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Look at this blonde angel sent from heaven

>make normal non offensive comment under youtube video
>channel owner replies with stay mad
>I reply with stay jewish
>he deletes my reply

Yeah we can all see who's mad here.

Apartment in Karposh/Centar/Aerodrom 2k euro minimum, apartment in Chair, 1k euro
I'm finna gonna reverse colonize those Albos and gentrify they shit
gooks > boring mayo whores
you shouldve been banned for cringe larping as a western chud while being a subhuman burglarian
You masturbate exclusively to men bro
exclusivity is for normalnigs
Tell your parents to sell their house to me, king
I wasn't larping as anything and I'm not a subhuman you coпoл.
Seeing a tile floor anywhere outside a kitchen or bathroom unironically makes me gag
the housing bubble will pop in a couple of years

How is Shkup
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gn bros
2 more years bro
No, fuck off

I plan to make a deal with an investor it builds 8 stories high condoblock and i get a whole story penthouse
You'll get approximately 0mkd once Atanas scams you of your inheritance, schizo
until albanians stop fucking your women for a joint?
And do you think i have no relatives

Are you dumb i also gave a report of having no schizophrenia

I daj ne zamaraj
Think about it logically bro, you're a schizo that will immediately turn to ruin whatever your parents built
Of course they'll leave everything to Atanas
ej sea ke tormozam jako
My brother has dyslexia you dumb fuck

And i gave a report of not having schizophrenia so stop lieing and manipulateing
If you had kids, would you leave your house to a child that's been multiple times to Bardovci for schizophrenic episodes or one that has dyslexia?
>bullying, torture, oppression, abuse, torment
>From Ancient Greek τόρμος (tórmos, “socket into which a pin or peg is inserted”)

ai em griik
Why do you obsesse about my private life

And are you dumb the report above says i dont have schizophnrenia

So why cannot you accept reality that i am without schizophrenia nor my parents say that i have or anyone except you and one greek
How many times has Atanas been to Bardovci?
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many such cases!

And nobody in the neighbourhood likes my broher
What a crazy obsessive shithead this guy is about my life
What for?
He lives through you because he has no life, King
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Macedonian Xers unironically just put up pictures of maymuns in their apartments
Atanas story time lets go , we need some new lore
Dont harrasse me about my private life

And also most important since this shithead is obsessed about my life

Me my parents and brother agreed that i get the vodno house while my brother gets the other one which is another neighbourhood
You're gonna get scammed out of your house in 3 moves after your parents die
nigros don't have a facial structure like this, it's a blackface
Some manipulative asshole is trying to manipulate

You think i would listen to your bullshit

Fuck off dont harrasse me
Hello I am looking for a husband
Probably just photoshop
I know a gen X hag that has multiple black and white pictures of maymuns in her apartment
Maymuns are vogue for that generation I think
Why isn't atanas living with you? Did you have a fight? Or he couldn't keep living with a diagnosed schizophrenic?
Seriously the institutions need to take care of the lunatic cyberstalking me spreading false information and other stuff
I'm looking at him. Now what?
Non of your business
O te qifsha
have sex
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Bardovci looks like THIS?
Tane bvll couldn't be stopped from raping Sasho's bussy so he had to be moved away
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I wonder what kind of Albanoid would actually live in these new Shkupi gated neighborhoods

Our elite segregates by buying Vodno houses/apartments, not this ugly trash
Or shizo here falsely accused him of rape so tane decided not to argue with a mentally instable schizo and moved away

You dont even know me in real life to even talk shit about my private life

And you share nothing of your life
What a bunch of losers
>zatvoren kompleks
>vo bardovci
Everyone here knows your entire life bro, the whole city is laughing at you bro
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Another gated community thing, but I've accidentally seen it IRL by driving past it
Literally 100meters next to a kamenolom, like 50m next to a graveyard and 50m next to a dying village with a couple of mud brick houses from Osmanli times
Yes and its full of struggles and wins

