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janny bannanys me when i post that image
It's sfw doe
Have you run other balk faces through pimeyes?
euflag more like eutapak
janny considers sashe and sashe content nsfw
ive gotten bannanied for just replying to srashko before
used coupon to purchase more protein
if I were bumgarian I'd be seriously concerned for my safety rn
Slon maybe. I don't remember.
beer making me sleepy
gn balk, this has been my dedicated falling asleep video for the past 3 days
there's 1 hour 15 minutes long angry video gay nerd analytics from some bearded soyboy you might wanna check it out
bambo be filthy normeez
It's over.
>that diffuse thinning
brutal... just brutal
losing everything all at once
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I went out and saw no WMAF couples, no white devils at all really

what the fuck /int/ lied to me
Okay but why are you sharing your fetish in a brownoid general?
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I have nothing else better to do
you can move to bosnia and become a bosnian shepherd
bampo be filthy normeez
>Good mornin. What a beautiful sunrise. But rest assured I ain't enjoying that gay shit. I'm too busy bathing my eyes in bibisi paraphilia.
>Good mornin. What a beautiful sunrise. Rest assured I AM enjoying that gay shit from my brick balcony. But what's even more enjoyable is the pedo troon lolis I post.
I take a break from balk for a few months hoping nojko would've left but the first thing I see when I come back is him. Thank you nole, you've convinced me this thread is beyond saving. Bye.
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> щe тpябвa дa пoчeтeтe
хaхa киpo зaтвa cиитвa
The need to breathe isn't based on your body needing Oxygen, but rather, your body needing to be rid of CO2.
that be called exhaling
and now for some news
3 day vacation edition

due to unpopular demand by a permab& yet perma evading f.20 schizo and his highly paid leftoid boyfriend, the weekly balkan news segment will be migrating to /bant/ until further notice
- https://thebarchive.com/bant/search/text/and%20now%20for%20some%20balkan%20news/username/Anonymouse/filter/text/

>"And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet."
- Matthew 10:14
>dash before url
>can't just link to the post
>meaningless christoid quote
>the weekly balkan news segment will be migrating to /bant/ until further notice
nooooo, how will I get my free games now
>revival tranny makes you read bulgaryan news in english
really makes you think
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reading about elladistan taxes gives a man headaches
proof that getting 1$ from a million people is the simplest way to become a millionaire
I keep getting banned off social media because my posts aren't total dogshit and because I keep pissing off mentally ill people. I hate Indians.
>mentally ill people
The projection levels in this post are reaching levels unknown to soyence.
Poo in loo, sir.
romanians in the forefront of innovation
this slaps fr fr
>Bъpвим към пpeдcpoчни избopи, зa БCП щe e ycпeх, aкo изoбщo влязaт в HC
What are some delicacies from balkan countries, what is their vision of street food like kebab, taco, pastel, etc
We like pastry with filo dough, filling could be cheese, meat, spinach. Yogurt is a thing.
Come on.
>what is their vision of streetfood
Drinking one cup of coffee for 2 hours whilst smoking cigarettes
Lots to smile about in my life
bad post
Only a few things to smile about in my life
Unironically every tiny city has its own specialty, just travel and ask around.
never smiled in my life
haha, suffer
During WWI, the German command on the Western front sent the following telegram to the Austrians on the Eastern front: "Here the situation is serious, but not catastrophic."
The Austrians sent back the following: "The situation is catastrophic, but not serious."
I don't really suffer, I just don't get balkmoon 'humour'.
Banks are down, many airports are down
Stefan Janev aka Chopel aka Semata aka Sashko on 4chan has successfully harased CrowdStrike and Microsoft
Also hackers have attacked and probably stole data from our National Cadastre, including server backups

