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Is it safe to be openly gay in your country?
when are faggots abandoning this stupid uwu femboy tranny zoomer meme and going back to being men who like men?
In some places
>Lumpy Space Princess forced her way with this
It's not fair broa
those shorts always turns me on man
Relatively yes but hate crimes and such happen here too.
It must be the minority at this point. Most homosexual eroticism today is autogenyphilia.
Thanks for showing me this artist bro, gonna jerk off to this later.
I think in shape twinks are the epitome of beauty where do I fall into your narrow worldview?
Is this a girl?
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In the future there will be no moids, just girls and femboys <3

>In the future there will be no moids, just girls and femboys <3
then who's gonna destroy your cute little holes?
future is soft femboys and gruffy hairy man. no subhuman foids around anymore
damn, italian boys look like this??
And more often than not those "femboys" or "twinks" are just malnourished scrawny men in their 20s, with long hair that they fail to groom properly.
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Safe? Probably is, even if I don' like being open about it.

Cope harder UwU
What's she listening to?
There would be some moids, maybe like 5-10% but they'd be enslaved.

Cope. The future is female.

It's sad. They should be on estrogen instead :3

Based image <3

Some gay music lmao
f*males are so weak than they'll die inmax 4 days without man
with the advent of soft boys we don't even need them anymore
Women are stronger than moids in almost all areas except upper body strength. Smarter, more resilient, wiser, more prosocial etc. Moids are a vestigial element and are no longer needed.
stop using my potatoes for your shitposting
These people are just prison gay but instead if prison is porn addiction and not getting women
As always, women are to blame
Alri 2015mong

>if you dont want to be an ugly smelly moid it means you're prison gay and have a porn addiction!!!
Just face it. People now have a choice to not be subhuman breeder moids and they're choosing for themselves to elevate their existences into divinity instead of being a slave.
You are still a "moid" though
And a really ugly and fat one at that
>choice to not be subhuman breeder moids
So no sex for us, Bill Gates?
I'm a gay twink and I like cuddling and kissing other twinks and I'm in the Midwest!
And this happens in my country
Usually yeah.
Except I'm not. You're just bitter because I am a divine being and you are a thrall.

Sex isn't the issue. The issue is subhuman animals (cishet "people") forcing their disgusting ways onto others.
they are dumber, no physical strength, dependant on frivolity of society, inclines to whine instead of endure the hardness of life, no interests, no hobbies.
almost of inventor, philosopher, scientists, innovator were a men. do you know why? because there are some woman with interests, hobbies and capabilities of doing great things but they are only few, the exception that confirm the rule

also you larp as a female but you are not, lol you are a man, feminine one but still a man, arty
>disgusting ways
Precisely which ways?

Wait, r u a girl?..
If you like being a rotting thrall then go ahead. Don't pull me into it.
female belong to the past
uterus is machine replaceable
seed is not
fennoscanian males play dress-up meanwhile slavic thrall bvlls are impregnating their sisters (varg confirmed information)
no, i suffer in argentina.
Forcing people to reproduce or have sex with people they don't want to. It's disgusting. And yes, I'm a girl uwu

You wish lmao

Don't care.
Who's forcing you to have sex with undesirables? :/ are u ok?
you just need a huge cock to shut that stroppy mouth of jabbing all the time
Not undesirables. But I was pressured from childhood with the threat of violence and ostracisation to have sex in a way that I don't want to do. I'm okay now since I broke away from subhuman brainwashing.
That's true but irrelevant.
Uh... Uhmm.. that's not ok, now I'll have problem falling asleep
it's absolutely relevant since you should open your mouth just to take cocks instead of babbling
now, be a good girly man and close your mouth or your skull will be raped since your brain going blackout
You shouldn't. It's just the experience of growing up as lgbt.

