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The west has officially fallen

Ishowspeed just streamed in Hungary, and what would you know hundreds of people still followed him around. I thought Hungary was the last trad based anti American ethnostate where people read Dostoyevsky and Goethe instead of watching some retard black money streamer, but turns out that's not true...
notice he did not set foot in Poland
you are obsessed with that guy

Calm down ok?
Poles were so welcoming to him that after getting attacked in Norway he went back to Poland.
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He did though
That's when Polish whores all followed him around so he could sign their tits
what is
The niggerfication of the west was completed years ago, this cant be shockiXng people still
THAT'S what Polish women look like?
>vgh, hungary is too based to know who some stupid American N*GGER is
I hope that anon has killed himself
Gen alpha kids really are a diffetent breed
wtf that Hungarian guy looks just like me
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You mean the country that’s home to blackedraw.com likes black men? Wow!
what an embarrassing moment lmao, all that SAAAR WE TRAD SAAAR larping to get BTFOed this fast
first it was
>B-b-but it was ze nigggas who only swarm him
then it was
>b-b-but it was only non white niggas and nafris and browns who swarm him
now he's at the supposed last bastion of White culture the cope is
>B-b-but it's the gen-Ziggers en sheeit

just fucking accept already lmfao, the cope just keeps evolving
>Chuds only talk crap online and don't actually go outside
surprise to anyone?
At least hungarian girls didnt rush him like polish ones
Also while romanians begged him to give them some money, hungarian gen alpha kiddies displayed great hospitability and kept shoving money into his hands
I hope he comes here itd be funny
>where people read Dostoyevsky and Goethe
Do yties really read those lmao
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>At least hungarian girls didnt rush him like polish ones

yeah, an extremely popular multimillionaire American celebrity definitely couldn't easily find 20 hungarian girls to do a dating show with
i've never even heard of them
I honestly didn't know who this niggga was but it wouldn't surprise me if he is a celebrity among alphoomers
in no way am I saying that your cunts have fallen or something, its just kind of ridiculous to see fags on here think nothing will happen if he lands in their countries and STILL be proven wrong all the time
ffs he was in korea and Japan, two countries which barely speak english and he was swarmed there too.

I was expecting him to get swarmed the worst when he was here but fit was fucking insane he had less than average normal crowd, poorag nation amirite
He went Norway a couple of weeks ago and all the people following him around were Arabs, Somalis, and Pakis.
Someone made a viral tweet about it.
Brown men worship this turd.
He would be a nonentity if he visited South Korea. Nobody knows him. I've never seen him outside of this site.
Black American who likes soccer :/

Something off about this guy
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He was in Korea and even dated a K girl (he cheated on her and broke her heart tho)
hes portuguese actually

like fucking clockwork, the most poozed nation, poozed even harder than the US, is the one who is always seething about muh whyte kulchar and sheeit

look nigga, your country is fucking done for, there's no going back, you are a joke and will fade away by the end of this century. The only hope for you is to pray that Indians will inherit fish and chips a century later so you aren't forgotten kek
Wow first nigger to do that
I’m so glad I’m not a zoomer
this cope again

what's suicide fuel here for this fag >>199837250 is alongside native koreans the second mfs to surround him were whites KEK
I hate young people so fucking much. Gen alpha can't even speak Hungarian, they speak the American English nigger speech global slang (slay, rizz etc.).
It's never been so over for this country. The Hungarian history is this phrase repeated over and over again. Just when you think it could be more over. I hope we get nuked or something.
Top tier larping.first hour od the clip in hu some 7yrs old kids ask jim to buy them a parfume.fucking bozgor.I am tired of your fucking kind always acting like that.
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We're all living in Amerika.
cant watch it rn, did he go into some ghetto or something fun?

people on 4chan and delusional and detached from reality, this should not be a surprise
American culture is more interesting than Hungarian culture. I’m glad that most of the people in your country accept that fact.
thats not true most young people dont speak english but thats more to do with the state of our education system
people just watch local slop mostly
Stop posting this ugly fucker. Why are you faggots so obsessed with him?
why do zoomers love the loudest, ugliest, most obnoxious niggers the most?
a normal black guy wouldn't make it big on tiktok or jewtube, I tell you what
What does this dude even make videos about? Or is he just famous for being famous now?
come on lol, look at him. his videos are probably about rapping or basketballing or crime
he screams, jumps around like a monkey and makes funny faces for a few hours on livestream
He meant Dostojevskij
Makes loud noises and acts retarded - peak content for braindead zoomers.
Literally who? I only see this n*gger spammed on /int/.
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