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I'm going to sburj
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First I bought some snacks. Eating pringles on a long trip is something I liked to do in childhood so I decided to bring out the memories
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This trainlet is used for something, but not for traveling. For train works etc
okay okay I've seen enough
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what a magnificent city you have anon
cancel pringles NOW
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This is the train. I'm inside right now. Idk if I'm gonna make it. It is very hot but I handle the heat well. However it has no AC and is very stinky because of steamy people inside. I'm with a bunch of 40-50 year old stinkers
It is 13:00 now, the train departs in 2 minutes at arrives at 21. I will go to a bar as soon as we arrive. The boomers at the moment are sweating sighing and discussing their relatives
fuck off we're full
Also these boomers speak with voiced velar fricatives. The train is going now. There is no window in the train room btw. It's over
Where are you from originally OP ?
I'm just going for a 1 day work trip don't worry
why didn't your company pay for a ticket in a high speed train?
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We have a system where you just choose a ticket you like and they pay. For the majority of last times I rode a train they were always new and I forgot that old ass trains are still a thing, especially on Moscow-SPb route. My mistake
Isn't that like 9,000km to Petersburg? At 160km/h?
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I'm going from Moscow though
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us saint peterburgers don't want any business with m*scow colonizers
Nothing magnificent about the so called 3 train stations square. If you stand without movement there for a minute you will be approached by a hobo or a person of color
We will just hold a meeting and eat in a fancy restaurant and go back immediately
Good news the AC started working. I will make it.
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Crispy time
stop eating slop
7 hours 42 minutes left
I seldom eat slop. Allow me on this rare occasion.
If I arrived to the train station earlier I would also eat a nathans dog
not much eating for 8 hours, is there cafe on the train
I wish you would stop being aggressive schizos so they'd re open the Finnish land border, I'd love to visit St Petersburg but I don't want to fly into Russia because there's literally nothing else I want to see.
Perhaps. I also have almonds but they aren't activated
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>not much eating for 8 hours, is there cafe on the train
>not much eating for 8 hours, is there cafe on the train
Do you unironically not have cafes on your trains?
I remember your SOVL thread from a few months ago. hope you're doing fine
Thanks. I will go to Yakutsk in August.
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Haven't gone too far yet
I will try to keep the thread alive by 9pm, and then I will go drink beer
Post more pictures of the train please
just take a plane
pringles and nuts isn't enough even for a small person
Pringles can still be bought in russia? That should change soon
>can buy pringles
>can buy coca cola and fanta
>can buy new models of laptops
>mcdonalds is same shit but rebranded (many such cases)
>kfc and burger king still here and not going anywhere
nice sanctions lmao
You're probably a russian refugee
Don't talk
I'm visiting a friend here :^)
>Don't talk
make, hollander
Is your friend also a refugee? Why aren't you all in russia? Oh wait you don't want to live in a third world shithole right?
russians are skinny, peasant people who require little nutrition and when they do eat, its shrubs and mystery stews
>Is your friend also a refugee? Why aren't you all in russia?
No, he moved here 7 years ago because he received a job offer. I'm coming back in a week.

Keep seething, toothpaste :^)
So he's a refugee, got it
Millions of educated russians have already fled russia to have a better life abroad. Your friend also belongs to that group of refugees
Will post a bit later. Connection is poor and unstable now

I wanted to but they said only trains can be provided on this route

I disprove it very often right here on int thoughbeitever
How fast are Moscow - STP trains? I mean, km/h?
>I disprove it very often right here on int thoughbeitever
MORE burgers, less beets and mystery gruel
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I'm looking for a Leningradfu as of now, so if you could please find an appropriate young, and pretty, lady over there and then reserve her for me, that would be splendid. Tell her that she will be wed to Big Australian Cock and will be tasked with spawning 12 heirs. Im sure she will be delighted.

Kind regards,
>he's a refugee
No, he is not. Do you even know what a refugee is? He's still a citizen of Russia too.
I fell asleep

I don't know. This is an old train

I will have some burgerslop tonight, don't worry. Or maybe not, I don't know what they serve at the bar I want to visit
up to about 350 km/h
I remember doing SPB - Moscow connection in like 3-4 hours or something
Well how long is your trip supposed to take?
8 hours
That's sapsan train. I'm on an oldass train
I will go take some pics soon
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The corridor inside the train
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The space between cars
The comfy zone
are you in a room by yourself or with others
How are they serviced nowadays?
what watch do you have?

If I recall correctly they sell stuff like drinks and snacks and give wet tissues. That's all service there is
Two hours left. I'll try getting some tea
I'm sorry that you have to live with so much hatred in your heart
should i go to st petersburg and meet up with OP?
try to find gilticus ^^
1 hour left
I've had two glasses of tea, while the 50 year old man was showing me pictures of drone wounds on his phone
Half an hour left. I'll take a taxi as soon as I exit
He is in Moscow
I came. Time for dinner and a drink

Who is he?
Ah, the tranny. Didn't know his name
A famous russian man on this board
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I'm at the bar. I got some smoky ale and a beef stew
How many Tajiks and Dagestanis have you seen so far?
This place has such a great beer choice. I want to try everything. Well not everything because I'm not into double this triple that styles, or fruity ones, but this place also has a great variety of traditional styles as well. For example I'm a lover of smoky beers. And usually in a beer shop you can find 2 types of aecht schlenkerla: marzen and weizen. But they have like 5 different ÆS
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There aren't many of them in SPb. In Moscow they are extremely numerous

