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Museo Rosenbach edition.

Old and busted >>199871164
Hello /med/
I hate waking up early
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Good morning Sirs!
I don't mind waking up early, but I hate waking up early for work.
did indians get internet this year?
its like a swarm
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I looked it up and while it has been growing fast, India already had many people with internet access a few years ago.
Maybe 4chan became famous in India in the last year.
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Good morning frens.
something happened.
maybe they had a streamer or something promoting this joint
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Morning medoids. I'm finally back home and had 0 signal for the last 2 days.
I did my first ever outdoors poo (not on bossman's dime) and I even crossed the spanish border yesterday and got a look into Ordesa Valley, beyond the lake on that pic.
You had your baby wipes I guess?
Was this a shit you couldn't hold anymore or you just felt like doing it
Did you try to bury it
And did you sleep in your car?
Did you go to the recommended place I told you about? If yes, did you like it?
Very nice
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Also I touched some eternal snow, felt weird in July. And then there's this cute fella, staying fresh on the dirt path
Forgot the baby wipes so I rawdogged it with classic TP. Also there was no burying that one, it was a "bout to shit myself" situation and a really big boy. I feel ashamed but hopefully it will disappear fast.
I was with a friend in his parents van, it was pretty cool to be mobile like that.
I might have missed or forgot your post as I wasn't here a whole lot these last day. What was the place?
yes and it was so hard to get there, really felt like a reward.
Good morning /med/.
Looks good. What's your gear?
>what was the place
I-I d-don't remember. Maybe Lac de Gaube.
Morning fren! We camped out from my friends van so no need for heavy gear. Samson hiking shoes (no ankle support sadly cause I don't usually hike in the mountain), very good hiking socks, regular backpack, hat, sunscreen, enough water and food for the day, TP, that's pretty much it.
I was so close to Lac de Gaubes damn! Walked in the valley beside it and didn't go there because we had 3 full days of hiking waiting for us already. I'll go next time.
kino pic
do you have more photos?
Literally and figuratively me.

It's easy to shit in nature, just find some tree or bush leaves, or even a lean pebble if you're near water.
>lean pebble
as long as it's an odd number
t. muhammad
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>no lat pulldowns
>no lower back raises
>no upper back pull
>no rowing
>still managed to spend more than an hour in the gym
Idk how that happened. Perhaps I woolked around too much.
Might be the three sets of 50 reps of harassing others gym goers (fr)
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it's over...
My skin is 6 but other than that it's over.
I got a 0.
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I shouldn't be posting here
So the average medder is short, fat, hairy and brown?
> 2 Eyes
>4 skin
>2 hair
>3 height
Over? Back? You call it
>3 height
can't suffer
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>harassing others gym goers
I only harass men doe.
For me it's grunting really loudly while exercising.
It annoys all genders.
>grunting really loudly while exercising.
Nice, I do the same. It only annoys men doe. Women sometimes just look at me and blush.
>inb4 some /med/der calls me a fakecel
Then again my grunts sometimes sound like moans instead of grunts.
i got 13. height really killed me
had a meeting with bossman, he was like, Brune, stop working on (task i did not do shit), do some other task for now

the men watching you like coalson
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What a banger

>do some other task for now
What would that other task be? Editing pics to make /med/ OC?
>the men watching you like coalson
>want to find dates and places of death of ancestors (where i can't consult the archives because too recent)
>already searched on others people tree some times ago but do it again
>someone have them
a job well done, will just have to get the certificates, which is easy but will require a letter to be sent

i can't post coalson because of this gay site
basically, the gay stare
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Fuck bros
I just got back from visiting my relatives in Cyprus for 10 days. I miss them all so much already and I just got here. How is it possible to feel homesick for a place you visit once every 5 years or so?
Next time I see them my aim is to be able to communicate with them in Greek. But fuck me greek is such a damn hard language. Good god