Lmao this wasn't a danger when everything was on paper
only happened in poz shitholes btw
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No information storage medium is inherently secure but yeah, cash over plastic, wire over wireless, hard copy in addition to electronic copy.
Found a game that balk can enjoy
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albovlach life simulator
So true!
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Why are cigarettehumans like this?
Depressed normalnigs that can't consoom their drug and have to be faced with thoughts of how shit their life is. Consequences of not rawdogging reality, same reason AChumans who don't acclimatise to maymoon heat drop like flies if they have to go outside.
An ENTJ dictator would at least ban all these tar products poisoning humanity and force the addicts to use nicotine gum and nicotine pouches
I would gladly give her my cigarette to smoke if you catch my drift
Linux chads we won
Like Australia, UK, US, Germany
Have a go, tiger, she's a mykonoshuman though
Look at the bright side, cigarettes are hella expensive here so most people have quit it or switched to rolled ones
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who dat cutie
I have never enjoyed living in the world
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is it true that it's super hot in the country of romania right now, like +37° in some places
>Look at the bright side, cigarettes are hella expensive here so most people have quit it or switched to rolled ones
Lmao smokers an alcoholics will complain they don't have money to buy a notebook for their child but you always see them with packs of beer and cigarettes in tow.
Every other gypsy beggar is sitting around with his hand out whilst holding a lit cigarette in the other
i took 6 smoke breaks yesterday
non smokers get 0 breaks cause they aint cool enough to get them
Is it real that nicotine can calm down your depression?
Yes, and they get angry when you point out this discrepancy.
works for anxiety thoughever
imagine the global IQ improvement if every alcohuman stopped existing over the night
such thought came to my mind as I walked past designated alcoholic bench and looked at individuals sitting there
alcohol was the biggest improvement in my life and I got really drunk only one time. also the low iq cattle will abuse whatever substance they put their hands on
>News: Romanians do bad thing in foreign country
and it's actually gypsies 90% of the time. I hate the news, bunch of fithy self-hating westophiles, just half of my teachers.
>just like half of my teachers.
Alcohol – al kohl – this word is Arabic in origin, and is literally translated as “body eating spirit”.
grow up child, nationalism is a dead ideology and the westofiles are right
Isn't it mental how everyone has just accepted that feeling fear when you spot a police officer is just a normal part of life

In quaint novels of the past, that was a critique of dystopian societies and the excesses of the Soviet Union or whatever, now it's just the norm
It means antimony in Arabic bro
The absolute self-mockery that as a country 500 years under ottoman occupation, with your original religion supressed by them, in 2024 you have a mosque in your capital that screams islamic prayers every friday. Welcome to BG!
Smokers too.
Serbs showed you what happens if you take matters into your own hands.
No, brazil invented it
>Currently, the Banya Bashi Mosque is the only functioning mosque in Sofia, a remnant of the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria that lasted nearly five centuries, and is used by the city's Muslim community.

Imagine Ushkub with only one mosque instead of the literal 20 we have operational
Bro Serbs are everything but a role model in terms of "dealing" with these matters. In fact not a single country has dealt with this.
Its a question of principles. Its not about the mosque per se or even islam. But if you were occupied up until 150 years ago, show some self respect. Dont let a mosque scream your occupiers verses in the middle of your capital.
>ummm romanians are actually inferior to every other people in the world and you need to slave away to them, chud
Shut up, negro.
Smoking is directly correlated with a lower IQ, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel and published in the journal Addiction.

Researchers tested the IQs of more than 20,000 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 21 who were either serving in the Israeli military or who had recently completed their service. Twenty-eight percent of the men in the sample smoked, while 3 percent were former smokers and 68 percent had never smoked.

The average IQ of the smokers was 94, compared with 101 among the non-smokers. Men who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day had an average IQ of 90. Although a normal IQ falls between 84 and 116, the difference observed in the study is still considered significant.

