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Why are Amerifats like this ? Pretty sure they are the same guys who are happy with the black samurai in feudal Japan and insult you if you don't like it
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Hella whack
What are the replies
>amerimutts are obsessed with BBC
Sky blue says star whiteness
didn't you hear? if you don't add black characters in the game it means you're a racist, you have to add trannies too or you're a bigot
Shut the fuck up you son of a bitch. The only thing you know how to do is kiss the feet of bougnoules while saying pas d'amalgame

French and France worship ugliness. That's why they flooded the most beautiful city in the world with Algerians who turned it to France's true god: Shit and ugliness
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Kinda hilarious.
France invented blacked.com and negrophilia.
They hated him because he spoke the truth
June is Pride Month, the second holiest period in the American religious calendar after Black History Month in February. It occupies the same importance to Americans as Lent or Ramadan does for the rest of us.

Kneeling to blacks and worshiping transsexuals is the state religion of the United States and the one practiced by the vast majority of Americans, including most of those posting here under the US flag on /int/. Many of them support and even participate in drag queen story hour at the local library and kids attending pride parades, which are necessary rituals during this time, such as sawm (fasting) and wudu (ablutions) are for Muslims.
They banned him, but didn't delete his comment lmao
I'll beat you up with my cigarette Marlboro light
what are these reddit awards
why play that when warframe and destiny are right there?
I thought there actually was a black samurai in irl japan history?
The samurai word did not even exist at this time >>199279164
IIRC he was not a samurai but he wasnt just a buck slave either
Because Koreans make good quality contents nowadays
You're French. Slurping nigger cum is an olympic sport in your country.
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We're copying French culture

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