Which non of you losers can achieve

But once i tell about my life you spread disinformation without even knowing me in real life
With these prices you can buy an apartment in a rotten commiebloc in lulin here. I would invest if I had money, this will double.
your trip has doktor in it lol
In the gated communities or Shkup in general?
Name one win you have achieved
Yeah i have like 10phds knowledge
I for one back our boy against his brother all day every day. Atanas will just blow the inheritance on drugs whilst sashko will clever exchange it for money and apartment
The whole city but especially in houses in such communities or houses in villages around skopje. Once you are in the EU within 15 years youll have triple your investment back
1.Best in europe in a video game
2.Game master and forum moderator
3.Starting a colorful revolution
4.being born 31st dec 1993 where the whole planet celebrates my birthday
5.secret phd knwoledge that created earthquakes using string thory
6.changing the weather with haarp and causing internal conflict in dpmne
7.first kiss of mine is daughter of the ex president of northern macedonia
8.fit body and athletic body

I can go on an on
A gated community apt. in Bardovci so he can protect himself both when he is free and also when he is institutionalized, and home is a 5 min walk away
>in europe

And most important prediciting the bigg3st market crash of a company in the world so far the company lost 113 billion usd where i made a proffit of 3billion euros/dollars
Yes yes that's the most unbelievable part of the entire post...
I cannot imagine any of those communities being successful as they're antithetical to Shkup elite common practices
It's literally stone's throw away from a quarry past like 10km of industrial district on the shittiest road you can imagine

I think it's just Americanized Albanians trying to recreate suburbs where they don't belong
I kneel
if i'd sober up, built a setup and queued on EU NE you'd be pm'ing me for scripting and be sure i was a pro smurf from the us or korea
Ask dobrin he used to also work as a forum moderator

In 2010 an m-gear and and i-gear classes in the game called rita and bbq were helix best players and me and my friend in 2v2 match defeated them

Also because i worked for the company that hosted the game i couldnt compete in tournaments and in a fight woth the orion best player i defeated him 5-3 in arena
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Ushkub geography class for all the Bugis ITT
>best in eu"rope"
They are not for elites. They will be for your emerging upper middle class
>entire city is basically selyaks and albos
come home tirana man
why is aerodrom such a kino word
>sashko's biggest achievement in life was being a janny
There's just no point in moving there when you can get an 150m^2 apartment for the same amount of money or even less, and be a stone's throw away from the center of the city

Gated communities only make sense in violent cities, also that community is like a 20 minute drive from actual Shkup, with basically no alternative apart from driving through a congested dirt road
Shkup south of the Axios river is a nice place to live, unironically
I would rather live in a vibrant multicultural community like tophane, cayır and listen ezans every day than among the new money titoslavia criminals in vodno.
>public transport with 48C inside
Shrimply don't use public transport
Youll see bro
stop forcing the trip, you wont be as beloved as shahar, you look like my goofy flatmate but with expensive haircut
>4chan real estate tycoons
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Cheers balk im getting drunk with vișinată (cherry brandy)

balk is a landowner general
Means greeks in turkish
Who is the German schizo?
Things to do in Üsküb:
pray in its 1500 mosques
hang out with sashe & crew
meet troons on parades
spin pedals on its 1500km bike paths
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Gen X needs to be executed immediately
This gaudy trash disgusts me more than those dilapidated granny apartments last renovated in 1928
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Gen X femoid brags that she spent 3k euro of her husband's money on the gaudy piss yellow kitchen

Also travertine isn't marble, it's limestone ACTUALLY
>pita bread
warmed up
time for macedonian cuisine
You need to get your bussy spermed 3489 times for €50 to afford it
jackshit you can do here tbqh except museums which is a cope anyway
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Vgh, look at this sovlfvl granny house

