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inb4 this post gets 404'd
I am chaos
This kid again?
I'm gonna take a shower and fap.
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Look, this is you. I want to plap you.
Would american parents feel shame if their daughter brought home a swedish man
Why'd he do it?
404 in 5...4...3...2...1..
Average blackrock fan.
boomer, coomer, bloomer, doomer, groomer, loomer, roomer, vroomer, xoomer, zoomer
My temp went down to 98.9 without ibuprofen. Maybe my body's fighting the virus.
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crying again
I'm going to the weed store then the casino, then the strip club, then the weed store again.
lil bro thought he was gavril :skull:
LSD is better. Kys.
Non piangere Maria
Non c'è ragione

Un anno passa presto
Amore mio

Anche se può sembrare
Una prigione

Ci stiamo tutti quanti
In allegriaaaaaaaaaaaaa
only in america can you profess your love for sucking dick and become an instant millionaire
Last name: Crooks
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I'm getting paid in 37 mins.
My bank account will have over 1k.
Early Life Section: Jew.
Men who don't see through women's bullshit and placate it are worse than womens bullshit
What happened?
same but i don't work
Not true thougheverbeit
wait how.
I don't work either.
I got laid off yesterday.
It used to be true. Either edited away or was fake news, I guess.
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I don't think we know his religion
neet bucks
keemo kimo dar o whar
No, and I don't know why anons here say they would
Saw pics of dudes head blown open. Dark blood everywhere. He ain't pretty no more. Those snipers don't play
I'm gonna trip you out cause i'm weird like this.
I bet you use tangerine as your bank?
Am i wrong?
nope. never heard of it
Why do people still suggest 30-06 as a preferable alternative to .308
Except for the fact that they didn't do anything for 20 minutes and couldn't use muh sloped roof
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i have been wearing my dress shoes for the past couple of days to break them in and i am glad i did. i need a couple more mm of room at the pinky toe added to my last before my next order is made. thankfully they will address it and the next pair of shoes should be perfect.
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don't goon guys
that was fake albeit
I never answer the door when someone knocks
it's never anything good
i guess your neetbuxs comes in thursday instead of friday.

i used to get paid always on friday but ever since i switched to tangerine, i get paid a day early. I was with CIBC for the past 6 years.
i would be proud.
I've eaten nothing but kugel today
I get salesman coming to my door once in a while, and it's always scammy as shit. I swear I'm going to murder one of them someday. Idk how to make it stop because it's state sponsored in California
A lot of you don't know what gooning actually means and just think of it as a coomer boogeyman
cambodian intellectuals when pol pot tells them the plan for democratic kampuchea
I prefer to think it's real
I've eaten nothing as well.
Just drank one 250ml sugar free redbull.
Feel like doing 100 pushups outside rn,
>living in California
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mormons gangstalk me and conspire to knock on my door all the time, no matter where i live.
These last ten years really flew by really fast.
What did I reap what did I sow
Almost nothing.
Yeah and crying about it here is going to fix absolutely everything
I am leaning towards being suicidal but fearing the void so he tried to go out in a way that would make posterity remember him
they have nothing because it was a glowie op and this is how they do shit now
they just straight up killed epstein in front of everyone, they know they don't have to make shit seem reasonable anymore
He was a registered republican.
yay conspiracy politics!
Mennonites stole my car keys.
glowies would make him aim for the center of mass
this is the power of a bad op image
Your mom is registered to muh DICK
Who donated to Democrats
Women want me dead
So he could vote for Nikki Haley in a closed Pennsylvania primary
Yep the whole thread is gonna go /pol/'d
It's over
I don't care. Go figure out your life instead of posting here
He was a blackrock shill. That's why he did it.
your moms pussy got /pol/'d by BBC
They would have told him to shoot his torso not his head
Why was the roof unsecured, good goy?
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why won't they leave me alone?
lot of useful idiots ITT
shit happens.
glitches in the matrix
he took advantage.
I don't get how such a rich developed and scientifically advanced country can have more than a third of it thinking a man put all species in a big boat 5000 years ago
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The head of the secret service is a woman, that's how this happened
Shouldn't you fap before and not after showering?
I'm smarter than you
My daydreams are usually about sex or violence
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oh lord
were all dumb, fat, and happy. also when everyone that came to america originally were religous psychos that england didn't want which is how stuff like the witch trials happened
gonna have a fat boy now
i sharted and peed and pooed
evidently not
Are you implying ... Le implications?! AGGGGHHHH IM INFERRING!!!!!!!
how much can you bench?
a symptom of me being fatter now is the underside of my balls getting chaffed when i'm out and about for more than a few hours
Do you remember that time when a leftist looney actually managed to land a bullet inside a Republican senator at a baseball game but the story was immediately swept under the rug.
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you gotta admit this is funny
You didn't get it from here so of course it is. It used to be the other way arpund tho
you got a bunch of Europe's finest during the 19th century
hitler seethed a lot about this
115lb 5r3s is what I’m up to now
It wasn't. He got domed before he could even get through half his magazine.
you mean /cum/ or 4chan?
Just spent 76 dollars on the new college football game. It’s downloading right now as I type.
chat who killed jfk?
The rooftop was supposed to be manned, goy
The SS director xirself said the reason it wasn't was because of was sloped, in spite of the fact that identical roofs were in the vicinity and were manned
You need to be either willfully stupid or a paid shill to not at least sniff some bullshit and insist that this is just some anomaly
>anyone who disagrees with me is a paid psyop
the CIA
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get the fuck out
Thee Rosatp brothers
ur moms pussy
me sorry
i can't get a job at taco bell because of my posts here
Hard to see but its made some little strings in the solvent whilst boiling
There is some charcoal in it and it's making whirlpools. Later on I will make it a polar substance by adding Na+
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Pecche siamo acussì
i can't even get a job as a dishwasher again
is it going to rain or nah?
I used to be a dishwasher once upon a time
Fist bump

