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It's been a week /int/.
How's your love life in your country? I hope you guys haven't give up? Tomorrow is weekend.
tomorrow is mosque day
anyway, women are cringe and for reproduction
i'd rather read a good novel than bother with vaginas but my favourite author is too busy wasting his netflix money
>vietnam flag
I've missed you, bro. Have you talked to any woman yet?
My body hurts from finishing the kokoda track

Gonna go on a date on Sunday with a girl. This will be our 4th date. Last date we had our first kiss

Life is pretty good
Are you australian lmao
i'm jobless, it's been really damaging to my confidence. i don't (can't) even bother with women
I’m in a wheelchair, I don’t bother.
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pretty good, just another good week.
I'm disabled
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Want to be a sexpat in Thailand
I went to thailand with my ex and there was a lot of beautiful young european tourist girls there.
cute tranner
love life is fucking going down, gf pseudo left me last week and im still a mental wreck
That sucks bro. I know that feeling. Thankfully I've found another girl to be with now.
Yeah dawg
I got on Tinder again. Saw a girl from uni on there, from way back. She's 33 now. I never fancied her when we were in the same class, but now I'm thinking "why not".
Noice. Do they stare at you all the time?
i have no cunnt prospects at the moment. I had sex with two women from dating apps last week but I didn't like either of them. I suppose I might go out during the weekend and try to harrass women irl. Unfortunately the only ppl i know who go out include several girls in their group who i've already fucked and now they are weird with me.
I've never had a conversation with a woman
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life is good brother
the tattoo on her arm is her bodycount btw
no thats the min coq size req in mm
Money in the air as mo' fell, grab you by your coat tail
Take you to the motel, ho sale, don't tell, won't tell
Baby said I don't talk, Dogg, but she told on me, oh well
Take a picture with me, what the flick gon' do?
Baby, stick to me, and I'mma stick on you
If you pick me, then I'mma pick on you
D-O-double G and I'm here to put this dick on you
I'm stuck on pussy and yours is right
Rip ridinin' them poles and them doors is tight
And I'mma get me a shot for the end of the night
'Cause pussy is pussy and, baby, your pussy for life
Yeah a bit

I used to work here for a few years though, so I'm used to the place and how the life here is
Must be weird to be the only white guy there.
She was a whore anyway and you deserve better king
is that a known tranny? shes incredibly hot
Sort of but im in Port moresby and there are a number of expats. You see a white guy each day here unless you go to the remote areas.
In those places everyone says hello and good morning to talk to a white guy
That's pretty interesting. is your girlfriend a native local?
Okay, say I wanted to find a gf. What do I do tomorrow? Go out and talk to random girls on the street? How do I turn it into romantic stuff, not just friendly?
Or do you guys date online? I don't know anymore. I never had a gf, don't know how to do that. I guess you should chat with some girl a lot on some chatting app nowadays. But I know no girls
1. Dating apps (the least effort, but good luck if you're average looking)
2. Party, bar, club, etc. It's actually easy for casual hookup.
3. Friends, acquaintances. I'm dating a brit, she's my cousin's english teacher.
be black
I turned 33 this month. I'm a kissless virgin.
>be intcel
>lie on the internet
Why are you like this bro
Go talk to women, it's not that hard.
No, she's an actual woman
I'm virgin at 37
1. I don't really wanna use dating apps because it feels like cheating + it's mostly low quality people on there
2. I'm not looking for a casual hookup, I'm looking for a wife to have family and kids with
3. Don't have anyone like that

I asked just to see what you would say, I knew ever since I was 15 that I would be a wizard, and it's soon going to be fulfilled
no, i think i prefer making deluded threads on 4chan int
in fact i denied a party invitation just now to be able to post on here
two hot girls just BEGGING me to come to their house party
I don't know about cold approaching women on the street. To be honest, I imagine it would be very awkward & there's a high chance she's think you're a creep.
That's why you need to make friends, expand your circle. You'll probably find a girlfriend that way.
Bro 4chan is just a place to kill time. I just wanna have a chat with a few guys here to kill time.
This is a larp. You can't be this clueless.
Jesus Christ I'm drunk.
Be russian
If girls just don't like you there's nothing you can do
That sucks bro. You must be the unluckiest bastard in the world.
I won't give up, no matter what. I will just keep fighting even without a purpose.
You can stop being condescending
im going to start drinking and maybe ill talk to women after
I'm sorry bro. I'm a nice guy, honest. But how can you let yourself go being a virgin for 37 years? That's crazy.
That's the spirit!
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It's good. Had a rough couple weeks but it's getting a lot better, both mentally and physically.
Changed the layout inside my apartment, got rid of a bunch of junk I never use and cleaned.
AND because of that I realized I had a bunch of old monitors in the closet that was hidden behind a bunch of stuff so now I have a quad-monitor setup.

