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I failed at frying an egg
I am no longer fit for survival and may as well end it all
I fail at le omelette du fromage all the time
i fucking hate the french chef
scrambled eggs for me
do it
I... it's just cracking an egg into a pan
I can't stop the yolk from popping and running off
then you just have a cracked egg in a pan GOD why am I even chatting with an estados obesos
kiss my ass faggot at least I know how to make an omlette
yeah and you go around asking men to kiss your ass
what a flamboyant french homo
tranime fags should be gassed
You’re right. I’m sorry
Cooking is a skill few can master
Drop the egg into the pan once its hot, then set the heat as low as you can. You can fry an egg on top of a car dashboard in the summer, you dont need to keep the heat up while its cooking.
Put oil or butter in pan. Turn burner on. Crack egg into pan
If you can't manage this, you don't deserve rights
anon you just whisk the egg, put oil on your pan, and then wait for the egg to turn solid
shamiko my beloved
>mastering cooking
>cooking a fucking egg
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>try to fry an egg
>fuck up
>make delicious scrambled eggs
Everything is how you frame it anon
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>flip egg over
>yolk doesn't splatter and run

No better feeling
Just make it into scrambled eggs you drama queen
you guys flirt oddly
Practice makes perfect. I used to make my burgers undercooked and raw like the first 50 times I made em, till I started doing it often and got intuition.
Frying eggs, I tend to use a lot of oil so the egg is partially covered and I only flip once.
Don't ruminate and feel bad over this you probably have more important things to feel bad about (as do I)
it's macacover
Don’t worry Brazilbro, cooking’s what women are for
do you ACTUALLY know how to make a real French omelette?

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