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Why are pro-Russia chud parties winning across Europe?
>Nooooooo you have to hate Russia because they are a threat to our groomer gang
Kremlin paid agents worldwide taking part in desinfo and sabotage actions. You're probably one of them OP.
Mind-blowing how easy people fall for such kind of demagogy

No wonder the british spent half of a century saying that poor people are worthless subhumans
Oh my Israel some whore saying chudic things like me It's total big deal
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Everyone is awakening to the need of absolutely obliterating Eastern "Europe", the more Eastern "Europeans" die the better the world becomes. Supporting Russia is a moral good because any war against Eastern "Europe" is morally good.
The "will of the people" is not wanting to work certain jobs
How can any anti immigrant right winger be prorussian? They literally weaponize migrants on their borders
>the line must go up
>nnnooo not like that
Cuz They are fucking dumb
Why is she using a history though argument, humans have been massacring each other for all history should we keep doing it forever or
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Die Sl*v die
Israel and the USA have fucked up way more borders
they aren't, leftist parties are just mentally retarded and defend their native women getting culturally enriched by pakistanis and indians, so naturally people are voting for the lesser evil.

if a liberal but anti-immigrant party appears, the far right parties will immediately die.
Divisions and chaos.
Why Putin support party that deport all cheap.labor and create economic chaos? Mystery!
You're so fking retarded probably a zog
Because the propaganda is working. Even got Nigel Farage saying Putin was provoked into invading and illegally annexing land
Go back to /pol/
Ignore this. Wrong thread wrong reply.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to deport all the non-natives from Europe. Literally ZERO arguments against it.
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Go back to Plebbit, tourist
There is, let's say your family was immigrant, what would you do?
Not a single one of these parties has a real solution to this.
They all go hurrrrrrrrr stop the niggers without actually delving into the details what happens after the niggers are stopped.

Not a single one proposed the abolition of the retirement system.
Not a single one proposed the abolition of a 40 hours workweek.
Not a single one proposed banning women from workforce and/or education.

It's just empty populist promises.
Once they win they're just going to bring in more niggers (as they always have been) becaus their crony neocon friends need more meat to bring down the wages so their profit margins go up.
I would refuse to integrate and burdenmaxx. Try again.
Therefore I conclude they're all paid by Rusdogs because as-is their proposition is further destabilization of european economies and social welfare system without having an alternative to a line that has to go up
>Not a single one proposed the abolition of the retirement system.
>Not a single one proposed the abolition of a 40 hours workweek.
>Not a single one proposed banning women from workforce and/or education.
These things aren't bad unto themselves, they are bad because of jews taking them over
oops nvm i'm probably talking to a natokike right now
That's unintelligible, can you respond to the question without using vacuous buzzwords
>Not a single one proposed banning women from workforce and/or education.
You know about brain drain and white flight
Well them pussies are gonna be leaving Poland en-mass if you retards ever even tried implementing this
You can't just ban women from the workforce and/or education when they can just leave for somewhere else
0/10 apply yourself pedro
>You can't just ban women from the workforce and/or education when they can just leave for somewhere else
Whats your solution to keeping the brithrates around 2.0 then?
Because clearly no amount of tax money being handed over to women in exchange for shitting out 2 living non-disabled kids is working.

Every single country that allowed women into the workforce and created a pension system has their birthrates dwinling.

What's your solution populist russiaman hmmm?
I accept your concession snow monkey
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Solution: send all migrants to Eastern "Europe"

Flood Poland with Pakis
Flood Finland with Somalians
Flood Czechia with Moroccans
Flood the Baltics with Latinos
Flood Ukraine with Turks
Flood Slovenia with mainland Chinks
Flood Romania with Pajeets

Total Eastern "European" demographic replacement
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please by all means, abolish retirement age so that your cucks can work into their 90s to pay for russians to take over your country without firing a single shot :D
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If Russia wants to annihilate Finland, then we must support Russia at all costs.

