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Finnish people should be put in mental asylum and I recommend lethal injection for the ones here
All of these are awesome though.
You should stay in your head chopper land and rename it shitland
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you forgot Void Stranger though
Linux was made by a Swedish man. The Suomian race is so pathetic that they steal the achievements of their rulers. Sad!
Better than stealing a tik tok dance
I've noticed a New Zealand flag constantly founding xer way into finnish threads and babbling something incoherent about Sweden. What's going on, big guy?
same in our thread except he's Australian
just angry people i suppose
Take your meds, you Finnish schizo. Nothing like that is happening or has ever happened. Why is your kind so mentally ill? Stop inventing things that just are not happening. Freak.
We're perfectly sane...
I enjoy Finnish exports, whatever you got Finland, I'm your guy.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. Linux is actually a joint accomplishment by an American, Richard Stallman, and a Finn, Linus Torvalds. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
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And Unreal World!
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>a Finn, Linus Torvalds.
>His family belongs to the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland.
Isn't there a finish game shoot a cave/labyrinth/tower that goes down and if you fail you have to do it all over again
It's indie. Kinda retro
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Finnish people should be preserved and cherished.
sounds like noita chileno
That sounds like Noita.
It's not noita
There's puzzles
You can only move one space at a time
It's about a princess and time travel or something
That swedish speaking finn had opportunity to study in finnish speaking technical university to get best possible education. Finland was world leader with IT back then. Beside hes 100% finnish and our national treasure, so go fuck yourself stockolm bot.

Baba is You? Its by the same guy.
It isn't that one either. It's not one of those in the picture
How is your transition going?
All of them were made by swedes pls do not convict
Legend of Grimrock?
Are German speaking Swiss Germans? Are French speaking Canadians French?
Well theres also a game called Northern Journey, but now I’m just guessing.
Why do foreigners think we consider us swedes? I'm bi-lingual and i dont consider myself as a swede. Are you british since you speak english?
Thanks for the autistic knowledge anon. Here's a deserved authentic Brazilian coxinha for all your hard work writing it
Without IRC (another great finnish invention) your shithole wouldnt be even communicating with outside world, basically worlds first social media platform.
Quebecois counter, the classic riposte to the Homelander's Gabit. Very nice.
It's 2d
Not really well known but I've forgotten the name and now don't know how to find it
How many of these are gems?
Why would you say something so rude and blatant.
If theres any good race its the Finno-Ugrics. You are just sad and angry brown subhuman muslim incel hating us for a no good reason.

>How many of these are gems?
Man it was really unique. The guy that did a video about it sold it as the next hidden gem like undertale. But it's been a year and never took off
Game demands a lot of time tho, so it makes sense
Pekka... he just explained that Finnish was his "weakest language by far" and that he basically had to learn it to communicate with the Tungusic invaders that now occupy former Sweden.
He even raises his biologically Swedish offspring in the Swedish language. His contempt for the Finnish essence is at Grade 7 Fennophobia, which is quite impressive and only slightly below mine.
Depends on the genetics, but yes. A dog growing up in a horse stable can never be a horse.
BBS already existed before IRC. Your Ugric deception techniques cannot work on me.
Even more curious... the inventor of IRC grew up in Kuusamo, which is territory of the noble Sámi people who are oppressed by Finns, therefore I declare IRC to be a Sami invention. Simple as.
Shut up monki, Finns are great race living at theNorth.

all of these are awesome except Linux
GNU/Linux is a creation of GNU plus Stallman though.

It's one of the best things ever created in terms of computer science.

Admittedly Torvalds created the Kernel, but Linux is just that, a Kernel, without Stallman's contributions Linux would be just a hobby project.
Most of the Finnish race population was assimilated by us, so there is no surprise we are fucking mental every time
sovl overdose
Muscovites go to hell. Novgord were Finno-Ugric.

Fucking great geopolitical location to develop when both sides comes from europe spreaded developement thanks originally to ancient meds
Finnish tribes were defeated due swedish cruisades but we are still alive and here.

Dont test your luck, Finn is the most dangerous predator.
then why are we rich and you poor as hell
Void stranger is what you’re thinking of and yes, it’s kino
Children of Bodom were finnish
This one yes
I love Americans
sounds like void stranger
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Finns are different. Everybody could learn from us.
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no way, the fishish created cruelty squad?
suomi made INFRA and I like it
>he isn't aware about /g/'s copypasta
YWNB Swedish, abo.
they are all animals
Go home, Abdul.
excuse me? I am a victim of finnish racism
fiinnshits are subhumans and there is no need to make threads about them
Finland is peak of human kind.
Faroese are superior
Finland *is* basically sweden. Do you seriously believe that you have successfully fooled the world with the whole "finnish is a real language" thing? With words like Suomi, perkele, pääkaupunki? Have you ever even heard of anyone that has actually learned finnish? Didn't think so, because you can't learn it, as it might as well be completely random inconsistent nonsense in spoken form.
We all know that you all just speak swedish to each other when nobody is listening and
having a large portion of the population *officially* speaking swedish provides a very convenient cover for that fact. The joke was funny for a while but these days it's just getting tiring.
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I trolled pooland. This is what counter trolling gets me? Ty poolando
YWNB Finnish, macaco.
That is the best argument Finland could collectively come up with. I win.
Thank you for exposing the Finnjeet, my Fennoswede saarhunting brother.
>YWNB Finnish, macaco
I bet that's what racists like you actually believe
I don't know these, can you explain
They are just video games and an OS trans people love.
whats the deal with fear and hunger
I love rape. That's why I love the game so much.
this is wrong
linux is finnish
gnu is american
nobody was talking about gnu or linux as anything but a kernel until you brought it up for no reason
umm well ok
HRT side effects
Linux as a kernel is purely finnish, but not as an operative system (actually not even purely finnish a kernel only neither, because as an open source project it has contributions from all over the world)
Fibbish gas made some discussio n again.
Dont try you will loose
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