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My life sucks edition
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Life isn't that bad, we can all do our best to get along and be happy. Since I got shadowbanned on tinder I remade my account with a new phone number and managed to get people to match with me. So I am probably not an post wall incel anymore <3
Are you an incel in your country?
Anyone have any ideas
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Why come?

Isn't Riga an old German Hanza colony? There are probably lots of old historic districts and churches. Latvians are just lithuanians who wanted to pretend they are German.
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I'm an ugly loser chud
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You should take better care of your health anon-chan, I know you can do it. Also no posting crude images. It is not very good.
You maybe right mate
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Why must uni lectures be so boring? I don't wanna do it T_T

Good luck anom, I support you.
Where is /Balt/?
is that the trump shooter
Hi :D and yes it is
They are bein invaded. It happens to the best of us. Like if you agree
Oh comon g
Can't have shit in this country
What is My boy Brian doing there?
Labas rytas /balt/!
Kažkokie tylūs šiandien visi
Jeffrey is always a New Zealand patriot
Labas rytas princesė
What? GEN Z IS TRYING TO CANCEL /balt/ + /ausnz/....
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Do you think Jeffrey will be my friend. He seems pretty cool.
tere, tiblad
Remind me again, why balt and ausnz got united?
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You haven't experienced suffering in your life if you don't have asthma and allergies. Can't breathe through nose and it feels like I'm on the verge of choking when inhaling through mouth. I can feel the presure from snot in my lungs and on the back of my throat, it's disgusting.
Please end my suffering
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I like this sport
>watching destiny
you must be a gay furry after all
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Political marriage, its me and you brother. C'mer and give me a big kiss.

No I am learning about bot stuff, its very education. You should educate yourself.
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Did you guys see the state of those buses that crashed full of chinese tourists today?
TID and fuck tourists
Yes :D
at least you look lile that
Goodbye for all eternity
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I look like this
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A house nigga in my thread.... You can't make this shit XD
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Do you guys like the sun in your cunt?
Wellington over 2100???
Lake tekapo is low
Bad map not happy
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It seems close enough to me, wellington isn't over 2100, the hills are.
baik talpinti mažus vaikus iškrypeli, pasakysiu VSD ką darai
I hate them
do you guys get confused about the southern regions here being warmer than the northern ones (usually) the same way i do when i look at these maps?
if you have once been my colonizer and our ancestors were countrymen at one point, am i still just a tourist or a (late) returnee?
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why do some "straight" anons here support civil union?
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No why? The world is a globe its not complicated. Also people never really experience temperature change as a result of latitude.
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I dislike your kind. You're just russians in denial trying to rob us of our statehood and history. Also sending us pajeets and other scum illegally. Stay away from Lithuania if you know what's best for you.
Yes, i mean, i understand how it works, but at first glance, it just kind of looks counterintuitive to me until my brain catches up (eventually)
I want to marry my bros to cheat on my taxes.
And what if your bro divorced you and you lost 50% of your wealth/property.
Russians say we're polonized Russians
Polish nationalists say we're russified Poles

And i hate the regime just as much as you, buddyfriendo

Also, i have been here at several points already and it was pretty sweet :)
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also, new /penisas/ map just dropped
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You're lucky most lithuanians lack what I would call national pride and honor. Don't really think much outside their own life. I wish we were more similar to poles in that sense.
White russians that i've met being in Wilno in the past few years being here are either retarded or don't respect the country and think better of them selves than they actually are. Delusional people. If it was up to me i'd deport you all back to siberia together with the laisvės partija retards that let you in here in the 1st place.
old news
you sound like a very cultured individual

believe me or not, i actually don't keep a close watch on the most recent developments in global penis sizes
but good on you for staying informed :)
>you sound like a very cultured individual
Look, I wish things had turned out different than they did, but it is what it is and now we're on different sides of the barricade.
I'm not. Just remember this image from a long time ago. I'm happy with my 7" friend.
i don't care about nationalism
in the end capitalism will destroy all nations, after the revolution in 100 or however many years we'll have forgotten about our 19th century ideals and we'll be in space already
brutal mogg
im only 6 incherinos
Still into Estonian hits,
Still loving negress clits,
That hang lower than the walls,
Come play with my Big Baltic Balls