Anyway lads, please enjoy the remainder of your summer months for me if you can.
How's south Africa this time of the year.
And since you speak Dutch I assume Greek should be easy to learn.
Why don't you try moving to Cyprus?
I guess lack of job.
That's why his ancestors left the island in the first place.
Fairly cold but not too bad. Dry as well. Outside of Cape Town we are a summer rain country.
Also Afrikaans is not the same as Dutch to begin with. It’s a lot simpler grammatically with a bit more English loan words. Even so, for an English speaker Dutch is FAR easier to learn than Greek and it isn’t even close.
You have all those gendered words and that weird “middle voice” thing.
But my mom said that if I do a course she will sit with me for an hour every week to review the work with me. So I’m very hopeful that I can achieve this
South Africa currently has a 32.9% unemployment rate.
If he already has a successful business it makes sense but otherwise I'd try fleeing that place.
It's always interesting to read opinions about Greek, it always seemed extremely easy to me I guess because it's my default language.
Well maybe one day but I first need to finish my degree here and learn the language fluently. Then I can see what I can do.
>lack of jobs
Cypriot unemployment rate is much lower than ours lol. It’s more so that I feel like I have a sense of duty to stay here and make things better as much as I can. I don’t want to have to tell my future grandkids that I abandoned ship when things got tough. Optimally, I’d like a well paying job here that allows me to travel there regularly which would be the most spiritually rewarding
another certificate found that way, some dude that thought it would be funny to die 30km away from his usual whereabouts
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>invades spain
>takes a massive shit
That's exactly what they deserve after what they did to us. Got a newfound respect for you, G-Man.
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It’s the same for me with English to be completely fair. I always assumed it was simple because it’s natural for me but hearing Europeans complain about it made me realise how weird and arbitrary it actually is
My first contact with English was in school and it seemed alien to me.
But thank's to videogames I got used to it.
I always had bad grades in pronunciation because I refused to change how I say the word since it seemed unnatural to me.
Living in an English speaking country and naturally changing my accent would be honest but since this didn't happen I kept pronouncing English words like Greek words and getting bad grades for it.
I also spent many years learning Greek in school with the rest of the diaspora community. My big problem is that we never learned the language in any meaningful way we only learnt the grammar rules. But the teachers would never actually explain why you use that rule or what the rule is really for. So you could pass tests but you never got a proper sense for the language. I can only really communicate in basic sentences. But now that I’m old enough to understand what you actually need to do to learn the language I think I can do it no problem. I’ll pick it up quickly
Teachers are good to help you learn the basics but I would not rely on them.
For example Homer made up his own words, if he was a student today the modern teachers would tell him that his words are not real and that he should not be using them.
>extremely slow internet
>Visit fit for some workout advice and ideas
>It's just dudes posting their naked bodies
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nothing gay with half naked men
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>My first contact with English was in school and it seemed alien to me.
For me it was my big sister, first English stuff I was told is "Give me a hug please"
How old were you
What kind of advice and ideas were you looking for?
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>first contact with english not being a ps2 game
Western moment.
Between 3 and 5 years old. Also "Give me a kiss please". I wonder if british roses would oblige.
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Btw why do some /fit/fags hate running this much?
The same reason non fit people hate cardio, cardio is hard specially when you aren't used to it.
rooners are dyel

the loving youth of Moselle, i kneel
Honestly anything.
I've been looking for a pull up bar but from what I've heard the local municipality will build an open space gym soon.
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I see. I was unironically starting to believe it is le bad thanks to browsing /fit/ a bit too much.

>rooners are dyel
>not lifting in the morning and rooning at sundown
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>Western moment
You're part of the Empire already, believe or not.
Outside derangement syndrome. Never saw a guy who goes in the gym telling me he goes on hikes regularly. The simple sight of a treadmill makes them go haywire causing them to rant about cardio for hours on end.
I take it as insult.
t. Meurthe&Mosellan.
>why do some /fit/fags hate running this much?
they are retards
cardio is much more healthy and useful compared to lifting weight and building muscle mass
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>I was unironically starting to believe it is le bad thanks to browsing /fit/ a bit too much.
Idk why I said that. Just forget about that part.

What a drip that gentleman has. I kneel.
Fr it's only me and a girl in the gym who use the treadmill. There's a third guy who gets forced by his personal trainer, but when he's not with the trainer he doesn't use it.
Open space gyms are good for calisthenics, you could look into some beginners guides, there are some in the r-word page.
I'll recommend you to go to a proper gym, it's easier to progress and I personally like it more but you can still improve your health and body with calisthenics.