Been a good day.
> love
> life
pick one
I have given up chasing girls and relationships, it has only brought me heartache and pain. I'm very unattractive, and being rejected over and over really hurts my mental health. I'll leave the door open so to speak, if any girl shows interest in me then I won't reject her, but it won't happen in a million years so whatever. I focus on myself and my hobbies instead.
>kokoda track
Isn't that properly dangerous? I seem to remember reading a travel report from some guy many years ago, and he said there are roaming gangs there which will murder hikers.
Are you that 21 year old guy I talked to last week (or month? I don't remember)
Don't give up man! With 10 approaches, there will be one success! Don't give up hope man.
Oh by the way, I did all this because I met a chick last week.
Nice man. What did I tell you guys, getting a girlfriend is easy as fuck.
It’s not possible to meet attractive women (model tier) if you weren’t born into the right social class. Anything less than that is not, and will never be, even slightly attractive to me.
I have you beat. 44. And there's a reason for it too. Here in Finland we too are experiencing the Japan-phenomenon. Birthrates are dropping like flies, because women refuse to do their part and won't put out.
I still do the shite job every day like terrible bot do the same thing almost every day.i just wanna every day enjoy my personal time and work by myself but some of my workmate are really really stupid
I wouldn't say easy but it's not as hard as one might think sometimes. Luck is a big part of it.
>Are you that 21 year old guy I talked to last week
Oh I fucking wish my man. I'll turn 34 in a few months.
hey fuck you dude dont talk about her like that
You're definitely right. Luck does play a major part. I think I'm also a lucky guy, too.
You, me and the majority of men can't never date the top %5 of hot women in the world. You'll just have to settle & be happy with 7/10 girl.
Amazing. You're literally a virgin grandpa
I would rather stay single than be with someone ugly. I have a far better physique than any professional athlete or olympian on the planet, and that too without relying on PEDs. I feel genuinely angry when some ugly plain jane at work tries to make small talk, thinking she might have a shot.
It must be a nightmare to turn 30s and still havent touched a woman in your life. Thats crazy and sad.
Are you like an actual "Chad" by 4chan standard? Your body count?
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>Amazing. You're literally a virgin grandpa

I currently hold the rank of Grand Wizard. Looking forward to my promotion to a Wizard Captain rank soon.
>virgins, normies and Chad in one single thread
4chan is truly an amazing place.
>ugly plain jane at work

Are they fat? I fucking hate the amount of delusion they have. I work out too. I'm certainly no star athlete, but fit enough that I' not shacking up with someone who looks like they're having donuts, beer, and cooking oil for breakfast all day erry day.

I had a point where I was suicidal over this, I kid you not.
Lulz whatever you do, don't settle with a fat woman.
Yeah it can be dangerous
We had to change our camp-site on the second day because where we were the tribes were fighting. But we were fine
Bro, your VPN....
Nah she's white and in sydeny.