You really got triggered huh
how many bbc this whore sucked
They just talk and talk to get access to the mad war dosh trough. Meloni did bothing she promised Le Pen will do nothing. Ursula gang is still the same to keep Europe as the US' yes man colony. It's about the last chance for Europe to return to its christian roots or die as a free sovereign countries union.
all of them
>Europe to return to its christian roots
Christjewanity is literally foreign to Europe. I changed my mind, I hate russians now.
>Whats your solution to keeping the brithrates around 2.0 then?
Not working people like slaves, giving them more free time, giving women parental leave when they have kids, prioritizing people over companies, this shit ain't complex, people in power and companies just don't want to do it because it will end up cutting into their bottom line
Stopping women from working or getting educated obviously wont fucking work because women will just leave the country unless you enforce a North Korean style containment stopping them from leaving
And even if you did implement that it wouldn't even fucking work because even within communities where women can't work or educate, the birth rates are still dropping
Its like you retards just repeat shit you hear online and don't even take a second to think it through
>Not working people like slaves, giving them more free time, giving women parental leave when they have kids, prioritizing people over companies, this shit ain't complex, people in power and companies just don't want to do it because it will end up cutting into their bottom line
Norway, Sweden and Finland have all of these and birthrates are 1.55, 1.67 and 1.40 respectively and if you discount the muzdogs, eastern europids and somalis its probably howering around 1.3

Let me ask again, what's your solution?
Russia is not a topic of discussion in every day life in most countries, no one votes to a party based on their stance on Russia outside maybe Poland and Baltics. I have no idea where people get this idea from that people vote based on foreign policy. Not even in the US that is actively influental across the world people vote on foreign policy, why would small European countries with no armies do that? Who even came up with this weird theory?
No they don't, they only have part of these things
Nordic countries still need give people more free time and prioritize people over companies to get this shit in check
The Norwegian government is currently letting the Norwegian Krona tank in value, plummeting the savings and buying power of the average Norwegian so companies can earn more via export
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Fuck chuds
First of all: Gas the Jews. You will find your social support systems will start functioning as originally intended. It's your kike administration that is fucking up the gibs and distributing it to shitskins.

Second: TND. Free up resources for natives and do humanity a favor.
>no one votes to a party based on their stance on Russia outside maybe Poland and Baltics.
There are no pro-russian parties in Poland unless you count these that magically popped out of thin air after the February 2022 fiasco.
who fucking cares about russia ukraine when you are watching your own country disappear around you
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My point still stands
No one votes on based on what the party thinks of fucking Russia
One has to be completely obsessed and detached from every day reality to believe this
North America has been predominantly brown for the entirety of its history
Shave your pube beard.
Because they are retarded and uninformed. Supporting Ukraine and being anti migrant is literally the only sensible combo
Pakistanis in ghettos literally vote for Labour for more gibs, so there's been an uneasy alliance with the more parasitic minorities for votes. That's ended since the Gaza war where they're making a concentrated effort for actual political power in their communities, and the left doesn't know how to respond. The browns and blacks can vote for their own social conservatism, autonomy for their neighborhoods, hating israel and free buxx with their own gay parties instead of voting for faggot shit.

The social democrat and green left is effectively a dead man walking and doesn't realize it yet. Browns and blacks want a patronage system for themselves and have been settling for supporting generalized welfare for society. Libertarianism is dead as an ideology too, white people have lost all appetite for it and will become insular in their own way. You're gonna witness the shedding of all the meme parties, and leaving just the core issue parties. The core issues being of course race, immigration and fiscal sustainability.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
>How can any anti immigrant right winger be prorussian?
thats what lefties claim. OPs post is mocking that sentiment.
>It's just empty populist promises.
>Once they win they're just going to bring in more niggers
I've yet to see a party deport them or even STOP importing them.
>Not working people like slaves, giving them more free time, giving women parental leave when they have kids, prioritizing people over companies, this shit ain't complex,
parental leave is not good enough.
Women should spend their life preparing to be good mothers and then being good mothers.
Wasting time studying useless shit and then taking 1 month to be a mom is not good.
When I was young I spent a lot of time at my grandma
I would get out of kindergarten at 12PM then spend a few hours there until my parents finished working
These days this is much less feasible but few people can afford a full time babysitter
It also gets worse and worse because it is a circle, less kids, less people to take care of them, etc.

