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carberg edish
poo SMELLS lol :)
First indiN itt
off the sloppa
vile muck
I’ve never managed to find the full vid. That footer looks delicious.
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i think I'm gonna end my Netflix subscription. Most of the stuff on it is shite and I barely even use it anyway.
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did you steal my webm from /sp/?
yh x
eat poo
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it's not stealing lad, merely borrowing x
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my bad sorry
Green frogcock
So you're saying Spaino is Sacked Tranny, Clogwog, Belgian cuck and more?
are davie made this at age 22
is nappy as big a freak as chrischan?even bigger maybe?
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I think the solution to being an empty hollow husk of a person is to wear a mask and pretend to be a real functioning person
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blud is desperate
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Imagine if the final is Germany vs Turkey. The country would be destroyed
spaincunt smashing the house up with his 20 stone bulk autism melty
Uh oh, incel make big meltie! Smelly bedroom walls are going to be punched tonight!
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hey bro
spaino is 37 stone
Jamal Jackson Jr clapping his alabama big boy shmeat up Katherine’s wasp old money fanny
What’s the super majority
hilarious watching a retard temper tantrum
who triggered him?
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bodied that incel retard cunt lol
idk I'm watching you right now and it's not that amusing really
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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>had a job interview on Thursday
>thought it went well
>feedback today
>it DID go well, they DID like me, but there's a hiring freeze that's been implemented so try again in a few weeks

is that just an extremely polite way of saying I was shit?
wow he lost weight???
i pointed out how he (brick) is a cuckold
whether or not it’s also spainy idk, but it’s brick and he’s melting down because of me
Who the fuck is brick?
You’re the same Canadian that used to wind up emmet aren’t you
I could have been a sailor
Could have been a cook
A real live lover
Could have been a book
I could have been a signpost
Could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle
Steady as a rock

I could be
Here and now
I would be, I should be
But how?

I could have been
One of these things first
it's a nice way of saying no but i'm sure you were fine
Darnell’s Brooklyn baton shooting thick spurts of white pudding into Katy’s fit Cali pussy
this website was completely different when it was millennials and not zoomers. more light hearted, less cynical, less brainrotten from the rest of the internet
never known that happen, seems strange they'd advertise a job if they couldn't hire you reckon you should look elsewhere
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No I only started posting here around 2019
Was watching one of this guys videos the other day and a Samaritans hotline thingy came up underneath it unironically
the weather man
the guy currently spamming the thread. he has autism and low iq
Haven't felt optimistic in 6 years
I have no idea
Hymens mercilessly ripped up by council flat goons rn
This is the worst I've seen him, he's lost it
He's having a meltie because someone made fun of him for his childhood bullying
It was really mean whoever did that :/
nick is too nice for this horrible thread
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any cute little hedgehogs in?
Yeah I think so. The first time I ever posted on 4chan was in like 2013/2014. I’d post on /pol/ mainly. It was so different. /pol/ today is nothing but screenshots of twitter posts. Dead. The entire site is dead really. It’s just shit.
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Haven't felt this optimistic in 6 years (i will never give up and never stop believing)
the southgate effect
imagine being so much of a runt that you can’t even fit in on a runt general and get bullied all the time and lash out by trying to “ruin” it (pissing in an ocean of piss)
its true tho
blairism is for incels who were bullied in school
Yeah it’s you then
let’s be real how many autistic retards can possibly be here melting down 24/7
it’s gotta just be a handful
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yep. hiya
Pretty girls splattered with cum from long shafted thuggo cocks
I can't be licked you see
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new zoommutt just dropped
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Don’t remember doing it
very boring thread lads
bad vibes
I'll see yous later
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>me and me m8 do the exact same job
>I work in energy, he works in finance
>he's got to have his phone on 24/7 in case he needs to be called in to fix up some work
>they called him at 3am last night and he had to turn on his laptop and start toiling
>after fixing it by 6am, he went back to bed for 3 hours and then didh is standard 9-5

he gets paid 1.5x my salary but is it even worth it lads
wouldn't that make you want to sudoku

finance niggas are mental
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he's actually so much of a spastic that i imagine him being the type of autistic freak who intermittently starts screaming and hitting themselves
Hymens ripped up 2nite
No, and you just end up burning out so you can’t even enjoy the money
does he get extra for being on call on top of the salary? still sounds like a fucking nightmare
I have an awful mindset of if I wank the next day is ruined and there's no point doing anything
Yeah could have been another one. I don’t know. I can barely remember myself
time for a nice oily wank
reckon you could firm it for a year or two though?
he does buy very nice shiny things and always looks very dapper
that's a point actually
it's 1.5x my salary base and then 10-20% bonus for being a slave I think
so what's that, 1.75x, perhaps near double?