>t. country appeared only 700 years ago
not to every people in the world but certainly inferior towards other europeans. heck even towards our neighbours except for hahols who were also dumb and started their civilization even later than ours
give it a decade and we'll have these calls to prayer here too
You can't surpass us, Mitsotakis allowed this year the Yeni Cami museum of Thesalloniki to host Ramadan prayer and they covered up all the photos of ancient monuments within (because it's an exhibition) AND they put the women hidden behind these exhibitions (supposedly liberals like him don't want women to be oppressed btw)
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the packaging is cute
Alhamdulilah, Akhi.
Its just that everything is so messed up in christian countries. No wonder there are no births, who wants to bring children into this madness? Democracy complete farce where every party does one and the same shit to maintain population illusion that one can influence by voting. Mentally ill ideologies not only not hindered but even embraced. Minorities the kings of everything in utter lawlessness.
This guy speaks way too good Greek
it's only dead cos money go up and pepo in you rope don't breed like a plague of rats like in asia or africa and mr schnozel needs more pepo for money go up
>nooo this semitic crap is louder than this other semitic crap
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Everything is perfect, go back to sleep.
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Fuck Kelly, I wish Ikibey was back to balk!
>original religion supressed by them
Jesus was a Muslim
Why are pale devils like this
Ottoman Empire flashbacks
I put flour in my armpit so that when they get sweaty I can get intoxicated from the alcohol smell.
Crazy how pensioners walk in these heat with socks and shit whilst I feel crumbling
>not walking around dressed in all black with long pants
yboy can't take the heat
then they collapse and flood the emergency services
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>Kill yourself, Timmy
Madeup religitardisms. It comes from refined metal powder paste that foids used to put on they eyes as makeup.
Can you do it? I'm too lazy
po filmite chuval li si kato umira nqkoi da kazva che mu e studeno?
oldpipo have poor circulation to they feet from the plaques accumulating in they vessels from eating pargiolla with their rakia and wine every day
Only 1 out of a total of 50 before liberation is still a pretty good number. Enjoy it before they inevitably build a second one soon
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The more I age the more I realise he was right.
You think these are humans you live among?
Philip was insanely based
Bill Gates lost
why did you list bulgarians 3 times bro?
allegedly his vaccines tried to reduce numbers
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Total working hours this week: 5
Total salary this week: paid in full
>paid weekly
ok larper
You are jealous because I broke capitalism
Who would win
A MAX-powered Sashko or Kelly?
Total working hours this month: 0
Total salary this month: paid in full(probably)
гopитe ce изcичaт oт дпc
вoдитe ce зaмъpcявaт oт вcички и ca зaнeмapeни oт дпc
дeнкoв гaбpиeл и бopиcoв вкapвaт тaлибaни c eap шeнгeн
дeбe вкapвaт индиици
хиляди дeкapи зeмя ca вeчe coлapни пapкoвe нa дпc и гepб
хopaтa ca бити и yбити oт цигaни
вкapвaт кoнтeйнepи c бoклyци oт eвpoпa и ги гopят, a EC ни cлaгa глoби зa eмиcии нa тeцoвeтe
бaбитe глeдaт тypcки индийcки cepиaли
мoмичeтaтa ce чeкнaт пo бapoвe нa тypcки мyзики
мoмчeтaтa бият чeкии нa пopнo
вcички дpycaт c бaлoни и дpyги лaйнa пpoизвeдeни тyк oт зaмeceни пoлитици
или бeлo oт тpaфик минaл oт тyк
c пoлитики yмишлeнo и цeлeнacoчeнo yнищoжaвaт aeцa зa дa cи пpoдaвaт coлapния тoк coбcтвeнocт нa тypци oт дпc
виe кaдe щe eмигpиpaтe?
бъpтo aз cъм HИЙT, квo ми ги пycкaш тия глyпocти кaтo нe yчacтвaм в oбщecтвoтo и нe cъм нopми
y aмepикa къдeтo e oщe пo злe мa пoнe имaм пpaвo дa yбия цигaнитe (нeгpи)
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Bulgaria created cyrillic alphabet how cool is that
Give me your sister
Sex had in last five years: 0
Prognosis for next five years: 0
I do wonder how someone with a fear of women gets therapy considering the gender ratio in that profession.
Crazy how every balkan country is a massive shithole except slovenia
Greece mogs you all, especially slowvenia
sandjog influence vs austrian influence
Romania had austrian influence and is a shithole
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It's a half/half case
Здpaвeoпaзвaнeтo ни e тaкaвa гaвpa бpaт. Бaзиcни нeщa нe знaят, изпиcвaт ми aнтибиoтик зa бpoнхит. Цъкaм в гyгъл нa aнгл. никъдe дyмa дa ce взимa aнтибиoтик зa бpoнхит, дaжe нaпpoтив зaщoтo нe пoмaгaлo.
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aнтибиoтикa yбивa вcичкo включитeлнo и тeбe, нямa кaк дa имaш бpoнхит aкo нe дишaш

