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Good night
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>Drumpf must g-ACK
*rings the bell for last orders*
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well said jez
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How'd you reckon she'd feel if he'd actually got assassinated after that stunt, and the assassin said Kathy Griffin told him to do it in a coded message (that pic)? Reckon she'd probably feel quite pleased with herself. Psychotic aren't they, all that lot.
job coach told me she has a younger 24 year old sister who works at a nearby eb games
going over there now to see if she's fit
absolutely insane
imagine literally dodging a bullet like that
WE own this fucking board
that gold carriage is worth at most a few hundred thousand scrap value, not going to make a dent on 4 million children's diets
god save the king
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Here's the thing about alcohol fellas. It's a pro-civilization drug, control burns all those limbic urges and then you pay for every hour of fun with 6 hours of misery, keeps you in check. Weed doesn't do that. Alcohol simply didn't anticipate the invention of motor vehicles. Understand?
got an electricity bill that says I should get rid of paper bills
trying to quit opioids, and using benzos to deal with the anxiety but dealerberg sent me some "bonus" opioids to go with my benzos, manipulative bastard
that obama creature
loathsome individual
not sure he's suggesting selling the carriage to pay for school dinners mate
you may want to engage your brain just 10% or so more
Corbyn should join the Green Party.
Cor she's quite fit and apparently topless judging by the absence of a line where the end of her sleeve would be.
why bring it up then
complete non sequitur
>why bring it up then
he's highlighting the absurdity of the disparity of wealth
really shouldn't have to spoonfeed you on such an obvious thing
you can obviously see a sleeve hanging off her arm...
*nasally nerd voice*
why bring it up then
complete non sequitur
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never heard of bingo wings pal?

i didnt realise hitchcock was so based
feel sorry for the lads who die young
so many poos never done, so many wanks never had
Amazing feat to lose the room at your own nominating convention.
the royal family generates more money as a tourist attraction than what would be made liquidating their assets so im still unsure what his point is
however I understand socialists such as yourself enjoy this kind of political rhetoric
surely those little yellow chinamen in japan and so forth must get tired of eating rice and noodles in every meal
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could it be ian that people find him "confusing" because he's a massive liar with no convictions on anything like every other liberal?
What happened? I missed it. Just saw a clip of Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off.
got banned from /tv/ for my ezra mccandless thread de lads. was inevitable really
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hate when you restart your browser and all your youtube tabs go back to default mode instead of theatre mode
>the royal family generates more money as a tourist attraction
i mean you're basically retarded if you think this
moreso if "tourism" does nothing but serve private enterprise
>theatre mode wanker
big wberg finally marked down the price of the shirts i like to wear to a reasonable price (down to $17 from $29 for a 2-pack), i am so there
I heard they eat seaweed and raw fish. Straight out the ocean. Don't even clean it. Scales, the lot. And I heard they eat monkeys brains. While the monkey's still alive. Slice off the top of it's head with an angle grinder and dig in with a spoon like it's a muller corner.
>Oi rorke but isnt it absurd for people to be better off than you just because they were born into the privilege
What you going to do, abolish inheritance and wealth?
pajeets do that too, it was in indiana jones and the last crusade
you brought up money not me
that's not the argument for republicanism but it's just funny when monarchists bring up money as a reason to keep the royal family when it's complete and utter shite
watching some vintage 2016-2017 ben shapiro sjw wrecked compilations
life was so simple back then
wish i could go back
To be fair he was just shot a few days ago.
wait was it last crusade or temple of doom? i can't remember
>abolish inheritance and wealth
that's the idea yeah
i never bother with that
why would i do on extra click every single time i watch a video for it to be a bit more centered? sounds autistic to me
and i have literally like 50 youtube tabs open on my browser as i type this. i watch a lot of it
editor's note: he wasn't shot
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people (even foreigners) queued for days just to see the queen's coffin mate i don't think it's ridiculous to say they generate interest
>does nothing but serve private enterprise
toddlers understanding of the economy
it's slightly bigger without being fullscreen, just looks better to me
His ear just spontaneously fell apart did it?
ah yes so we can have a very minor bump in tourism every 50 years when a monarch dies brilliant
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I always get banned for posting this photo and saying that I've nutted to it many times
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Leftypol abolishing our monarchy and replacing it with woke lefty loony wakanda nonsense
it was a dye pack mate. wake up
hit by glass
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Kek literally me
who is "our" in this context? they're certainly not my monarchy, i didn't vote for them
What do posh Brits think about America?
