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Baby steps edition
>What language are you learning now?
>Share your language learning experience!
>Ask questions about your target languages!
>Help people who don't want to learn a new language!
>Make friends!

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Previous thread: >>199749973
Previous challenge: >>199799857
What's the point of learning anything other than English?
affinché il tuo cuore senta più terrore quando ti parlo come ti strangolo
Ich liebe Jordanien.
Jordanien ist im Nahen Osten.
Amman ist die Hauptstadt Jordaniens.

Machte meine erste Deutschlektion heute. Ich bin froh froh froh :)
Der Internet ist von der optimalen besten Methode zu lernen bessesen, und es ist kontraproduktiv.
Bezahle einfach ein Lehrbuch + einen Video-on-Demand-orientierten Kurs und mach es in der altmodischen Weise und du wirst allmählich gut.
Sogar wenn du nicht völlig zuständig als du Abschluss machtest, wirst du dich verfeinen und verbessern, indem du eintauchst, NACHDEM du solide Grundlagen gebaut hattest.
zum Spaß
>une arrière-pensée
>ein Hintergedanke

found another french/german parallel

love finding these
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>billions of people speak English and Chinese
>German is still #2
>Chinese is the second most important language in the world to know
It's fucking useless lol. Many Chinese are illiterate too
because english is dogshit awful language
>spanish being that low

Nearly above chinese though, and all it would take is one spanish-speaking country to stop fucking up for 10 years for spanish to suddenly stomp chinese. Honestly I didn't expect spanish to be number 4.
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tfw you speak 3/4 most useful languages
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>tfw even if you think you have learned your target language, you will never be able to internalize it and have deep conversations like your native language
Shut up weeb
I like to pretend I’m a conquistador or chevalier or Gaelic druid accurately by speaking the language they spoke.

this is such a meme

unless you're relocating to an area where your target language is spoken or learning it for professional purposes there is no other "useful" language than English

you're learning a specific language because you like that language

you would learn hindi or livonian whichever would captivate and seduce you

language learning is not treating top 10 as a to do list
>you're learning a specific language because you like that language
Yeah, pretty much. It's the same as reading books or playing video games at the end of the day. You can argue that X ability has more practical uses but at the end of the day the uses are marginal and you're not doing them for the benefits, you're doing them because they're fun.
i want to learn spanish
not because of mexicans but because of my love for Spanish posters
I know I must learn Spanish, we share vocab and there's a lot of job opportunities here Spanish speakers, but I just really hate the language.
I want to learn Italian instead but nobody cares about Italian here.
>look at some vtubers.
>the english speaking ones also tend to speak japanese
you're not getting showed up by vtubers are you?
should I continue with duolingo or just drop it? I'm just starting pimsleur spanish, was getting bogged with duo felt like I was banging my head against a wall after 150+ days
I gradually started liking spanish more and more, the amount of syllables and speed plus the way they just speak in streams of consciousness eventually just becomes romantic once you listen to it enough.
I gradually have started respecting it more after hearing it spoken more and more just because of the sheer challenge speaking a language like that is. There are also like a billion accents so there's always something different to listen to.
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Ciao froci
La mia ragazza > la tua mano
Polish is useful THOUGH. Considering that Poland is the only country to live in and top 15 PLI.
duolingo is a waste of time. Its "ok" for a quick dabble but for actual learning, quit asap
>was getting bogged with duo felt like I was banging my head against a wall after 150+ days
Kek, you made it 150 days? It has extremely diminishing returns after 30 days max, and for fast learners even after a couple days duolingo's methods are no longer useful.

There's a reason we don't post streaks here and talk about how useful it is, there are better resources now and you generally will NOT get past even A2 with it. It's designed to get you to A2 at the most, but that's after doing literally its ENTIRE program. That's not an exaggeration, duolingo's entire program will get you to A2, which is about half way to B1. It takes like 6 months to finish a duolingo course and in that same time you would be at a B1 or B2 level if you just self-studied without that shit.

Make your own course instead of using apps, it's 1,000 times more effective.
let's see you say that about the people who "speak" elvish
/lang/ needs its own conlang so we can learn a language while posting here.
I didn't expect Spanish to be so high
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Neither did I honestly, but it makes sense in hindsight.
Nearly the entirety of south america - in this broad area you actually have a fair amount of well-developed countries, in fact pretty much every one of those countries are far above china / africa-tier. Central america. Mexico (which is actually fairly developed). Spain. That's a huge chunk of the world, essentially the spanish are close to rivaling the power of asia because south america is so huge. They may have 1/10th the population of asia but asia's language isn't a big singular block and in many ways south america is actually MORE developed than rural asia.

This was part of my reason for why I learned spanish, they just have so much lingering potential.
This doesn't even include the fact that technically the USA is the second largest Spanish speaking country. Of course, we publish scientific articles in English not Spanish afaik
cope anglotard bootlicker nigger
That's why I didn't add it last minute, and on top of this 2nd / 3rd generation spanish-speaking immigrants are fairly likely to stop speaking spanish and learn english, 19% hispanic country with like 30% mutts and we only speak 13% spanish.

The USA will largely keep speaking english because that's where the money's at and it's already the default language, therefore people will eventually learn and speak it. There is a growing spanish influence but it's HIGHLY exaggerated and more of a fringe culture thing, its power and spread is limited in america because roofers and lettuce pickers actually have very little power in society.
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¿Hay un término ofensivo en castellano para designar a los troons?
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>Unit Twenty-Seven
Participle-related grammar is somewhat easy for me to get my head around because there are often exact one-word analogues in Russian, e.g. εἰσελθών is "who came in" in English, but вoшeдший in Russian.
Also there is the word ἁρπάζω 'I snatch, I carry off', that is related to 'harpy'. Cool.
The inly languages worth learning

strikes me as one of the worst to learn when you consider all the dialects
Would unironically rather learn chinese or any other language even. As far as "places I will never ever go" anywhere with arabs is at the top. Literally africa-tier and there's no reason for a white man to learn that shit.
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Gracias, y incluso aprendí cometravas
But it is a regional lingua franca no matter how shit the region may be
How is Mastronarde overall? I've been considering using it as a complement once I finish Athenaze and another textbook.
But it's a region I would never go in, I don't care how developed it is. Unless you lived directly next to an arab country or had some other excuse there is NO reason for a white man to ever fuck with that language. It's like seeing some white guy just pick up some african language, why?

