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Can you even name the gun in your pic?
Beretta 92FS is the best handgun ever made. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
People who make and like this shit are probably skinny chhapris wearing skinny jeans.
>handguns make revolutions
you would have a better chance at it with an army of 3 RSS shakha with their dand.
wao wao mai bilkul aisa dikhta hu aur bilkul aise hi bolta hu!
Where can I find cute Indian girls? And what's the best way to rizz them?

if anyone looking for internship, government provides you
Do they automatically cream for whites?
yes, if they don't the problem is (YOU)
>3 RSS shakha with their dand
Speak English
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Euler was the greatest Indians saars
good morning
>reddit meme
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I have to marry in my own caste because of astrology
i was looking into the secret service after trump got shot. turns out it's kind of shit. they have failed while serving literally every single president. when Obama was president, there was a shooting. and the secret service didn't even realize that someone was shooting. it took them 4 days to realise someone actually hit the Whitehouse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_White_House_shooting
Can I date a cute pajeeta as a white man with blue eyes?
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the system administrator here is grooming me into working here itself after my 7th semester ends, even though the salary is a whopping 40k npr (25k inr), he keeps telling me shit like "we have so much fun here", "the work environment is so chill" and salary is good because I will save all of it because I live with my parents.
I really wanna work in India bros, and collect your 100k a month salary
Fucking baniya-jains I swear.
>>Karnataka proposes bus fare hike after free rides costs state Rs 295 crore loss
they recently hired bostan consulting and paid 9 crore to solve funding issues for 5 guarantees
they just need to remove 2 or 3 guarantees otherwise KA state govt will struggle more
Chappris are all Abdoos and Vijays who get pussy 24/7 and don't sit at home all day to make meme. Also unlike keyboard warriors they'll go out and cause chaos not sit at home.
Bengali manlets acting tough is always funny. Calm down bro you are like 5'8 max
stfu and pay your tax chuddy
i am btech undergrad 2nd year, tier 3 what options do i have?
my man green japan
i like blogposts pyaare
all the best with your future endeavours
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Everyone is having sex except me
what's wrong with me
thankyou sir
this is true, I dont trust vegcucks
bus rides cost half for women in MH and now ladki bahin
bahinchod imagine paying 30% tax selling yourself into slavery for some corporate spending 2 hours in city bus in traffic with faces buried in armpits (or riding a bike and being mowed down) for all this
Men should refuse to work and be all neets (or work farms and get a portion of the grain, to make food) maybe then they will learn
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t. abbo
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So trumpo won or what? wtf is happeneing? the shooting seems fake
>why yes i, north indian aryvn, only eat sabji roti and gau mata ka doodh (for protein ::bicepflexemoji::), how could u tell
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forgot pic lol
Im south Indian actually (Kerala), just reverted to vegetarianism from a food poison.
Nigga dont act smart, all the meat eating christcucks are shorter than me, their women are robust tho.
Let's unpack this sweaty
>brings up height for no reason
look congrats on being above whatever height you decide to be the "manlet cut-off". you now have my permission to keep being a skinnyfat tallguy.
>Nigga dont act smart
I am oversmart
why so rude? :(
Eat whatever you want bro, i bet you 5'6 at best, dont project your deep seated insecurities on others
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Sorry... Don't know what happened there, admire white women all you want friend
Kek you're 5'7" aren't you
So, why are you speaking English to each other?
madrasis cant into inthi.
there are a dozen languages that we have in different parts of India and everyone(most) knows English that's why they are talking to each other in english
teach me your ways sir I want to live in india and marry one of those dark haired sexy midgets you have over there
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even sudo is making fun of me now ;_;
Whats yours?
I remember looking through the logs of my router some 10 years ago and one of the daemons or services or something kept logging "why did you even turn me on?" every minute or so. I felt kind of bad for the process...
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that's kinda funny
your height + 1"
Your still a manlet, meat eating cuck. And im 6'1
meat taste so good
veggies are missing out so many tasty dishes
>t. pure veg guy started eating chicken in college
your saying I'm a 6'2" manlet?
Paneer is also a good cope for vegetarians for most curry dishes (because most of the taste is supposed to be in the curry not the chicken) but tandoori chicken and chicken biryani you can't replicate with paneer.
>>t. pure veg guy started eating chicken in college

Lol im sure you have ever met a vegetarian guy, veg people feel vomit inducing nausea when they see meat. Keep coping, meatfaggot

India is the only place where vegetarian absolute mogs Non veg.
>>Lol im sure you have ever met a vegetarian guy, veg people feel vomit inducing nausea when they see meat. Keep coping, meatfaggot
only ate fried chicken, kabab for the first year.
you can overcome it. its not that difficult
>India is the only place where vegetarian absolute mogs Non veg.
only the people who have eaten both can judge it
nothing vegetarian is like meat
>veg people feel vomit inducing nausea when they see mea
Might be true if they saw raw meat or saw a full tandoori where you can make out the chicken. Once cut and cooked most v*getarians would not even recognise it's naan veg.
>India is the only place where vegetarian absolute mogs Non veg.
Good veg in a place = even better meat.
Non veg people are becoming vegetarian, not the other way around. Even christcucks and muzzies are leaving this lifestyle as it is just pushed by meat industry.

Even today vegetarian people heightmogg any average meat eating subhuman. Im not blaming you tho, please continue by all means.

