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>mfw that whole image
pretty sure even the aliens felt the cringe from all that COPE LMAO
I'm pretty sure this is not true anywhere
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>Over 1 billion indians on this planet alone
>Plus another billion for Pakis, Nepali, and the other browns
>Another billion chinese
>This gives me a 3/7 chance of being born one of those back in 1997
>I wasn't
How can I deny the existence of a god after such a miracle?
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Yyyeeeaaaah about that
>UK Brown guys are killing it
UKsisters is this true?
It honestly doesn't seem like Indians have much problems dating if they're westernized without the accent and don't behave like literal incels. Yeah sure, it's probably harder, but not that much harder.
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This nigga cannot be serious
The more Caucasian looking ones of course will have less trouble.
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this so true. I am super prrety sexy white lady from west and my veginia is MADE ONLY for BBC (Big Bharatian Cock) no other misters can satisfi me FACT.
dump your stash
The only brown men I’ve seen it kill it with white women (and women in general) are Caribbean Latinx, lighter skinned “Castizos” Pacific Islanders and certain secular middle Easterners. Indians don’t get anything except an arranged marriage or a fat becky if they’re lucky. I guess they latch onto other ethnics with the “brown” label.
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> The more Caucasian looking ones

I’ve seen tens of thousands of Indians in my life. Maybe 5 of them were anything remotely resembling “Caucasian and light skinned” and only two of them had colored eyes.
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I feel bad for the Asians they didn't deserve that
If I were Indian, I would just pretend to be Mexican or something.
bruh why they made indians poop color
It’s so bad for Indian niggas that passing as Mexican or Arab is an improvement…
Show bobs
delete this pictur of fakeness in an instant. I am white very erotic lady with very nice posterior I was form for Bharatian Cock and Bharatian Bulls ONLY.
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I live in Florida and seen white girls with every race . Must suck being a white male.
i see more white girls with indian males than any other race. it's probably like this in all the coastal cities.
There are far more white boys with brown girls in the US, because latinx boys are extremely cucked.
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if you want to see white blobs with indian boyfriends you should go to... korea
it is an interesting subset of tourists i recently discovered and i think this phenomenon is worthy of further investigation
not fucking joking either
t. Pajeet

I live in California and Most White women I see in real life are with White men, a large minority are with Black men, and a small minority are with Latinx or Middle Eastern men. Seeing them with Indian or East Asian men is uncommon, but not non existent
>hey rajeesh lets go to kpopistan where beauty standard is everything you aren't
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das rite
I want to go around and film, white guys get no women
Where is that image that shows the incels.co demographic being like 70% non-white
Ay lmao
>latinx boys are extremely cucked.
Nah. The reality is much more interesting: it's essentially a half and half split. Unlike every other major ethnic group, both latin men and latin women integrate seamlessly into interracial marriages with whites.
everything about it was really funny, i must have seen a dozen couples like that and they all looked so awkward being there and even just being with eachother. they all had some kind of anglo accent (mostly US), i am guessing they met from listening to kpoop or kdramas
There are millions more White guys with Latinas than vice versa. Hindus don't get any White women, only ones willing to give them a chance before rejecting them are Chinese and Latinas.
hindus get tons of white women, sorry timmy.
Why do you incels save these stats to prove you are not losers irl? Especially 10 years ago?

Brother no one is getting married
>illiterate little wetback can't read before he gets deported by Trump
white women are the most open to indians
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Only white guys I’ve seen with latinas was in Idaho and Montana, is that where you live?
You can keep coping I guess.
>it's true because uuuhhhh because I say so lol
Let's say that outdated graph was true it still shows Latinx are cucked. More White men with Latinas than vice versa. It's more uneven today with 90% of White-Latinx couples being White boys with Latinas.
The entire Southwest is White boys with Latinas.
>source: something another anon on 4chan said
Holy cope, what a pathetic sub lmao
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fuck timmy gon do?
Why are w*men like this

Not irl
I hate Indians. Delusional faggots
she really felt like 'yeah I gotta post this'. I hate women
Height is a requirement today for all women and Latinx are shorter than the Chinese.
fuck no, dude.

nobody strikes out as hard as those guys, accent or not.