It's dire when people would rather pick chinese because it's safer and more hygienic, it's just embarrassing to learn a language like that if you don't have some specific reason to learn it.
alright bros I'm learning icelandic
It's rigorous and thorough, perfect for grammar Chads.
Using multiple textbooks is useful; I recently started another book, in Russian, myself to get a different perspective.
Replace Arabic with German
Any European person worth a damn is gonna know English
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>mfw I hear a frog pronounce ohio

was a podcast where JD Vance came up; so funny to me hearing the way they pronounce our states/cities. Happened the other day with Chicago too.
You are crazy
what podcast
thanks bros ill stop. i did feel like i was learning lots to start with but after a while it was just a slog. switching it up now!!
Any Arab worth talking to speaks English. German has literature that is globally significant. The most significant literary work in Arabic only is significant if you are muslim. Also refer to >>199828289. If an Arabophone publishes a journal, he does so in English.
In order to earn more money.
Imagine having deep conversations in one's native language, let alone that.
« djo baideun »
>>Help people who don't want to learn a new language!
The world was cooler when Latin was the universal second language.
God I love French so much
Truth bomb
There's just so much damn stuff I want to use French for
Depends on your job really. If you move to Poland it makes more sense to speak Polish than Spanish or Japanese or whatever else is trending on Duolingo.
Like what for example?
Buy La Pléiade volumes
I'm not into poetry
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I don't mean the poets, I mean the publisher Bibliothèque de la Pléiade
Sheep skin leather, bible paper, real gilding and best of all, a great smell
Also sorry, if you're actually interested in why learning French is a good idea, it's because there's just so much stuff to read in French
Search up France on this list and see how many authors are listed
Alright, I'll look into it.
Any Slovenian wants to explain why 'dvojina' exists? Does it show up in any other languages?
Based bibliophile.
It used to be more common. We also still have remnants in various languages (in various Austrian dialects, for example, the old dual pronouns were generalized and came to be used instead of the normal plural pronouns). It's also not absurd to think people would have a special category for sets of two. After all, that's something we encounter all the time, e.g. on our bodies (2 arms, legs, eyes, ears, nostrils, etc.) and conceptually (warm - cold, day - night, big - small). We have a lot of dualistic thinking and the world is full of symmetry.
Hm, ok. Kinda makes sense. Now that I think about it we might have some remnants of it. Oba/Oboje etc, might be considered as dual.
Are you guys IMPROOOVING in other ways in addition to language learning? I'm also learning piano, I use language to also find more songs I would otherwise never hear
Here https://www.dialectsarchive.com/general-american in the records 1 and 13 at least, the COT (and CAUGHT too) vowel ("job" is the first word with it) as clearly as it ever can be is heard as the vowel I was all along pronounced in STRUT i.e. something in the area of the back unrounded [ʌ] which despite never ever being used in this context is close enough to [ɑ] for my deaf ear (we have neither in Russian, don't trust Wiki). Is it really that sound? Will it be ok if I'll pronounce it the same way I've heard it there? Is the sound used for CAUGHT (but not for -all words for some reason) in Google voicer just [ä] then? Why is it there then if that [ʌ]-like sound is what I rather hear in speech?
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american viking larp is retarded. you are also too young to be on this site
Viking larpers don't study Old Norse let alone Icelandic
Every Indo-European language is worth learning, the others are not.
Yes, I'm languagemaxing, gymmaxing, looksmaxing and pussymaxing.
journal en français facile episode from the 16th
Trying to quit the bottle with varying success.
Getting into board games which has been fun and I'm making friends.
Losing weight and getting back on a lifting schedule.
Ideally I will be fit by November so I can go on a vacation to Puerto Rico and get laid with my improved Spanish.
Well...strictly speaking, no. For the American dialects where the cot-caught merger has been completed, the sounds is either
something between those two
something between ɒ and ɔ, or

The one with ɑ is probably the most "typical" example in AE and in that dialect, it's the same phoneme as in father (ɑ:, a long vowel). It's not really ʌ, though they're phonetically close. ʌ is a short vowel, as in cut or hut (and yes, your unstressed o in Russian, though you really don't have ɑ, IIRC). The ɑ in caught/cot is long. Look at this:
I suppose what you're doing atm is pronouncing it as a, which is the Russian a in a stressed position.

You can also google for images that show the tongue position for these vowels. There are even MRI videos where people speak the sound. I often find that helpful.
I'm reading my first comic! It's happening guys! I never thought I would get this far
Which language and which comic?
>first comic! It's happening guys! I never thought I
Chinese, I'm reading a Chinese translation of detective conan. I almost finished file 1
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>can actually play games in TL and understand the story and objectives (mostly)
what the fuck where's french
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congrats m8. Recently started reading manga in french and it feels great.
I haven't seen French outside of linguistics papers.
Magkaroon ba mga pinoy ng mga komunidad na online?
Do filipinos have online communities out here?
>inb4 yankee go home
wherever arab is spoken you can get by with french 90% of the time
I can read Latin to a great extent, and I’m wondering how manly Italians know/learn Latin?
Is that you not knowing the native word or is Tagalog so fucked?
unfortunately I'm an oriundo, I didn't grow up here and it shows in my shit level of italian, and also my lack of latin, which many Italians do indeed learn here (depending on which type of high school specialization they choose)
Most likely the former, kek. I just wanted to say something in tagalog.
Do you really have to say "the my" in Italian?
You drop the "the" right?
"La mia mano" sounds retarded
>faire du footing
>go for a jog


idk which is funnier to me faire du footing or joggen gehen
They don't
It's like asking if you know Old English
how did you learn Chinese mein friend?
Idk about Italian but in Greek you use "the my" and it's the correct form (more precisely "the thing my")
>learn Chinese
Tolstoy is Russian though.
First step of learning languages is abandoning all delusions of knowing what sounds retarded and what doesn't. Do you think "I'd rather not" sounds normal? Or "I used to do sth"? All languages have phrases or features that sound stupid or weird at first, it's all about getting used to it and accepting it as normal. Learning a language is a wonderful form of voluntarily being mindbroken into a new reality.
Also, I forgot to mention: Yes, job has the same ɑ sound as caught/cot/father in the ɑ caught/cot merger dialect (Western American English).
Strut is ʌ. I suspect you've been pronouncing it with a phonetic a though, so like the one in мaть. Instead, it's more like the unstressed o in oкнo. Honestly, maybe best to just record yourself saying

None of this would be problem if you went for a normal Brit accent btw :D
I mean it's not hard to use but Italian drops pronouns and shit
It being "la mia" instead of just "mia"
Pronoun dropping is common in actually good languages because you can tell from the verb forms. Other types of dropping are less common and differ between languages (of the same family even)
Ok this is mainly for Europoors because I see this shit all the time
How many people ACTUALLY speak two languages in your country? Like you see all these things and statements and statistics saying it's some huge number of them and everybody does it but it sounds like bullshit.