Chat of sashko harrassement to him and trying to confront dijana and her group of people

The graffite is on the way towards his group therapy they try to make him think of micevska all the time

So the chinese did the hacking attack

So the hacking attack happend that crippled the west because they finance the logistic of the harrasment and braking of stefan janev fundamental human rights
Tyкa зa вcичкo вeднaгa aнтибиoтикa a aз глeдaм дa гo избягвaм. Ta cи пpoвepявaм c oгpaничeнoтo ми знaниe в нeтa.
literally me
based harrasshizo
Dua Lipa might legitimately be the only good sounding Albanian name I've ever heard
Imagine her career if she were Dua Shkreli or some shit
commit harrassekiri with the rusty handleless kitchen knife
So around 600billion has been done in damage

Ngos try to ruin stefan janev even tho he does not care about politics
are you also interested in watching a hot tranny rail your wife
Normies love their simple few-syllable grug names

telr swift
jstin bibr
mali sarus
bili alish
dua lipa
keti peri
ledi gaga
fiti sent
milko kalaijiev
So what do you have to say about the world biggest zeroday hacking attack done for stefan janev aka chopel
He's for high IQ intellectual appreciators like bibisi poster
Shouldn't have talked shit about x2z a few days prior to this incident
got a new pair of shoes for 10€ from waikiki
based turks
Though there is no cure for schizophrenia, many patients under treatment do well with minimal symptoms. A variety of antipsychotic medications are effective in reducing the psychotic symptoms present in the acute phase of the illness, and they also help reduce the potential for future acute episodes and their severity.
>strings tear through the holes as you tie them up
>sole becomes unglued after 5 mins of wear
they've always lasted at least a year for me, not my problem
He takes medication and documents the harrassement

He went through tests and showed no sympthomes of schizophrenia
the benefits of being sheytan's minion
I'm on the fence about these turks
People praise them but whatever I've bought there always fell apart after like a month
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they hate us cause they ain't us

A diabetic doesn't need shoes
BZZZZ goes the amputation saw
Why are you such an asshole spreading negative energy
put your trip back sashizo
no chopping off my legs until I move to another country where I'd get disabilitybuxx and free public transport
Give me your bussy
oт лични нaблюдeния тoвa ce cлyчвa caмo oкoлo 12-24г
balkan being an asian word should tell you something
Здpaвeoпaзвaнeтo гo имa caмo зa дa ce изтoчвaт пapи. cмeeх ce нa aмepикaнцитe aмa и тyк e чacтнo и aкo oпpeш дo тaм cи фaлиpaл кaт aмepикaнeц.
в плoв имaшe eдин cвecтeн лeкap мa китaйcкия кoвид виpyc гo yтeпa
listen to me and buy vans bro
all the incels here dress like clowns
>spending more than 10 yuan on shoes
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gn bros, see you in two months. i'll stop by when we're in Turkey
> Бoйци нa cмятaния зa нaциcтки бaтaльoн Aзoв oтивaт в Бpюкceл дa cъбиpaт дapeния
what is this double think?
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> He кибepaтaкa, a нeycпeшeн ъпдeйт cpинaл cиcтeмитe нa бaнки и aвиoкoмпaнии
Bиcoкaтa cмъpтнocт ce дължи нa пocpeдcтвeнo здpaвeoпaзвaнe в кoмбинaция c aбcoлютнo нeпyкиcти бyмъpи кoитo oтгope нa тoвa ca и нecepиoзни нa мaкc. Излизa нa 45C дa пaзapyвa, кaквo дa ce кaжe oщe.
Kakva e tazi marina deto sasho i e pisal?
tendying tendies
cвpaшyвa ce бpaтo, гeйpoпa e нaциcткa oтнoвo
вeликoypaлия кe нe cпacи
marina gasolina


mit mi afta skul end ai bit yu laik gorilla
tendies done
Have not eaten a single thing today