I'd feel bad for them if they weren't such racist, repulsive, sour-smelling, frail-bodied, nearly-retarded grifting pricks.

but they aren't. so I don't.
And your evidence comes from... your hairy boycunt?
Cap little cracker. Hoes throwing themselves at me and your playing on a PC.
>Erhamagad new Europa Universalist !! ;);)
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>Cap little cracker. Hoes throwing themselves at me and your playing on a PC.
Nah man, it’s crazy, Latina women will date literal ogre goblinos and be perfect happy. If that weren’t the case they wouldn’t breed like rabbits.
>gurgling sounds
it look like a depressing tourism experience, everyone will look down on them for being ugly
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Why do jeets always hide behind other races be it nigs, jews, etc? They remind of pic related, but brown and smelly.
The only white couples I see are those artsy hipsters living in a hipster neighborhood.

Also white guys are not getting any pussy because hypergamy is out of control. And no one is dumb enough to wife up a leftover roastie

Please quit denying reality
Latinas will fuck anything, but that's not the topic here. White boys fuck Latinas by the million and vice versa doesn't happen since White girls won't consider anything below 6' which 99.9% of Latinx are.
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>The only white couples I see are those artsy hipsters living in a hipster neighborhood.
>Also white guys are not getting any pussy because hypergamy is out of control. And no one is dumb enough to wife up a leftover roastie
>Please quit denying reality
Wtf i love Trump now
haha timmy mad
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>haha timmy mad

>no saaar look at these graphs Saar
Not a a timmy, a jeet. Notice how the thread was originally about Indians but the conversation was pivoted to latrinos? No one but a jeet would ignore the opportunity to bash a jeet.
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>>no saaar look at these graphs Saar
Indian men are unironically the least desirable race for white women. The only fortunate thing for Indian men is that white male + Indian female is also an uncommon combination, so Indian guys can at least find a gf/wife of their own race.
The accent, mentality and smell is what kills most Indian guys chances. I’ll see an Indian guy who objectively mogs me but he smells like actual shit and wears that stupid turban on his head. Middle eastern and Indian guys can do fine with some women, it’s just the cultural rot is so far in their brains. People don’t realize how much it’s all about IQ and cultural similarity at the end of day. My IQ and lifestyle are closer to the most White and Asian girls so it makes sense that despite being black I’ve managed to get with them but have never clicked with a black woman. There are exceptions when one party desperately wants to assimilate into another culture, but finding a woman who wants to be Indian is probably impossible
White girls are easier to fuck since high school. A girlfriend wanted me to not only come over but sleep over too at her parent’s house. Isn’t this pushing the boundaries? Apparently not. I’m Indian btw. Our cultures are very different.
Must be a lot of the stereotypical chuds

Gotta see the average face height weight data
That’s true it’s pointless
It’s unfuckables caring about fuckables that don’t care for them
>I'm indian btw
=( Fuck.

Imagine waking up and finding out your Indian
Then you probably look normal. Guys that complain about how their dating life sucks are almost always delusional and withholding some information.
I'm a fat retard but then again if I had bbc I reckon I could do better.
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Plot twist: I’m not jeet but Turkish

Womp womp
Cultural rot?>>199279154

This you
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A lot of latinos in America self identify as "white"
Latino should even be an ethnic background.
May as well call us anglos
This was a troll. That account only has two other posts and they both randomly shit on jeets in completely unrelated threads.
this guy on left is a Turk like me, apparently all the Turkish chads are coming to America to creampie all the pussies out here since Europe has been conquered

Based Trump girls being open minded
almost as good as huwites even with all the head-lopping shenanigans and in enemy territory
true. for incels the withheld information is usually that they haven't spoken to a girl in 10+ years. imagine if someone complained about getting a driver's license being impossible, but when you asked them the last time they took the test, they say "never, but i already know i would fail." that's what incels are like.
They don’t have a reason to go any where or do anything. Cars are too expensive but in America I guess it’s necessary
They can’t be serious
Good morning saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
Now THAT’s a positive outlook. Well done, anon.
3 of my hs friends are marrying latinas. All white guys. From Ohio so not even a particularly latino state.
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Average "chad" jeet
I can’t think of a fate worse than being Indian, except maybe being crippled.
She lost a bet to her girls and now has to fuvk him
Couldn’t get a white guy
it is, most murderers in the UK are indeed brown
Latin birth rates are like the west now
Brazil has fertility rate less then 1.5 now.
Its over
Statsisnt it mostly slavs
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>start dating my gf
>think I need to hide my power level around her and her friends
>hanging out with them
>they all start laughing at and making fun of Indian guys and saying racist shit
>one of them even brought up the monitor lizard story

>yaar sab ghar walay walay walay yaar
>yaar sab ghar walay walay walay yaar
>yaar sab ghar walay walay walay yaar
>یار سب گھر والے والے والے یار
unironically how does he fix himself without surgery?
Aiming for women under 4'9
I’m a white woman and I just can’t get enough Indian penis.

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