The average person doesn't actually know 2-3 of them, right? They know their native language and just know some phrases in other languages. I really doubt the average person over there sunk 1,000 hours into some other language besides their own.
well, I'm not learning how to write the characters, only to recognize them when reading, so I guess that makes me suck, but whatever
Chinese is mostly vocabulary, except for 了 there isn't much grammar, so I started by learning the official lists for the HSK exam until I was good enough to read graded readers, then I ditched the lists and started learning through input only
Does russia not have a word for street or alley in their language or was the russian I met last night just retarded
Most Euros "speak" English but if they actually tried talking to an American or Brit they'd spell spaghetti dramatically
Swedes and Dutchmen speak English well I've heard though. Probably due to similarities between the languages
>have a needlessly difficult writing system
>speak like caveman
literally. They sound like those native americans from western movies. They speak the words, but without any sort of logic. You can't even know if they're talking about something that happened, is happening or is gonna happen, because they have no grammar lmao
The younger generation here speaks English at a "shit but not totally clueless" level. I am sure most of the poll results are like that because either mandatory foreign language classes or because refugees.

yлицa, пpocпeкт, пepeyлoк, бyльвap, шocce
>yлицa, пpocпeкт, пepeyлoк, бyльвap
Well none of those are an alley, idk what the last one is. An alley is a small road, usually big enough for just 1 car to pass through where either backyards or garages are. not a real street
ok, so a lot of people in europe has several native languages. for example, I speak both spanish and galician, with galician being so similar to portuguese that we can talk to each other and understand each other no problem.
besides from that, people leave highschool with around b1-b2 of english, albeit with a very deficient listening because that's barely practiced
Aллeя is a word too but rarely used. You might be thinking of a двop, which is an area surrounded by a buildings (for living). The area usually has garages, small parking places, a children playground and a small dead end road for people to get to said parking spaces. You should be aware of how post-Soviet infrastructure looks like to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
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that seems to translate to alley

pic related is an alley
That's a пepeyлoк.
Where are the Russians? I think yличкa or yлoчкa could work.
Aллeя, I think, covers the sense of "a path lined on both sides with trees, stones, etc., rather than the sort of narrow street between buildings that that Anon means.
See https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%8F
Would a bilingual russian think of that if I told them to meet me in an alley?
>Swedes and Dutchmen speak English well I've heard though. Probably due to similarities between the languages
The case here is most likely due to our mandatory english education, lack of local media output that people consume (and thus a lot of overseas content is consumed, like american series, youtube, twitch streams) and such. America is, unfortunately, the leading cultural imperialist of the world
Yeah, this is about what I expected. It's easy enough for a school to teach someone how to read and write to a barely useful level and english reading material (in the form of news articles and social media) proliferates pretty much anywhere.
I just couldn't understand how they learned to listen and speak. That's a good answer, they just don't know how to.

>Mandatory foreign language classes
We also have these in america but I have never ever seen anyone learn a language with them. I suspect that even when you get up to college-level the people still only are around b1 / b2
Probably. It's how 13% of americans speak spanish now (although this number seems to constantly drop because spanish is a poor man's language)
Russia doesn't have these kinds of structures, although the word тyпик (literary dead end) is the most likely to be used.

Instead, there's a двop. The default spawning location for most of the folk in post-communist architecture. Picrel is a bit too idealistic but most dvors look similar.

As I've said alleys are extremely rare and you should use "dead end" instead, if that's the kind of place you're in.
alleys arent dead ends they connect two streets but are not a road
Then it's a пepeyлoк.
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No, lol. Here's what 'alley' means in Russian.
>Meet me in an alley
>It's just a scenic walkway
Kek, it's literally a pickup line in Russian
>er hat schon aufgegeben, Deutsch zu lernen

alles andere als überraschend

Wenn dir die Ausdauer zum Lernen von Deutsch fehlt, dann wirst du es auf gar keinen Fall schaffen, ausgerechnet Chinesisch zu beherrschen, was eine Sprache ist, die zu den schwersten Sprachen der Welt zählt.
Okay, he told me to meet him in an alley but when I got there it turned out he meant one of the busiest streets in my city and was upset that I didn't immediately think that it was the 'alley' he was talking about
He just adds Chinese on top.
Silly American can not comprehend the genius.
Yeah for these kinds of streets we use the word пpocпeкт but it's not very obvious how to translate it. Aллeя is sometimes used for wide streets too.
I’ve been to America, East coast.
Anecdotal evidence from people who frequent 4chan and use English all the time is not a great indicator of the average European who has never left his own country
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Is China full bois? I want to breed some 10/10 Asian coochi
Deutsch can wait.
Thanks you just propelled me to step over my fears and finally get chinked.com
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>Jordie is speaking
It's not full, and getting less full by the day, but you'll be competing with a couple million chineman for that same cooch
Why the fuck would you wanna move to China?
If we're actually talking about this realistically rural china is like 0% full but you'd better be white enough.
Actually there are a lot of fairly empty places in china, it's kind of crazy how you have so many people but there are so many places with practically no people.
No racism
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>No racism
then where? every place is a racist shithole now
Most of Western Europe is Racism®-lite™.
If you respect the country and its citizens, speak the language well, are not a leech to society and don't cause trouble, then most people couldn't care less where you are from.
Chuds still want you to leave THOUGH and every country has its share of chuds.
>are not a leech to society
this is a big ask for an immigrant. 99% of them are in europe for money
Yeah. People really like to pretend economic immigration isn't a thing.
>Poor foreigners move in to make money
They just took all of the poor people's jobs and flooded the labor market
>Rich foreigners move in to spend money
They just made living expensive for everyone near them

