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>I'm romantically involved with one and she told me.
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>I'm romantically involved with one and she told me.
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This guy had countless siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles that were all just as incestuous and that were all normal. I'm sterile so we can sidestep the thousands of reasons you're wrong and you can just resort to "that's icky", the true core of your complaint.
jason's sterile? or is that someone else
let it be known that jason is an only child so dont take what he says seriously hes just roleplaying
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>we can sidestep the proven science of genetic inbreeding and post a smug anime picture because I'm too stupid to read a book
why are you sterile?
>little sister
Great song

thats so cringe
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Medical malpractice during my childhood. I won't get too specific for obvious reasons. I got a settlement and can bang my sisters with no fear of outcest propaganda, so it's fine.
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Stop the presses! I just realized burgers are not actually American.
what did they to you?
i lost righty to cancer but i did a semen analysis afterwards and my counts are still solid.
genuinely sorry bro, that's a rough hand to be dealt
They are though
Are the race swap apps still banned? I miss that good one years back that was banned.
There were countless normal Habsburgers are other incestuous blue bloods and they were all fine. You don't even know if that painting or accounts are accurate. You're low IQ.

I'm sterile, but you still complain about me loving my imouto because you're a moralfag retard and think it's icky because TV told you to.
Nah it turns out they're German. From Hamburg. Hence the name hamburger...there's no ham in burgers...
can someone tell me if the sterile siscon is jason or someone else?!
it is jason
No it wasn't
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>You don't even know if that painting or accounts are accurate.
ah yes, of course. They painted portraits of royals who would execute people on a whim ugly on PURPOSE
I bought a sticker that turned out to be 3 times the size I thought it was, now I don't know where to put it
Evangelion if it were good
It's more dangerous to breed with a woman over 30 than with your sister. It's 100% dangerous to breed with the mentally retarded or blacks, but that's legal and accepted by conservatards and libtards alike.
>now I don't know where to put it
paste it on your butt cheek
>It's 100% dangerous to breed with the mentally retarded
exactly, we're trying to protect gayson's imouto
It's jason he makes stuff up so people make fun of him. He's constantly looking for people to insult him or start arguments.
where did you want to put it originally? this happened to me recently and i ended up putting it on my car. it's holographic and it has tons of little sparkly flecks in it
It's true I'm sorry...
What is it? Who the heck buys stickers anyways?
You literally don't even know if that guy ever existed. You're a clown.
A half black was one of this country's greatest presidents. Meanwhile you're a Chinese cartoon watching virgin posting on an underground check cashing forum
>we dont know if the hapsburgs existed
see, and theres the mental retardation at work
shut the fuck up goshcel
>It's more dangerous to breed with a woman over 30

I keep telling them and they hate me for it. I forgot what lame and catty insult some bitch told me, but I told her she's a cat lady and it's too late for her. Started coping by saying hurr durr yeah I am one and I love it.
quit being an asshole to women and they will quit treating you like one
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Outcestfags having a melty lol
my sister was a gigaslut and humiliated my family countless times it’s a miracle she didn’t wind up killed by some bigger she was fucking and managed to get knocked up by a white guy
That's just it. I was gonna put it on the back window of my car, but it's friggin yuge, I would get pulled over for it obstructing the rear view
You know I'm not him
turkey in my yard
jason is the poster child of why you shouldnt homeschool