either way he has more money than I do
The Eltham council estate echoing with the orgasmic moans of slim teenage Ellie and her Nigerian boyfriend
Council flats aka hymen expansion service centres
I’m off this is unusable
Have a good one
i pointed out how he (spainonce) is a cuckold
whether or not it’s also spainy idk, but it’s spainonce and he’s melting down because of me
What does he get paid
Reminder that im not spainers but cope on her hymens getting ripped
Go on good luck man. Thread is shite anyway
Listening to the sister do cute little rabbit poos from outside the bathroom door lol xx
I've got "first one in my family who went to university" on my CV
is that a cringe thing to say?
it's true but it's a bit like "I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me I'm just a poor boy from a poor family spare me a life from this monstrosity"
>is that a cringe thing to say?
Black thuggo shafts ruining timmys future wife fanny
can understand being proud of it etc. but on a CV it's a bit "ooh please milord" for me
what a koot kot
>is that a cringe thing to say?
Everything about making a CV is pathetic and cringe. Yes you should use it , it will help your chances, they want you to be a spineless worm if they are to employ you and expect you to clock in every day
You are mentally ill. You need help.
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Isn’t it free. Doesn’t everyone go to university in this country. What do they even teach in there anyway. Like job prospects. Could you go to one of them and become a solicitor or something. I think university’s in this country have been degraded into this shitty cultural thing. It’s just something you do. Supply and demand innit. I’d imagine all the good stuff is pay to win
>ooh please milord
unfortunately that's exactly what people want from CVs. you must be at once the grovelling peasant and the confident overqualified champion
Why do you want to be remembered for this Spaino?

You could pick any kind of gimmick and you do this.
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The Irish diaspora and Jamaicans together at last
They look so happy
Quite based really
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Who else misses lockdown?
alri rory
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Irish diaspora intellectuals
Wish I could go back and do it again x
good posts
They sure do
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anti-intellectualism is rife in britain. the fact that an anti-intellectual 'culture' was allowed to take hold is sad. was it due to the declining influence of the upper class? or the middle class trying to adopt working class culture? Or some other reason.
Griffith did nothing wrong. The Band of the Hawk were mercenaries, they knew that they were expendable.
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Shared history
The blacks and the Irish
Mood is quite low tonight for some reason.
I’d say it was engineered to work out that way. No harm to you there’s no intellectualism in Ireland either unless you count simping for shitskins in Palestine that are getting what they were looking for
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>Irish intellectualism
I know there's not. UK and Ireland have the same anti-intellectual culture.
Irish people are the whitest black people on the planet
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Shall be cooming to an Asian woman soon
Why are they so fucking stupid?
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Demonic Gaelic stare
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>Michelle McKenna
Why are Irish diaspora like this?
Irish Americans are the Irish people of America
Surprisingly accurate!
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Irish diaspora council estate anthem
Anti-irish posting starting again.
not sure if i like the irish diaspora spammer or not
kek his racist anti-irish thread got deleted, unlucky lad lmaooo
moving on to the irish diaspora gimmick now, is it
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Nothing we cant handle brother
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me? watching jurassic park
You can't even counter it because all of it is an accurate reflection of Irish behaviour
He's in a huff because his thread got deleted
fucking mind boggling that we didnt coexist with dinosaurs. just so fucking weird there were massive reptiles that could eat you whole like rorke does a sausage in one go that predate us entirely
Irish diaspora's perfect evening is watching Eastenders then Netlix with their POC partner
Irish diaspora posting is a stand-out favourite in Gimmique Of The Year
Fucking mind boggling that we are forced to coexist with Irish people.
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Irish diaspora
Staunchly labour and pro multiculturalism
Spainmong was just spamming in /sp/ too and he shit up the thread in /elite/
just remembered how there was a gimmick of the year vote... in june
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Why did she do it? Was she Irish diaspora?
i am quite literally a member of the irish diaspora
Most likely engineered to be that way. Actual intellectualism would be the complete opposite of whatever shite they’re supporting and pumping out these days. These countries are done
He just had a meltdown in /sp/ and everyone told him to fuck off
and it got barely any votes lmao
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based woman
i hate manoids
If Farage gets a seat then we will literally be living in a 1:1 recreation of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the guy is literally Palpatine irl trying to disguise himself as a normal old man and eventually shows his true colours and turns the country in to a fascist state
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Grenfell Tower Irish diaspora lived alongside their Carribean Commonwealth brothers and my how they were happy
excellent bait but you overdid it
I mean, it depends what you’re after.
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why is leftypol like this?
Birds are dinosaurs. So we are currently coexisting with dinosaurs.
>thread pruned
Another crushing defeat for the angl*id menace.
now put aside social issues and consider economic ones for a moment rorke
Yeah but not really
no they arent
Christcuck paki
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Every English town and city is infiltrated by council estate Irish diaspora
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>Birds are dinosaurs. So we are currently coexisting with dinosaurs.
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fuck off gael simp
Just realised that I'm no longer good looking
wonder if the original poster of this hat is still around, recall him being weirded out that it blew up

