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If you're American and not driving Ford Super Duty, YOU'RE DEAD TO ME
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Not big enough
Ford trucks are fucking shit. The American auto industry died like 30 years ago.
Blow it out your ass
i prefer the bronco
Classic ford and gmc trucks are masterpieces
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get off my road
i can't afford a car. i have to ride a bmx bike to work like a negroid :/
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And yet you're retarded enough to buy apple products? Or you gonna tell me your mom gave that iphone to you?
If you drive a big truck in the city, you are a gaylord with a small wiener.
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Best looking truck on the market. I heard its not great though.
He probably got it for free from work, or it was free with his data plan. No one “buys” iphones.
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
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I will take you for a ride
lame copypasta
it's a hand-me-down iphone 7 lol. iphones are not the status symbol you think they are here
i haven't posted much this year i'm glad you added the self immolating schizo to the copypasta hehehe
what you drive?
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pic and i have a gmc sierra
just put a roof over the bed, no just replace it with an extra row of seats
>gmc sierra
redneck SOVL truck. can you pull those sick wheelies in it like those saudi mfs driving around the empty quarter
I've never tried it, but I was with someone that did it years back. You get your car pulled and put in custody for months if you try to pull it off now
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But you ameriniggers are the ones always defending apple with tooth and nail calling anyone who doesn't use their products "poor".
arabia has fallen...
silly anon, you're not poor because you own an android. you're poor because of your flag lol
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Says the guy who can't even afford a car in the most car centric country in the world lol
not fair!!!! a car is more expensive than a phone!!
you will never look like that btw
I had one of these once but in blue. The most unwise purchase I've ever made
I drive a Subaru.
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one of these I mean
i'm proud of being a hairy spic manlet
iPhones are like $50 per month maximum while cars are like $500 per month minimum.
You’re joking. This thing was ugly as sin. I actually like Jeep and even I can admit that making a wrangler with a truck bed and calling it a Gladiator was regarded. They should have brought back the Comanche or made something entirely new and stick with the Native/Western naming theme.
Only people who do that are poors trying to project status over other poors.

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