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>have sex bro

The sex…

Is it liek this in your country too?
I don't sex fat Girls
I imagine having sex with a fat girl is like sticking it inside of a cushioned couch
tonight I'll have sex with a fit tanned asian tomboy
there's a girl that i almost fucked and now wants to fuck me but idk if i'll put in the gas money to drive and lose my virginity. she's chubby now and a soon to be fatty in her future
Sooo it happened...

Millenials started to do the 'my wife is so ugly huh?' jokes.......... begone
I am 270 lbs. 6 feet.
I am the beast.
Gets boring after a while
Just do a hooker binge
Why have sex with someone you're not attracted to? How do you even get hard enough to actually fuck an ugly/fat girl in the first place? If you're that horny just jerk off or if you desperately need to touch a vagina just pay for a prostitute. I've never understood this meme
stop posting in asean
Crazy how everyone on this site is 6'+
I'm not sure why that's crazy. I'm white and literally 6 feet on the dot.
It's not much of a flex where I live, since it's all anglo wypipo.
just go to Thailand and be a king for several weeks, it's much easier and better than being a plapjak
I hear a lot of that too, crazy how everyone is a 6'+ pure anglo white person living among other 6'+ pure anglo white people only
Uh, okay.
thais are fucking ugly
i like them, guess its personal preference
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don't mind him, living amongst jeets does things to a man. It is akin to daily torture, only the mentally strong can survive here
Happened to me while watching that Fallout show and will forever be associated with it.
And I'll nut every time.
Anon gets it. This is why all my gfs from now on are chubby
It has to be true for some of us and 6'+ pure anglo people are going to be more forthcoming with that information than manlet mutts.
Only in cock size
Their brown beautiful
[spoiler]I married a fat girl with no sex drive, please end me.[/spoiler]
different guy here, also 6'0 on the dot. 6'0 isn't even tall. it's slightly above average if you are anglo, irish or german american, which is most white americans.
We get no respect. No respect I tells ya.
Why's that so crazy? 6'0 isn't insanely tall or anything.
Lose 70 pounds, fatty.
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low t
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chuds on 4chan often complain, sometimes even exaggerate. But let me tell you, the jeet situation here is even worse than people can believe.
you could tell me it's a 45 yo guy that has fake tits and i could believe you, especially since their cunt is known to have the most troons prostitutes
I would sex many of these girls
Come to Canada and fuck our pajeetas
I will
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Plapjack posters see this and thing "ew, gross"
Gross yes
Blackjack posters see this and think *jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* Ahem, you look very lovely.
6ft and a lot of 7inchers

Guess we all just ugly awkward and weird
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I wouldn’t know

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