Testing for double-dubs single quad retard post
anim4 mergait4s
juodoji biblija: valpurgijos naktis
geras hentai
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>tfw horny but gf ain't home
what do?
Nationalism is what made us into separate country from russia if anything it's only a good thing
i agree that it was good, but nationalism shouldn't be chauvinistic, some of the early lithuanian activists like kudirka were socialists
>nationalism shouldn't be chauvinistic
Agreed. What do you think about the reforms that are getting passed in seimas for genocide center and Škirpa's memory board being taken down by Vilniaus savivaldybė?
škirpa took part in genocide, didn't he?
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I don't mean to alarm you anon.. but the baltic states and oceania are in DIFFERENT timezones
visos moterys nori tik Čado
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>I don't like nationalism when it's bad, when nationalism is GOOD however, then it is good.
the statement that sent shockwaves throughout the baltic intellectual sphere
I have a small dick
I have only 7 inches
i wish i wasn't so small
ok Mandingo
no, he just said that after the soviet occupation lithuanians have to make living conditions for them very unfriendly so they would leave on their own accord, but he wasn't part of the genocide
We live in a beautiful country, I don’t actually go on here much and always wonder what kiwis who post on 4 chan talk about on here
Why is this thread almost entirely a samefagging kiwi
Come to /brit/ mate, talk to some real people for once
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Bro, you have to pick your bros better. None of my bros would do that to their bro (me).
people on /brit/ are cunts and there's too many of them. i never want to hear the name rorke again
oh no
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Yep this qt is from your cuntry
wtf dentist anon I thought you liked us
can i get a basic rundown.. i'm not too familiar with the /balt/+/ausnz/ happenings
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like seven years ago someone for shits and giggles invited trannies from /lgbt/ board to this general. That happened few times lol
>basic rundown
that's kslopchad after 10 years of sissy hypno
this is the average /balt/ poster's iq thoughbeit...
True. My iq is 101 and yes I've done the test irl
today's rundown of topics discussed on /balt/ + /ausnz/:


That's for the first half of today, of course
Show penisas
You're about to have my cock discussed in your throat
Been there DESU it didn't kill me nor made me STRONGER the worst time for me is when BIRCH is spreading the pollen also I'm allergic for the DUST MITES
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> allergic for the DUST MITES
same brother. So long as I clean my room every few days it's fine, but sleeping over anywhere else is a pain.
Also cats, went into shock when I was little after we got a kitten, though I've mostly grown out of it by now
visit a physical therapist who specifies in pulmonology and cardiology, he will show you exercises that could help you breathe more easly
Why are there so few women with decent jawlines HOLY SHIT I can't stand these chinlet manlets
reminder to read hegel and marx
hmu if you want a reading list
AVRIMAS the benevolent /balt/god saves the day again
čia filosofija doe
how do I win a heart of Estonian man?
so hot, that my puss and armits are smelly
nothing ever happens and fukuyama was right
Cook him mannapudru on saturdays
i value my time
Why are you gay, onorusik?
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not sure about the others, but to me personally, you seem a bit horny
Why is homosexuality so prevalent among the slavs?
High IQ.
>High IQ.
It seems to be the opposite in your case, Vanya
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Envy and slander.
Why are pribalts like this.
I just think slavs who do homosex are more vocal because, depending on the country, it is still something that is more or less repressed and taboo
Karums is actually ok.
Yes Im on nofap. Trying to fix my porn addiction
>reminder to read hegel and marx
Might as well read the Bible then, if you are into eschatology.
Me too, I guess not as severely as you guys, since I don't need to clean that often and don't have problems with pets, but still, sometimes it acts up. You can scratch all you want - no help. But I noticed that keeping skin covered (clothes, blankets) can reduce it and make it go away.
>early lithuanian activists like kudirka were socialists
That's because landowners were not Lithuanians or at best Polonized. Very good way to merge socialism with nationalism then.
>. Latvians are just lithuanians who wanted to pretend they are German.
What? No... Latvians formed specifically from those Baltic tribes that wholly or mostly ended up under Sword Brethren later Teutonic Order's Livonian branch of control.
You don't know shit about Latvia gweilo
I know they are not Lithuanians, besides some Lithuanians that live there.
They even speak weirder than Samogitians.
But they are our Baltic brothers.
Shame about Prussians and others tho. Jotvingians who larp now as Poles...
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Aurimas is probably the richest lithuanian poster (diaspoo doesn't count).
how old is he
Alri I'm off to read the Book of Revelation
Perkūnas smite you.
huge anime tiddies
excellent post
That ain't me nigga
around the border of ukraine & russia exists a language mix called surzhyk. does such a thing exist on the border with lithuania & latvian? i am curious
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I've been a nasty girl, nasty
I've been a nasty girl, nasty
I've been a nasty girl, nasty
I've been a nasty, nasty, nasty
you forgot to namefag, dima
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Good morning I'm horny
Yes you are, Dima the onorusik, yes you are.
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I graduated from gay sex school and I like to tell people about it.
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Latvians are literally just the Lithuanians who were conquered by the Livonian order. They are clearly Germanized Lithuanians imitating the Germans living in Riga.

