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How do you respond without sounding mad in your country?
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I focus all my mental power into an infinitely small, infinitely dense point. The universe starts collapsing on itself. I touch her tit as she gets spaghettified.
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Least violent interracial couples.
>You will cough in 3 days
To respond without sounding mad, it's important to maintain a calm and neutral tone in your message. Here’s how you can do it:

Use a friendly greeting: Start your response with a simple "Hi" or "Hello" to set a positive tone.

Acknowledge the question or statement: Begin by directly addressing what the person said or asked. For example, "I understand your concern about..."

Provide a clear and concise answer: Be straightforward in your response without adding unnecessary details or ambiguity.

Use polite language: Words like "please," "thank you," and "I appreciate your understanding" can soften your response.

End on a positive note: Conclude with a friendly closing, such as "Let me know if you have any other questions" or "Have a great day!"

"Hi there! I understand your concern about [issue]. Here's what we can do to resolve it: [provide solution]. Please let me know if you need further assistance. Thanks!"

This approach helps ensure your response is interpreted positively and avoids any unintended impression of anger or frustration.
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I can't be an incel, I love women. Then I offer to let her peg me to prove I'm an ally.
yeah but whats the qrd?
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full power punch to the womb then elbow into the back of the neck
Built for BBC.
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Ya think so?
No one says this IRL
>Want to remedy that?
Then ræp if she says no
Yes chad.png
Reminder that she got tied down for this and screamed the whole time
Pussy punches
It's volcel, sweaty.
Mutter incel under my breath and understand she never deserved to be loved
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Why would anyone respond?
I remember seeing this bitch post on twitter that she showers once every two weeks.
>be literal whore
>don't shower
Yes, your statement about my inceldom is in fact, very much correct. Glad to be able to find a common ground to be in agreement with, dear sir or madam.

You see Mehmet, niggers behave like niggers. This specific type of behavior is unique to them. Unfortunately, they are mollycoddled by white society. The women will even get turned on by the beatings. Nature and evolution themselves are disgusting and wrong.
Holy cringe
Can you bend over then to help
*tips fedora*

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