OP here.
i was too. damn
Fist bump
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Haven't had a blowjob since March
apus dont get bjs they like chicken tenders and their pajamas and thats it
Is there anyone in this bitch that WASNT a dishwasher before
kinda shit day
didn't get the job at the dispensary
got humiliated by mexicans, again
had to dump garbage at the construction site dumpster
and now my hair and makeup look like shit
gonna smoke a bowl and watch some cartoons
very normalfag post, not fitting for apu
i had some costco chicken wings yesterday. pretty good
I had a 7-11 Italian Job sandwich for lunch. Slapped some mustard on that bad boy and went to town
what makeup are you wearing
dude i feel like /cum/ was relatively normal a week ago why is it suddenly so faggy?
I never got Bingo
just a little bit of eyeshadow to give that ghastly sleep deprived look. nothing too much. something like nik nocturnal
use your brain
I've added the rest of the solution I've to evaporate, but no more precipitates have come out of that so far
I stopped boiling the ethyl acetate layer to add the remainder of the solution to it. Either it will turn a different color on that layer or I'll add more vinegar. I tried to take some of the ethyl layer off the one where cummies came out to soak in sodium hydroxide but I don't think anything came ove with the solvent
As in you never understood it, or you never received an actual bingo
never won a game. never got to yell Bingo
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me and who
you just know
I turned up the hot plate to 2 from 1, which was already boiling ethyl acetate at 1. I put foil over the lid because I have nothing to distill it over to and yo make the temperature of the vapor to rise and evaporate more things - I'm hoping water. Then I'll extract the solvent
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That's...quite sad actually. Everybody should get at least one bingo in their life.
there's still time
currently looking into hrt. idk if it's covered by medicaid or not
me at the back, below the chair
cool :)
i thought white cat was going to win because he had superior tactics but he failed the execution
sad to see
Tutsi Bastard Paul Kagame wins reelection
That's right.
Let's this be a lesson to you. Superior tactics mean nothing if you fumble the bag when it's time to pull the trigger
Thanks c:
Going to check on how it's boiling in 4 minutes
Stop posting my selfies
thank you i will remember this lesson
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50 more minutes at this humiliation ritual known as "work"
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today was a very firm reminder that i just can't compete with these men. i'm not going outside again for a while
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just give me a job for fucks sake i'm tired of this shit
i'm going to the emergency room
any skills?
I can eat 13 ramens in one sitting
Are you the finance guy who took a test this morning
Guy was holding cheese, chips, and chili
Dropped the chili
Cashier told him he has to pay for it and that it’s $7 (because this is a gas station)
He is paid for just the cheese and left
dont impersonate me. also i literally just got offered a burgerking interview tomorow. we are so back
found this funny picture and wanted to share it
don't forget to say you rule
That's pretty funny

