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nightclubbing edition
i like how refuses to touch the ugly one
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>Club de Fromage
never had the pollo
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Seems like a win-win to me
ever fingered a girl in a club?
cheesed to meet you
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what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
i want to see the video tbqh
i have snorted various substances in clubs
made some top quality potatoes and chicken lads. absolutely DELISH
for me its easier to imagine the end of the world then the end of capitalism
why would i finger a girl in a club? what do i get out of it?
no but ive wanked over a reddit story by a girl who got her arse fingered by a bloke in a clube who then proceeded to seductively suck the offending finger and apparently that's hot for women
Nah had my cock felt but I was on MD so it was all floppy
its good tier but it's no speciale
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never been to a club if im honest
Mad how many bots are on the internet now
was in tenerife once and saw a girl getting fingered in the club. was horrific. the lad and girl were like 14 or something. ended up turning round and going home.
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lol completely forgotten what this even is
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>no but ive wanked
exgfstein used to suck my fingers after they were inside her
only her vagoo though, never one from her chocolate factory
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*enters the thread*
>Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25

>Campaigners receive longest ever sentences for non-violent protest after being convicted of conspiracy to cause public nuisance

>Hallam received a five-year sentence on Thursday, while the other four were each sentenced to four years.

imagine that. getting jailed for trying to prevent the apocalypse brought on by the oil conglomerates
gay arse poo and a barm
gay arse poo and a barm
>Jewish, Muslim and Irish diaspora editors
Just Stop Toil.
capitalism is dependent on the world, no world no capitalism
Lmao whose she going to attract with those pathetic skinny legs
Spainpaedo bait
have actually yeh despite being a virgin
it was disgusting and i ran away afte rdoing it for a few minutes
she was so wet it was vile
would after 2 pints
Not good mate.
slimy fingers
how mads that
>have you had sexual activity with a woman?
>no but ive wanked
Not illegal though is it
You are ALL cute, yes all of you and I would hug all of you if I could. Have a nice day.
Sick of living in a shithole town. Can’t wait till i move out.
It’s grim as fuck, druggies, old alcoholics, dole scum walking about in trackies, fat single mothers, 40iq african and indian migrants

wish i lived somewhere where walking down the street properly dressed with no visible signs of addiction was the norm and not the exception.
does myself in my room count
Everywhere in the UK is like that
all that changes is the percentage
4chan has been completely usurped by moralfaggots
thought crime
just sneezed just now
lovely post, more of this :)
Lmao the trinity of nonsense



but the world is not dependent on capitalism
Blud thinks he’s unique LMAOOOOOOOOO
mad this uno
seen a boy on the bus scrolling memes on his phone. should honestly be considered as shameful as wanking in public. internet is degenerate
spagbowl bubbling away nicely on the cooker x
have you seen a world without capitalism?
The human world is
You might not like it, but it's fact!
No it isn’t. There are places where the streets are actually clean, the high street has shops open and people actually look normal and not dirty, unwashed semi homeless feral chavs and druggies lunging about town shouting, causing a scene or begging
rorke watching a keith woods video and then running to /brit/ to complain about irish diaspora
rest in peace Jay Slater
heaven has another angel now x
one of my favourite and least favourite things about living in a shitty place is complete strangers harrassing you on the street if they see you dressed even remotely "above your station". Like, wearing a pattern is a harrassable offence in Belfast lol
Name 5
dont know what to do with myself
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A lovely machete wielding angel
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>wearing a pattern
what that means?
just saw that his mum is asking for even more money after making £60k off his gofundme that had a £30k target
Wearing even something as simple as jeans and a nice jumper or jacket down my high street can make you stand out. Most people are either old or dressed in filthy tracksuits. I’ve seen some runts in shops and chemists etc wearing pyjamas
strange 2008-2012 vibes from this one
Keith Woods isn't Irish diaspora
thats some archaic imagery
rip jessi slaughter
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He means wearing a patterned suit but dolescum have been known to seethe at just the sight of a shirt or blazer
are you a shankhill man or a falls road lad
the old people in my town look like they're literally decaying.
don't do the crime if ye cannot do the time
literally what it says. if your shirt isn't completely plain, you'll get shouted at on the street.