tell us more uneducated claims about our countries and people, you Shurley know better than we do.
Why did I have to be born a tranny in Lithuania? I am too poor, too ugly, I have to watch everyone around me somehow make it despite them being nowhere near as valid as me
The only thing that matters in life is attractiveness
Revelation is great I wish it was real instead of fan fiction
Our flag also has a big attention whore you aren't all that special bud
there is a popular Lithuanian way out of such situation....
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>Latvians are literally just the Lithuanians who were conquered by the Livonian order.
Latvians did not exist then, Lithuanian state was just emerging from separate Baltic tribes and tribal confederations too.
Have some common decency and change your VPN to Russia or Poland before you make an objectively abhorrent post.
You don't even live in this shithole, you don't even speak Lithuanian
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Fact, all Eesti posters are Russian and female. This cannot be disproven.

Exactly, they were just Lithuanian tribes who become Latvians because they want to adopt German culture.
e could also do it the way you did
Yes and then make tons of abhorrent posts
Dp you want to see my girlbeard
itty bitty animė titties
>you don't even speak Lithuanian
You should shaved it, it will make you much prettier

Boobs are sex
I wish i had a gf :(
big bunda
big tiddies
go outside and meet girls, don't you have any kind of summer parties around you?
you know what website you are on right?
Fuck me, i just found out that where i was staying when i went to Greece was the hood of Athens :(
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I was meant to be working today and Saturday but we showed up to the job and the place was full of asbestos dust. It's such a great feeling when you accept and prepare to suffer and then you don't.
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If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
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I can still feel the dust in my lungs and throat and I was only standing in there for 10 minutes
Me too, sometimes...
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Start vaping so you are no longer as worried about the dust.

>This is my stadts gay ass falg
I will change this when I am MayoralFuhrer
and how is that going so far?
"Boobs are sex"

- PostWallMoid, 2024
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You are welcome friend, I need to come up with a new name. Since I am no longer post wall, I have escaped shadowbannedom
playing MyHouse.wad wish me luck lads
I'm not very worried but maybe I should be. I just read about the effects of what I work with everyday and I might start wearing a mask at work. Some of it is carcinogenic while other stuff can cause organ damage if it enters the bloodstream at a high quantity. I breathe in a lot of dust; being a wagie sucks.
what summer parties are u yapping about
wish I didn't have a gf
>one lith flag wants gf
>second lith flag doesn't want his gf

maybe you should get, umm, acquainted?

In the box
I want to make Smiles my wife (male)
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>You haven't experienced suffering in your life
Very brazen of you to say that to me.
have a good personality, but that is an impossible task for a woman
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I made Sauteed Mushroom Pasta for dinner last night, what did you have for dinner anons?
Chur cuz sieg fucking heil

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