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n te arr ued dny id o
I think it just mindbreaks you when you're the kind of person that polices jokes because you think it will have consequences in the real world
was it

Glass from where?
They think they're more 'sophisticated' than you
Good poster: posts questions and statements about the world
Bad poster: does nothing except tell others to stop posting
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The /brit/+ subscription is cheap
Apparently it's 40% off
Jokes have consequences in the real world
penis enlargement is probably the oldest most coveted thing humanity has ever pursued (after eternal youth), seems like someone would've come up with something by now (except surgery but that usually does more harm than good)
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Haha. Ha.... hahhahahaha.... heh...
>penis enlargement is probably the oldest most coveted thing humanity has ever pursued
Cure for baldness
1. It wasn't a joke, it was a political statement.
2. I never said it was likely to have consequences, or that she shouldn't be allowed to do it. I was against her being banned off twitter for it.
Bro who makes listing posts like
1. I'm a dork
2. I'm a dork
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there are already cures for baldness if you count hair transplants
also there are preventative measures you can take before your balding reaches terminal velocity
my willy is literally shrinking
think i wanked it into oblivion
a public figure so revered foreigners arrive and spend hours shuffling along to see her cadaver for 30 seconds generated a "minor bump" throughout her life lol okay kid
Lad I'm agreeing with you.
might send an investigation team to find the british culture in this post
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why are anglos more high t than americans
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do you think tourists visit buckhimham palace because they think they'll see the king walking his dog?
We're old
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absolutely scorchio
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baldness is not an illness therefore it does not need a cure
Can't believe those police sharpshooters shot a lad to death just for shooting a bit of glass near the president. Political correctness gone mad.
do you think foreigners would put it on their itinerary if it was a dusty administrative building?
you don't need a monarchy to have nice buildings
see: every republic on earth
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elon musk is richer than him and he had a hair transplant, maybe bezos is just less vain or is scared of surgery or something
didnt know the uk had a president whats his name
remember watching a video of a guy talking about turning 30 and thinking he was a granddad
now im almost 30
Maybe bezos likes being bald. Saves him money on shampoo. And it's that kind of frugal attitude towards money that got him where he is.
alright granddad
genuinely dogshit content sort yourself out loser
wheres onision
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not sure what cocktails i should make tonight im thinking something with summer vibes
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you think people visit balmoral just to see a big grey castle yeah?
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i do this to my bf
That . was unintentional
I enjoyed some of it. At least they're trying to post stuff we haven't seen, unlike you who just shits on people who put in the effort.
this is the LoTR but they're all female one right?
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yeah mad how tourists stopped visiting the palace of versaille since they fucked off the monarchy
fucking dogs are barking again
got a serious fear of snakes lads, picked a bad country to be born in
what effort is there in posting old dogshit memes and screenshots that have been hanging around on your phone for five years
bewildering spammy nonsense
I'm British therefore everything I post is British culture.
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You're a brown foreign americanised freak immigrant and therefore kill yourself 8
>non aussie flags
on your bike and fuck off
exquisite post
he's racist
Post something better then if it's so easy. Give us half a dozen pics from your meme folder.
beautiful friday lads and i will be sat here drinking and playing elden ring in my smelly bedroom
It's spelled "car"
i'm not the kind of cunt who has a meme folder and i don't spam ever
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>i'm not the kind of cunt who has a meme folder
*enters thread*
*makes eye contact with you and starts walking over*
Alri alri alri it's time to give my bellend a kiss come on now
What's that 8 about? 8 what? Too wacky for me, that. Can't even understand it.
>google list of "most feared animals"
>all results are "most dangerous animals"
*tries sprinting away on all fours but am too slow*
you missed my point, 90% of people in the uk would never have even heard of some random castle in Aberdeen if the queen didn't live there
yeah the 'tex
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spiders obvs
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> haven't showered in two days
> wfh so haven't left the house
> balls smell great
Brehs this is heaven
Well go make a meme folder then, pop some pics in there and then let us have a look them.