someone from a car shouted "do a run for iz Tom!" and then started doing the mission impossible song at me cuz I had sunglasses on when it was sunny.
Need all businesses with the word "solutions" in their name out of business
seriously cringy patter
age are you mate
how is protesting a crime again?
*sneaks into your kitchen and does an elton john special in the pot*
Lol top banter
My FAVOURITE part of shitty little towns is the promiscuous young tarts. Ever been wanked off in a park as a teen? You can still do it
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just stop goyle
I dont even mean suits. I mean any patterns at all. suit, button up, t-shirt, anything.
Because the government made it illegal
it's antidemocratic to criticise elected officials
Big news on the high street lads they've opened a tanning shop
they probably dont like tartan because its Scottish and catholics hate jocks
You are spainnonce

You just replied to spainnonce
people used to hang about near the shitty flats nearby and catch the door when someone went in and then they'd go under the stairwell and shag there.
You can't just do anything as part of a protest and say "um well I'm protesting so it should be legal!!!"
>@BBCnew Kier Starmer: I love raping dead dogs up the bum while I watch my wife being fucked by 18 black hammers
Hey ladies
When your man wanna get buck-wild
Just go back and hit 'em up style
Get your hands on his cash and
Spend it to the last dime
For all the hard times
Oh, when you go then everything goes
From the crib to the ride and the clothes
So you better let him know that
If he mess up, you gotta hit 'em up
You just replied to spainnonce
Cronem takeaways
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i wish
That wasn't Jay with the machete it was a mate of his who got done and Jay was trying to protect the lad and just got in the middle of it.

probably needs it to get his body home
White man's plaything
america isn't a nation
it's an idea
Evening Adam
is that emily ratajowski or whatever her name is
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Beware please lads
omggg i was born in the WRONG generation gives us good music none of this DUBSHIT from skrillshit and less nigger rap from DRAKE and LIL WAYNE!!!!!!
>you can protest but only as long as it doesnt ACTUALLY achieve anything
How much can it cost to stick a body in an easyjet seat
fake tan hands and a hoop
Exquisite post
who is it
ACHTUNG: This poster is spainnonce
The uggo on the right must be the thief
get your bollocks out
let them BREATHE
If you feel you need to do illegal things to 'achieve something', don't be surprised when you end up in prison
dunno. just know it's not yer woman.
i rang my old company about getting my old job there. my ex-boss basically laughed in my face and said it wont be possible for me to return

im distraught now. stuck in a job i hate, cant go back to my old job, and its also impossible to join a trade in this country without knowing someone.

seriously considering suicide at this point. its over
*drives them straight off a cliff*
might pop out and get a pack of tans
evening nigel
It’s always better to be in shape than not
Even if you are depressed and poor, you’re still better off than if you were depressed, poor and fat
Why are you pretending to be that other lad
might protest the current matriarchal gyno-centric society we live it by getting my bollocks out
left side of my head is sore
its expensive. after my nan died my grandad went with a lady friend Maureen. she had a heart complaint but didn't tell him, she just said she had diabetes. they went to portugal and didn't have travel insurance. she had a heart attack on the beach and died. cost him a fortune to bring her body back. they wouldnt let her body on her seat the dead have to fly with the luggage.
Bizarre gimmick
Go to South America and get involved in the drug trade
you're dehydrated
It's spainnonce latest gimmick. Expect him to show up on his trip followed shortly by sacked tranny
how so
If you want a trade just go get your cscs card and start there. Lots of cash in hand work as well
corazon clubbing in benidorm
>they wouldnt let her body on her seat
no shit you trogolydyte , what kind of caveman society do you live in where having a dead body sat next to you on the plane would be ok
the woke HATE it when you get your bollocks out
Fromage de smegma
just become a hooker
at least you have a job. check your privilege cunt
pretending to be another poster is not a spainnonce gimmick lol
thats the idea behind challenging the status quo
This week has been a bit of a mixed bag if I'm honest
bastard simpsons on bastard channel 4 gone bastard woke
having a sit down poo
You. Are. Spainpaedo. VPN off Adam
Imagine working on a site
Fuck that for a laugh
what direction are you facing?
Went for a walk today and got lost
has dragged tbqhwy
anyone seen janny?
i moved to holland, theyre more accepting of nonces here
part of the culture isnt it
sideways with my feet bathing in the sink
i work on a site
a web site ;)
going to see twisters in cinemaberg tonight
the dark side of /brit/…
haven’t been to the cinemas since january 2020 to see 1917
dark side of the troon
grandad wouldn't mind
the depressing thing is, even if you earn 100k, 200k or more, it still is basically going to take you 20 years in london to get to level of money a boomer plumber has
and those salaries literally only exist in london so you can't leave this shithole

