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File: feet on plane lol.jpg (508 KB, 1836x2448)
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When was the last time you flew on an airplane?
Never have, never will.
2018 to Kaliningrad. I don't like flying because airports suck
6 months ago. I'll fly 2 days later again to visit my parents. 10 hours flight here we go.
You believe in those?
Probably 2014 or 2015
1 singular time 3 years ago. People were nice enough to give me the window seat.
A month ago
As a souvenir. That's neat
No, I'm the babysitter of the pets of ones that go on vacations.
about 4 weeks ago, my 11th flight of the year so far
would it be taboo if i tongued those toes during the flight?
i've gone to foreign countries 3 times and never really enjoyed it. so i probably wont either
i kinda enjoy the airport experience. looking around the tax free perfume shops that are all somehow 2-3x the price of what i paid and then finding some seat off to the side to observe all the different kinds of NPCs there.
i used to be able to get cheap lounges to stuff my face with unlimited food and drinks for a couple of hours but the price went up and the quality is shit for most of them now so only business class ones are any good
10 years ago. I wish boat travel was more common.
I like trains because you can get to the station on time and you'll be fine, there are never delays and everything is quick. Airports you have to be like a two hours early and it's always out of town and everything is slow and the boarding is slow and it's cramped and hot
never. too poor for that
i would lick suck and french kiss those doggies with no remorse

Somebody needs a tickling. I hope they have a penis.

The last time I flew on a plane was 12 years ago, halfway across America, returning to the upper midwest from a cousin's wedding. This ended a round trip from one of the coasts, and this was the only time I have ever set foot outside the upper midwestern United States.

I've been on three plane rides in my life. The above, the round trip (two separate flights) is my only proper round-trip "vacation" flight. The first one was a quick joyride in a small craft, circling above my hometown for maybe 25 minutes or so. I paid with my own money, and dad rode along. Dad hate hate hates airports and flying, and any time there's some news report about flight delays, cancellations, airport problems, he says he's very happy that he doesn't have to fly anywhere. Oddly, despite this, he's very knowledgeable about planes, trains and automobiles.

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