If this is a show, the animation style is kinda dope. Weirdly 3d, I like it a lot. The actual content of your posts is not even worth reading but clearly you have good anime taste
Put your penis in it
>all these fucking faggots using people's names again
I'm so sick of this faggotry, it's fucking discord or reddit behavior. All those doing that should kill themselves
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Burgers? American
Pizza? American
Chinese food? American
any questions?
Didnt think so
I'm only an asshole to cringe hoes.
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>ewwww you can't love your 18 years old little sister, that's gross! Noooooo you can't dress her up like bocchi from bocchi the rock and have raw vaginal sex with your brother cock noooooooo! This study says incest is wrong, you freaking chud!!!!!!!!!!
are you kidding? it's that cgi shit that has infested anime
keep 2d 2d
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>live in chinese neighborhood
>restaurants everywhere
>theyre all expensive as shit and follow the "we use EVERY part of the animal" mentality
gonna cry?
shut the fuck up pussy
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*raises paw* uh can i ask a question please
fuck the waitresses
leave them tips with your number and then give them your tip haha
You're a cringe faggot, swallow a shotgun, bitch.
Reminded me of that one time some rat tried telling me NYC pizza is the best.
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It was self defense, your honor.
simply call every gay retard here jason
that's a really big sticker if it's gonna block the glass on the back of your car lmfao
maybe put it on your laptop or something?
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Anyway, just won another debate. Adding the notch to my belt.
I dont know about actual NYC pizza but the New York style is the best, detroit is second, chicago deep dish is shit
it is pretty good though. Ive found they use more spice/seasoning and JUST the right amount of marinara sauce compared to other states
i wonder what jason will be like in 20 more years, once he's 50.
I don't have a laptop. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to end up putting it on my desktop or refrigerator or something.
probably giving handjobs behind giant eagle in order to afford ramen
Jason is a real human bean and you guys are just losers
boo hoo nigga
What's NY style though? Just thin bread? Technically that is best, but the picture this dude posted while telling me that was some shit that looked like school lunch pizza. That's trash. Also, pizza should be baked in a furnace otherwise it's not best anything.
You are a cringe faggot, swallow cyanide
yeah refrigerator is a good choice, if you have an extra fridge in your garage or something you could just cover it in stickers and make it the cool dude beer fridge or something
Not a bad idea, partner. I'm gonna do that
glad i could help
In bed at 6pm.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
>checking out at auto part store
>cashier asks me if I've had a good experience today and starts rotating the fucking screen
>it's asking for a 15%-25% tip
its pizza

I wish I could show the picture I took when I bought a slice in manhattan but I deleted it
I love Jason because he plays you guys like a fiddle. He is sexy, young, fertile and high IQ. He knows just the right triggers that make your chudbrains overload and start seething uncontrollably.
All while he is sitting at his desk drinking milk and laughing, then going back to CS2 to own some noobs and call them niggers over VC.

I love and admire Jason.
NY style is just the default pizza, thin crust, but not an actual thin crust pizza, mozzarella and marinara base with toppings, usually cut in big wedges.
Can't believe some of you wankers have filtered British flags

I pour blood, sweat, and tears into my posts. Carefully crafted to elicit the most (You)s. And you fannies can't even bring yourselves to read them.

Shame on you.
Thin and crispy but soft enough to fold
Minimal ingredients, no toppings beyond cheese, tomato sauce, and basil if you're fancy (pepperoni SOMETIMES)
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Best pizza alert
I repeat best pizza alert
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im tired and sheepy
I'm a libertarian too
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This is (You)
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anime isn't at risk of no longer being 2d. I just find it to be a nice refreshing breakup in art style since again, 99% of anime is 2d and a lot of it loves to get that generic SoL style.

I guess I also have a soft spot because artificial academy, so I'll admit I'm bias
>healthy, wealthy, and wise.

All the things Jason is not
Prime physique
Financially independent, trust fund, family support, debt free
Street smart + high iq scholar
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pic related makes Chicagoans seethe lmao
Those are Liverpudlians, I'm not from that area

Anyway you should be on my side. We are both humble Europeans, persecuted by the bigoted North Americans of /cum/.
listening to asmr
>street smart
Of all the things, this one is least true.
Jason wouldn't survive 1 hour in the hood
These people are Discord tranny losers, I swear to God, man
80% of the internet is that type now
are those cheese dogs man? Looks good if they arent
They look good. Chicagoans don't like ketchup on hot dogs right? They're missing out
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Chicagoans toss salad
When I went to England I got drunk in Kings Cross and lost my fucking left shoe. There were a lot of rail stuffs around and we were gonna hop a train but after I lost my shoe, it put a damper on the rest of the evening
I have nightmares about losing my shoe
yeah idk why but they hate ketchup with a passion, on hotdogs at least
and yeah Johnsonvilled cheddar stuffed dogs
Are you from London?
I suggest you try the lunch menu at Fallow for 45 pounds
Report back
That’s how I eat my dogs
Eat this weiner dog
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>That’s how I eat my dogs
As well you should. It's a horrible experience
she looks like that nazi girl from spain, dont she?
mejican bussy
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Good night
Apparently I am unable to access pornhub in North Carolina.
Why are my rights being violated by these retard southerners?
Kill yourself, how fucked in the head to you have to be to like mens asses. Of all the mentally ill, fags are the worst. They're disgusting and think they're not
Maybe I should be vague about where I'm from to minimise my doxability