These pages are clearly being financed by either Russia or Israel. They all spam the same pictures and even the same AI pictures, which means that they're receiving the same prompts to use from whatever source. All the replies are verified accounts by Indians. I have no clue how people aren't realizing this is a massive psyop network even if they agree with the content. None of these pages ever criticize Israel and Jews even though they literally threaten to send Palestinians as refugees to the West
>b-because russia is le based orthodox that will save the west or something!! the migrants on the polish borders? t-that doesn't matter!! allying with a literal commie shithole? t-that doesn't matter either!!
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>When I was young I spent a lot of time at my grandma
Should have been your mother, but a grandparents is still somewhat okay of an option.
But people these days don't even have that cope.
>These days this is much less feasible but few people can afford a full time babysitter
Woman stay at home with the kids.
>It also gets worse and worse because it is a circle, less kids, less people to take care of them, etc.
oh society is colapsing, everybody is just coping and hoping they can ignore the problem and it doesn't fully collapse during their life time.
The dissident right stopped being pro Russia after they embarrassed themselves in Ukraine and people realized they were just another third world shithole. It seems like the new strategy is creating a popular grassroots movement with no outside support.
>t seems like the new strategy is creating a popular grassroots movement with no outside support.
isn't that how it should be from the start?
by the local people, for the local people and all that?
twitter is just etho-narcissism central, everything all the time has to be about russia/ukraine/palestine/israel and at least 50% of the entire site is just people from third world countries seething about "white" people
Top kek
Amerilards talking about "embarrassing themselves" when it comes to war has to be the funniest shit ever
Couldn't beat Vietnam, couldn't beat Koreans and the Chinese, couldn't beat afghans and posts this garbage lol
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You need to go back and fight for your Jewish president Oleksandr
No Twitter is a website full of 3rd worlders being white nationalists on behalf of white people who mostly don't care
for every "white nationalist" there are 10000 accounts seething about white people
Just a Thot trying to get right wing virgins for attention.
They are the biggest mixers guaranteed.
If she’s not married with a dozen kids and in the kitchen under 25.
She’s full of crap. Feminism needs immigration to function

What chud party made immigration 0? Japan tried and now they mentally broke
>t. very patriotic jewish actor put into place to rule over some slavs
>*conscripts males and sends them to die in your path*
Import Israelis for help
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>Just a Thot trying to get right wing virgins for attention
Is that how leftards cope? The biggest chuds have always been boomers and they were the ones that gave life to faggots like you. Are you gonna finger your asshole today to cope with reality again?
t. sibul
what about him? I though you all agreed he is bad?
Because the pro-migrant parties are anti-Russia
>but also russians are also run by jews >>199278727
real smart there dima
Virgin triggered
Go to plebbit you’ll get along with those left wing simps too

But you’re a mutt in the jungle this doesn’t concern you
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There's a massive difference between jews in the west and jews in Russia, but you wouldn't get it, Americans aren't known for their intelligence
You're a pajeet, posting your gay delusions to anonymous people. You sound more like a plebbitor than 90% of this website's user base, now go back to your cock sucking sessions and stop bothering actual human beings
>There's a massive difference between jews in the west and jews in Russia
not really.
All jews are the same, they infiltrate nations and subvert it, then rule it from the shadows while they place puppets into the public eye.
The puppets get replaced, but the rulers don't.
It's all quite basic risk management and anybody with any IQ would implement this kind of system if they were amoral and wanted to rule other people with minimal risk.
I dont know too much about her (she seems to be mostly talking to angloids), but didnt she literally go full "MUH ANTISEMITES" on the Dutchs most right wing party who is actually against the shit she is talking about?
also stfu childless European woman should not talk about great replacement
If there's no difference then show us the Russian DEI, show us their refugee program, because I've seen more videos of Russians deporting immigrants in a week than westerners have ever deported in their entire history. The Soviet union was literally ruled by jews and they look more european today than any western country, funny isn't it? It's almost as if the problem was related to the stupid concept of liberalism and how they have turned it into a machine that destroys morals and families. Jews weren't the ones that created it and they aren't the only ones that support it either.
yeah instead they looted the entire country in the 90s while people were prostituting themselves on the street and now they all have dual citizenship and live abroad lol
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russia phul saport save west from pakistani
NOTICE that while some grifters will tell you they have right wing, or white peoples interest at heart.
See what their stance is on the jewish question. That alone will tell you if they honestly have any care in the world against issues like migration and genocide of whites through physical replacement or cultural destruction.
left and right, blue and red, socalist this or that.
None of it matters.
Give me an actual party that is different.
All other parties are pro jew, give me the party that is against them. Any nation, any party that every seriously held that position was quickly targeted and destroyed.
Thus the only thing you can get these days is somebody who mouths the words like "im against immigration" but then they will turn around and say jews are their greatest ally and don't you dare question holocaust.
You know who is in charge.