might take a fucking boat over to france and see if they give me a free hotel and pocket money for life instead
Hate when I have to split one poo between two sessions because the toaster pops halfway through
careful you dont set off the incel detectors lad
using the rimming seat in the correct direction with your dads open mouth below awaiting the poo
my dads dead
dead gay lol
Should be going directly to the source and bombing their business infrastructure instead of annoying the public.
ate too much poo did he?
My village is like this, very few non whites again and yes we're a conservative safe seat
boo hoo nigga
womp womp cry more
why not try the netherlands or belgium before france
Think the amount of booze and weed i’ve had this year has knocked some points off my IQ
wonder how haram it is to face mecca and spaff that direction if you're a professional muslim
bit of a long boat ride innit
france is closer
gerry adams? working for the british
but weed makes you smarter
holland is suicide fuel, belgium is barren, france is the same as uk (nothing outside of paris)
I'm sure there's a hadith on this somewhere
why are you talking like a zoomer yank you embarrassment
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>he's dead tired
you can tell it's warm outside when the lads are furiously posting away off cooldown
which direction is mecca
might give this a go whilst moaning allahs name
between madri and taylors coffee what is with yorkshire and stealing latin valour
exploring the early filmography of lela star
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Making bad dietary choices that my stomach will make me regret tomorrow.
madri is just carling
mental how most Yanks havee never seen the ocean and would have to drive hundreds of miles to go to a beach
she was pengers before she had her arse inflated with implants and her face munted
seen her with her tongue in a black mans anus before too
its up
not true. most of them live on the coasts . IDIOT
Men's Mental Health.
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Got COVID lads
Feel like arse haha x
de berg
toilets in poland are really shallow and my willard tip keeps touching the bowl. have to hold my nob while im sitting down just to keep it out of reach of the porcelain. might just be the hotel im in though.
Why is my twitter just full of American blacks? I don’t follow any of them, I only follow a few of my mates and football accounts, yet in my page half of it is just negroes arguing about dumb stuff in ebonics

Why? Stop trying to shove African American “culture” down my throat
Alri Joe biden
alri joe biden
denmark it is, then
>Jay Slater's devastated mother has appealed for more GoFundMe donations so she can give her son the 'send off he deserves' after his body was found at the base of a ravine in Tenerife
Anyone else donating? Just gave her £1000
big fan of paulaner weissbier but very difficult to buy here, and quite expensive!
the For You page is absolutely atrocious
Don't know anyone who's had covid since 2022
taken some viagra

