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Do you feel you don't sync to your country social wise.

t. Introvert
Yes I don't get the point of talking to people about the same stuff over and over idk it's more emotional than logical I just don't really care
Yeah, I'm moving to Lithuania it seems
i thought extroversion was more prevalent than introversion universally by a big margin. like 60-40.
It's not exactly well defined and you can get any numbers depending what and how you're measuring
>104.7% total
Finland overachieving.
File: y.webm (2.32 MB, 1020x1078)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB WEBM
>le social exhaustion
"Introversion" is the natural human mindset. Most of mankind had only as many relationships as the modern "introvert", we've never had this much pop density until post-industrial era
Extroverted cultures are basically poor warm countries that rely on social relations to survive

Introverted cultures don’t have that need
It has nothing to do with density
Life in the north requires a lot more of cooperation to survive as a community
You're right but I didn't know what word to use. It's mainly social structure and the way we do things, it's changed. Whatever the case, a 17th century village "extrovert" would not be able to handle a modern social dynamics
You still would have "introverts" in "extraverts" in that 17th century village tho. And the cities and city life were always like that for thousands of years since the bronze age
I have level of extroversion that shouldn't be possible and I ahte myself for not being able to not reach otu to someone every hour to make sure they are having a nice day. Hanging out with less than 15 people at the same time is never memorable to my brain. Years of browing 4chan in isolation in my teen and early adulthood fucked me up
wow everyone is pretty much the same, great map
>most extroverted - 52%
>least extroverted - 44%
>doesn’t account for SD
Meaningless statistic.

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