This is the case like 90% of the time. Having poor people in means your poor suffer from lack of opportunity, having rich people in means you have to cater to them and find a way to extract your money and just hope that they don't end up as a ruling class that destroys your country.
Economic migration is a real thing and happens all the time, and if they're there for the money they're not there to preserve your way of life and contribute to your culture.
wie könnte ich so blind gewesen sein? Na ja in der Tat steht Jordie niemandem nach, was die Genialität angehet.
I am very polite and a shy person. I never got into a fight. I don't know why everyone assumes I am a caveman. I am friendly and wouldn't harm anybody, I am too weak to stand up for myself let alone cause trouble.
I understand the sentiment though. I know what the average Arab is like, and they're savages and really bad people, but it shouldn't affect how people treat ME, if my neighbor kills someone, would they charge me for the crime? No. So why should I get treated impolitely because my racial group or something are not good on average?
Maybe your countries should import better behaved immigrants and set more strict behavior limits and deport bad ones. It's not my job to stand and vet my racial group and police over their actions, it's retarded.
Every muslim is shy and nice until he attaches himself some explosives and goes on a rampage.
I would accept you if you were atheist, though
Oh boy, don't you know yet? I am not religious
then just pretend you like going to the beach and that's why you are so tanned
Can you imagine if I actually get insta immigrated and teleport to some European country and i'll be like:
>Okay, i'll learn the language today so I don't get treated harshly and face racism.
>Hmm, tomorrow. One day won't hurt.
>Two days from now, once the exams end...
>Oh man, I am sick this week.
>Too lazy to start this week, maybe the next one.
>Someone called me a sandnigger. I MUST GO BACK TO MY COUNTRY.
>Nah, I'll just learn another country's language.
>NO, I dropped it, better learn my host country's language!
I am severely autistic, I am not good at face to face interactions, I am serious, I really have autism.
Did you say this in English because you will never learn another language?
In Spain, black people who speak Spanish are treated worse than black people who speak English, because if you speak Spanish we will assume you are from Africa but if you speak English we will assume you are an American
>if you speak Spanish we will assume you are from Africa but if you speak English we will assume you are an American
not sure which is worst to be honest
>In Spain, black people who speak Spanish are treated worse
No, because I will learn Mandarin, and then German, and then French.
What about you? Still chuddin'?
Black people in colloquial/standard Arabic are called "slaves"
عبد أسود
"A black slave"
Although highly educated Arabs refuse to use that term and say something else. I forgot what.
زنوج is also offensive, i think it means niggers.
So they just call them أصحاب البشرة السوداء
People of black skin.
ABC --> Always be chuddin'.
>and then German, and then French.
Stick to Mandarin, and stay far away from my TLs Jordie!!!
We're talking about a 5-10 year span, remember.
Chinese, with my procrastinationesque personality, busy life and shit, is gonna take 5-7 years for me to become HSK9.
My ADHD makes me live life in hard mode.
>One day study for 9 hours straight
>Procrastinate studying again for a month
My life ):
And if ten years from now you're still in this thread trying to decide on a TL?
They're settled in steel. Mandarin, German, and French. all the others are memes.
Trust me.
I've been studying for longer than that and I only reached HSK5
Specially if you're going to learn several languages at once, it seems you are being overly optimistic.
Chinese is hard and it takes time
The problem is that I don't know what to do with being fluent at any TL, like, besides consuming media, what to do?
Okay, I became HSK9, C1/C2 in French/German, what now?
>So why should I get treated impolitely because my racial group or something are not good on average?
Every poor person in america faces this same problem, you have to get treated as a group to a certain extent to make society funciton.
We have certain melanated groups in america that cause a huge amount of crime and violence, and these groups are usually poor. Therefore poor people in america get their rights stripped away, struggle to find landlords that offer decent prices, have to be around violence all the time, all americans who are poor pay the brown tax despite many of them being good people. Sometimes browns also have to pay the brown tax despite being good people.

This is just the reality of life in a society, you can't vet everyone who comes into your life or workplace or neighborhood and even if someone is objectively bad they're still gonna live around you, I don't have a say on who my neighbors are unless I leave. They don't have a say in what I think about them.

