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Why has /int/ bee so anti japanese recently?
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Anglos in Japan made white people's reputation bad.

Japanese people started to hate all white people in Japan.

Now chuds are seething over Japan.
Imagine looking like this and being racist
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incel rage

Is he still a threat outside of japan?
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wtf thats so sad im anglo and i love japan
as a arab who likes british culture now you know how I feel. Immigrants cause issues but not all of them are the exact same :(
I see them as my slaves.
Make anime and pedophile porn in form of animation for me, dogs.
japanese would cream brazilians in a race war so you can't be calling them slaves.
I want to make everyone hate Japan so they'll stay out and I can enjoy all the japanese qts to myself
Lol, they are all neutered cucks.
The only one creaming is me when the latest loli kino comes out.
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because Japan has become white women's favorite destination
Whites being racist to passive people what else is new
this, the pendulum swings
a white woman wanting to travel anywhere in asia gives me the ick
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White men go to SEA monkey lands. White women go to Japan
just typical mad zainichi dog working overtime
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pink haired american trannys go to japan
someone should post the fat "femboy" with the uh creature next to him playing that drum game
Timmy's love for Japan is conditional to their unconditional surrender. Back in the 80s Japan's economy was growing too fast and Japanese companies were too competitive so Timmy started to hate. Now some Japanese people confronted Timmy doing CrossFit in the metro or something. Unacceptable, Japan is Timmy's playground and you're just employees.
My experience there was very positive, people were generous and polite many of them even kind.
I hope to go there again some day.
How are trannies so disgusting and also have no fucking self awareness?
Animefags are too annoying
why are you on an anime site then?
Top has soulless changsects, bottom looks like it still has humans
Modern Japan is just an americanized ancient Chinese culture. Before the nuke and especially before Meiji, it was just ancient pre-Mongol Chinese culture preserved on the islands which mongols failed to conquer.

It's a boring copycat non-nation. Only Worst Korea is worse.
the entire thing is based around delusion, worsened by the current support of it
Japs don't have the elusive aura they had back then compared to now. Most of their media are just slop with manga/light novel adaptations being the only thing that keeps their ability to make original ideas, unlike the US who mainly makes shit for global audiences and has been slowly killing american originality
4chan was an "anime site" 15+ years ago
and it still is
4channel is a leftard board and they hate japanese ethno state.
We must protect the shibas from them!
Japan only attracts the most annoying tourists sadly.

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