Cardio isn't bad, don't worry.
There has been a recent study showing cardio is bad for hypertrophy and strength when done close in time to hypertrophy and strength training, so you should probably do something like gym in the morning cardio in the afternoon to maximise strength without stopping cardio.
While cardio is overall the best kind of exercise for health, anaerobic training also lead to better health and qol outcomes, and from a health perspective both should be trained.
>anaerobic training
that's a meme
cardio's benefits are real
How is higher bone density, for example, not a benefit for old people wanting to be healthy?
another date and place found, by myself this time
finna work a bit to thank bossman for sponsoring my researchs
>higher bone density
you can achieve the same results with normal training
anaerobic training is just faster
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Fugged up big today
>normal training
What's normal? Cardio?
Being faster is an advantage but it's not only faster but also further, so higher increase of bone density, which can be great for many older people.
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>but it's not only faster but also further, so higher increase of bone density, which can be great for many older people.
it's the week-end for you though
no more dossiers for now
congratz french bros you dodged an aryan bullet

Summary Estimates for Modern French Ancestry

Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG): ~10-20%
Early European Farmers (EEF): ~50-60%
Steppe Ancestry: ~20-30%
what I meant was that with cardio, or any training really, you can achieve higher bone density
there's no need for anaerobic training because there's a limit on how much your bones can "grow"
It's because of these dossiers that I fugged up and it's about the car not work per se.
When talking about increasing bone density, anaerobic exercise like lifting can not only increase bone density faster than aerobic exercise, but also increase it more, so for example someone who has low bone density genetically might need more than cardio to get to a healthy bone density.
>anaerobic exercise like lifting can not only increase bone density faster than aerobic exercise
I agree
> but also increase it more
I disagree
Yes, but for some people cardio can't simply increase their bone density enough.
Same as reversing muscle loss in old age, cardio can help some but anaerobic exercise can reverse that muscle loss both faster and more than cardio, leading to a higher qol.
I don't know why you are trying to discuss the proven health benefits of anaerobic exercise.
So you are going to tell me that if I were to dedicate the last 9 years to cardio the same way I dedicated my last 9 years to lifting I'd have the same bone density?
I don't think it works that way.
>i need high bone density because, uh.., spooky skeletons must be stronger

you had a problem with the car because you had dossiers in mind, a trip to another workplace perhaps?
Drinking milk now is an investment for your future self when you become a lich.
Basically we had two big working permits for workplace. We have to consult some guys but they need new pieces for the working permits.
Architect gave them last minute yesterday night and I had to go to the town hall to make them signed and then distribute them to La Poste before 11 AM.

Since I was under pressure of time and had a thousand things on my mind at the same time I bumped into a parked car while doing reverse and the upper part of the car (next to wear the phares are) is bumped and I have to take it to the garage I'm probably gonna have between 500-800 bucks in total and since it was a parked car the insurance can't do shit.
I was to that exact lake a few years ago, I broke someone's car with a rock lol
>t. bonelet
I'm not saying it's not beneficial I'm just saying you can achieve the same results with cardio and/or your average gym training
it just takes less time for someone that trains anaerobically to achieve X bone density compared to someone that only does cardio
now please fuck off with the anaerobical shit or I will COME in ASSpain and make your ASS feel PAIN trough my VERY SMALL penis
Andaluzanon's ass is already prepared from years of squat plugs designed to give him the edge while squatting.
>your average gym training
That's anaerobic training you know? Lifting weights is a kind of anaerobic training.

Try it, fag.

I do raw powerlifting not equipped.

francisco finally embraced fascism
Also you said anaerobic training is a meme, which it isn't, if you just said that cardio is more important for health I would have agreed with you and wouldn't need to further discuss the matter.
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>go back home after holidays
>no water in the appartment
>water guy can't schedule an apointment because of the Microsoft global outage thing
>33°C outside
I suffer
Yeah I do have other kino ones, I'll post them today or tomorrow
I would love to take that but I have to be honest with you... The shit was on the french side...
Btw andaluzbro how much weight do you squat with?
My max is 210 for 1.
>years of squat plugs designed to give him the edge while squatting.
>Try it, fag.
fascist scum
100 on the shoulders 50 in the ass
With or eithout squat plug?
Do you also use nipple pinchers (or whatever they're called) during bench press?
>My max is 210
Impressive. I'm still trying to increase weight even further because my reps can still reach 15 easily, but the weight is uncomfy as fuck on my neck/shoulders.

>100 on the shoulders 50 in the ass
Kek, best post today so far.
No to either, I don't have advanced lifting equipment like you do.

You'll get used to it.
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could this pass as a native in your country?

here its a yes
You can't handle Andalu-sama's hips, italoid.

Your work should pay for it though?