It's so fucking tiny! I'll have to order more food
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Prefer sour cream and onion myself
Not bad but not great. The stew is kinda watery and the bread is kinda dry. I bake tastier bread. But it is just right after the road and in cool weather
Used to be my favorite flavor as a child but now it's quality has dropped. I usually eat hot pringles, or cheese or paprika. All occasionally
This tiny ass stew only made me hungrier
Is it a Lagman?
Bar food is supposed to salty and small portions so you buy more drinks. Oldest trick in the book. Also are buffalo wings a thing there?
Beef stew with a piece of toasted tartine. It tastes good but didn't fill me up at all. I'll have to grab maybe a soup or some other meal.
In old-school bars Buffalo wings are often an available menu option. But I am not a big fan of wings, my favorite bar snack is just fries or something like a stew or a thick soup. There also is a bar in Moscow which used to incorporate a lot of British stuff like cornish pies in their menu, and British food is great for beer.
Pretty crazy how even with jewish bolshevism, a corrupt oligarchy, and losing millions to war and communist braindrain, they still make Jewmerica and the Jewropean Union seethe so much . slava rossiya, all hail the soviet onion
I love this city after all. I don't think I'd like to live here, but it is very chill. Has a much calmer atmosphere compared to Moscow
Also in my favorite bar in Yakutsk (the only good bar in Yakutsk to be honest) they serve a huge portion of fries for 250 rub (around 3 dollars) which can easily keep 3 beer drinkers full
The beer was kinda sour but also very light (4abv/10og). The style is called Lichtenhainer. I've never tried it before. It's a lightly smoked light ale. This beer would be great for a hot sunny day but here it kinda cold actually so it was not the best thing for the moment.
Time for round 2
Пoпpoбyй Бaлтикy нa poзлив. Или мecтнoe кaкoe-нибyдь
It's kinda cold after all. So I ordered a beer that can actually warm me up, that's smoked marzen. A hot soup with smoked tomatoes and beef tartare.

A мecтнoe этo кaкoe? Кpoмe бaлтики. Бaкyнин пo идee мecтный, мoя любимaя пивoвapня
russia poor
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Forgot pic
Я нe знaю, пocпpaшивaй y бapмeнa
Я в бape Бaкyнинa. Этo вpoдe питepcкaя пивoвapня. Ha кpaнe y них тoлькo cвoe пивo. Ceйчac этo выпью и вoзьмy нa дopoжкy aпy или пpocтo чeшcкий пилcнep
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Less go. Tastes smoky.
nice thread desu

you can't suffer in russia
bumping a comfy thread
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Beef tartare with rumecis sauce and some brown powder. I think it's my first time eating tartare

Thanks bro
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Man can you go to pol please. Or some trollthread
bro is just eating for 2 hours straight
its called leningrad
film some women's
i want to go over there, take creepshots and rob your watch but my head hurts and i'm gonna vomit soon
Kinda mid. The sauce tastes just like slightly more sour sour cream. The powder I couldn't not identify. Maybe coriander. But it doesn't go well here. The beef is alright but is kinda bland. The tastiest things here are chopped onions and mustard grains.

Aye. Still not full
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1st thing you see when landing in spb
Based peterburzhets mindset
Boomers still call it that. Btw it makes sense to call it the hero city Leningrad because that's what it was called as when it earned its hero status
Never understood the lust for raw beef. I like medium steaks, but straight up raw brew just tastes bland. It has very little flavor
Ok I'll finish this beer and head to the hotel. I'd like to have a 3rd one but then I would be late in the hotel and receive too little sleep. Plus I'll drink free wine tomorrow on the corporate function
I will have a much more interesting trip to Russian cutesy soulful shithole on 10th of June 10th at around 10 am Grinwich. Don't miss it. I will show you slavery pamphlets, very cheap pies near their imperial style train station, andy grandma's cute little town
I can literally only see middle-aged women in this picture and I can see 15+ people clearly.
The recent demographic change in Russia is a real tragedy.
Russia is F U C K E D, no wonder they systematically abduct children from a certain neighbouring country
I will go on foot
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The nevsky avenue. My friends who live in SPb like to brag how seldom they come here
>I haven't been on nevsky in 2 weeks!
>oh yeah? I haven't been on nevsky in a month
>i haven't been on nevsky in half a year, haha
Like thiz
>My friends who live in SPb like to brag how seldom they come here
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The nevsky avenue is a touristy place. So they brag how rarely they visit a touristy place to show how well they assimilated to normal Petersburg life.
desu most people living here in kraków also rarely go to old town (unless you want to have a drink) but nobody brags about it lol
My friends in spb are from Yakutsk like me. They just decided to move there instead of moscow
Wanna peeeeee
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Walked into random ass hotel to pee

This market is a real place. I've been there manymany times
Are you a cute boy? :3
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I fell
Congrats, if they ever try to send you to ukieland, you got yourself an exception.
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This place is huge. I'm at the hotel finally
Gonna go take a shower
Ok guys thank you all. I'll drink tea and go to sleep now. Bye

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