Gute nacht
okay *pulls pants down and bends over*
Yes, start trashing everything around you in protest

Ulta super normie NPC tier
Whenever two shitlib pet issues clash with each other there is always this commentary like "oooh wonder which one will win" as though the shitlib will experience a cognitive dissonance and become confused about which to support first.

But they won’t. the methodology for predicting which will come out on top is actually very simple: it's whatever causes the most social harm.

Lesbians beaten up by homophobic Muslim migrants? Immediate KO, migrants win, doesn't matter that they're "bigots." The lesbians might have had a fighting chance if they were gay men with piss fetishes and three surrogate sons instead, but alas.
what about murderers and rapists
just sneezed
What about them?
you said gays are the worst of all the mentally ill what about murderers and stuff that sounds worse to me
Murderers and rapists aren't necessarily mental ill, sometimes they're just horrible people
She looks like she has a lot of opinions on vaccines.
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This is my favorite asmr video of all time:
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you bastard I just jumped and got my relish everywhere!
Make more posts
Bitch looks AI generated.
thinking back to the time a girl asked me to cum on her tits then I pulled out and came all over her face, hair and pillow from the missonary position haha
she wasnt even mad, just impressed
I hate Mexico and Canada so much
I know, right?
lol everybody hates canadians
i love them
Not for nothin, but everyone hates Mexicans too
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Canadians need to find themselves an identity beyond not being American
and then everyone clapped
I hate how accurate this is
It wasn’t always like this from what I understand
her roomates were swingers and we all laughed about it in the morning haha
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Hate how thirdies complain about imperialism yet they don't invest shit into building up their own industries and cultures. Any time they do some ethnic group with like six guys whose language has slightly longer O sounds or some shit freak out and start rioting.
>monkey paws on 2d girls
holy fucking disgusting
give it a rest
My dream is to be captured and forced to sexually service a large group of ultra wealthy mature women
me? i wanna sexo hot 30 year old mommas
Cool cat
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yeah me too haha
imagine being Sanna Marins personal bidet haha
What no pussy does to a mf
>no latinas where i live
killing myself desu
Just get a pajeeta, same shit. All brown people are utterly interchangeable
they hit the wall 16, and then hit an additional wall at 23, then hit the final wall at 25
then they blow up and look like those bolivian women with bowler hats
it is known
This lardass just waited with me at the bus stop for nearly 1/2 an hour and then got off 4 blocks away
you clearly have never met a pajeeta
lol nobody likes pajeets
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>they hit the wall at 16
4 blocks is like 10,000 li to fatties
My old landlords wife was a pajeeta and she used to squeak at me all the time about some issue or another.

Why do Jeets pronounce W's as C's and vice versa. Shits annoying
idk man the ones we have are kinda cute sometimes and they literally throw themselves at white guys
I meant Vs
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Damn dude that's genuinely fucking funny. What I really hate is when I see a lardass at WalMart stand up from their scooters. Like, I can excuse a disabled person being fat, it's harder to exercise when you can't even walk, but if you can walk you should do that. I think I'll just take a scooter because apparently you can just do that it seems.
>not ristorante

Fakeass german.
Turns out the worst attention whore schizo posters usually are immigrants from other countries
>World's largest alternative asset management company Blackstone just dropped $1.7 BILLION on a Japanese e-manga platform.
Welp nerds, anime is over. It's about to get pozzed
A very cute young blonde teen girl was running whimsically down the grocery store aisles and nearly crashed into me.
Speaking of Mexico, I had some bombass tacos when I was in the Netherlands last month. That shit was so cash. I feel they were authentic too. The restaurant had actual Mexicans cooking and serving.
Manga always has been pozzed
Sorry man didn't mean to
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When I was checking out my groceries a few lardasses pulled up behind me and with it, any chance of me believing that being obese is not a voluntary choice. They tossed on some kind of root beer 36 pack (i didn't even know they got as big as 36 packs wtf), then ANOTHER one, then started the piles and piles of snack foods and sugar bomb treats. I didn't see a single fruit, vegetable, anything. They just live off of sugary food.

