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>the most famous israeli zoomer is a chud
uhhh but /int/chuds told me all israelis pushed leftism to destroy wypipo cultures n shiet?
amazing how those guys can get away with anything
if I did half the shit that faggot did I'd be in jail
American jews are not the same as israeli jews hell a lot of them are such self haters they support palestine just look at george soros
Is he actaully a chud? I saw a clip with sam hyde and he was saying he liked black people
he trolls everyone though
you can't tell what he truly believes or if he wasn't joking about being a jew
The red pill hiding in plain sight is rhsr zionism exists in opposition to international judeo-bolshevism. It's why the commie Jews like noam chomsky hate Israel while Israel was BFFs with apartheid south africa.
Who cares? The other jews are much more powerful and influent, he barely scratches the surface
>Hes israeli
no wonder he got a punchable face and is an annoying little fucker
he was being ironic, look up the interview. kept making fun of jeets and blacks
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>name 10 books anon
That is a mexican
holy trvthnvke
my dad’s jewish and raised me and my siblings to keep away from blacks and muzzies.

of course that stupid nigga decided to marry a white woman but i digress
Diaspora Jews push it, Israel itself is right-wing as fuck and more or less what /pol/ would be if it was a democratic country..

He.could be Mizrahi, that’s equivalent to being Mexican.

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