I should move to Bitola
unironically comfy
Getting spermed 3x a day he can do it in 3 years instead of pay it off in 30 years like most normies.
Wonder how a room would smell like if you fuck a girl (male)
Does HRT make their pheromones smell different?
Did rasha just expose albotwink's five year plan?
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Another Bitola banger with horror movie vibes
дyпa is ass in hoholingo
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Actual bargain
1200m^2 property with 80m^2 house for 35k, 20 minute drive from Shkup center
another can of pashteta finished

how can the blind frog in the discord well see mt. tai
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I don't understand what boomeroids were thinking when they built these 300m^2 McBalkan mansions
Nigga thinks it's the 1910s when people still had 10 kids
yo quiero una asi
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House on Ho Chi Minh street, Butel, Ushkub
Have you ever thought about becoming a monk and quit this wordly life?
wagie wagie back to bed
gotta rise early to earn that bread
This hits hard bro
Good night :(
why is racebait so easy on r9k of all places
these niggas will never breed why are they so invested in this
damn stab, they're right, your brother will probably inherit everything and then have you locked up in bardovici again

you should probably take him out of the picture or something, make him gone
Nothing to smile about in my life
Sashes house is probably 500k
why is racebait so easy on balk of all places
these niggas will never breed why are they so invested in this
I want to behead tatargarians
Pisses me off that white whores rim fat nigger assholes in public while i jerk off and cant even go out on a walk without feeling the need to murder all the holes i see around me.
Foids ruined my life and need topay for this with their worthless fucking lives
chill or you'll become f20 like sasko
bored hateful kritsr
Not like my piece of shit life could get any worse.
think about it, once they're gone and his brother takes everything, whats the first thing he gonna do? Send stab back to the loony house. He gotta take him out before he stops the milk. He gotta kill his brother or no more entertainment for balk.
Sashko will get a job and not depend on his brother, he is already working on bettering his life.
f20 is a rather mild schizophrenia and he could still manage it.
>manav is an actual jeet name
lol any of you guys ever commit murder? I almost ran some fucko from Texas off the road last week.
I called Tarrant a pussy larping faggot that won't do shit in the thread he made
Murdered my parents' hopes and dreams
If Drumpf didn't didnt turn his head a milisecond before the bullet grazed him now we would be enjoying the biggest mutt chimpout in the past decades, a shame.
>In one thread, he claimed he would form and fund an armed band of 4chan users to conduct ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.
Vgh, the power of avtism
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you'll be having that once he wins, assuming he does
>muh Pootin\
Why are they like this?
severe case of f20
Speaking of that crazy how after the bombed hospital poluhohol chimped out for nearly a week straight and now he calmed down.
When's the next missile dropping?
But what the fuck

I kept showing documentations of not having schizophrenia
Oh hey Sashko, i believe you.
Also i'm feeling pretty angry and miserable for the past week or so and the bulgar posting nigger porn pissed me off even more, any advice on what should i do to not feel like killing myself?
once enough washing machine chips are gathered or something like that
Isnt that the fyromian keep posting blacked

Look i hope you get better sorry to hear that the fyromian bully is also targeting you

Talk with an ngo that fights for human rights , mention the harrassement he does to you and the cops will be alerted
Good, too much of his chmpouts can get a bit stale.
It was a bulgar not a fyromian Sashko
Look at the pattern

The fyromian who posts blacked is awaken at morning times
So is the bulgarian dingding poster is also awoken at morning early times
And the greek targeting me is also always awake at morning times

This is clearly psyops or in cia targeting individuals
Connecting the pieces, it's now starting to make sense.
They are always awoken at morning times trying to highjack /balk/ spreading false information and so on

Maybe with a virus they change the flag i always see a fyromian making blacked baits at bulgarians

I think the operation is part of few ngos


This one for sure is part of it working with the cia

So its just nato harrassement
it's as if some people stay late or wake up early
you're onto something stefan keep digging
Yeah just look at the pattern of behavior

Its some cia IT operation with psyops so 2 teams working together as a 1 team or two departments into a 1 group

Just dont do any terror attack on roma people they are trying to control the narative of politics thorugj the news
Its probably 1 guy with a vpn and a 4chan pass

They are always awake at 6 or 7 am and always derailing threads into politics instead of culture talk
Indeed he is starting to make sense, i used to think he might actually be a schizo.
But you see that's how the CIA operates, make up fake diagnoses they then leak on /balk/ in order to make us believe Sashko has f20, then we can turn a blind eye at his constant torture and harassment. This needs to stop, Sashko doesnt deserve it/
Interpol should get involved and prevent a terror attack the romanian has been showing red flags for a lot of time

