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I’ll keep it short and sweet. Typically black guys are only capable of discussing pussy and money. I guess it’s because those are the only two things they don’t have easy access to. Additionally they’re always homophobic and generally ignorant af. The sad part is they don’t realize how boring and annoying they are. This is less true for rich African immigrants, but they mostly get sucked into it as well.
You just described 99% of brazilians.
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blud u not on tha team bruh + ratio
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yeah, this is what low T does to a mfka lol
I'm sorry to hear that anon
Is it easy for a black guy in Canada to find non-black friends who don't treat him as a token or virtue sign?
Hope you find new friends
At least your average white zoomer does stuff. If you ask a black guy what he does on the weekend for fun, I guarantee he’ll tell you clubbing or some other activity where you can chase women. They’ll call any activity from laser tag, go karting to golf boring. Black dudes would rather go on «two man missions » or « run a train» with the honked than go to the beach. Even if they do go all they’ll do is ask girls for their Snapchat
>seething because people like different things
not only you're a nigger baboon you're also an autistic one at that
trying to get updoots from your white overlords nigger?
Yeah, as long as you don’t act the way I’ve described in the thread, you’ll be fine. Thing is a lot of blacks in western countries believe that people should like them just because they’re not violent, but they ignore the fact that they’re kind of boring and not open to going out of their comfort zone and trying new things.
I’m not seething, it’s just tiring and sad how it feels like most black guys existence is finding the next woman to sleep with. White guys don’t do that and they still have more sex in the end.
Are you Somali?
You ain't black, Rajesh.
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All you have to do is quit being violent. Blacks are violent so people hate them. Instead of improving, they just cry racism all damn day.
Based uncle tom
>This is less true for rich African immigrants, but they mostly get sucked into it as well.
True. Africans who aren't influenced by American culture are extremely nice.
>White guys don’t do that and they still have more sex in the end.
You seriously don't think a ton of white guys don't also go clubbing or chase women?
boo hoooo.
>Africans who aren't influenced by American culture are extremely nice.
You do know we can be mean lol. Also what the fuck does "influenced by American culture" even mean at this point? EVERYONE is influenced by big cultral powers. Why do people have this weird fixation on what Africans do or partake of in particular. It just seems so controlling and autistic to be honest.
negroid ramble

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