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If Asia were united, it would have the world's largest economy, the world's largest population, and the world's largest area.
said the country who host US naval bases
Why would you want Indians and Muslims?
"Asia" as shown on your map is a retarded term coined by westoids of centuries past, and holds no real meaning. Japan and Persia have almost nothing in common.

EAsia should unite, SEA should unite, and the Middle East should unite.
imagine the civil wars
>Why would you want Indians and Muslims?
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
Typical thirdie mentality

Nobody cares about "largest" economy

The only relevant metric is per capita standards at scale

This is why a say Netherlands or Sweden completely mogs an India or Brazil despite having a smaller overall economy
Now Japan, the last time you tried this you did so many war crimes Korea and west Taiwan still haven't gotten over it.
You quit it with this united peoples rhetoric, you had your chance.
Uhhh something something BBC
>no argument
Yeah definitely!! And we will be biggest shith0le too.
Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand would make a kino union.
forgot canada.
I think there's a single Japanese OP building so many haphazard threads with no substantial mind these days.
Canon fodder for war
Korea Japan Taiwan will prove de the tech
Chechnian Afghans Dagestanis Gurkhas Turks will do the training
Should include north Asia since Russia stole it and are now dying so they can’t protect it
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The only reason you don't have one yet is because we get enough for now from the Philippines, Singapore, and Australia. If the Pacific heats up you're getting some BAS (Big American Ships) parked in Jakarta.
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Hey I got an even better plan:

If the whole world united, it would have the world's largest economy, the world's largest population, and the world's largest area.
Asia was coined by ancient West Asians. East Asians and South Asians have no equivalent term. They want to be part of West Asian sphere instead of what they really are ricecels and poojeets.
Just rename as different continents . Like europe is apart of Asia and it’s it’s own thing. India is a subcontinent of its own. West Asia is its own peninsula.

So just call South Asia as bharat or desi
East Asia is the orients
West Asia as Asia or Arabia
They don't want to be oriental. They hate being that. That's why they want to be "Asian". Same reason poojeets and latrinos want to be "brown".
They should be able to come up with a new name to define themselves
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>They want to be part of West Asian sphere
Lol are you some kind of sand nigger? Most of the middle east is a still a wartorn shithole

Captcha: TND DOG
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anyone here up for a chud union?
Unite with Saar and Chinese will result in you becoming a 2nd class citizens.
Why would you want any of that?
>world's largest economy
US is dying spiritually, morally and culturally and China is a dystopia
>the world's largest population
China is a dystopia and you know what kind of literal shithole India is like
>world's largest area
Russia is corrupt and dysfunctional
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political asylum where?

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