This is the reality of it, compromises must be made because in any society you have millions of people with different wants and needs and backgrounds essentially forced to live together because we all need food, water, and shelter. Since you can't be selective and have to be around people no matter what people have to make snap decisions, and it's easy enough to lie and be a good person, so you can never really fully trust anyone in our diverse and vibrant society.
See you in 2 weeks when you'll ask again
you put it in your cv
Ok. 10-15 year span then.
This hobby is gonna make me entertained full time :)
I understand you. I know how much of an unstable person I've been. Picking languages, refunding them, only to go back to them the same week.
Trust me, I am quite confident that things are more settled now.
If it's going to be so entertaining, then why didn't you start yet?
I would suggest you focus on only one language. It's better and more useful being B2 at one language than being A2 at three
Consuming media is a big part of my motivation, but also there are tons of French and Germans here, I meet them all the time and speak my TLs with them. It's a substantial reason I chose them. I could have gone full weeb on Japanese (I still want to kind of but not until I become fluent in my current TLs)
Also btw I met a French guy here who had an advanced level in Mandarin and he said he was disappointed how hard it is to make Chinese friends.
Even Chinese tourists don't want to talk with him they just stay with other Chinese.
I might stick to just Chinese to be honest, I am scared of having to maintain 3 languages as opposed to maintaining 1.
That's an average muslim in Europe
Oh I don't care about conversations, I just like being fluent in by itself. Like, read the news, watch movies, understand drama (shows or IRL drama), etc.
I don't have friends IRL, never did
I feel nothing but complete solidary with my ADHDbros.
I feel nothing but empathy and understanding for those who suffer my affliction.
God save them.
>I don't have friends IRL, never did
What about your Discord friends?
However it's better to be B2 in three languages than C2 in one.
they're just acquaintances
I am too autistic to click with ppl
Wtf bros it's spelled marshmallow and not marshmellow, and there's actually a plant named marshmallow?
They have been lying to me my hole life.
Oh anon I meant not the near-open central vowel (strictly, [ɐ]) which stands for both the Russian reduced /o/ and the modern English CUT (like in the "фaкт" meme with pootin) but the actual open-mid back unrounded vowel (the strict [ʌ]). If you know Russian, this vowel sounds rather like /ë/ though it indeed isn't. What I actually wanted to ask is, do you hear the vowel in the recordings I posted in that post as [ɑ]?
>if you went for a normal Brit accent btw
1. It also has its inconsistent variations like /ä/ vs. /æ/ for CAT, and I could actually go along with pronouncing COT-CAUGHT as just familiar /ä/ like Google suggests. 2. I'm not interested in Britain at all and Americans fucking hate non-rhotic accents, though I myself find them more pleasant and Germanic.
>record yourself
This one is how I used to pronounce them: https://voca.ro/184srB0Jpwmv
This one is how I suppose they actually sound: https://voca.ro/1oo2zqyXdNBX
>they actually sound
Rather more open like this https://voca.ro/1lRX09tl5bTZ though I noticed FATHER sounds just like non-rhotic FURTHER both ways lol.
like the spanish word for roundabout, I found out at 16 that it isn't pronounced the way I had been pronouncing it all my life
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I was but a shoulder injury threw me off for a bit, but I think I can get back on the gym (leg days only for the next 9+ months though, upper body is fucked by injury lol)
I was laid off in April but that just means I got time now to plan a gap year or visit my friend in Europe
All in all, it's not the best I've been, but I can get back up. At least I'm quadrilingual-ish
Hmm, no. English cut is definitely ʌ, and while my Russian knowledge is from years and years ago, it's nowhere near ë. I just did more research and unstressed/reduced o in Russian can apparently both be ɐ or ʌ. Regardless, for the caught/cot merged dialect we're talking about:
Strut and cut have the same sound. Father and job and caught have the same sound. And yes, in that link in your first post, the o in job is the same as in caught-cot and in father, and it's an ɑ (actually, an ɑ: - a long ɑ).

This is your best attempt IMO, though I think strut/cut are still a tad too long (perhaps because Russian stress also means streeetching the vowels, whereas that's not really the case in English). Buuut...father with an ɑ: doesn't sound like non-rhotic further, at least not in any non-rhotic dialect I'm aware of. It sounds like non-rhotic farther. The "ur" in non-rhotic further is ɜː.

I hope an Amerifag who knows a thing or two about phonetics can weigh in as well because truth be told, AE phonetics are not my forte.
>I'm not interested in Britain at all and Americans fucking hate non-rhotic accents
u wot m8, AFAIK American women cream their pants for Bri'ish accents.
People really do speak 2 languages (in western Europe) for the most part: their native language and English
Things get a lot fishier when it comes to people claiming they're trilingual and above. I've seen a lot of meme "polyglots" boasting about speaking Spanish because they already speak Portuguese (Shocker: 90% of Portuguese speakers don't actually speak proper Spanish, they just speak Portuguese with an accent and it works, but they'd be fucked in a professional or academic setting)
I have cousins in Munich and lived in Berlin, based on my experiences most Germans do not speak 3+ languages. They often speak good English, but their French is on the same level as "American who learned Spanish in school" and their Latin and Greek get deleted immediately after they leave School. All the trilingual Germans I met have Turk/Polish/Serb/etc. parents.
I haven't mastered portuguese and my vocabulary sucks but then so does that of the average brazilian so I can talk with literally anybody
I'd honestly argue that Galician and Portuguese are the same language and are only dialects of each other.
If fucking Bavarian is considered a "dialect" of German, despite being incomprehensible to plenty of native Hochdeutsch speakers, I can't see why Galician is even classified as a separate language when I've been able to understand it more easily than some actual Lisbonites (Lisbonian? People from Lisbon?)
>>Mandatory foreign language classes
>We also have these in america but I have never ever seen anyone learn a language with them
They're simply better taught, in some countries. Some places already start teaching them when they're only 3 years old, so they have a massive headstart.
This isn't universal of course. The Irish infamously are bad at teaching kids their own Irish language and the Finns suck at learning Swedish apparently, but the Dutch and Swedes surf through English seamlessly
Our vocabulary is good, it's the grammar and conjugations we fuck up beyond repair.
people get mad at you when you say galician isn't a language here
I did 4 years of spanish in elementary / middle school - normally americans don't teach it this early but I was at a private school.
After that I was put in the second level of high school spanish because most of the previous years didn't count for anything. From there I was in high school spanish for 2 more years.

Overall 6 years of schooling and I was at... A1 level. I knew some very basics. This is the american level of foreign language learning. Normally people only have 3 years but I got extra because my first school was extra good, and I was vastly more intelligent than the average public school retard, and I was still at A1 at the end of it. Only retained the very basics like apple, milk, bread (pretty much what you get from duolingo lmao) and overall the total amount of money spent teaching me spanish had to be somewhere around 30,000 to 40,000 dollars looking at how much time it took and how much each student costs.
Attic Greek has dual as a grammatical number but this was lost by the Koine period
Latin is taught to a lot of Italians. Anyone who goes to traditional scientific high school, or anyone who goes to classics high school, and maybe some others
tu tá certo mermo cara
Schools in general try to cram too many things into the brains of the students instead of teaching fewer things well.
>is your best attempt
>and it's an ɑ
Thank you much, I unironically thought /ɑ/ is not an actual vowel all along and is just a symbol for /ä/ in languages where it contrasts with /æ/ lol. I suppose it's also the long A of German contrasted with the short [ä], right?
>perhaps because Russian stress
Ah no anon I just messed it up somewhat because get used to the opposite distribution of these sounds so stressed it out to sound clearly more fronted.
>father with an ɑ
So the sound in my last recording sounds like [ɑ] in the end? It sounded kinda like [ɜ] for me, maybe due to backness of a sound making it "dull" in the same way as closeness, which is in turn close to /ë/.
It is so but only when you're a tourist who's being around for a week and then fucks off. They don't really understand it, especially in the working environment.
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I am walking the path of progress, and trying to maximize my efficiency in improving my life.
I've always hated exercise, but jogging right after waking up in the morning has been very beneficial for my mental energy. It's pretty hard since I'm still out of shape, but my endurance is improving and I'm very slowly working up to 5 kilometers. I should lift and do other exercises as well but honestly, every time I've tried in the past I've always lost the willpower. I'm like Jordie when it comes to exercise, I over-analyze which is the best routine and then I fail to stick to it. But jogging is simple enough that I've been successful in maintaining the habit.
I started doing it because I want to look more attractive because I have an absolutely pathetic dating life, but now the main reason I do it is for the improved mental energy.
I'm also trying to start a business since I lost my job recently.
Move at least a cm forward every day. Keep going bros.
Bro you think so only until you start to inpoot for which you already have the needed grammar basis, try to read Spanish and then look at German. I kinda understood that I was actually taught English only when I started to read it with translator time to time and noticed how actually many words I really get out of school and also get briefly exposed to French which looked like some unknown runes in comparison.
They actually try to teach you english in your schools. American schools are fundamentally different.
I believe that I DID get some vocab and grammar basics out of it but so little of it was useful to the point where really the conjugations for present-tense were ALL that I realistically got out of it.