I'm flying home right now.
Nah, I'm using my aussie sim card at the moment, so I show as australia
Yeah I thought so. I knew about this because a french expat guy here sometimes he switch from vn flag to french flag
why are you in the future
I am the future
>How's your love life in your country?
Not good. There's a woman who I can't let go, a woman who refuses to allow me to go about my day without thinking of her, hell I should be in bed, but I'm here writing about her. She has her life and I have mine and yet that's the source of my unhappiness.
>Tomorrow is the weekend
You can fix this problem by having sex with another woman, right now. I did this. It will dull the pain away faster.
I can't do that as I'm not that type of person, promiscuity isn't in my nature. I don't know, I guess I'm just old fashion.
You SHOULD embrace promiscuity bro. Life is too short to wait for that pure, nice girl. She will never come to you, bro!
It's time to accept it, embrace women for what they are and have sex. It doesn't matter bro. Just keep having sex until you find the right one.
Lmao, based. But seriously I'm very stubborn with my beliefs and it's hard for me to change them nor do I want to.
you are going in the cringe book
>just go outside and talk to women and have sex bro
It must be real nice to get invited to parties all the time and have success on dating apps, but not everyone is a normalfag with 7/10 looks.
I was in the same boat as you last year. I was dating this 9/10 french, super beautiful girl. Blonde, blue eyes with gentle voice, literally the girl of my dream and now suddenly we broke up.
I'd say fuck it, just go out there and shoot your shot with every women and see how it goes. You can't expect any good thing last forever. And I ain't lying down be depressed about this shit, if anything, thanks to her, she gave me a confident boost on how to approach women.
You got me. It's over for me.
I'm literally a 180 cm guy with a baby face. Get a grip of yourself bro. It's all about personality and how you talk to girls. Just drink. It will give you confidence boost.
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I think I've been to one party in my entire life and that party had precisely zero women. I'm also too much of a sperg to get along with normalfags, so it's already over.
I was the same way, then had a job that was really dangerous and exciting for a few months. After it ended I was on a testosterone high and was bouncing between three casual hookups for a while. Eventually I came back down to Earth, got into a HORRIBLE relationship, and got my spirit broken by graduate school. So it might be something you break out of eventually.

In my case I also didn't finish during sex until like the 4th time with the same partner. I assume I have some kind of sexual complex and it comes with a barrier I need to break through. That was also something that disappeared when I was T'd up and came back after I crashed back into betahood. So I usually didn't go out and have casual sex because to me, sex wasn't the vastly superior alternative to jacking off that can be. Frankly speaking I'd take back anywhere from a third to half the women I've slept with. Jerking off would have been preferable to some of the hookups I've had.
>that party had precisely zero women
Jesus fuck what kind of party is that lmao
Anyway how old are you? If you're in your 20s, save some money and go travel in south east Asia (Thailand, Bali). There are plenty of beautiful European girls travel staying in hostel and I can imagine you can socialize & talk to them in that setting.
Don't regret the lifestyle you chose bro. It's better to have pussies than having none. At least you don't have to imagine how it feels to fuck a girl.
>Jesus fuck what kind of party is that lmao
I have no clue. A friend invited me to some party he had heard about after I told him about how pathetic my romantic life is. And lo and behold, no women there.
>Anyway how old are you? If you're in your 20s, save some money and go travel in south east Asia (Thailand, Bali). There are plenty of beautiful European girls travel staying in hostel and I can imagine you can socialize & talk to them in that setting.
That's certainly an option. I'm going to be done with uni soon, so after that I'll be totally on my own, so that's probably the only option, except landwhales on Tinder.
Good luck bro. I don't guarantee you'll get pussy but it's worth a try.
>never had gf befo
>get gf
>gf is attractive face wise, but could lose about 20lb
What do
>didn't finish during sex until like the 4th time with the same partner. I assume I have some kind of sexual complex and it comes with a barrier I need to break through. That was also something that disappeared when I was T'd up and came back after I crashed back into betahood
How the fuck did you end up being able to finish because I can't, even with blowjobs.
Tell her to lose weight but be subtle. Don't say it straight to her face or you'll hurt her feeling. Just give her an idea that you like skinny girl or something.

Anyway I think I have to go now. I'm going out this weekend. Have fun guys.
Nice try Satan, but no, I'm glad things worked out for you in the end, I just hope my ending is a bit different.
>And I ain't lying down be depressed about this shit
Unfortunately no amount of bad experience is gonna change me. I've been through some and yet here I am helplessly infatuated with a woman while completely ignoring the existences of all the others.
Familiarity and not using a condom. Those are the two biggest issues.
The first is related to you getting inside your own own head with some kind of issues. Some kind of racing thoughts, performance anxiety, or something else that's creating emotional distance can really take the fun out of sex. All the people I know who actually enjoy casual sex have low inhibition and high openness. I think 4channers nowadays tend to be high inhibition and low openness, at least the majority do.
The second is just because sex feels way way way better without a piece of greased latex keeping you from feeling some sweet sweet pussywalls.
Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm going to last with the current girl I am with. But hey, it's better than nothing, I guess.
Good luck man, I hope things work out for you. I have to go for real now. Maybe I'll come back here in a month or something. I have a lot of things, family business, love life, etc. I gotta fix things.

I hope you'll find the right girl, and for the rest of the guys here who are reading this: it's not too late. Just man up.
Good luck guys.
Yeah it'd be a mental thing. Thanks for the insight, maybe I'll try some alcohol next time

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