And the constant harrssement could cause violence

Interpol should force with a court order to stop the dingding dong poster and the rest of the coordinated harrassement done towards few individuals here

Even Ros was attacked and so did corfu in real life

This stinks too much of a cia ops

Ros and corfu stoped coming here often not as often as me

Same goes towards effendi and xpozed

I think they tri3d to ruin xpozed real life as well
Aren't there 2 greeks that harass you Sashko? Kelly and Rozelli right?
>balkers waking up in the morning
nah, just making a last degenpost before they hit the pillow after a long bibisi gooning session
I hate women so much, they need to stop harassing me with videos of white whores licking fat nigger assholes in public.
ros still rides his bike undisturbed, only cia agent attacking him is the guy fucking his wife
corfu is a psychopath have you read his post about killing albanians
effendi became nufendi
x2z ruined his own life with marriage
Probably but kelly was part of greek military during his precense here in 2013/2012

So he might joined greek military intelligence he always kept talking about the military
Not as a code breaker or programmer but spammer or a shill

Seen a pattern of dopamine how he adores america shows he has somewhat benefit from posting here probably
>corfu is a psychopath have you read his post about killing albanians
Post it.
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The one that adores america is the Attican not Kelly

All of those indivulduals have had encounters or opses by cia on them

Corfu did hate albanians but not to a big degree he wanted to be surgeon
They are all larps by 1 person
Most of these individuals which i mentioned posted from 2012 till 2018 are all not coming here except me
So you actually store posts of people and thorugh the gps target them of their phones
No I just look it up on desuarchive because I remember how deranged this post was
One of his last posts too.
Please explain the CIA op against Ros
Sounds like you feel a connection with all the bully victims of /balk/

I have to admit I'm surprised that a multidimensional deity with 232 IQ would associate himself with bully victims
So true Sashko, been wanting to kill myself or simply die in my sleep. for over a decade i havent had a single moment of peace and they take joy in my suffering.
In 2016 or 2017 ros liked a liberal girl with short hair he lost his shit

Probably was fed mdma to higher the seratonin and dopamine so his hormones ticked into falling for her and was angry for being rejected

Than went on self improvement hikes around mountians where he suffered a tragic mental trauma from that event

And the girl was part of an ngo and he stoped coming here
Are you rewriting his past with your own experiences now?
I wonder how sashe will react if ros, x2z or nufendi came and bullied him.

>nufendi you were victim of NGO hearsayment by poetrygirl but now you turn against me because CIA brainwaves through GPS psyoped you to hearse me
>x2z you were victim of NGO hearsayment by your wife who was paid by CIA to cuck you so you devorcee her, but now you turn against me because CIA ruined your life so you can ruin mine

Again manipulations done by you and your whole operations done towards regular people on the internet

While my case is different i simply in 2012 posted a pic of me in undies on facebook which means i couldnt go into politics and didnt gave shit about political matters

So again cia opses failed at me and were baffled

So the question to you and other cia operatives of psyops why do you try and kill innocent people to control the narrative of the news media for candidates that you can blackmail
I just realized 4chan is a CIA honeypot and everyone here landed here after an NGO slutwhore rejected them or ruined their life because the CIA fears us and our incelic powers
They werent bullying me we had funny moments memes made etc

There is just NGOs who are paid by USaid that cause harm to people hoping they turn berzerk and cause a happening and control the narrative of politics
It's true. 4chan is a virtual Guantanamo for incels and all the ragebait / racemixing threads are the waterboardings
But if xpozed came back and started calling you a 200 euro virgin manlet supermarket cashier again, how would you rationalize it?