>If there's no difference then show us the Russian DEI, show us their refugee program, because I've seen more videos of Russians deporting immigrants in a week than westerners have ever deported in their entire history.
my dude they have not only blacks and chinese there, but a bunch of churkas and turks and other shit as well, muslims as well.
And they are very strick about muh racism, putin himself saying that their "diversity" makes them great, in this context being that many race and cultures under the russian empire.
>The Soviet union was literally ruled by jews
Correct, at least you admit it.
And what they did was cause a massive GENOCIDE of white people, 60-70million if I remember correct.
>and they look more european today than any western country, funny isn't it?
russia is a big place, replacing all those russians will take more time than replacing whites in france for example.
>It's almost as if the problem was related to the stupid concept of liberalism and how they have turned it into a machine that destroys morals and families.
it's jews.
>Jews weren't the ones that created it
oh look
>Traveling is the same as giving citizenship
Westerners have been buck broken so hard that they think other countties follow their same system that hands away citizenship like there's no tomorrow or that simply ignores illegals
Touch some grass buddy
>Jews weren't the ones that created it and they aren't the only ones that support it either.
Just so you know, jews literally invented all the things like feminism, and push for DEI, racemixing, and so on.
They literally owned the ships and the slaves they brought in.
They literally turned america into the pit it is today.
They are literally responsible for doing it and exporting it into every european country as well.
And they literally control russia as well.

I repeat, you will go this nation and that nation, this part and that party.
But ultimately it comes down to one simple question.
Is this thing for or against the global jewish ruling party, or not.
If it is, it will mouth the words while supporting jews and do nothing of significance.
And if it's against them, it will be quickly destroyed.
eestibro what is happening with EKRE right now? I heard they are splitting and removing people who are openly ethno, but I remember the party leader participating in that shit not long ago
>Exclusive: Moscow is turning to a new mercernary group, Africa Corps, to train paid fighters from across the continent to fight its war in Ukraine
>Russia is conducting a new recruitment drive for fighters in Africa for its war in Ukraine after suffering heavy casualties on the ground in lethal combat, according to Western intelligence officials.
>Mercenaries formerly with the Wagner Group – which was disbanded after the failed coup attempt by its Russian leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was subsequently killed along with his senior hierarchy in an air crash – are training young men, some from tribal militias, for battle in Europe.
>Those who join are usually being offered a $2,000 (£1,580) signing-on fee, a monthly salary of $2,200, medical insurance, Russian passports for themselves and their immediate family members, and compensation payments for their family if they are killed or injured.
How does Joe Biden being senile make liberal democracy an illusion?
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Because the jews want them to.
>>If there's no difference then show us the Russian DEI, show us their refugee program, because I've seen more videos of Russians deporting immigrants in a week than westerners have ever deported in their entire history.
>my dude they have not only blacks and chinese there, but a bunch of churkas and turks and other shit as well, muslims as well.
How many blacks? 3? Lol don't make me laugh. Westerners take the ammount of black tourists in Russia, multiply it by 10 and hand them citizenship daily. That's how absurd the difference is and Muslims have always existed in Russia, just like other ethnic groups because they literally have the biggest country in the world that stretches over a big chunk of Asia.
>And they are very strick about muh racism, putin himself saying that their "diversity" makes them great, in this context being that many race and cultures under the russian empire.
Same reason as I explained before, that's literally their country's origin
>>The Soviet union was literally ruled by jews
>Correct, at least you admit it.
>And what they did was cause a massive GENOCIDE of white people, 60-70million if I remember correct.
The government didn't kill whites because they were whites, unlike the current western governments that literally say in public that they are working to end their own people. Soviets killed everyone, including other ethnic minorities. Everyone starved equally. Literally related to how communism works and has nothing to do with the concept of globalism that westerners so fiercely protect nowadays.
>>and they look more european today than any western country, funny isn't it?
>russia is a big place, replacing all those russians will take more time than replacing whites in france for example.
So explain the USA then, they have 2,5 times the Russian population and they are now more than 40% non white. Looks like your logic doesn't work when it comes to real life.
Top kek
That's the best you could come up with? Those 10 african mercs Russians got? Lol they'll probably die and even if they don't, that's barely anything. You get 2 millions illegals crossing your border every year, even if putin offered citizenship to all africans he wouldn't make half the number Americans do
>eestibro what is happening with EKRE right now?
No idea. So far as I know EKRE never mention the jewish gobal elite rule of all nations and thus I expect it to accomplish nothing of significance.
Antimigration cannot, I repeat cannot be addressed if you don't address the jewish rule of your nation.
You cannot make any decisions when you are ruled by jews instead of native locals people.
Any idea of all white estonia is not possible until then.
And to think estonia was 100% white no less than a decade ago.
We will never get that back because the migrant number will only go up, the culture will only decline and we will be force fed american culture, standards, and people.
Obesity is on the rise when 10-20 years ago nobody was fat.
Trannies and faggots are normalized to the point of seeing 14 year old trans and faggot marrige legalized.