And yeah. They're addicted, obviously. Sugar has become a drug to them. Can I really say it's a choice for them? I can at least say they are making the choice to stay addicted.
Beer comes in 36 packs, it's good because you can have a beer every night and every few nights have two beers as a treat.
Do you guys think addiction is real? Like can you not just stop taking heroin?
Alternatively you just drink all 36 beers in one night and do a real rager.
Studying computer science and staring a screens for 10 hours a day
36 beers would send me to the afterlife
Yes it's real

this is the next realest post in line
It's kind of real, it took my a couple weeks of not smoking crack before I was able to comfortably not think about it.
I don't think you can physically drink 36 cans of beer. If you really wanna have a rager that's what hard liquor is for. Vodka if you like sweet shit or whiskey if you have adult tastes.
Why waste a beer if you’re not going to get drunk?
same but 3 instead of 36
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A few days ago some girl was telling me how wasted she was and when I asked her what she had she said 4 beers.
theres something called a chemical dependancy anon, for hard drugs such as cocaine, meth and heroine it can actually be very dangerous to try and detox on your own. So yeah addiction is real and scary.
haha this is me
real lightweight I am lol
not a girl though
I have definitely drank at least 30 beers in a night. I'm sure the next day was rough.

What's six more at that point
dude I'm staying with hasn't been able to sleep for like 3 days because I snore I need to get that shit looked up when I get back
The reason they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is because it's high in fiber and enables you to defecate more effectively.
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they want you addicted to apples
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Being a being that is subject to something such as a chemical dependEncy makes me feel like I'm a subhuman. A lesser being. As if I'm the result of a lab experiment.
You really smoked crack? I don't even know anyone that's done it. Haven't even seen crack irl. How do people get into shit like that?
sleep apnea anon..
are you fat?
So horny
So many hot girls at my job
How 2 cope
if you don't ever drink and weigh 100 pounds 1 or 2 beers is enough to be drunk
The reason they say ">>199276530 is gay" is because he sucks penises and eats old mens' asses.
I would like to go on record and clarify that I do not suck penises.
me on the left
I live in Ohio so it's pretty common here, coke isn't big in Europe afaik so it doesn't seem to have much of a base. I always got it from a McDonald's employee who went on break every day at 9:30 pm.
crack is just cocaine+baking powder and some other shit melted into a solid rock like substance
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A bit yea, but I think it's because I have a deviated septum. I literally can't breathe properly through my nose.
Yes, I admit it, I am a mouthbreather.
Your mother sucks my penis tho
sleep apnea killed my favorite biketuber iohan. very sad.
I don't ever drink and I'm 175 and last month I had a bunch of different alcohols and a lot of it and I got tricked into smoking weed and I was still perfectly fine like I didn't have anything. That's why I'm also wondering if addiction is even real, although I'm definitely not about to shoot some heroine to test it out.
>it's pretty common here
That's an absolutely insane statement to just say like that if you think about it. As if it's normal and expected and shouganai.
>That's an absolutely insane statement to just say like that if you think about it. As if it's normal and expected and shouganai.
I live in the fucking hood, it just is that way here.
well go see a doctor
like this guy said it can easily kill you, expecially if youre drinking hard or take other medication like painkillers cause you can literally just suffocate in your sleep
Addiction is very real, but with each progressive addiction I got far better at identifying it and being able to defeat it. I have been addicted to:
>painkillers and obscure opiod RCs
By far the hardest to quit was cigarettes. Even now i vape constantly so idk if that counts as beating the addiction. Cocaine and meth were hugely availability and peer pressure. If i didn't have them around i didnt go out of my way to find it. But it was always around and even if i rejected 2 offers, the 3rd time i was probably going to cave in. Moving away was all it took. Xanax had by far the worst withdrawal symptoms though. I go so far as to say xanax withdrawal was the most tormenting and suffering i ever experienced in my entire life. Nothing else even comes close. Quitting opiates was like a light jog compared to the absolute waking nightmare that was benzo withdrawal. Even now 8 or 9yrs later I still compare pretty much every bad thing in life to that experience and by contast nothing seems that bad. It was hell. Absolute hell on earth.