I've been in wageslave tunnel-vision mode for the last 7 hours
Do you consume the kind that are molded out of chicken goo or real meat ones?
aaay last drink I had was last friday
big it up, liverbros
says shredded chicken on the box
>mechanically separated mobik
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Are you intolerant of Balkan workers in your country?
i only consume freshly slaughtered chicken raw
lol, saw this post on linkedin
Finna try to find the original. The obvious identical letters are throwing me off.
I've seen chicken tenders made out of non-goo meat at the store
Mental that I've tried like 5 brands of goo before trying them
The day is green
On my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra I can just long press the home button and click on the image to search it. Some fag named Rob Dance.
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I kneel
Looks like someone who micro manages and sets up unnecessary meetings.
what a piece of shit corporate drone nigger
>t. doesn't want to drive synergy and increase cross-team alignment
based chiclet teeth image-obsessed prodooctive WASP
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Imagine working a day in your life

This is all you need
I buy jabuchar tomatoes from this one Albanian and they're so sweet they actually taste like they have sugar sprinkled on them, on top of being juicy, tangy and savory

I hope all of you have such Albanian tomato merchants in your area
Albanians resell shit they dont grow it (they are too smart)
how do niggas not get spooked with these cloaked ass assassin niggas crossin paths withchu where you least expect'em
They are naked in the house I think
Broooo I fucking LOVE Greek weather!

yes that's the current temp rn
Farewell to middle east anon
wtf you are an actual nordic
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Another high quality and fairly priced Polish product

How do Poles do it?
Nothing to smile about in my life
Look at the Polish Economic Miracle and smile
poles are the bulgarians of eastern europe
They are both homosexual and obnoxious, true, but only one of them supplies me with high quality affordable products
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I will look for and buy this product now.
It's sold in Stokomak bro
never heard of it
bulgarian ignorance strikes again
>express one

This fucking delivery company that doesn't fucking deliver!!! Who knew such a shit fuckfest thing existed. It,s a million degrees outside and we have to trek across the city for a fucking package. You got the damn thing from customs to sofia to plovdiv but the last fucking ten minutes is too much for you???
you don't have it either, quit acting smug
you can clearly see the shops in eastern albania
Kek Greek companies since covid have been doing the same, they now send a message saying "we couldn't deliver it to your address" and you have to go pick it up yourself
Shit, now I realised it's probably replied to Mangal

Alongside with the Greek courier companies, please kill yourself
Basil II
Mangal Slayer
Maqe courier are surprisingly good honestly
If you order something from a local business, you get it like the day after 90% of the time
this shithole doesn't even have proper addresses
They don't even pretend they tried,just hey go pick it up
Why aren't names translated anymore, are translators just that lazy? Why can't they change names like Elijah into Ilie or stuff like Grezgorz into Grigore. It always looks extremely out of place when they don't even bother changing a name into its counterpart or its form to fit the target language's alphabet and sounds. Lazy fags.
Because these days people have been exposed to the original culture of those media products before the act of consumption.
I don't care about that, it still looks gay when I'm reading something in Romanian and the niggerfaggot called "translator" and doesn't even bother changing John to Ioan.
>reading something in Romanian
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>wake up
>this lady was finally shot in the head and is in coma
ah feels nice. wallahi may she remain a vegetable forever
Either hes the vlach or the roastie
So i am at kino karposh and the atmosphere is very nice

