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File: IMG_8498.png (526 KB, 1084x978)
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Why did Pajeets, Chinks and Gooks hijack the Asian masculinity movement? Why is there no representation for Pacific Islanders, Siberians, Central Asians and West Asians?
>Pacific Islanders
They're really fucking big and strong
They don't have internet
>Central Asians
Steppe nomads have nothing to do with ricecels.
>West Asians
Their entire culture revolves around machismo and honor culture.

Who else is gonna run it but who cares.
Wtf they gonna do. Round eyes will still mock them and call them lil dicks
Because they are bitter about not being liked by women
there's no way a pacific islander incel exists, they're a race of chads
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I was chatting with a girl in an anonymous chat room, and it turned out to be a ai from the wando.ai website, and I was freaking out

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