The number one benefit of all that schooling was actually that I thought I had some experience in spanish so when I went to pick up a language I went for spanish to not waste my former experience, then I kept doing it to not waste all the time put into it. More than anything it was motivation, which was much more helpful than the meager skills it gave me
>Try to read some german
Actually my understanding of basically all foreign languages has been greatly boosted by me learning spanish so I can get something at least from a lot of german and french.
It is a real language! And that language is Portuguese
>I should lift and do other exercises as well but honestly, every time I've tried in the past I've always lost the willpower.
Pick the 2 exercises that are most enjoyable to you.
Put one at the very beginning and the other at the very end of each workout. You will look forward to an exercise you enjoy and once you are already in the middle of it, it will be easier to do an exercise that you don't like that much. Also ending on an exercise that is fun leaves you with a better feeling.
So is not working out at all.
Don't make it so much about willpower and try to add some fun into what you are doing.
What really made me consistent in working out was incorporating a steel mace into my routine.
It was just fun to swing it around and made me come back more frequently. Even though I rarely use it nowadays, I workout multiple times a week (not counting martial arts).
Another thing that helped was starting to do drop sets.
I do a set of regular push ups till failure then immediately follow up with push ups on my knees till failure before I do a break.
The extra pump you get from pushing past your max reps feels great and you are not too worried about counting reps.
Try looking up more exercises. There are so many out there that you can create your own workout that only includes exercises you like doing.
>They actually try to teach you english in your schools.
English teaching in public schools is abysmal. Even crammers are quite bad, but at least they teach you enough to be able to input on your own without struggling.
English classes in schools work ok because you start them very early (age 6-7) and you have them for at least 10 years.
It totally falls apart when you start learning a foreign language at school once you are 14 for 2-4 years.
I guess they are sufficient in Germany due to German being way closer to English than Greek is, but in Greece most kids that don't go to a crammer end up with a low B1 English level even after 10 years of English classes.
The only exercise that I enjoy that doesn't involve buying a bunch of shit is hiking.
I've never gotten a good feeling from physical exercise, really, it just makes me tired and I always have to force myself. I know the feeling you're talking about because I get it from mental exercise. If I spend a whole day programming and inpooting in my TLs, I go to bed with my mind feeling tired but also with a bit of a "high". I never get that with my muscles though, they just feel tired and sore and I hate it enough that eventually I break the habit. I don't want to be like Jordie and invest money into equipment that I'm not going to stay in the habit of using.
Captcha: GYMTP
How many hours a day is it? For us it was just a normal school period, so the class is 40 minutes long each day, 5 days a week.
Per year this comes out to about 120 hours in the spanish classroom, which just isn't a good amount of studying for 1 year. Even with an optimal curriculum this wouldn't be enough. Assuming that school is 50% efficient (still pushing it) that would only equal 60 hours per year, with that amount of learning it's a wonder anything is retained, it's questionable whether you can even maintain with such a small amount of language practice per year.
>if you speak Spanish we will assume you are from Africa
But a single tiny country in Africa speaks Spanish. The Dominican Republic in the Caribbean would be a more reasonable assumption
Here it is 4 hours per week for every language. German school hours are 45 minutes so it ends up being 3 actual hours per week.
If you count vacations, holidays, students/teachers being sick and students just not showing up for class, you would get something like 100 hours per year.
English classes go from 1st-13th grade but school is only mandatory until 10th grade.
Second foreign language (mandatory for Gymnasium) starts in 6th grade.
Other foreign language classes begin 8th, 10th or 11th grade but this depends on the schools.
In Greek public schools, English is usually a 90 minute class twice a week.
In crammers, English is a 90 minute class 2-3 times a week, but with much higher expectations when it comes to homework.
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Why does no one shill mouse tooltip translator here? It's the ultimate inpoot tool.
>Tu avais pu nous empoisonner tous !
>Tu avais pu tous nous empoisonner !
any french anons still awake? which one of this is correct? chatgpt says that both are correct but that the latter is more common but the latter feels off to me so i don't know
My classes in public school were 50 minutes, I think. Of course we had that Monday to Friday. My school was well funded. I'm sure our private schools are also good. I successfully learned German with learning outside of class and homework too.
Have any of you tried thinking in your target language, and not as a one time thing but on a regular basis? What effect did it have on your language skills? Has thinking in your TL become easier and more natural with time or do you still have to put in some effort to do it?
>tooltip translator
Care to share the link to it? I use DeepL's imbedded tool at the moment
yomichan/rikaichamp is shilled a lot for japanese
is anki mobile app as buggy as its desktop version? can't imagine paying money for that
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if by ios then no, it's more polished but has fewer features
the Android app is free and has more features but doesn't feel as nice
Only for fun. There is no real incentive to learn any other language, since they are all useless.
I tried that years ago. It didn't take.
Definitely the first one. The second one was sounds wrong to my ears. I'm not a native speaker, but after 5 years of French, the second one just sounds intuitively wrong
>because I want to look more attractive because I have an absolutely pathetic dating life
This is unironically what you get (and deserve) for learning languages. If you want pussy, do things that normies do.
>I speak both spanish and galician
So you speak 2 dialects of Spanish... Wow.
niggas be like I speak English, French, spanish, italian
n i b like so you speak 4 dialects of Latin, fuc off nigguh get outta here
3 dialects of Latin and a Germanic mongrel language
English is a creole between latin mutt languages and germanic nigger speak
rude thing to say about French, m8
if English ever went creolization (unlikely) it was earlier in the Norse period before any significant Latin influence