now i need to decide what i shall be doing a wankeroo over
twitters gone woke
where is the Belfast poster?
Because Elon has let it go to shit on purpose
Leftypol forgetting how the government locked him in his house for a year and he cheered them on
The tailoring on that suit is absolutely dismal
fire up the tor browser
Don't know anyone who's had covid
Yeah pops up in my for you every once in a while. I only follow funny pages and some footballs and some wog pops up typing phonetically
Must admit I would not be able to tell a well-tailored suit from a poorly-tailored one
I don't know anyone who had it
on account of it being not real
Gordon Bennett
got two twitter accounts
one is normie football and friend stuff
the other is a giga rorke account
l only follow right wing X users so my feed is based and redpilled
sometimes I see really loose, saggy suits that don't look tailored at all and then it turns out they're very expensive designer suits
give us your email lads i want to show you a funny picture of the dogs i took
Not sure how to dance in a manly way
Women have it easy
which is more popular
didn't like that video but can't stop watching it for some reason aha
its all about the cut and the material
cut depends on the body size of the wearer
material is basically if its plastic its cheap dogshit
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which one?
lol same
it's addicting
fake tan hands and a hoop!
erm... tummy erotic
need her to bear my offspring so that my genes may live on after i die
that's a sex
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new frank green and a sneaky link
new frank green and a sneaky link
the one whose grandfather was in a paramilitary
de trout spinnaz
hawk tuah
spit on that thang
same as temporary secretary
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I must feed her
Bob the knees and do reload animations from call of duty with your hands
based gabe
b&m bargains is so good for beer lads
doesnt make sense when i see profoundly disabled people who are good looking. in my experience they all have like bad skin overweight bad teeth etc because their condition prevents them looking after themselves normally
would legit need a mandingo meat missile to satisy her
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I still think about you Jen
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Absolutely MENTAL that big cunts like this used to just cut about the gaff for hundreds of millions of years
>keeps looking directly into the camera
Tiktoks cunts can't even pretend properly
His mum probably looks after him very well
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turkish realtor ahh
cunts used to just scran leaves all day
namby pamby nonsense this, woke word for dumb. give him a good hiding and he'll soon start talking
why are my nipples so pointy
makes going out in a t-shirt really anxiety-provoking
almost too mental to believe init
Cameras aren't eyes
he'd need to be from a tarq family to have people there to conatntly make sure he isnt excessively touching his face, eating like shit etc
ahaha they werent any dinosaurs in England you melt
wonder what their willards were like
scientist fantasy, telling tall tales to dopes like you
I bet he's been molested by a lot of horny women
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it's not a bad idea for a dating show
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mark spending his thrusday evening down sandford lane loving life

you? sat in your smelly childhood bedroom dreading toil tomorrow hahahah
bizarre post from the mind of a porn addict
utterly refuse to believe that stephen fry has not interfered with lads arses of a questionable age
Omg jorobe turned out to be a nonce
On the train home from work. It’s delayed at the platform and another train is about to pull up at the next platform. A cute girl is looking out of the door to see which train will leave first, and I’m doing the same. She starts chatting to me, joking about picking the wrong train and which one to choose and I’m just saying “I know, it’s what always happens” why can’t I banter bros?
they also had three horns
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he'd probably tell someone
Not how women work, m8
we both self-harm like losers
Does a stutter mean someone was raped as a child
We need a technological revolution on these shores
The biggest, best, brightest
Pretty sure he used to joke about doing that sort of thing when he was in boarding school.
come from the boats down south
on the verge of getting poo steaming
mad how every American gaff looks the exact same
Why did he do it?
Well he wrote that paedo play about a tracher shagging a boardin school kid and then running off to Greece or summat
>stephen fry
surely not
like, zoinks scoob!
how it feels to break your nofap streak
Course there were you fucking cretin
so many shops are closed these days wasn't like this before
enjoy your prostate cancer.

wank. every. day.
because young people know how to order shit online unlike decrepit boomers
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surprised there were any leaves left like aha
dont be fucking daft no one ever found a dinosaur in England
the n-word… ooOooOooohh….
name one british national treasure personality that didn't turn out as a massive psychosexual wrongun
imagine the blood pressure on this thing
I’m 53 and it used to be worse. Shops would be half day on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and they never opened on Sundays or Bank Holidays
5'11 vs 6'0 haha
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>I'm 53
might be cornershop toil for me shortly de looooods
Sunday Trading Act 1994 was the beginning of the slippery slope for this country.
probably a richer biosphere owing to the different levels of atmospheric gases . thin thats why they grew so big
get the pakis supported financially
degenerate prick fuck you
The first dinosaur ever discovered was in England you stupid cunt. Dorset has an entire 'Jurassic Coast' named for the amount of dinosaur fossils in it
>I’m 53
Found your pal mate:
imagine still thinking dinosaurs looked like lizards
that was a movie you knobhead
I agree. It all became about money, and less about the social ties and social obligations they had been forged over centuries. The world became noisy and brash. The difference between test cricket and T20

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