I came on 4chan in 2012 while remember i live in a elite part of the city of skopje and since a kif i was into computers

I played anime based game called airrivals a korean game and many of its userbase watched anime before it was cool and told me of 4chan in 2009

Also i came because of boxxy the poster on /b/ in 2010
What i have to say to him

CIA ruined his life though manipulation of his wife

And macedonian secret police was also trying to influence the opinion of my family becauae of being witness to mijalkov sons crimes
But WHY would the CIA target him?
>wife cheated on me?
>CIA came to my brick house to ruin my life!
peak balkmun logic
but xpozed hates rusha with a passion why would the CIA turn on him
its over, at this point albovlach is the CIA's next target
they are already sending black magic waves to his pancreas to kill him
i hope he doesn't fall for an NGO slutshota and ruin his life
I have to admit there is structure to sashe's logic regardless of how detached he is from real life

Bullies are CIA agents
Bully victims are CIA scapegoats
Unrequited love interests are NGO slutwhores
Because sometimes some people dont want to risk their lifes

Hypoterically speaking for example you have a dimond worth 1million euros and someone wants to buy it for 600k euros

You decline right

So xpozed declined cia got to him ruined his family and through threats has to be pro NATO

So he has no other option and most rational way was to distance himself from /balk/
I think it's simpler bro. Like blackmail.
CIA found his anime costume and dildo purchases. That's why he calls himself "exposed". A fetishization of the fear of being exposed to the public.
But most important fact is

90% of these posters dont come here anymore
Same as shkodran
They stoped visiting after CIA did psyops on them
But the CIA did psyops on you too, why didn't you stop coming here?
Because action and adrenaline i like that
Im not into that kind of stuff

That is psychopathic maniac behavior do not watch stuff like this

Listen to deep house without lyrics and meditate as if youre in maldives or watch other types of stuff like cooking and try the food you cook
Why are my posts being deleted
Just posted it to get banned, i will mot evade it either, need to take a break from this shithole of awebsite, it's making me feel like shit.
They removed the most important post i made why is cia intrested in /balk/

This isnt politics but god damn doing traumas to 20year old kids where they end up misrable in their 30s a lot more than their other peers who by the way the victims are good students

Cia fucked up big time

My suggestion is stay out of /pol/ stay out of /b/ come here i will post parties and many other cool gatherings with models and funny stuff

And stop watching gore and blacked
I am miserable in my 30s though
poluci li ja platata od CIA? jas veke dve nedeli cekam, na 7mo cislo obicno mi ja prakjaat, pa sea seuste nemam nisto vo smetkata. i harrasseement praiv vo juni, i cyberstalking, i na NGO kurvestii im dadov zadaci.. posle kur do kolene.
Sorry to hear that

Hope you get better
Mi vikaat ako ne zavrshi budalata u Bardovci za skoro vreme, kje me shutnat od rabota
Good thing Sashe cannot go to prison. It's full of CIA agents in there who would harrassee and bully him 24/7
Ok so youre sarcastic or what

I am telling you about posters who in real life were targeted by USaid NGOs and brutes

And those posters dont come here anymore

Its from 2012 till 2018 era of /balk/
A zasto da idam vo bardovci

Pa nema da ti uspee planot be supak aj gitla i ne me zamaraj za politika

Im just telling a lore of balk posters who were targeted by cia who dont come here except me

Because as i have elaborated i have 232iq
CIA hearsayment was deployed last week against me in the form of robotized woodpeckers who made a hole in a tree in my yard to mock me for lacking holes in my life for my peepee
I think youre just a loser

While as i said my background EU fears my 232iq both conservatives and liberals and i live an awesome life

So the answer is yeah you are too dumb so is the cia and so are the russians so dumb

So can you take your opinions about the war in ukraine or gaza or political stuff to /pol/ there are people eager to hear your opinion there
While frankly i give evidence of the harrassement done by both liberals and conservative

Oh and my goal in life is to fuck slim big tits girls
3 slutwhores dispatched to harrassee you for this post on Jul. 21 (2+1 = 3).
The LARP worked, chief. By admitting to my activities I've triggered his F20.0 paranoia and he doesn't believe I'm CIA. Another W for reverse psychology.
Paranoia from what

I already dont give a shit about politics only trying to fuck as many bitches as possible

