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I can book a one-way flight to Mexico, cross the border to the USA, and they will give me free handouts, housing, a job, and also I can vote in their elections? Why isn't everyone doing this?
Everyone poor and smart is doing that, there's record illegal immigration going on there. Make sure Abbot sends you to NYC or some other liberal city in a bus, you get more free stuff there,
Totally. Just do it. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying to you.
Nope, you're the wrong color.
>inb4 >greek >white
Nigga just book a flight to the US and over stay thats what most people do anyway
>Why isn't everyone doing this?
But they are, now at least
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>Which outfit?
You can just fly here like the other anon said and overstay. It’s entirely possible to make a life for yourself illegally.

I have a boomer female friend from Belfast who came here in the 90s and never went back and eventually met a guy, got married and became legal like 20 years later.

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