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TIL that cities and communes in the UK can (and do) declare bankruptcy if they run out of money. That sounded very unempathetic and like Brits lack solidarity for each other. In contrast, in Germany it is BY LAW illegal for only a part of Germany to declare bankruptcy.

In the *worst case* scenario the next higher instance would have to step in and bail out the bankrupt entity (so for example a city being bailed out by the corresponding state, or a state being bailed out by the central govt).
german thread about britain
UK culture is based around worship of transsexuals, supporting the rape of underage girls by Pakis, and turning them into kebabs.

Most of the British posters here on /int/ - including >>199278454 - support unlimited migration into the UK and the grooming gangs of Rotherham, Rochdale, and Telford. Many of them even defended Jimmy Savile. Britroaches have sold their country for a chicken tikka masala. The Prime Minister is a pajeet
Brits live rentfree in my head. I make pro UK threads, anti UK threads, "brexit" threads, etc etc
Are you okay germ bro?
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No, but neither are your bankrupt cities
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>the Prime Minister is a pajeet
>cunt with a literal pajeet president saying this
what did he mean by this?

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