While you waste your lifes argueing about politicians and their agenda

I try to satisfy my fetish
You don't suffer unless they start poisoning your coffee with coldness
But I love ice coffee. Looks like I've been my own harraCIAr all along.
Hey but wanna know what its really poision in the cafe and wanna know something my real life is intresting unlike yours
You may sarcastically make jokes but i am not the one here losing his shit if goce is bulgarian or if africa doesnt have food
Indeed you have been obsessed about politics

I mean who gives a shit what a 50year old woman or a man says when everyone is having wild sex around and majorty of people here dont on 4chan
I don't post about politics ever tho
Well sorry than majority of bulgarians are obsessed about politics here

While the fyromians are angry at me saying i also have bulgarian ancestry and that im a mullato and just going to parties

Heck i try to migrate out of here but the cherry on top is that crazy fyromian who keeps trying to make bulgarians angry with blacked porn and jamal
While hes also angry at me because i say im part bulgarian

Its like my whole existance makes him angry and bitter

There's like 10 Bulgarian posters
One is me and the rest are the other guy
But you got to admit my fellow fyromian with blacked caused a colleteral damage at an innocent romanian

See what a douchebag he is

And hes spamming about black people for like 5 years now

I dont understand what is his obsession and hate towards bulgarians and heck even greeks and so on

Or hating albanians and praising serbs a lot
I think its fulgrim all along
Crazy fucked up people from /pol/

And crazy fucked up people from the dead tumblr that went on /pol/

Now they sometimes come here and destroy the sanctuary of a great cultural events that are happening all over balkan
I've had the same suspicion. Fulgrim was of mystery meat russo-srvian heritage, no?
Probably its him

He claims hes tall and blonde and so on and that he has serbian heritage

Hes also like into dark stuff i mean whole 40k warhammer universe is grim future for humanity

Its sort of him torturing himself with the blacked spam and also trying to inflict damage to other people
Anyway im going home only 2% battery on the phone
Also those instagram hl=ru links kek

Here's my F20.0 cents - he turns on the VPN to LARP as krasnoburyatsk
kek the ICD-10 has codes for all kinds of physical injuries and other conditions

>V10: Pedal cycle rider injured in collision with pedestrian or animal
>apartment more expensive than house
Lol. Lmao even.
>niggas looking to buy prebuilt dwellings instead of buying a piece of land and only paying for the brick and mortar and living in a good ole tuhlarka no one would give a 2nd look at

you want the vanity because it attracts the roastie

a trve ascetic knows which sacrifices to make peace with because they don't feel like a sacrifice at all
You are joking but it's true.
€150k euros for an apartment in Skopje FYROM seems sus. I think I can get one half that price, new built.
It's literally pure property speculation.
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i am being 100% serious
i would be drinking my balkan coffee (200ml rakija mixed with 200ml espresso) on the balcony every morning like a trve deribey
Nothing a facade can't fix.
That’s good, I want cheapies from the ancestral land. FYROM isn’t the west, you won’t keep that bubble up unless you import 1 million asians.
I'd unironically do a log cabin if I was convinced our climate was suitable for it. Got this idea from a mutt on yt who started with a single 20sqm room then whenever he wanted to expand and add another room he'd just cut himself a door in the logs and expand in any of the 4 directions. Genius.
I'm not sure how well log cabins breathe during maymoonic weather, with concrete/stone houses you don't need artificial cooling/heating all that much because it's cold in summer and retains heat in winter.
No, these prices are for selyaks who come from the west thinking they're hot shit with their western salaries and they fight for the absolute meme apartments.
>build yourself a smol house to live alone in
>normies in a pinch think which relative has an extra room they can harrassee with their annoyingness
>he can stay with uncle anon! he... *remembers it's a single 10 sqm brick room with an outhouse* nevermind

hehehe I'm full normeeeez
>*gets stroke at the ripe age of 49*
>no one around to call the amber lamps
>a-at least I'm al...ACK
I can build a 3 floor 7000 sq foot McMansion with AC/heating, a basement and enough space to park several cars for €80k euros, max €100k.
They buy overpriced shit not because they're smart but because they want to show off their bling blings not realising how inferior they are.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
these jeet husk poops are insane
Can’t be me, I want a good deal and I will pay what FYROM is worth today.
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>one last bibisi pic before I go to sleep and wake up in the afternoon to smoke weed and climb vodno
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one last bibisi pic before I go to sleep and wake up in the afternoon to smoke weed and climb vodno
I hate Nojko so goddamn much its unreal.
I wonder if he realises he's become the butt of all jokes on /balk/
dă-mi mie vișinele, cumetre

japan bike ride
I wish temperatures rise so much that we get a comfy and refreshing 55C degrees in Ushkup. I want to see how moons survive this.
maybe some more gooning to trannies can calm your nerves
He's like Sauron before he sunk Numenor.
>x2z ruined his own life with marriage
many such cases!