Of course

this syrian girl would also pass as southern romanian (norhern romanians are slavs)
I didn't use one of their cars and it was my fault since the other cart was parked so there's no way they're gonna pay.
I also hope the other guy won't find me out.
Anyway I have a full month before taking the car for repair.
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You’re right, I preferred to invest in squat plugs instead of a proper bench.
But the biweekly PRs are a blessing.

This girl too.
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Nope, too pretty.
How are you holding up with the heat?
She looks Polish
I've been to Poland and she doesn't.
Summary Estimates for Modern Polish Ancestry

Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG): ~10-15%
Early European Farmers (EEF): ~40-50%
Steppe Ancestry: ~20-30%

polish are honorary meds
Summary Estimates for Modern Russian Ancestry

Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG): ~10-15%
Early European Farmers (EEF): ~10-20%
Steppe Ancestry: ~30-50%
Eastern Hunter-Gatherers (EHG): ~10-20%
Siberian and East Asian Ancestry: Varies, particularly in eastern regions

poles have nothing to do with ukrainians and russians
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I'm just sitting in my chair slowly sweating to death. Heatwave will be over by tomorrow though, and temperatures will return to the low 20s by Monday, so I just have be resilient and stalwart in the face of adversity most men cannot even imagine until then.
On the one hand, the opinion of a person who has not encountered a given phenomenon (although he should have) in Poland...
On the other hand, the opinion of a person who has been dealing with a given phenomenon for most of his life...
Whom to believe?
Sounds good
Give me some Summary Estimates for your Ancestry

I know the pain, my British brother
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i wouldnt say she looks really polish
but that person is polish

she looks like she could be a loving mother
Summary Estimates for Modern Syrian Ancestry

Levantine Hunter-Gatherers: ~20-30%
Early European Farmers (EEF): ~30-40%
Steppe Ancestry: ~5-10%
Iranian Hunter-Gatherers: ~10-20%
Just saw a guy with a USSR football t-shirt, based.
This ?
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she is

It was a white model but I can't find it online.
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The list of stuff I want but don't really need.
What would you buy first?
It's ok, I'll always have HoI IV to win the civil war.
2k display assuming you already have a desk to place it on, otherwise the 120cm desk.
Weather is spicy today.
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There was supposed to rain here but we only got the humidity without the rain.
Today is 25 degrees here, tomorrow will rain, and it will keep rainig for some three days straight.

That is extremely grim, I'd immediately melt, or drink copious amounts of fresh drinks while staying in the shade,l goddamn.
we could play together if you want

anybody who wants to play hoi4 join this server
It's not such a problem for me because I'm Latino.

I pirated the game so I can't play online.
Argentina does not have such temperatures.

>pirated the game
Based, fuck Johann.
this one allows you to play online

>Argentina does not have such temperatures.
Doesn't matter I'm still Latino.

I'll be honest, it was a bit of an excuse I don't want to play HoI IV online for two reasons, I'd suck a lot and I'd have to socialize.
>I'd suck a lot
if you master micro your units then you above avg
its ok no need we just play for fun
Playing for fun is already socializing, just the thought of joining a discord server annoys me.
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>Today is 25 degrees here, tomorrow will rain, and it will keep rainig for some three days straight.
The three day suffering forecast for Portugal is "not".
Maybe you should consider building a pool in your new house, because summers ain't getting any cooler.
>I don't want to play HoI IV online for two reasons, I'd suck a lot and I'd have to socialize.
Same, and also because I usually play on 3 speed like a grandpa.
My training today:
7cm block bench press, 3x3 with 150 kg and 3x6 with 137.5 kg.
Smith machine bench press, 3x8 with 95 kg.
Machine OHP, 3x8 with 95 kg.
Cable triceps extensions, 3x10 with 40 kg.
I play speed 5 with pauses.
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I can't keep up with you youngsters.
>consider building a pool
Wife's always nagging me to do it in the new house, but I won't do it, ever. I'll put one of those that you can assemble and disassemble. The maintenance cost of a pool is astronomical.