You are severely mentally ill.
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Irish feels
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>im not voting because i am a monarchist
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post-marxism is a big old load of batshit crazy
i'm for nixon too >.<

I think it's time to retire the berg/stein gimmick. Grossly antisemitic and a holdover from the 2016 alt right era of /brit/
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Irish diaspora moron reading this book and feeling very intellectual indeed
You are severely low IQ. Off my board christcuck paki.
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Humans co-existed with Palaeoloxodon recki if that makes you happy.
how? wish i could unrealise myself
funny how he thinks ireland should be for the irish, israel for the jews but england for everybody. they're literally trying to destroy us.
You dont have to even filter by flag for him to show up

Spaino is truly the most mentally ill ghoul you will ever see on this site.
humans are why they went extinct though
Weird how regular Irish are some of the biggest arse lickers around for brown people and then you have travellers and were some of the most racist people in the world. What went wrong with the regular Irish. Too much schooling I think.
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Irish nurse helping the community in Liverpool
The irish have victim complex and many issues with how they operate and think, its bizarre really.
reckon this guy makes histrionic nazi analogies on an hourly basis
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Chinese todgers twitching at the thought of that tusk being ground up into rocket fuel
was watching videos on /gif/ yesterday of elephants mangling people. folded one of them completely in half and his guts popped out
>Edinburgh schoolgirls 'sexually assaulted by group at Cramond beach'
>Edinburgh Live has been told the pair were approached by a group of youths on a 'quad bike' on the first day of school summer holidays in the capital.

looks like your pals have been busy mikey, care to explain?
I’m Irish myself and I don’t have that problem. Schools done it. Teach them a load of victim shite in there.
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what about this tusk
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Irish diaspora population of London
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Think my obese grotesque sister is crying
190 moment
There’s scotch travellers and they’re nothing got to do with us. And to be honest, pulling up on a quad bike, they’re children themselves. Not to excuse the behaviour.
Theres more
Just a few days away from reaching my 100-day Duolingo streak in German :)
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Irish American
Just looked in the mirror and realised my face just looks bloated and less-defined and altogether unpleasant
Mind you I'm very sleep-deprived and stressed and slightly overweight
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You’d have 10 billion chinamen walking around today if that animal still existed (wouldn’t for long)
no way that's real, cunt can't even look at the ground
My mum thinks Lib Dems will become the opposition party to Labour hahahaha x
>he thinks ireland should be for the irish
doubt that
probaly got a whiff of the stench from your grotty childhood bedroom
You deserve it because of the empire.
>ireland should be for the irish
anyone here that says that gets demonised more than brits saying britain should be for brits
that's adorable give her a pat on the head for me
not sure about that one
The British Empire was a good thing.
I'm just against all evil in the world, and angl*s have done the most harm to other nations than anyone else in humanity's history.
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>Lynch was born in Limerick in the south-west of Ireland in 1977; his parents and all his family are from Limerick and other parts of County Limerick
>Lynch's fifth novel, Prophet Song, has been described as "a chilling study of Ireland becoming a fascist state"
>Lynch stated that one of the main inspirations for the book was the Syrian Civil War, the ensuing refugee crisis, and the West's indifference to the plight of refugees.

Why are the Irish, to a man and woman, like this?
Doing the Peter Beardsley rap
You’re so fucking stupid, everyone here knows it. How much of a dense fucking cunt can you be ahhahahah
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Many tell me they will refuse to vote at all. Or they will refuse to vote for the Tories. I understand this. For years I urged patriotic, sensible people to dump this miserable party. I would still cross the road to avoid it if I saw it coming down the street. But conditions change. The country is now back roughly where it was in 1997, though far worse off. It is worse off because in 1997, far too many sensible people did not see the danger facing them from the Blairites.
Blair’s victory meant the total triumph of political correctness in the Civil Service. It began the great wave of mass immigration which transformed the country. It broke up the United Kingdom. It wrecked the House of Lords, kicking out the hereditary peers who were the most independent and honest people in it.
Sir Keir is a dedicated dogmatic Leftist. The Tories should plaster that photograph of him and his deputy, Angela Rayner, taking the knee at every crossroads in the country. It is the truth about them. In any case, do you think Sir Keir’s government will go away when you get tired of it? People have got used to the ease of sending back unwanted goods, thanks to internet shopping. But if you buy a Labour government on July 4, you won’t be able to send it back. Like some horror-film pet or plant, it will grow and grow and refuse to leave, as it takes over your life. Votes at 16, no doubt followed by votes for EU nationals, will cement it in office. And those who voted to punish the Tories will find they have punished themselves for many years to come. This is why everyone has to discover the key to being a modern voter. Learn to vote against, rather than for. Manifestoes are mostly lies, or deliberately disguised. You will not get what you vote for, ever. But you do still have the power to prevent what you do not want.
I wouldn’t ask anyone to vote for the Tories. But I’m ready to take the knee to you, to beg you to vote against a Starmer government.
All the death in Ukraine really depresses me. Such needless fighting
imperialism is good
aha what's she like give her a smack on her plump arse x
Alright lads
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The only people who benefited from it were upper class and bankers, not the working class brits yet it's used as an excuse for immigration against you kek
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>I suffer in America
i want to lick her feet
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Gonna cry?
thread theme