he cute

being alone is worth it
Wrong makke.
/balk/ is literally Tatar and Monkeydonian posting central

petition to rename it to /TM/ Tatar Monkey Central
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I feel like the reason North Macedonians are disproportionately prominent in /balk/ is because they are in the geographical center of the Balkans, and therefore take an interest in all the countries surrounding them. Is this true?
Do you have a sister?
Yes I do, why do you ask?
Is she a virgin?
How much?
Yes but she is a minor. Now why don't you answer my question?
My sister is invaluable and could not be purchased for all the wealth in the universe.
>Now why don't you answer my question?
I don't know why is that but mostly Macedonians are NEETs who do nothing but sit on 4channel or other time wasting websites
>Yes but she is a minor
That's not a problem on contrary it's a big plus.
Ask her if she wants to marry me and live in Macedonia
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>Ushkup in the maymoonic temperature region
I will ask her when she wakes up tomorrow. It is late here and I need to sleep now too. Goodnight fren.
OK dude sleep well
or just post on mpalkanchan simple as
I'm whiter than him and prolly richer as well.
The balkmoon's incompetence is so indistinguishable from active malice, that the people often consider him to rival the gods of real-life pantheons at their worst.
Georgian sounds like turkish
>хopa нaвcякъдe
>дивитe плaжoвe
I hate the elderly, they're so entitled despite doing nothing to deserve any respect.
Chechens and daghestanis have what we always wanted. United community and basedness
You sound like Turkish
Boomers grew up in better times, thought that wasn't good enough and completely destroyed it so you can be a wageslaves for foreign interests and watch as women fuck dogs online.
You look turkish
You are Turkish
Turks raped you for 700 years
Turks have been mindraping you since Kubrat Khan 1k years ago
Grug tier conversation
You adopted my language and script because your ancestors were illiterate goat breeders
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I have to agree here with my hellenic mprother.
I have not opened my work laptop yet. Nobody will notice. I will still get paid.

Я вижти тyкa кo имa e
y u du dis
or /bbc/ (bulgar bulgar central)
Your language was Chuvash and script was Orkhon before my ancestors partially civilized you
Bro your turkbeshi tribe can educate only in bootlicking and copper collection
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You get the chance to reincarnate but God tells you this. What do?
Idk why but although I love this style on girls, I don't like it on black girls
Also that ss lmao, nigga nazis
>not omnipotent
lame ass demiurge
1488 kwaynes make my pp hard
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But what would you do though?
The hardest worker on the kolkhoz(state run collective farm) is the horse, but kolkhoz director is paid the most.
A lot of snowbunnies dress like that.
Just woke up
5:30 am to 1:30 pm
Not bad
Goth girls is what you're looking for. Also ignore n*jko.
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toz kato isus li se vijda?
Monkey police caught former uck terrorist, serbs demand to extradite him to serbia, shqiptars from kosovo demand that he be released, guess what monkeys will do
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What did she mean by this?
Mindsperma'd just like Asparukh's descendants
Manlet probably like sashko
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Oтгoвopeтe ми нa якия пocт, вe, бeздyшeвни coпoли тaкивa. Кo, нe cтe чeли PC Mania кaтo мaлки ли? Шa вa eбa в ycтитe aз.
I think its a TWP
They caught our future prime minister.
They count troons as half-men. How many troons she slept with is a mystery.
Degree holders prefer other degree holders, regardless of actual performance.
marketplaces are literally baiting me into spending money on shit I don't really need by giving me discount coupons

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