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Well, /int/?
How fucking early do you need to wake up to cook all that shit before work?
i'll take those sunny side eggs with those pancakes and call it a day
Full English but with American hashbrowns replacing those shitty beans.
I'm a beaner so the one on the right.
All this stuff only needs a pan, a spatula, and some oil
american but remove the pancakes
american but add sosiges
that's why you make it on the weekend :D
English eggs
American hashbrowns
Either Bacon is alright
Blacks beans
Maybe pancakes or pan dulce as a sweet treat
All washed down with black Colombian coffee
British and it's not even close
If those pancakes are sweet then mutts lose automatically.
>eating sweet and salty
If the rest has gram of sugar and its like not salty scrambled eggs then just go to hell.
english if they actually fry the eggs properly
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English if I'm trying to be healthier, American for taste
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>that'll be $40 plus tip
pancake for breakfast is too heavy
The average american doesn't eat that for breakfast.
Shakshuka + buttered toast + black coffee
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No holidase sauce what are you black or something? That goes for this whole thread
Why not both?
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it's a sunday morning thing
English looks healthier but it could be in smaller portions.
both would give you a heart attack before the age of 40.
If you ditch the beans, the Full English is clearly superior.
Pancakes for breakfast is ridiculous
Both look bad
Full english anyday
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>Euros will never understand this
Implying we wish to.
I hate fattie food
I'll pick the english, but it's weird for me to eat beans at breakfast
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>they still dont understand it
I understand your lack of attention.
i understand the gun and bacon, i dont understand raw egg yolk
why would you eat heavy breakfast? I barely eat anything. I might drop a rye bread slice but nothing else down my throat
heavy breakfast sounds good only when very hungover. on workday usually a ciggie is enough
How the fuck can you eat this much food in the morning?
5/6 meals a day is essential.
A breakfast without pancakes is just a snack.

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