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Is glorious Nippon becoming just another cheap Asian shithole for Western boomer tourists?
ching chong hands
Karma. They always looked down on other asians and treated them like shit.
give us dollra and euros
Whats interesting is Thailand is growing economically and tired of sexpats/tourists while Japan is headed into a third world mode with tourism booming and becoming the second largest component of their economy. I dare say next decade we'll see japan become the tourist destination for sexpests while Thailand becomes a first world economy.
Japan economy did reach its peak during the 80s when the main customers of Japan goods were the whites, the supply chain got sealed to there but as whites are going extinct now then less customers for japanese goods then less dollars in Japan.
meanwhile China and partly South Korea developed supply chains towards non-white countries mainly.
But japanese wages are going up too, r-right?
Thailand is a dump
this is good for japan, since it means they will sell more exports
the white man literally cannot suffer in japan.
qt3.14 waifu when.
that export? tourism.
weak yen is good for Japanese economy. Japan has the best proportion of industrial structure. We don't need to import basic materials.
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>cheap Asian shithole for Western boomer tourists

Japan has become white women's favorite destination
lmao thailand is doubling down on the tourism shit, they legalized gay marriage as a PR stunt, they know they're not getting out the middle income trap
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White men go to SEA monkey lands. Japan is where white women go
Weak yen isn’t a bad thing as it makes their exports more competitive. Also if you’re being paid in yen and you live in Japan you don’t care because it’s not like prices are going up. This is the yen relative to other currency, not inflation within the country.
>tourism becoming the second largest component of their economy.

>spending by international travelers totaled \5.3 trillion in 2023, which is like 1% of total GDP(\591 trillion).
how about surveing at least a little about the facts before you speak your imagination and show your ignorance?
just read articles made by UNWTO if you want to know how to calculate economic contribution of tourism.
sigh, what a nice guy i am to educate even you animals.
>next decade
Japan is already sex tourism destination for decades. My understanding is that Japan has largest red light districts in the world, they are not even poor, just disgusting and immoral.
Having to deal with European women is a previous punishment

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