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I've decided to become an alcoholic in my country. Is this common in your country? What do alcoholics drink in your country?
Vodka and beer
Whisky and bourbon
do they drink russian beer?
i def would not have expected this
it's center of Europe, what do you want
What's that cheap juice with vodka?
if you are serious about becoming alcoholic, start mixing it with lots of cola. then find the moment where you are about to throw up, and make sure to never reach it.
never count out boxed wine or port wine, i can't remember an entire semester of college thanks to that shit. great price too
Terrible advice high sugar + alcohol is a death sentence
I assume diet coke, since he is sharternistanian
Orange juice specifically. Watched my mom drink three every night for as long as I can remember.
i gave up drink in high school because i was becoming a really bad alcoholic but i started again and i have no idea why i ever stopped lol
i mean whisky is scottish and bourbon is from the american south. not exactly quintessential belarus.
is it good?
no. i'm gonna alternate between wine and hard liquor on the rocks until i find a hard liquor i like and stick with that
No it's terrible, but it's cheap
Sorry, anon
dunno what alcoholics drink but it's vodka for me
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>drink bottom shelf sparkling wine
>pass out for 2 hours
>now it's 4am and i can't fucking sleep and also have a headache
never again
okay you got me
we drink fermented hay or dirt
Why would you do that
i've never known anywhere in continental europe to like either of those. i just would have assumed vodka and then beer/wine secondarily.
Irish/scotch Whiskey for me personally. Often I'll have two shots before work or school then 4 after.
There is nothing wrong with moderate alcoholism. Alcohol works better than any anti depressant on the market.
>Never again
That's what you say everytime
That was basically me yesterday. Had 5 heavy IPAs and was so sweaty and aching trying to go to bed even though the room wasn’t hot
It's pretty popular. Lots of my make friends prefer whiskey to vodka and everybody like bourbon
Male friends*
I personally love drinking whiskey together with beer. Though I get drunk very quick
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alkol is expensive in my country
Just find a booze you like and stick to it. The trick is to drink alone, drink people are the worst
>That's what you say everytime
nah i mean i'll stick to vodka and beer (so long as i have money)
i know i'll drink myself to a heart attack in the foreseeable future
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Smart ones drink wine. Casual ones drink beer.
Dumb ones drink local sugary artificial cognac called Vinjak.
Dumbest suicidal ones drink a mix of cognac+cola or beer with shots in the between.

If you want to abuse the loophole and save your liver long term just drink 1/4 of what you wanted to drink that time.
And drink lots of mineral water.
Alcohol unironically fixes everything for like 2-3 hours. I briefly become a confident chad full of motivation. It gives me an extreme boost like nothing else does. Sometimes when I get drunk I exercise to an insane degree.
I wish there was something that had this effect without nuking my liver
Speed, fucks your kidneys though
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i've decided to stop being an alcoholic multiple tike in my country, but i haven't achieved it yet
most people drink wine, youngshits and poorfag drink beers or vodka
i drink cheap beer cans, sometimes rhum
Stimulants never work well for me. Caffeine just makes me an anxious mess.
I try not to go to hard with the alcohol I only do a max of like 5-6 whiskey shots
But I'm afraid cause i already have splotchy hands and face like many alcoholics do
i was trying to find this image for so long
thank you

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