As far as which drug i think has highest harm potential: meth imo. That stuff isnt meant for mortals. No human should ever be using it unless they're in trench warefare or some extreme life or death situation that requires intense focus and concentration for prolonged period of time and no opportunity to sleep. If coffee is a gun, adderall is an automatic rifle, and meth is a massive nuclear warhead. Stay far away from meth. Don't try it not even once
Hate chinks hate spics hate jeets hate niggers simple as.
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>I got tricked into smoking weed and I was still perfectly fine like I didn't have anything.
some people don't feel anything first try unless they persist and have enough. Next time it'll hit you as normal. Also just speaking from a legal state for a moment
>I got tricked into smoking weed
lmfao cmonnnn
great post
Bruh you didn't quit nicotine if you still vape, dummy
>be me
>down on my luck, broke, etc
>go into nearby mexican restaurant
>the guy who works at the counter is extremely condescending and rude
>implies I'm retarded or stupid basically because i don't know the store policies for this particular chain resturant
>whatever, get my food and go
>for the next several months, every time I go there he is always working there and always makes snide comments and even outright laughs at me, especially after he saw me drinking beers by the dumpsters with a homeless guy
>few months later
>making good money. Have to wear a suit for my new job
>go in there after work
>dude is still sitting there making burritos
>looks absolutely defeated when he recognizes me, for the first time he doesnt say anything but just avoids eye contact and looks down
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Jesus christ you weren't joking
Glad you're a Chad and beat addiction, but vapes are disgusting and smell like shit. You should stop.
Not my first time. I'm just a superhuman.
vapes are a great option for quitting smoking from a harm reduction standpoint. nicotine itself isn't very unhealthy, it's just all the other stuff that comes in cigarettes is horrible for you
I didn't quit nicotine but i did quit ciggies
I fingered my bumhole and then when I was going to smell it I noticed a wriggling worm on my finger and a few dead torn ones(?)
are smartwatches gay?
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>harm reduction standpoint

Bro lmao stop.
Extremely. All you need is a rectangle shaped casio. Like an AQ-230.
>The case for e-cigarettes for harm reduction is straightforward. Almost all the harm caused by tobacco use arises from inhaling the products of combustion (smoke) of dried cured tobacco leaf.1
e-Cigarettes use electricity to heat a liquid to form an inhalable nicotine-bearing aerosol. There is no combustion involved; therefore, there are no products of combustion to inhale. This means the main harmful agents in tobacco smoke are either not present at detectable levels or are present at much lower concentrations than in cigarette smoke. A smoker who switches completely to e-cigarette use (“vaping”) is therefore exposed to much lower levels of the toxicants that are the main causes of smoking-related disease.2

Never seen a straight guy with one so yeah, fat girls love that shit though
If you are upper middle class or above, it's sensible to have. If you're lower class and you have one, it's laughable.
Maybe but the problem with vapes is you hit them too much and it makes your lungs very sore which can't be good. Felt like pins in my lungs
Get a real watch
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I have an apple watch. I like femboys and traps but I am not gay.
Is you're upper middle class (and not in tech) you wouldn't be caught dead wearing a smart watch
Your mom has an apple ass that I watch.
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No reason even as a techie to wear a cringyass goycattle "smart" watch unless you're engineering one yourself and need to learn about it or test it out.
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Nigga you gayer than gayson.
Like I said, I am straight and hence, cannot be gayer than jason
making migoreng
/cum/ users accept they may be bi challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Slapping the shit out of anyone that says they're bi.

Made a new 1
Can you muhfuggin make new so I can make the post I'm saving up and go to bed already god damn
the only extra feature of a watch I would want is like if it was a GPS as well. I mean I thought it would be a good idea for my bike rides lol I don't want to put my phone up on a handlebar stand

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