French is the other way around though, tons of Germanic vocabulary but Romance through and through
Tomorrow I swear I start learning a language
A native speaker is aggressively trying to choose a name for me and insists that my chosen TL name is an "old man's name". However, his name idea is a zoomer ayden-tier name. How did you deal with this problem?
>letting someone else choose your name
Imagine. Couldn't be me.
um... didn't your parents name you?
You should probably get a second opinion from another native speaker
It can be fun, especially if you can get a whole group to decide on it
I had an opinion from another native speaker before that my chosen name is great and suits me.
You already know English?
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That's your dad?
Is your name "Ronald" or "Ronny"?
Bruh where is its grammar then? For Latin, we know the cases were all merged due to mere internal phonetic changes.
unlikely is an understatement, English retains far too much irregularity, especially in verbs, to have gone through a creole stage
English morphology is no more simplified than that of say Danish that went through the exact same process: strict Germanic root syllable stress -> secondary vowels are reduced to an indistinct schwa -> grammatical endings all become indistinguishable -> endings that serve no purpose anymore gradually get lost
this is a common pattern in all the Germanic languages, even Icelandic which preserves the old morphology the best and is generally not considered to have any significant vowel reduction only allows the vowels a-i-u outside of root syllables, all other vowels get reduced to one of those

Etruscan is another example of a similar development, over time we see significant vowel reduction and loss of morphology in Etruscan as well - in fact that's the reason why we assume it must have had a Germanic-like first-syllable stress pattern
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Hard-r colored vowel
>When ordering room service in an English-speaking hotel, is it rude to use "Can I...?" I met an Indian friend who smirked and asked where I learned that expression, saying I should use "May I...?" instead. What’s the deal with this?
This one is worse imo
If you're asking, saying "May I" is just considered as more polite since the emphasis is more on you asking for their permission
Don't ever say "May I", you don't need to ask for permission to ask for something, "can I" is more commonly used and isn't so subservient.
If I heard anyone say "may I" I would assume they were trying to be subservient because their mother paid too much attention to them as a child and they're fucked in the head.
Tell me an intersting fact about French
J'ai niqué ta mère hier soir
is there any good site to just drill german genders
ive been in german 2 years and i still suck at and it hold me back from everything because i hesitate not knowing the genders
>is there any good site to just drill german genders
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I started reading Das Kapital. It's going to take months to read these 800+ pages, in German to boot. At least will be an expert on German by the end of this.
their word for "today", aujourd'hui, is a contraction of the phrase "au jour de hui" where hui itself also means "today". Even more interesting is the you can even reduplicate this to say "au jour d'aujourd'hui"
>au jour de hui
¿la jornada de hoy? lol
french is the only non-pro-drop romance language meaning the subject is always present in a sentence like in english whereas in spanish it if often dropped and just inferred from conjugation
>it if
*it is
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Suis pas d'accord avec toi
You can also do that in English, but English still isn't pro-drop
Too bad you won't understand anything about economics by the end of it.
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are there forums like 4chan in languages other than english and jap? or what are some cool forums in foreign languages?
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Ich wette, dass du keine andere wertbildende Substanz nennen kannst. Marx hatte Recht.
Oui, l'anglais aussi
Become Tom Platz
what does any of this mean?
Italian and spanish are almost the same language. I don't know why anyone would stress about learning one over the other.
i am lucky that i have found a braindead way to enjoy putting hours into the languages im studying as my mood disorder has been making it extremely hard to function lately. the strat is simultaneously reading and listening. all that gets in the way of immersing at this point is my social media addiction
Most natives would say "Can I..." while memories of their smug teacher who once responded "I don't know, can you?" flooded their mind.
Just got my Goethe B2 exam results:
Lesen: 77/100
Hören: 93/100
Schreiben: 74/100
Sprechen: 93/100
Ich kann's kaum glauben. lol
I would have thought that anyone posting here would have the opposite results desu
What? Learning languages is a great way to meet people! I met my wife at a foreign language learning course
Yes but they’re very low traffic for the most part. I think there’s an active German one and an active Finnish one though, and probably an active Russian one.
Wow congratulations!
>do things that normies do.
Does the average guy get laid a lot, though? I mean with actually attractive women.
I think most average guys end up in a relationship with a 30+ year old woman who "had her fun and is ready to settle down".
I actually want to be with an attractive younger woman, so why should I do what normies do?
Idk if it’s just me or not but I have met here quite a few “40 year old guy marries 28 year old girl after dating for 2 years” and they’re all usually pretty happy
Thanks a lot!
Yeah it's interesting, I think there's a lot of people who would use shaming language towards the guy in that relationship, but when you consider what things men and women value in each other, it makes sense.
What kind of opportunities are there for Spanish speakers there? Also just out of curiosity which languages/dialects do you speak?

ehh frogs at least in my experience will contract pronouns with suis to get je suis -> ch'uis, but idk if I've heard them flat out drop the pronoun in regular speech

the French equivalent of 4chan is bizarrely hosted on the forums of a pleb gaming website. You need an account to post but it's like totally unmoderated and it's apparently very easy just to avoid bans by making a new account. A lot of shitposting about news and complaining about women and immigrants, but it's generally much more tame and normie than 4chan
What are you going to do with your new B2 skills?
Shaming such relationships is usually only a thing young people do because to them a 12 year gap seems like a lot. Truth is when you get over 25 you aren’t *that* much different from a 50 year old.
*New B2 certification I mean
Humblebrag and pad my CV I guess. lol
If you want to cringe hard, watch this

I'm warning you though, it's painful
Just finished my first non-fiction book in my TL
It was only a 160 or so pages but it was pretty good
Could have gotten roughly the same information in English but what's the fun in that?
Have the actual certificate is a good brag though, a lot of people over assess themselves and so without the cert it is easy for people to doubt you (and if you didn’t have the cert it would be fair to doubt)
My wife and I are currently considering our options and at the moment Portugal is #1, though we'd avoid the Algarve and shit.