>5 with pauses
That seems gamey. I do the same.
>The maintenance cost of a pool is astronomical.
Don't be niggardly.
How so?
You either pay a lot for renewing the pool's water routinely, or pay a ton in electricity and salts to keep the pool's water clean and at a good temperature all year round. Then you need to scrub it, fish the algae that forms, etc etc. People who have pools are not happy.
>How so?
Not wanting to spend money in something your loved ones want is niggardly in my opinion.
We settled things in the middle of the road, hence the pool that can be disassembled and assembled.
I also concede defeat in a lot of things, just as she.
>That seems gamey. I do the same.
what about you? wanna play?
The only multiplayer games I play are one's in first person that involve swords and shields, sorry fren.

we're going to have a large number coming up
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>Wife's always nagging me to do it in the new house, but I won't do it, ever. I'll put one of those that you can assemble and disassemble. The maintenance cost of a pool is astronomical.
I wonder what the chemical properties are of the black, ichorous substance that flows through the cold, dead hearts of men who deny the supplications of attractive Portuguese women. It should be studied under laboratory conditions.
Perhaps it could be used as a sealant for deep-sea submersibles.
Unfathomably based
I was wondering something Catnigga, do you ever play multiplayer games or used to in the past? I do, but only a select few
Which med country is less averse to Brazilians? I was thinking of going to Portugal as I am half Portuguese, but it seems they hate Brazilians and I can’t blame them, sounds like I wouldn’t be welcome even if I am fully ethnically European myself.
Guess I’ll have to learn French or Italian.
come to greece habibi
I feel like everyone likes Brapzilians
Greece is a nice country, but I think learning Greek will be even harder than French.
I think most Spaniards have a positive view of Brazilians, in Spain people think bunda, football and carnaval when they hear Brazil.
But the best option is probably the French southern coast, better salaries and most people will probably be welcoming to you.
I hear conflicting stories in Portugal, they are clearly sick of brownzilians immigrating there, but at the same time I know many people who live there with no problems.
Portuguese people's opinion of brazillians have been uttered soiled by all the hue favelados that simply come here and misbehave, act retarded, always try to sidestep the law, commit crimes, etc.
Even the "high-class" brazillians are always trying to game the law for whatever purpose.
The latest brazillian kino is buying expensive cars on credit and really everything on credit, then fucking off to other EU countries to run away from paying everything (they repeat the same thing in those other countries too).
I personally know one or two nice brazillians, but they're really not the average.
Wish Portugal was more strict with immigration, I know several Brazilians who now live in Portugal who have no business doing so, aren’t there because of some Portuguese parent or ancestor, but somehow got there. And they got there easily.
Just as my Argentinian brother said, when one thinks of Brazil in Italy it is bunda, Carnival and most of all football (which are all nice things).
One possibly negative view is that Southern American women in general are seen as cunning gold-diggers
>Wish Portugal was more strict with immigration
Me too. Now we completely stopped immigration because the new government can't just push it and we literally have overflowing airports and ports with illegals who can't enter.
I was just in vacation for a few days in the south and the population was as follow:
>50% pajeets
>15% brazillians
>5% assorted europeans
>30% portuguese
It was insane.
I was minding my own business driving calmly one day and out of nowhere a fucking 80's Opel Corsa comes driving very dangerously, zigzagging and overtaking people in the most dangerous ways possible. When it overtook me I saw some 7 turban wearing pajeets inside. 7, in a fucking Corsa.
Fucking madness I swear.
Pajeets should all be culled, all the times that I had to interact with them were bad
That sounds funny but a terrible nightmare at the same time
>go out with wife
>in a bar, which has an area for dancing
>a lot of people dancing, hotties around, guys enjoying their drinks, the usual stuff
>token pajeet inside
>polo-shirt with popped collar, soem kind of dressy pants, sneakers
>proceeds to try his luck with every single girl, usually by dancing next to them and them "accidentally" bumping into them
>everyone gives him dirty looks
>approached wife witht he same strategy, give him dirty looks and he goes away
>decides to video call his family or something in the middle of everything
>starts trying to shout so his voice is above the music in hindi or whetever, the people on the other side of the phone also start shouting
>starts saying he's out with his portuguese gf and she just went to get drinks

Jeets are amazing.

Not as bad as the time I went to dine at some local place and the food was terrible, the people were terrible and in the end they expected me to pay 82€ for it (I paid...)
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>>I was wondering something Catnigga, do you ever play multiplayer games or used to in the past? I do, but only a select few
When I was a bright-eyed young lad, I used to play multiplayer games like DoD, GunZ and Wolfenstein: ET (nobody younger than 30 has ever played any of these games). And a little bit of CoD3 and Modern Warfare.

I haven't played any multiplayer games in almost a decade though. The last one was probably Verdun, and due to the very low playerbase of that game, it's likely that me and the our resident Malteser crossed guns at least once.
And they're crapping out millions more, truly the stuff of nightmares
I think genocide is quite the drastic measure.

