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File: Pepe Dysgenic 1.jpg (35 KB, 550x535)
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If you look to wiki pages of music genres it says a lot of modern music genres created between 1960-1990 and it started with Rock n Roll in the early 1950s. 80% of these genres came from either US or UK. Why Americans and British became culturally so creative after WW2? What caused to that? You can see the same in the cinema and literature too. There were almost no pop culture before WW2.
brits after the war were very poor and hungry and bored and got hold of a lot of r&b and early american rock and roll records which americans ignored because they were too rayciss (rock was too black) and fell in love with them

there's not much more to it than that
Great advances to technology.
blacks never invented anything besides nigger rap, everything else they stole from the Southerners and popularized it then claimed it
>Why Americans and British
Name one genre that was actually invented by them? Rock, Jazz, Blues, EDM, Pop, Rap, Folk were all created by African men, not Americans or Britsissies.
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a lot of blacks in both population
there was no electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, saxophone, trumpets before ww2?
there was no blacks before ww2?
black americans are not african. african musical instruments completely different let alone the music.
oh look its mr african expert over here thinking he knows everything about black people because he has negro semen stored in his ass from last night
seething malaka.
Culturally a combination between rebelliousness against post-war America's social conservatism and more white Americans discovering black music and taking inspiration from it. The counterculture of the 1960s removed most of the standards for what was considered acceptable in popular music at the time and led to a brief explosion of creativity that slowly dwindled over the next 20 years
USA was the only developed country that was not in ruins after ww2. The rest of the world was trying to rebuild themselves while Americans enjoyed economic prosperity and spent their time making music, high budget movies etc.
UK shares the same language so it was easy for them to make it big in USA
reminder that the skinhead subculture in the UK were were derivative of jamaican immigrant music and fashion. skinhead bands were using jamaican music genres such as ska, rocksteady and reggae as the base for their music. paul mccartney said the beatles wouldn't exist without chuck berry. led zeppelin stole a shitload of songs from black musicians. david bowie said he wouldn't be playing music if not for little richard
What about jazz
>stole from southerners
I don’t think they took much influence from square dancing and blowing on an empty jug to make music.
Thank you black people!

Jazz is just southern wind country noises slowed down so yes
everything they stole was already part of white southern culture, its not like they just sprung up and learned shit, we all know niggers don't learn
Thank you Mr. Otis Redding!

When I think about Jimi, he really did start heavy metal. I believe he was very instrumental in what we now know as heavy metal. But he also created psychedelic music." - Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metalica
for me, it's big beat

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