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What have the past 15 years of your life been like in your country? Are you optimistic about your future in your country?
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Fucking boring
I've mainly just sat in my room since I was 12, I'm very pessimistic because I am just too weird at this point to interact with britnormies
Never too late. Just consume normie social media and content on YouTube and you’ll be able to talk to them within months.

t. Late bloomer currently using this method with decent amounts of success

>graduate from college. Actaully finish degree but I was a poor student doing a super-senior year, damage to GPA is permanent and done
>move back into parents' house
>recession, take work in a shitty factory
>keep doing it for six years since I have nothing else going on in my life
>it sucks but I get a boatload of overtime money
>parents don't charge rent, unlike other boomers they're not stupid and they realize the best hope for me to leave the house for good is for me to save up as much as possible
>Finally move out, a short time later I move away to city for good, long-term goal
>have so much money that I just plain don't work for two years straight. I simply live as a NEET on my own dime, take no welfare
>when money is mostly gone/pissed away I take work in a grocery store
>quickly promoted management
>been doing this ever since, going on eight years now
>actually like my job, benefits are good and most importantly the people/team are good
>don't use social media (4chan doesn't count), don't keep any information saved on phone, don't use apps in general, don't have an account with amazon, any streaming service, been thinking about cutting cable TV to only read books and surf internet
>not married (never wanted to be), no kids (never wanted any), no house (a house would be nice but I don't want to be in debt under any circumstances, not even to build equity in some house even though per the above I clearly don't care much about money
>amuse myself with reading, music, chess and 4chan
Just different phases of me wasting my time in front of a screen. Usually alone in my room. 09-11 was playing Xbox live, then I got a desktop gaymen PC and a pork addiction, scrooling 4chan and watching anime and youtube all the time. Basically done that till now. I feel like I've deprived myself of so many life experiences just by being a shut in and never really trying new things.
9-12 grade high school
2 years undergraduate
Finish undergraduate degree
Graduate school
No social life to speak of however
Mostly great. Seen more of the world than most, lots of time to do whatever I wanted and nothing too awful has happened. At the moment it is pretty grim but I am optimistic for the future
Send me back
I promise not to give up on guitar
I promise to mine Bitcoin
I promise not to distance all my friends
I promise to have a career (not wagecuck style)
I promise to move out of parents' place
Just one more chance
This works
I'm happi happi happi
I cant complain. I look forward to the future
9-14: elementary and middle school
14-18: high school, no friends extreme loner. Joined the tennis team but didn't manage to make any friends. Took a bunch of ap classes senior year to prepare for college
18-23: college years. End up in the e.r multiple times freshman year from over drinking. End up in a little medical debt, which I pay off by working.Extremely depressed. Get useless liberal arts degree cause idk what to study.Still don't make any friends, not even in small classes.
23-24: graduate and can't find a job. Pick up shitjob in conservation in a small town. Continue to fail to make friends. Job ends disastrously cause I alienate everyone there by being antisocial and weird. Roommates kick me out and I end up leaving after 2 weeks. I live out of my car for 3 months. Move to a city. Get a job in security overnight. Briefly consider joining military but chicken out at the last second a day before my swearing in ceremony.
Unemployed for months. Pick up job at pizza place, awful pay, terrible hours spent getting yelled at constantly. Develop mild alcoholism.
Re-enrolled in a community college.
My life continues to spiral
Should be fairly easy to fit in with the brits. Just go out and start a fight at the pub, innit?
horrendous and I should just end it
Grim. 24 here and glad I didn't go to college right away. Probably going to attend a technical school though for an obscure trade to escape wagie hell
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>age 18-33
>playing vidya
>getting fatter
>addicted to the computer and internet
>rarely go outside
>Probably going to attend a technical school
That's what I'm doing right now, just hope I'm not wasting my time and money.
I am a good student, just terrible at socializing
When you’re at rock bottom, the only way is up. Life is better than non existence.
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Only happens in movies. Life is a slow downward spiral from the moment you are born.

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