>Good veg in a place = even better meat.
Not at all.
>Non veg people are becoming vegetarian
only in the west
>muh height
who cares lol. you seen really insecure about it.
i am just talking about taste, stop being a limp wrsted lttle bitch
Height mogg, yes. Weight mogg no, meat eaters are fat, have all kinds of diabetes and heart diseases. Veg people are usually skinny.
>Not at all
I'm sure you would know, vegbhangi.
>Even today vegetarian people heightmogg any average meat eating
I'm sure you would know who is veg and who eats meat kek
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>we veggies are so light weight and agile bro
>Veg people are usually skinny.
They are not. They are fat too, but they have such little muscle they appear skinny, and don't see a problem because they are in the middle of the BMI range. Besides there is nothing special in meat that causes you to gain fat.
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>Meat eaters think they are hyperborean 7'2 muscle while looking like a bengali
>height again
Only like 36% of Indians are purely vegetarian and that skews towards older people
Good morning buddy
good morning gentlesirs
This, and meat fags are still mad for some reason at entire India
The rest of the 74% by being "naan veg saar" mean they can eat meat but don't necessarily do so. This means most of them eat meat like once a week to once a month.
And look at the overall health of the population. Diabetes is genetic disease brooooo hypertension is age-related broooo don't you know af
>another cope just dropped
Just say that your genetically predisposed to be a manlet
Why do you blame vegetarians for your small penis?
Meat faggots will shit and cry about a person not wanting to eat meat and blame all their frustrations on them and then claim victim like an entitled rat.
Vegetarianism has a smaller carbon foot print which is good for India and the lack of heavy-sodium meats like Salami and such means less heart-disease. Factory farming in the US is pretty fucked so I try to avoid eating meat when I'm able to and it's certainly possible to get enough protein in your diet via protein powders as a vegetarian but I think more Indians should integrate lean meat like chicken, turkey, venison in to their diets - at least while they're still growing. Then switch to a diet like the Dalai Lama as an adult
Protein is such factory generated meme. You dont need too much of protein. Thats a small IQ talk
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>You dont need too much of protein. Thats a small IQ talk
What the fuck are you talking about? You need protein. You don't necessarily need meat however. Milk, cheese, nuts, eggs, etc. can help provide it. The problem is more than ~50% of Indians are malnourished and not consuming a diet that is at a slight caloric surplus.
Lol too much of it will literally get you killed, reddit mutt
i love soyjeets
Imagine arguing about food like a bunch of women. Real men eat whatever they want
Silence bengali
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saar i feel like puking when i see blood saar
Meat cucks will find any way to show off their lack of principles and self control
>Haha your soy!!!!
>haha you cant into muscle!!!
When all of this have been debunked
By all means eat whatever you like, fatty
Too much of anything will get you killed dumbass. If you drink too much water your body suffers water toxemia. You still need to drink water
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>living life normally, doing job and spending time with family
>randomly read news about rape and ethnic violence in India
>think all the people killed, families broken, women raped, people crippled
>feel intense sadness for all the human suffering
>day ruined
When will all the rape and violence in India stop sirs?
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>pajeetas are having sex right now but not with me
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is Chauhan a pleb last name?
what can you tell about it?
streetshitter pajeets deserve to suffer
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First two words, /bharat/?
pyaari aunty
ugly dark skinned person
>two words
shitty AI
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My friend says his cousin has to marry a tree first otherwise astrology says his wife will die
dindu pajeetism lmao
Unless you’re on gear there is no way you’ll be muscular as a vegetarian. Good luck getting proteins with a good amino acid profile.
As an astrologist, it is true this can happen. But the thing is there is always a solution.
If I move to USA and save 1000 USD per month I'll become the richest man in my village
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not a dalit, just not a retard either
so not muslim ?
are you seriously defending astrology shit?
astrology is pathetic and people who live their life according to it should be culled
For me, it's Mahabharat
Too big to read, i wish someone would make it readable for my adhd brain
>but krishna, I dont want to kill my cousins and uncles!

>[1.8 million words on why its your destined duty to do so]
Kek. When Barbarika vows to fight for whichever side is losing and Shri Krishna recognises this destructive feedback loop (pretty high level conceot in an ancient text) and lops off his head and gives him a courtside view of Krishna wrecking everyone instead i did have a chuckle.
True. I do want to read the full version one say, wish i could read Sanskrit but nvm.
Watching MB should be mandatory before reading BG
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has anyone filled this form?
I will now, thanks
Can final year chuds register?
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Good sir
found the cryptokike
if there is something that immediately sets off crypto likes
it's astrology
lol keep believing in astrology mate I don't care, I'll keep laughing at your retardation
>keep believing in astrology mate I don't care
ok i will
I hate diary milk ads
so fucking sentimental for what? a fucking Uk based chocolate?
Bharat maata is made for the BBC
Based. But also i think Sanatan Dharma can evolve past it,. I personally don't agree with it but universe is weird
good for them i guess
still more believable than jewish fairy tales
wasted :(
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Thoughts on him? I think he is based.
>Sanatan Dharma can evolve past it
A pajeetas are femcels
>if you don't believe in my retardation you must be non-Hindu
non-retarded Hindus exist too mate
apne dost se pooch
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New southkino incoming
How is your night going bhailog . I had some baingan ka bharta . Reading my late grandfather's book and reminiscing old times

Bhaichara on top

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