the crinkle cut fries from drake's restaurant give me heartburn
yeah but i want to see what the runner ups are
this but l4d2
you don't need to demolish balmoral castle to rid the country of the monarchy
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*starts shagging nearest yank and points to you while thrusting*
you dont look like that
nice cock
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snakes, wasps, mice, and dogs
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love this pic
stupid wench bitch
who the fuck ever suggested that
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well then i don't understand your point
balmoral castle without the monarchy is still balmoral castle
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dont care for these shiny women
That's a shame because I heard they were bang into you
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too big
my point is that it generates more interest with a living, breathing monarchy than it would otherwise
at our derby industry odyssey
a turtle nerd geek who had years
new technologies are used by identifying objects
does it though
i can't see why it would
again people go to look at a castle not in the hope they might see camilla in her dressing gown
Mad how Brits love commemorating the Holocaust but they never commemorate the Genocide of Native Americans, the Slave Trade, or the Opium Wars

There should be an official national opium day
if yoiu ask a foreigner what know about britain theyll probably say the king or queen
and that's a good thing i suppose
on my tod in my scratch which is situated within my gaff
rookie numbers
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better than the reality of your hovel of an island
Bro just airball a 360 layup and you can tell it's happened before because his mom get up and start walking out like she seen all that shit before. Know what I mean?
all those years for nothing
just snuffed out
cant scarf down any more poo barms.
grim earth we live on.
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Hasnt happened yet, has it.
maybe we could improve our island
i suggest we start by becoming a republic
2 days is quite literally rookie numbers im going on 4 or more days ive lost count
like I said people visit the uk just to see where king charles lives and follow him around just to see him wave from a car window, I don't understand it anymore than you do I just know people do it
cannot imagine not showering every day
you must feel horrible
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i can't imagine many people do
and if it were true, any spurious economic arguments do not change the ideological repulsion i have to hereditary privilege
I haven't showered in almost a month
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i dont get greasy or smelly
ever since i had surgery i forget to shower, never crosses my mind
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doesnt really matter
nothing does
shes hot but her hair isnt natural
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me 10 minutes after showering
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Personally haven't showered in 3 days. Was going to have one this morning so yeh.
retarded demonic creatures
waiting in Anor Londo
to be summoned
who on earth doesn't like horses
to be honest mate I really don't give a monkeys I was just shitposting and only replied because you called me an idiot
were all on elden ring old man
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Rorke's battle drip
still been meaning to get around to arkham knight. game looks alri.
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I know. I think this is closer to her natural hair colour.
She should be illegal
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Games peaked in graphics nearly 10 years ago, kinda crazy
@ me when it goes for 25 quid or under
I only pay 2000s prices
I used to be around them a lot and they would chase me and step on my feet on purpose all the time
And all other animals and small children are drawn to me so it’s not like they’re sensing something bad about me
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>they would chase me and step on my feet on purpose all the time
yanks are so fiercely individualistic and self-centred it's almost as ridiculous that the word "united" is in the name of their country as it is that north korea calls itself "the democratic republic" of korea
well said mate
I feel like my laptop performance dropped like 5% but I can't tell for sure
just bought a pair of AirPods Pro 2nd generation because I am a proud itoddler and got a few Apple gift cards for my birthday
gonna pick it up from the store tomorrow. what am I in for lads
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Honestly 2020s Australia has made living in the US somehow fucking viable
enjoyed this prose
The states (of America) are united under the power of the federal government
Says nothing of its people
nigga isn’t even the main character of his own story lmao. go get a vaccine and pay a trillion dollars for a shitty nuworld house
pretty good for me (mummy paid for uni and bought me an apartment)
is she fit
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that's a house of cards that could fall at any moment mate
The Divided States of America...
What's this doing in my Gillian Anderson folder haha that's not Gillian Anderson that's Caprice Bourret.
America is collapsing any minute now, 200 more years trust the plan
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Might vote for Biden
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busy month
Depends heavily on many things but it’s still pretty far away
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Lucky bender
my grandma tasted like these
>vote for Biden
Well about that….
the uk is fat as fuck m8 we're not included in that
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Sad that modern warfare doesnt allow for shenanigans like this
Don't wanna know what you did with your grandma's beef flaps
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why is alcohol so expenisve in australia
its not right
people build fake military stuff all the time
there's loads of examples in ukraine
it’s so grim now, imagine getting killed by a $500 chinese drone with a grenade strapped to it with no way to surrender, escape, or fight back in a ditch in bumfuckistan Eastern Europe. might as well just bring back mustard gas at this point for all the good the geneva convention does
done them
That shadow looks like Grace Jones when she was in that bond film. Licence to Kill I think it was.
and north korea is technically democratic because they allow you to vote for the only party that exists

/brit/ be like: i would shag that shadow that isnt even a shadow
i meant she liked the taste of them. just a typo
That shadow be looking like Hank Hill and shiet
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I'm wrong it was A View to a Kill. Probably the best Roger Moore one, that.