You got this, champ
Way to go
If any of you ever get a gf, make sure to never tell her about your feelings or ever show any emotion because it just makes women mad
i don't want the democrats to win
There's these twitter accounts that shill moving to latin america. honestly starting to sound more appealing
this is demonstrably false and we have this conversation here every day
humiliation ritual
thx. thankfully the job seems a lot less hectic than mcdonalds
I've had multiple partners and they were ALL like this despite pretending otherwise and then denying it afterwards
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I meant he dropped the cheese
No nachos for Juan today
it's demonstrably true, you just want to have your romance fantasy where somebody loves you as a man
this is hilariously inaccurate
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t. virgin/woman
some men never learn
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People register on parties they don'treally like all the time in American politics, as you can vote in your respective party's primary. And rural Pennsylvania is pretty red compared to the rest of the state.
>t. registered republican in deep red West Virginia
my friend says the best way to cook a steak is to sear it on both sides and then finish it off in the oven
>Dropped the cheese
Is that like dropping the soap in convenience store parlance
There's a reason most long married men are emotionally dead, they've been going through the same thing for decades and have realized that your thoughts are best kept to yourself
He was Latinx
i am LATIN
best way to cook a steak is to put it in the air fryer
how do you prononuce latinx? latinks?
I would never listen to his advice because that's the opposite order you should do it in
And the actual best way is sous vide then sear
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Latin and the letter X
roman blood flows through my veins
Like Latino but with an X
>opposite order
what part of southern Europe are these people from?
More like Amerindian blood but ok
I say this
Reverse searing (oven then sear) lets you control the temperature more because it hasn't been heated by the pan yet and the steak is dried so the sear is better
as in, labor?
as in, a job?
as in, employment?
as in, pursuing my career?
as in, earning dough?
as in, making bread?
as in, hustlin?
as in, grindin?
yeah, nah, i'm good.
Biden just dropped out
latino - o + ks
But also in the end the best way to cook it is a hot cast iron skillet and let it rest before eating for the best steak
I added ammonia and the solvent layer turned yellow. Brown specs went jnyo the layer
Adding the alkali made it fizzle but it maybe was temperature
a biden just flew over my house
classic W
where can I learn how to make alcohol
Even Pelosi and Obama are getting on his ass, so it should be any day now.
If he doesn't drop out then he's a tyrant, and just as bad as Trump.
Youtube, my man
This is it not boiling after adding the ammonia
Election season is funny because my opinion genuinely doesn't matter and everyone assumes I'm a felon because I say I can't vote
Imagine the smell!
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drinking a beer rn
i love sex i hope to try it myself some day
Why can't you vote
when i finally had sex it was extremely awkward.
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Biden will drop out and the dems will fumble the bag by putting Hillary or Kamala in his place.
Wasn't born in the US but I'm white and have no accent so people assume I was born here
You're not white you're mexican
I was born in one of the most ethnically homogenous countries in Europe
0% chance you ever had sex
Was fishy...
what is that pattern called
Ok then nevermind. Can't be too careful. A lot of Mexicans start thinking they're white and we gotta put the kibosh on that when it happens
I did on December 10th 2022
why do virgins think sex is like some amazing thing and if you ever criticize it you must have never had it. im nta and it can be very awkward
Can we talk about how well my new jeans fit and how comfortable they are.
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no, faggot!
Thankfully it was right to make it more alkaline with ammonia rather than acidic
I can mix water in with it if I need to now as well
well tell us about it then
what blend is the material
having sex here costs 40usd plus at least a 100usd tip.
you could donate plasma and have sex 20 mins later if you were so inclined
>plus tip
I'm not giving yoj a tip nevermind 100 dollars
Your fault for charging only 40 dollars for sex. Ser you never again >>199904341
> cute anime girls will never be real
why live
Just black denim. Lee jeans. Normally I don't like buying online cuz the sizes can get weird but these fit just right. Most comfortable jeans I've ever owned. And theyre still slightly fuzzy and soft because I ain't washed em yet, only wore em once to get the mail
I've never had awkward sex, but I've never had mind-blowing sex either.
I crave intimacy, which I haven't found, since I've only hooked up with prostitutes and fat girls
massage parlor?
i'm glad they fit you well anon
you should go out and strut your stuff in them soon
Phoar I'm getting a bit of a buzz from these fumes leaking out
no mans sky
more like no guy buy
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It's actually joever
im back from my 3 day vacation
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Where did you go
Got a better source than a Twitter screenshot?
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so hot
current mood
Great album
much prefer going blank again
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Also a great album
I like them both equally, but Going Blank Again has better cover art

Cucumber clown <3
gonna showip
This is the best Radiohead album, btw
it's Kid A
Thinking about getting pizza hut.
for me it's papa johns
do NOT try to outpizza the hut
*shows you the really large scar on my leg*
Don't shake boiling ethylene that's got bubbles coming up from under it in intervals
I added more water to try and concentrate the solvent layer some more
dominos better
Guarantee there is a local pizza place in your areas that's better than this slop
why are republicans so ugly
you're a bitch ass from the projects, i'm a real hood nigga from the burbs
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they've got ok crust but i find the main portion of the pizza to be mediocre. my place leaves the bread too thin in the center.
>I like *thing*

>no, *other thing* is better!

Great discussion guys
i made a joke i think is pretty funny
fuck pizza hut overrated trash
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I'd smash Nancy Mace and Amy Barrett
>CNN: Sources say Hillary Clinton to replace Biden as nominee
looks like a man
looks like a hot milf
They wouldn't dare
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wtf they changed their tracker
Why is the time wrong?
It's past 7
this changes everything
I'm living in the past. Many such cases!
He lives in Commiefornia
rewatching old tf2 videos
jerma and star were peak
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Worse, I live one state north.
for me it's the Houthi's
yeah that's what i'm watching. not as funny as when i was a preteen but still good
Damn Bob Newhart dead
Shows what you know, IDIOT!
oregon? more like oreo gone cause i ate them all
wh's that?
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just found out that my dad is a fake trump fan
i cant stop saying the n word. when im alone ill just randomly say it for no reason
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Is this a horse fly?
The picture is bad because I had to rush due to the crosswalk timing. I was brave enough to push the button
comedian who was famous like 70 years ago
I say it a lot when i'm feeling embarassed or under pressure
what's a fake trump fan

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