Would be hot but you ruined it by calling me a man. Ew.
yes because I call you however I want
you are not in charge of anything, a tool doesn't choose how being called
I hate gays so much it's unreal
most of this shit is made by and for straight men who make up the majority of the consumer base
impressive, very nice.
Sorry chud but only non-transphobic men are allowed to talk to me that way. Chasers get the wall.

Aryan as fuck.
you need to just shut up and post your butt hole already
sick of you never delivering
why do you wear a nazi official hat? stop being chuddy nazi self-hater man
Idk, seems like it's super forbidden, but there's still a ton of fags.

My ASD brain hates this incoherent ambiguity.
Lmao no

Because I'm superior to you. Deal with it.
>Lmao no
why? what is the point of being a massive slut for attention if you never show the goods?
i NEED to jerk to that finnish booty
do you twitch your little clitty beliving so? thinking your inferior little female-like body is superior to something makes you horny, uh?
nah-ah, only thing that makes you better than a generic female is your tiny little cock ready to spray infertile seed all over your blanket
you can find it if you lurk archives, I've it saved somewhere on my pc but I'm not at it now
I don't need that kind of attention online.

The exact opposite lmao. I get off to thinking that I'm inferior and worthless.
>lurk the archives
anything more specific?
a name or something
yes, you ARE inferior to any man
you are still not the most inferior because you are superior to a woman. they are worthless trash for real

maybe that's why you want to be a woman, like a woman for real, to be the most inferior being of the entire universe. well I hope one day you'll find a blue fairy and she will make you a real girl so you can be inferior even to trash

abbreviation is arty but I don't recall the full name
this dirty slut post his naked stuff since underage
Christ... You really are good at this.
I'm an expert at horny warfare
see you at next thread
See you. I haven't felt a rush like that in a long while <3
damn, too bad.
i have a raging boner and was hoping to bust to this stupid slut
thanks anyway
shut the fuck up bitch. fuck off with your shit taste
die in a fire, faggot
do not breathe or I will slay you
I’m not open about it. It’s not dangerous or anything, but will cause too many problems for me. It’s honestly rope inducing. I date, but literally nobody gives a fuck about me. I put so much effort to maintain relationships it’s exhausting. I wish some cute twink gave a shit about me and actually put effort into a relationship. I plan everything, I listen, I make time for them, I’m there for them when they need me, yet nobody goes out their way to do the same for me. Yeah, I guess you could say I’m bitter. I bend backwards (not literally because I top) for these guys and I get nothing in return. I am gay, but I hate most gays they piss me off.
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It’s not cute, it’s pathetic. I’m completely blackpilled. I feel like I am surrounded by parasites who lead me on and receive nothing in return. I’m literally a doormat. I am too scared of putting my foot down. I have no self respect.
if you do, I’ll rape you
aww i am sorry to hear that. i would treat you right if you were my man
ropefuel i wish i was cute like this
Anon Finn is a guy and she's a girl
Sort of
How big is it?
How big is what
bearded buff guys loving each other is disgusting
Yes. Russia is gay friendly.
If you don't know then you don't belong in this thread fella.
Nooo!! please do tell me what you're talking about :>
want me to show you?
Show me?
Yeah. but first you have to cover your eyes and open your mouth wide.
then i will show you how big it is
Technically it is illegal, even in the secular penal code. However, most of the time, no one reall cares unless you are a public figure or you make a fuss out of it.
Keep it in the bedroom and it's no problem.
O-Okay but what do you need my mouth for?
when are straggots jumping off a cliff
It's supposed to be in 2024. Wtf is wrong with you people . Stop Persecuting me man.
show us your bussy, fag
No, not at all. The moment you confess you are gay, you will be raped by massive gay jomon dude.
No, I beat up gays
Nigga there is femboys gay and disgusting-like-seeing-roaches gay. No wonder people prefer the first option. And I’m 100% hetero.
No lol, harassment is in my everyday life
ca you beat me up I need pain
I wish it was unsafer
femboys are hot regular dudes are disgusting

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