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Total Eastern "European" Death.
Kill Eastern "Europeans"
Behead Eastern "Europeans"
Roundhouse kick an Eastern "European" into the concrete.
Crucify filthy Eastern "Europeans"
Slam dunk a slavic baby into the trashcan.
Defecate in a baltoid's food.
Launch balkanoids into the sun.
Judo throw a Pole into a wood chipper.
Twist a Romanian's head off.
Crush Ukranians in a trash compactor.
Stomp Latvian skulls with steel-toed boots.
Lobotomize Estonians.
Mandatory abortions for Lithuanians.
Grind all slavic children in the garbage disposal.
Drown Baltic babies in fried chicken grease.
Vaporize Romanians and Bulgarians with a Raygun.
Kick old Slovenes down the stairs.
Feed Czech babies to alligators.
Throw Croatians from a cliff.
Use Bosnians to clear minefields.
Cultivate Serbians for their organs.
Turn Macedonia into a big fruit salad.
Slice every Polish head with a katana.
Turn Eastern "Europe" into a nuclear wasteland.
Kill russians
Based. Btw belarus is west asia
Go on
Romania is in sub-saharan africa but ok
also Bomb Moscow
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You reek of analbanian shit and buthurt.
i am central European

stop being uneducated moor
Kill Serbians, Kill Russian communist pedophiles

Make Genghis Khan and Hitler look like a joke, hang swaztika flags in every russian house, throw russian corpses in collective graves and piss on them
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You are Eastern "European".
In 50 years time Sp*in is going to be re-conquered by the caliphate while Eastern Europe will still be white and christian.
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>Eastern Europe
Sure I bet that the average Estonian is darker than your brown ass
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Even a nigger from the deepest jungles of the Congo is whiter than an Estonian or any other Eastern "European".
>t. haji
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