Drinking gin and tonic at this hot weather

Tomorrow i have to work on a turkish movie
There is an albanian roastie as i heard maybe shes taunting you for attention
drinking alkuhul and f20 is the best combo, keep doing what you do king
I dont have f20
That reminds me of the women in my life.
haha, suffer
Majorty of women in my life have been based
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says you do here bro
it is what it is just accept the facts and roll with it
Yes and it says i dont have hallucinations which means i dont have schizophrenia

Only anxiety and mild bipolar
served another nigro today
he was a thugmaxxer but oddly polite with me so he probably doesnt have a bbc
Being bipolar is far worse than being a schizo
Evil creature
>Wowzers another karaboga Kang for me to serve, I fucking love the chocolate gods
evil always wins in the end
bro imagine being black king in slavhole for a moment, he probably was tired from having 50 sex sessions and did not have energy to dominate you
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Balkans AREN'T racist
Percentage of people that consciously use racial slurs by country, rest do so without knowing they were slurs or noticing when they do it
bullying people is fun

Mental how explicit da baibel is about whores wearing hijab in church
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kraut yearly salary in 15 hours
Anyone awake? I went for my night walk, only way to avoid sun and heat but also good for spotting cats. The neighbourhood gang was out, one cutie was looking at me and being cute for food but I had none this time, and when I went inside he looked confused, then looked through the window for me. Sorry kot.
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I always have pic related from sklavenitis supermarket to give to local cats
they drive very nice cars near paradise mall
Drinking again
1 billion beers?
probably this
he was a full on nigga with a gold chain and pants around his knees showing his bbbussy, didnt even try to steal anything
I get snacks time to time but cats always acting starving lol. I see they are fed everyday already, I feed them because cats control my emotions
oprai si jivota brat
Kek, don't fall for it bro, they are top tier beggars for snacks and they know you'll yield, two or three times a week is okay in my book
Shocking reveal
Thread filled with toxoplasmosis infected grannies
you should bait the cutest one with food and then football kick it into the stratosphere to break the power he has over you
Niggas be calling car cleaning “detailing” now
wa be bro be brappin bout bruh shieeeeeeet
if I were black I'd wear durag, white wife beater and black low af1
everyone would be scared shitless of me
>intcels thinking about blapipo in the middle of the night
this is the so called black hysteria
You're cute.
I know, if there were two of me I'd marry myself
That's even cuter.
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would you fuck him bro?
pre-rich bulgaria: sovl
No, but he reminds of a w*man I know.
wow, he's literally me
he reminds me of*
Did you know that spiders are more closely related to horseshoe crabs than any insects
everybody was rich even back then or maybe it was just my surroundings
imagine making him suffer
rude creature
An indian kid beat magnus in chess its over for white iq
>book describes a female character
>translator doesn't use proper inflections (for example, calling her a hunter instead of huntress)
Why do they fucking do this, it's retarded and makes no sense
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Wtf they didn't choose Rust omg
>professional c++ programmer
I swear, Romanian-English translations are 90% of the time made by people who only have a basic understanding of the language (americanised millenials and zoomers).
What’s it like to go out at a club
No one cares bro
extremely loud obnoxious music and drunk low iq selyakhumans everywhere
nigroes and other shitskins potentially appear in your vision, also chance of trannies
slutwhores prostituting themselves for a drink
roid maymuns trying to get them
all drinks are x5 their actual price
idk how one enjoys that
feels cringe unless youre drunk and then its bearable
too many flashing lights too many loud sounds and too many people for it to be enjoyable, only the biggest of normgroids can enjoy it
It's probably awful unless you're a normalfag and they can't bear anonymity so you won't get an answer from one.
Most of the stuff posted is shit no one cares about, fag.
>inb4 contrarian
Normals are low IQ, that's why.
I've seen relatively smart people enjoy that shit
personally I just stole shit every time I went to those places, got a hookah button, framed photo of some subhumans I threw away and put my shit in it, few glasses and a set of forks and spoons
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>Most of the stuff posted is shit no one cares about, fag.
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Did I strike a nerve?
but you should go out clubbing at least once just to personally experience the shrubbery
go to whatever sashe is attending and headshot him with somebody elses glass once you get bored(should take you about 10 minutes)

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