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Do you want to raise a daughter in your country?

Why or why not?
I would make them trans
No cap fr on god bussin
i don't want to raise any kind of children. literally a money sink with 0 benefit
i'd kill myself for a girl like that
I will never procreate so there is no point getting angry at random webmd
Girls like this will do anal and then suck you off
Shit no... between stupid horny immigrants, stupid horny domestics, and this whole culture of fighting for the right to self-destruction, If I manage to whelp anything with a vagina, she's hitting the gym and the books with me every single day until she's 21. I refuse to raise anything but the scariest, most well-mannered pieces of shit I can.
No, my daughter will be European like her mom.
God bless the ATM! Slice me off a picture of the queen will ya?
why are white girls so trashy? you will never see a qt brown or asian gf do this
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If I had one, I had raise my daughter to be woman, not a whore like that
>whores in bad clothing
You are american doebeit.
>Sección Femenina were whores
If only you knew how wrong you are...
What does that have to do with what I just said?
My cousin looks like this. I can't stand her
Why ?
>doing X means they weren't whores
What copium
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What kind of people do you think dress like that?
Imagine rising your daughter to be such a teasing slut that she ends up provoking you to have sex with her
That would be terrible haha
Goths, emos, and such
I'll take the gay son
I just got the 'ick
Good goy
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Vampire the Masquerade lookin' mfer
American = not european
From the northern tip of canada to the southern tip of chile and everywhere in between, we are ALL mutts.
>Welcome to the common MILF
What did the door mean by this?
Who is this woman?
She is my wife.
i hate women but i cant deny i'd be a right slut if i was one
What is your wife's name?
Hell No
>frees himself of economic and emotional burdens
>>good goy
You have no foreskin.
I will raise my daughter in Japan
These girls could be very trad, faithful and asexual tho. You can’t really tell these days
faithful and asexual? sure, there's an extremely slim chance.
trad? what is trad about a half naked attention whoring slut?
>These girls could be very trad, faithful
are you out of your fucking mind?
I am a cuck, so I'd raise my kids to marry and have kids while I'd watch over their marriage and masturbate furiously
traditional whore attire
i want to raise any kind of children, they are adorable
you will not be free
Nope boy or abortion policy
It’s happening thanx to western influence
Depressed whores
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No because I'm a pedo and I can't trust myself not to cheat on my girlfriend, let alone...that.
i hope you never have a child and never interact with any children
Your brain in Nwhorelands

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