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imagine not living in your ancestor's country kek
But I am?
That’s why we are crazy
no you're a rapebaby, nobody is 100% meschizo
My parents are from Minnesota though?
i do though, i'm 100% native, straight from the deepest reaches of the ∆M∆ZON.
100% Olmec, gypsoid
Why are old worlders obsessed with our genetic diversity?
this post is so fucking cool
Explain why I would want to live in an overcrowded, overdeveloped, ugly brown shithole in Europe when I can live in a modern country built with industry and electricity in mind
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>muh ancestors
Imagine living in some podunk europoor country and obsessing over America because you feel insecure
>imagine not living in your ancestor's country kek
Arent you people some sort of pajeet subespecies?
My people have been here since the 1600s bruh.
Romani do come from India, yes.
you and gypsies have more in common than me retard kek
>i am roman saars
I'm white from a lineage of Portuguese and Italian ancestors, which one of these countries should i acquire a citizenship?
Seething because you were too much of an irrelevant shithole to make a mark on the new world?
I praise the lord every day I don't live in B*itain
Speak for your flag
ding ding ding, his family was too busy worshipping Ceauescu and his cunt wife.
I don't care what I am but I'm white while you're a brownoid hairy indigenous nigger (like indians)
you are a rape baby, why do you support spaniards raping your grandparents?
We will one day retake Taiwan for Austronesians.
ayyyy leled, this post made the OP blast his anus
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all the new world innovation went to america and canada retard, all of your country looks like this while I live in a based and traditional transylvanian town. Kill yourself Pablo, I hate brown turdworlders thinking they're better than me.
My grampa used to own a skull that protected the house (dying Peruvian tradition)
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Looks better than your shithole desu. Nothing in Romania can rival the beauty of the Yucatan.
Btw ever see the movie Borat? The Kazakhstan scenes were filmed in Romania top kek. Caused the national incident there from what I understand.
I hate all ancestors tho
But I live in my ancestors country
My people have been here since 20,000BCE
but I do, what next?
Oh, so your Jap granddad decided to stay in Korea after raping your granny? Congrats but thats not the norm.
The only human beings doing this are ethiopians since Homo Sapiens appeared there for the first time.
All "races" are just all races are basically a bunch of africans with melanin adapted to the need and intensity of sun exposure.
>picture of literally the worst ghetto in romania
and that was a gypsy village
the difference between america and romania is that brown minorities are kept in their place and exiled from society while in america their feet are kissed and their cocks are worshipped kek
dear god why do shitholers never clean
I'm chinese no jap blood in me unlike most k*rean jap hybrids that make the majority in my country. Im the original old stock Korean
Okay respect, why do so many Koreans deny their Chinese heritage tho?
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there's unironically not a single place in america that looks better and is safer than any transylvanian town. now your place, trash
Real OG founder Koreans have mostly chinese ancestors like og joseon was founded by a chinese general.
Jap gook hybrids mutts are majority tho.
We old stock mostly exist in small pockets.
kek. good job
What if I'm 1/16th Cherokee?
You failed your blitzkreig attempt bro give up you're getting wrekt
imagine being enslaved by soviets
>kek good job
You know theres places that look exactly like this picrel here in latam and you aren't a first worlder to talk to us like that mr europoor
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there's literally 0 places like romania anywhere in brazil.
Interesting, wonder how you tell each other apart.

Do old stock Chinese dominate any sectors of Korean life? Do Koreans have conspiracy theories about Chinese controlling everything in their country, like the Japanese have conspiracies about Koreans controlling everything in their country?
Why does everything look so brown and dirty or is that picture of Brazil?
>brown and dirty
0 soul cultureless american wypipo yo.
you may move inside a 1/16th area (shape of your choosing) of mainland America. This includes air travel. Plan carefully because if you go over that limit you die.
My ancestors have lived here since the 1600s
>i white saar 0% gypsy blood trust me saar
even the brownest niggers in the gypsy ghettos are 20 shades whiter than your people macaco.
I don't think the word Romani as in gypsy is even related to the word Romanian, they just sound alike.
They should have named their own country Illyria. It made more sense than Romania, anyway.
romania comes from rome
romani comes from "rom" which means "man" in hindi
most unfortunate coincidence in human history>>199907121

illyrians are yugoslavs retard
Skaut is that you?
both my parents are uruguayan, what do you mean?
Piruw atiy paypata allin!
And you posted the worst ghetto in latin america I don't understand your point
This is in Brazil
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>100% Olmec, gypsoid
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Chill Bogdan, you need to calm down
you people gobble up the shittiest baits
my European ancestors where country hopping before they went to America and had weirdly strong vendettas against very specific cities and criminal ties which totally stopped after ww1
that is to say its probably better we left and then irradiated some poor Anglos gene pool with swarthium-90
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Imagine being a European country and being poorer than some Latin American countries, you really have no excuses guys
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>poorer than Trinidad
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Nice try but my ancestors were the rapists
>WOP trash try not to humble brag about mob connection challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE
your ancestors' country is india
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>thousands of years of continuous history in one location
>the history
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I lived in this town for 2 years
>Roman Empire to shitty poor country that nobody cares about
L, also all of your latin european sister nations are more successful than you.
I moved back to my ancestor’s country for precisely this reason. I really can’t stand the living contradiction that is the USA. I also just don’t like immigrants in general because I can’t sympathize with people who leave everything they ever knew for just a 15% salary bump when accounting for purchasing power parity.
>I also just don’t like immigrants in general
Indigenous people are mostly hairless
>imagine NOT being a potato-eating alcoholic
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the UK does nothing but rain all the time and you have to worry about machete attacks. assuming I survive that I'll be met with a miserable populace who will treat me like shit for having an American accent. I'm fine here thanks
>shows absolute sovl
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0.1% of brazil looks like that
while 80% of romania looks like this
stay coping chimp
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>I hate brown turdworlders
Self-hatred isn't healthy saaar
it's literally the SAME ghetto everytime
meanwhile every street in brazil looks like that
fuck you retard

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