As for Tagalog, so far (A2) it hasn't been particularly difficult, it's just more work than learning an indo-european language. Aside from some Spanish loanwords, you have to learn everything from scratch with no cognates with any language I know.
I think some parts of the grammar get harder later on, but so far it's fairly intuitive once you get used to it. The conjugations are easy and there aren't many of them for verbs. Keeping track of actor focus vs object focus, etc. is a bit tricky. Essentially you change the verb or verb conjugation along with the case markers in a sentence depending on what part of the sentence you want to emphasize. Example:
>Kumain ako ng manok
I ate chicken
>Manok ang kinain ko
Also roughly means I ate chicken, but it's more like "Chicken is what I ate". Notice the different verb conjugation (kinain), personal pronoun (ako vs ko), and focus marker (ng vs ang)

Idk it's fun for me at least. There's a fuck ton of prefixes/suffixes/affixes to change words too, so you get fun words like nakakainis (causes-annoyance) as their equivalent of "annoying"
Children of migrants tend to be triligual. Parents' language, host contry's language, english. I've also seen kids growing up with 3 languages at home because the parents are migrants from different countries. Once they learn english as well, they'll be speaking 4 languages.
german diggas be calling a ziplock bag eine Klarsichttasche mit Reißverschluss
>learning multiple romance languages
just learn Latin and French and you instantly know the rest
Is there a website with torrents for audiobooks in foreign languages?
>Borrowed from Algerian Arabic نيك (nīk)

french bros...
herzlichen Glückwünsch!
Reading books in a language somehow doesn't make you an expert
>t. finished my FOURTH book all in German (500+ pages, non fiction) and still mess up Präteritum conjugations
>Does the average guy get laid a lot, though? I mean with actually attractive women.
Depends. In my circle most friends have 5+ bodycounts in our mid 20s (I only have 1 at 24, hence why I am here lmao). All these girls are attractive and the oldest was 34 (in our culture we consider it a flex to bed a 30+ woman when you're still young actually)
I think the average bodycount for most Brazilian men is 8 sexual partners in their lives
>have 1
If you had sex you ain't a true 4channer
Das Buch war vor einem Jahrhundert verfasst also ich wage, zu bezweifeln, dass das Lesen davon dir wirklich dabei helfen wird, Deutsch zu meistern, im besondere was umgangssprachliches Deutsch angeht. Leute spricht einfach nicht wie ein Marx oder irgend anderer Typ damals schrieb. Wenn dein Ziel doch ältere Texte mühelos lesen zu können ist, dann das wird dir wahrscheinlich guttun. Hoffe, du schlägst gerne Wörter nach, weil ich dir verspreche, eine Menge dir unbekannte Wörter darin wird.

Di Bibel, commie-chud, ist mehr als genug was die Bildung von verständlichen Weltbildern angeht.
Thanks, can I change the language of this website to English somehow?
You gotta read fiction, fiction is the best when it comes to improving your language skills.
>Brazul, hagmaxxing central
this. Honestly the best for me has been anime actually. Very colloquial with lots of everyday language and it forces you to read fast. Fiction is good too though. The least helpful for day to day TL consumption has been older books/non-fiction books. The words I've picked up from Jung, Hesse, etc just don't come up ever.
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Nach brasilianischen Maßstäben ist man noch Virgin, wenn man nur einmal Sex hat. Du musst es FÜNF MAL machen, um seine Virginheit zu verlieren.
What level does Duolingo even get you to?
NTA and i'm not sure if you can, but i wanted to warn you that you have to register on the site to use the search bar. I hate when sites do this, but for rutracker it's honestly worth it. Most of torrent names are written in both russian and english so you can just search in english and click the button "download", no language knowledge required.
I agree actually, I noticed that fiction has far more varied vocabulary and flowery language which forces you to really "flow" with the language more. Academic language is surprisingly easy to read given that it always follows a rigid formula and norms and largely sticks to pretty bog standard vocab.
I'm listening to the Witcher (oder "der Hexer") audio-books in German and it's a hell of a lot more challenging. Some passages are 100% easy to understand everything, but then they'll hit you with some shit that's just beyond my B1 skillz and puts me in a twist

das echte Wort ist Jungfräulichkeit.

a2 is probably about right; I completed the german tree years ago and was about there if I had to guess
>nicht jung oder frau
These fucking irregular conjugations are kicking my ass bros. This is only B1 too. How will I ever be C1? It's over
Anyway shilling for this, they have other languages besides German + it's free https://www.linguno.com
Alright, thanks.
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>"actually" instead of "now"
>"billion" instead of "trillion"
>"carnation" instead of "complexion"
>"closet" instead of "loo"
>"competences" instead of "competence"
>"criminal" instead of "detective story"
>"emeritus" instead of "pensioner"
>"eventually" instead of "alternatively"
>"extra" instead of "great"
>"fatal" instead of "bad"
>"hazard" instead of "gambling"
>"how do you call" instead of "what do you call"
>"in the train" instead of "on the train"
>"informations" instead of "information"
>"magazine" instead of "warehouse"
>"manifestation" instead of "demonstration"
>"milliard" instead of "billion"
>"order" instead of "medal"
>"paragon" instead of "receipt"
>"pension" instead of "salary"
>"precise" instead of "specify"
>"preservative" instead of "condom"
>"speaker" instead of "announcer"
>"sympathy" instead of "affection"

>der Hexer
dear lord...

"Wiedźmin" comes from the verb "wiedzieć" (to know). It should be "der Wisser" or sth like this
I'm betting the German translators are lazy and translated from the English translation rather than from the Polish original. Either that or it's marketing and they decided to go with the English meme since it's already a famous name now.
Portuguese also calls him O Bruxo (the [male] Witch)
I think 'wiedźmin' comes from the noun 'wiedźma' (witch).
So a male witch and English translation the Witcher is accurate.
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