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If only they swapped shoes for a day
Hi Spaino!
omg is that the hawk tuah girl??? I love her!
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done him
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Irish men are drawn to black women. Same low-middling IQ.
And what you have now who does that benefit? The upper class and the bankers. And they don’t even need an excuse to flood Ireland with immigrants. Stop trying to act clever you dopey left cunt
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Why is /brit/ so racist all of a sudden?
I like the Irish, great bunch of lads and lasses.
enjoyed this flick
austin butler was very sexy in it
My family were working/middle and benefitted from being able to start a life in Africa (until it all went to shit)
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>out shopping
>spot this gremlin let loose from his hobbit hole
>something falls out of your bag
>he just nonchalantly drives over it
>you assume he didnt notice but he definitely chuckled after a few metres of going in the opposite direction
What would you do if there were no repercussions?.
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Just rehung my Alaska flag back up.
Something very Thulean about this image
bonnie prince charlie
Grab his arms, swing him around and around and around and then throw him high up into the Sun while people around me clap and cheer
Irish and blacks have the same mindset
Made for each other
Yeah that’s the same thing I was thinking. If you’re white and you’re under the British Empire you could move freely within it. What’s not to love.
Dwarven diaspora
what health risks? oral self stimulation? huh?
need them all rounded up and liquidated
They have nice singing voices
there is strength in numbers. if there were two million warwick davises running around the uk you wouldn't be mocking them then
Always thought when people get liquidated it means they get turned into smoothies and slurped up
This is my fear about Labour. They’ve got great infrastructure policies but they’re a constitutional nightmare, always tinkering and the EDI and stakeholder consultancy stuff is a huge amount of paperwork and lots of opportunities for people to sue and slow things down. Money for lawyers and consultants. Oh, your project for a new home extension doesn’t take into consideration how you’re going to reduce racial wealth disparity rorke? This taxpayer funded charity run by purple haired lesbians is going to sue you.

I probably won’t vote at all
* Davii
imagine a million warwick davises coalescing into one giant warwick titan
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controlled op
You're not even mikey you cringe larper. He listened to Irish rebel songs.
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The post that mindbroke Spainonce.
literally the opposite, stop watching bread tube retards
How would you get all the countries to dispose of their nuclear weapons for a more peaceful world
Would never make fun of a minority group me
its not fair that they get to have an ethno state but anglos dont
You must be Irish diaspora
Have you been to Ireland recently? It’s not an ethno state
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drink makes life bearable
can't believe i tried to give it up lol
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Launch them all to the Sahara
based mikey
97% white with like 10% white europeans. theyre living in a paradise meanwhile they and their diapora demand britain and lets be honest they mean ENGLAND should be reduced from a home for a specific people to nothing more than an economic zone for anyone who happens to arrive here. they are no different than zionists
There is a very similar video to this, but instead of a cat it's a bunch of stuffed animals discussing dark philosophy and whatnot. I can't find it for the life of me.

If anyone finds it, please link. I lost it.
planet earth is overpopulated
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>Mom used makeup to cover bruises on 4-year-old before he died of trauma, Florida cops say
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leftypol w
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>vote Reform

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Drop here off a second story onto a trampoline and it wouldn’t be populated much longer
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Vote Reform
yes it would it increases all the time
leftypol saying that the planet is overpopulated but that great britain can handle millions more brown people on benefits
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leftpyol aa blrur lerhubburugh gbeebies
stay away from the kids you vile nonce
>‘Frustrated’ man beat girlfriend’s toddler to death after breaking both of his legs because he was struggling to learn how to walk: Police
the university?
the planet is overpopulated and the people need to be distributed across the world or funnelled into one big city like new york. in either case, britain is overpopulated.
Watching something on the YouTube there. Some fella in America there. Out around the streets. It’s all just brown people eating smack. What the fuck happened kek.
You Irish are something else
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Vote Labour
no more badleys
File: tired.jpg (53 KB, 680x558)
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Actual new:
Would be hard to find the original since it's not a screenshot

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