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in your country?
We should expel all nafris back to Arabian peninsula and settle the Maghreb with south americans argies
The only good thing Hamas did was show the world the hysteria/hypocrisy of the Jewish people.
And turn their mosques into churches. I’m not even religious but it only seems fair after what they did.
When I learned they are fighting over some strip of land I started hating mudslimes
I love them for killing Israelis.
>get violently expelled from your homeland, then enslaved and persecuted for the next 2000 years
>finally get a chance at resettling your homeland peacefully after an exceptional ethnic purge, only for the same deranged bloodthirsty arabs who took your shit in the first place to bitch and whine and explode themselves over it
After 2000 years, you're no longer "native" to a place.
Also, Palis, both Christian and Muslim, are genetically closer to ancient Canaanite samples.
Closest modern Jews to ancient Canaanites are Egyptian and Yemeni Jews.
It was the romans who took their shit in. Muslims allowed jews that were escaping europe to settle in the middle east.
>After 2000 years, you're no longer "native" to a place.

Oh ok thanks for the tip Mr. PhD in Indigeneity Studies
I understand the Jews wanting to have Israel. If we lost Rome I would want it again. I don’t care about Israel, I care about Jewish hysteria and hypocrisy. We know that muzzies are religious zealots, but Jews are so full of shit. Especially their diasspora in the US.
I won't support a jewish ethnostate when it's illegal to support one for my own people. Sorry but not sorry.
The greater satan is israel along with all the jews and their golem THOUGH
If commies believe Arabs should have sovereignty over land stolen from the Jews then they should also support Anglo-American sovereignty over stolen Native American land. Be consistent for once in your lives motherfuckers.
>land stolen from the Jews
Shlomo, nobody's buying that
Stupid kike. Palis ARE native. Just because they got culturally Arabized doesn't mean their genetics magically changed.
That's like saying some beaner is Spanish despite being 100% indigenous because his culture got Hiepanicized.
>thinks Donbass was stolen by Ukrainians
You're the same as Israel
the difrence is russia and ukraine are the same people and historicly the same country mameing their conflict a civil war
I don't care about Dumbass, exUSSR countries are all fake
>culturally Arabized

In other words, their land was stolen and their people violently assimilated. In that case, do you agree that Western colonialism was equally justified?
Matthew are your ancestors from the Pale of Settlement
mostly but they dont look like slavs and are geneticly mediteranian
>t. Eurasia’s top land thieves
i pretend to not give a fuck but i lowkey want chudsrael to destroy every single ar*b
>geneticly mediteranian
you're literally africans
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Behold, Matthew the African
Buenos Dias Judio.
It's old as excrement. Actually seems like their's normal. Boring until I get to criticize the winner.

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