Nothing technical about our states’ unitedness
Almost died of laughter
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how does his FAG not go out? I'm sure I've had one extinguished by an extra large raindrop
howling roaring and scrommiting
Hilarious as fuck
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good banter
thought this image was the infamous webm of the guy who chimped out and killed his neighbors in Philly a few years back
Probably meant to say cumdrop, fucking bender
I imagine that out of all of the populations and groups on earth, /brit/ would be the most likely to suffer a mass psychogenic illness only second to some isolated African or Indian tribe
take this shit to /ant/
Bold move dropping Biden for someone people hate even more. Let's see how it plays out for the woke left.
saw my older brothers cock accidentally when he was helping me with my car
Why do you drink
Apparently riots kicked off in Harehills, Leeds, yesterday because some kids got taken into care. According to the 2021 census, the area is nearly 50% Muslim.
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Just remembered all the Australian posters here actually have that accent
some bogan was revving his engine in the multi-storey parking lot, loud enough to induce a headache, i'd like to rip the cunt's eyeballs out
to remember what it feelsl ike to be a man sometmes you have to become a beast
also hangovers make me extremely motivated and cure my depression for some reason
little brotherberg watched this speed n*gger and i can safely say hes the most obnoxious cretinous darkoid i've ever witnessed, proper main character syndrome
yanks be like ornj juice
been thinking about breeding fire ants and letting them loose in my ex's apartment complex
saw my dads cock loads of times on accident while he was taking a piss cause he always sat wide legged
hopped in my brothers car once and found a Polaroid in the dash of him getting a blowie, quickly stashed it back where it was before he or my mom could notice
Actually repressed the second memory and remembered it somewhere along the way
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First they came for the jews, but I didn't say anything as I wasn't Jewish.
Then they came for the blacks, but I didn't say anything as I wasn't black.
Then all the problems went away and they stopped coming for people
fuck you got me
we say orinj
>dropping Biden
What? Did they finally replace him?
a few romanians set fire to a bus in leeds and now rorke wants to deport everyone? grow up
orange juice
Who's "they"??
sister pulled through and delivered some limes to me get in
He’s quitting the race this weekend
I'm on a dynamic ip and got someone else's ban message (pic related)
GM (get money) lads
/ck/ jannies take no prisoners
Jerking is a valid cooking technique for goat penis in Jamaican cuisine
Theyre dropping him off a cliff
>to remember what it feelsl ike to be a man sometmes you have to become a beast
is this from something specifically? sam johnson?
Cuba libres today is it?
Who's "they're"??
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How often do you lads shave your pubes?
any crisp man in?
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Chortling at the thought
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>going to uni means that you'll be indebted and have to put up with being a poorfag/stressed because you're working at the same time for a good 4 or so years
>trades are shit because being an apprentice pays fuck all, you'll have to put up with a borderline corrupt industry and cop abuse, shit conditions, dodgy employers etc.
>not doing a degree/trade just dooms you to a life of dead end wageslavery
>being a neet is shit because it just is
Are you just fucked either way
Is she talking about Friends?
I did a couple times as a teenager but I stopped and haven’t shaved in about 7 years.
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The microphone handle in the third frame
microphone third panel
>Are you just fucked either way
The best option is still trades but not everyone is cut out for it
i shaved them once and it itched like mad as they grew back
never saw the appeal of conventions. so you go and see a bunch of watched up celebs and sweaty fans? big deal
I've seen multiple years old CP permaban messages while posting on mobile, I usually call the mods niggers in the appeals form
Business idea: specialty drinks for pets
looks quite jewish there
going to take codeine before my tattoo today
And that’s a good thing
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>Demands for additional traffic safety measures grow after 3-year-old girl fatally hit by Hamtramck school bus
>pixels on a screen have a gender
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Got school fully paid for and even get a housing stipend each month I attend but I couldn’t join any four year colleges so I had to do a community college, still have cheated through 80% of it and don’t know shit so I’m fucked when and if I graduate
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We're all friends here regardless of pronouns
Probably a Naked Gun sequel or Ace Ventura or something.

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