It's real time genocide, but using ethnic replacement and cultural degeneration rather than outright pulling people up against the wall and killing them.
One takes 50-100 years and normal people cannot resist against it.
The other takes a year and people at least know they are under attack and the danger is so immediate and imminent enough that people don't just sit around and hope it blows over, they at least try to defend themselves.
Nice /k/ope deflection attempt from the fact the Ukranians president is Jewish, literally every single globalist Jew is on Ukraines side and against Putler. From George Soros to the fucking Rothschilds.
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Remember to keep your VPN on, wouldn't want you to get arrested for anti-semitic comments (-:
>Russia isn't doing X
>Ok it is but at least it isn't doing Y
>Ok it is but...
unfortunately for you, you already showed your hand by saying jews dindo nuffin and it has nothing to do with them.
Thus I know you don't have any actual interest in this topic or about the interests of preserving white race and culture.
You straight up denied jews had anything to do with the way america ended up, when it's just the opposite.
I can't imagine you being this ignorant on the matter is just a coincidence. So rather than insult your intelligence I will insult your moral character.
>The government didn't kill whites because they were whites
the jews in rule literally stated they hate russians with a passion and plan to unleash such terrors on them.
And then proceeded to do a bloody genocide in the millions.
Which I would say is a more outright proclimation of hatered of whites than saying you will replace them slowly over 50-100 years.
Both hate whites, but you are an absolute looney if you think physical genocide is not a display of one.
>Everyone starved equally.
they literally killed whites not through starvation, though starvation also worked its course.
>Literally related to how communism works and has nothing to do with the concept of globalism that westerners so fiercely protect nowadays.
ah yes, it wasn't the jews, it was communism....of course! PHEW, our greatest ally remains pure and good.
>So explain the USA then
literally jews
Not an argument, I said they dont have DEI and that they don't hand away citizenship like there's no tomorrow, you posted a link that shows 100 people at best.
The time you spent reading this post was enough for 1000 illegals to cross your borders, that's how amazing your situation is
Are you hoping Russia will take you in along with the Jeets and Ngubus?
I'm not even gonna engage in a discussion with a retard like you anymore, you can't even read a fucking text properly and you made up a lot of bullshit for no reason at all to justify the beating you took.
Touch some grass, retard, you're watching/reading too much garbage and you can't think properly. Learn how to read first.
its pointless to make the ukrainian russian conflict about ethnicity lol
As I pointed out, he is defending jews while supposedly being anti immigrant.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
The typical ensant gambit, or whatever it's called.
You split the jew into two, and convince either party that they are the good jew, and the other jew is bad.
Then once one of the sides wins, the other jews simply get to come back into the fold of the winning side.

That's another easy way to check.
Check in which countries it's illegal to question the holocaust.
That should tell you all you need to know where jewish control is complete.
Another one is about banning circumcision.
Any nation that hasn't banned circumcision on babies is very telling of it's hand.
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Don't make me laugh, goblino. Your projection is so ridiculous it makes it impossible to take anything you write seriously
>CPAC Hungary
Why is that shit allowed outside America?
>I'm not even gonna engage in a discussion with a retard like you anymore
I noticed you ignored the jewish question multiple times now. Completely refusing to acknowledge it or address it.
That says everything anybody needs to know about how honest your intentions are about immigration.
I said jews in the west are different than jews in Russia and I literally posted this >>199278802
How am I ignoring anything, dumbass?
>I said jews in the west are different than jews in Russia
and they aren't, that's the problem
You are currently just playing over which jewish faction you cheer for.
IS it blue jew, or red jew. GE I hope MY based jew wins, and not their jew!
>what about a non-jewish party/nation in the race for victory?
>dude I'm happy with my jew! my jew is completely different from your jew!
Nta btw
Post a proof for your stupid claim, I proved you're posting non sense and all you did was to claim I'm some sort of Jewish agent
Explain why every single right-wing page on twitter right now is pro-Israel and is flooded with Israeli and Indian bots
Why are people unironically so obsessed with Jews? Are you genuinely insane and believe in conspiracies? Or is it some glowie social experiment?
Why is there an American asking why other countries follow their same political agenda? Both democrats and Republicans support Israel, other western countries follow what Americans do and a lot of protestants unironically believe Israel is God's country and that jews are holy people. That + holocaust victimization 24/7.
Being right winger and against Israel is literally seen as "nazi" by normies.

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