India already has a below replacement fertility rate.
>they expected me to pay 82€ for it
Don’t literal Michelin star restaurants cost like €200?
This year during our Spring festivities, in the south some pajeets decided to do a pajeet religious festival with Vishnu and other assorted gods' statues. The ship is going down fast.
I'm waiting until they have a huge community like in Canada and the UK.
There, things like street shitting is commonplace now.
In Portugal we had huge increased in diseases that were extinct because of the fuckers. Hepatitis, Syphillis, Tuberculosis, HIV (the immigrants now are 50% of the infected population while being 5% of the population), measles, fucking bubonic plague. This is mostly caused by indians, pakistanis, nepalis, etc.

This one was simply a shitty restaurant. I eat better if I go to a shopping mall and pay 15€ for some fast food slop.

I'm all for randomly genociding 25% of the human population. I would bring us down to a much more manageable 6 milliards. Emphasis on random (although I'd prefer less random strategies).

You played GunZ? That was a really fun game.
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Good night frens, feeling tired (headaches and DOMS) because of this very bad day. At least I can relax tomorrow.
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got in a big argument with bossman one hour ago (yes he contacted me at 8 pm o'clock) and said that I wasn't slaving enough this month and said I slacked too much
I explained to him that I have to give 2 exams this month (one of wich I took 3 days ago) and I need to study and that's probably why I'm not as active as I was before in the cage
he just said
>"guess we'll go on holiday very late this august"
to wich I replied
God I fucking hate this internship shit
he can go on a holiday each month and not come to the office and I can't even slow down a bit to study to get my shitty degree that I get scolded
from now on I will slackmaxx until the day I stop working even if I have to work all august fuck him
Purtroppo i datori di lavoro in Italia non hanno un minimo di considerazione verso gli impegni accademici che uno ha, mai una volta che ti prendano sul serio
>slacking for me, not for thee
Is the mantra of bosses worldwide.
it's not even the first time he complains during the exams sessions it's like he doesn't know I am a uni student
porcamadonna se è vero
se mi hai assunto essendo consapevole che io fossi iscritto all'università e che la mia carriera dopo la triennale sarebbe proseguita che cazzo ti lamenti
mi paga meno di un negro nei campi e devo impegnarmi io a trovare nuovi clienti altrimenti muoio di fame e comunque rompe il cazzo
the nigger knows it's hard to find slaves like myself that accept extremely low wages that's why he doesn't fire me
I will slack even more now he needs me as much as I need him
Prendi il ferro del babbo dal comodino, questo stronzo si è allargato abbastanza
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>I will slack evern more
Piedini, you are based.
Ran 8 kilometres and used some of the equipment of one of those calisthenics parks or idk what they are called (picrel).
Comfy way to end a day.
thanks and sniff
ma magari
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>You played GunZ? That was a really fun game.
I did. I don't mean to sniff my own farts or anything, but I was pretty good too. I had the reaction times of an 8 year old raised on a diet of Coca Cola and meth.
>I'm waiting until they have a huge community like in Canada and the UK.
They will bring doom to Portugal if you let them. Your population is a fraction of ours, you will be overrun far more easily.
Is your boss a boomer? Why does he care so much?
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>some mid 40s woman overtakes you
>she has a fat ass
I loved when I did some nice run and gun on the walls and then finished some more foes with my trusty katana. I hated when enemies did the same to me.
I always thought of GunZ as Matrix multiplayer, koreaboo version.
>tfw a mentally disabled girl hits on you in the swimming pool. Her parents had to call her attention awkwardly
Was she down for some love?
Fucking fakecels I swear
>Is your boss a boomer? Why does he care so much?
he is not he is relatively young (49 I think)
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Sweet dreams lads.

The only fakecel is portubro though. All other posters are incels.
>All other posters are incels.
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He's an honest sexhaver not a fakecel.
Thank you for clearing that up.
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>hottest day of the year
>drowning in sweat
>impossible to close the windows without dying of heatstroke
>south americans outside having a party blasting music with their speakers
Just another night in Shitdon.
Live your myth in Shitaly Catnigga, just become a digital nomad like your fellow Anglos do and help turn up our birthrate
I can't just move to Italy anymore. Ever since we were forced out of the EU, moving to Europe is difficult and requires you have to like, a job or sometihng.
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Couldn't post much today either. Life keeps me away from my beloved /med/
Better get started on laundering that pajeet scammer money then! A cute italian gf waits on the end of that path fren.
waste of my fucking day

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