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Should I go buy alcohol rn
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Or should I buy fizzy drink and pretend it's alcohol
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tomboy friday
I think you should go and buy alcohol. How much is alcohol in NZ?
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I am pure, I have never drunk alcohol and I am 24.
Wine the cheapest you can get is $8 and a 12 pack of beer is $20 but the beer I want is $26
I can remember going to Isaac theater or whatever its called to watch Peter pan :D but I was 5 and this was in 2008
Then going to the cathedral to donate present for the poor Maori children
Did you die?
i am going to middle stop in latvia for about 2 hours for my trip, what should i buy that is exclusively latvian?i only tried lithuanian candy and food before
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>mfw anons didn't want to keep my thread afloat
Raw milk and say hi to sol brah

Cans or bottles and how many ml is a beer?
Why are there like 4 threads up about us? How did we piss off slavoids this time to?
When are slavoids not kvetching 24/7 about their neighbours living rent free in their heads?
It's all thanks to me.
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Can you afford to raise a child /baltausnz/?
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Get these
slavs are obsessed with lithuanians, lithuanians are obsessed with litvak
how much Ashkenazi dna do you need to be a Litvak?
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Post DNA results, I will be the judge of wether you seem Jewish enough.
>2% maori
it's over
Are you actually a 'moid
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I am a native of the land

I am, in fact, a human male. I have tested this myself. I have actually seen my own penis.
second this
>Anglo 52%
Its literally over
isnt 'moid short for femoid?
in incel speak
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You think we could ever be a top 10 medal country at the Olympics?

No, is male short for female? You are such a goober.
never heard someone call men moids
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Not gonna lie, if you dont belong to n haplogroup its hard for me to consider you human
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I have heard it a lot homie, maybe its because you are an anglo intellectual. But I still love you bb, you so sexy.
das rite fellow N-group
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Me in the middle
n haplogroup on the right with the beautiful tits
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Das rite
Hello, fellow N-words.
you can't use the N-haplo word like that, apologize.
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F you pal
well screw you, buddy
sup nigger
I spent the entire morning walking around with a usb drive, unshitting the mess Sukdeep made, how was your day?
you work in IT? wuz on vacation for a week now renturning home atm
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Is it oveer for me?
normalfag tier
post site
I have my doubts baka

Oh watch out we got a badass over here
that just prooves that you are not pure and therefore a normie
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I am pretty pure, I never drink alcohol, stay healthy and am a good boy.
what was the issue exactly? Did you have to downgrade windows or that program to fix the saaar update?
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I think I'm not getting the 72 virgins bros.
nah, just have basic computer literacy, IT guy from main office in Wilno asked me for a favor
tldr; cloud security company pushed a software update that put computers into a bootloop, had to boot from a USB drive and delete the update files
holy chad wtf are you doing here
not drinking doesnt make you pure you have been tainted
Is this what being gay is like?
Wasting time while Having a few months of no-sex, untill a femoid steals me away from you again.
I wouldnt know, you are the one too gay to drink.
If I gave a vegan chick my sausage, that means she isn't technically vegan anymore, right?
if she gulps your seed than yes if not than no
So no then, sad almost got em...
post more tomboys, guys
Did you say Toomb Boys?
close enough but no
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Part of the "cyber pandemic" psyop. It's all so fucking gay.
R.I.P. IT fags, tough day for em
tomboy bump
>litvak did this
actually it was jeet code monkeys
i am a leftist but i am not a third worldist who says that all white people are racists
Well you should be
>who says that all white people are racists
white should be racist, everybody else is.
This could affect a lot of payment processors
I'm actually a bit concerned if I have enough cash to get through the clown show
would you have a passionate le based bro kissing session with Marx and Engels?
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needn't be a communist to enjoy a good one
racism is bad
i will kiss gražulis
I am an eurasianist
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Still the hardest beat to date
kiss yourself?
>racism is bad
only when you are the only non racist ethnicity on the planet as it lowers your chance of survival significantly.
If everybody is racist, then it's fine and fair.
but that's leaving out the part in which one ethnicity not only conquered and subjected another ethnicity, but also built up a system to segregate, dehumanize or otherwise oppress them

>inb4 inb4

I'm sorry, but context matters
so, its ok for us, but not for you to be racist, noted.
capitalism will destroy racism
are you a leninist?
>but that's leaving out the part in which one ethnicity not only conquered and subjected another ethnicity
anon, virtually every ethnicity did this, they did this to other ethnicities and they did it to their own ethnicity.
>but also built up a system to segregate, dehumanize or otherwise oppress them
this too, was done to whites.
>I'm sorry, but context matters
evidently not since you avoid it.
animė mergaitės
>N male haplogroup
How did you know?
>in a leftist chatroom
>russian trolls ruin it
sigh, i am starting to hate russians, subhuman savages
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Is that a sign of a toxic relationship if i keep falling out with my fren?
considering my third wank to femboys.
they're so hot.
we kept falling out and making up over the course of 3 months
Idk what to do with him. I like being frens with him but he seems to hate me now
either people crossed the line and you remove them from your life, or they didn't in which case there is no point in making a fuss.
>but he seems to hate me now
what did you do?
mergiukų problemos
Falling out over what?
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Don't worry about it too much.
Over me not being a good enough friend apparently
Not talked to them enough i guess? I'm not sure exactly as he's being very vague about it as usual...
it might be actually over this time
>Over me not being a good enough friend apparently
That's too vague, name the specifics that made him say that.
>Not talked to them enough i guess?
you did invite or offer to hang our with them at some point, right?
Just tell him to stop being a shit cunt problem solved.
why are zoom zooms so feminine and women brained? Imagine getting into petty fights with your bro constantly over being a "bad friend". Either anon and his friends are both drooling retards or his friend is controlling and is trying to manipulate him and get money/sex
literally cant take this anymore I will have sex tonight, I dont care how or with whom
also they probably never even met in real life and are hanging out on discord (where you can always block unwanted retards). Ridiculous.
I'm not the one who gets into fights with him. He gets into fights with me. I thought i was pretty chill
well my responses are too short according to him and i make him feel unimportant, even though it's not really true... At least I don't think it is.
I did once of times but it didn't really work out
other than that, It felt like i constantly had to engage with him without him really engaging with me. He rarely messaged me first, if ever.
that would be rather rude to say to a person like him.
>He gets into fights with me.
then stop behaving like a tsundere and stop talking to him. Simple.
>well my responses are too short according to him and i make him feel unimportant, even though it's not really true... At least I don't think it is.
Is he your gf? If not, why does he sound like a potential gf?
Hide your pets, children and elderly, everybody.
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Nz bros, our response?
Excellent post
Horrible post
is the jeet IT golden age over or will they flush this issue down the street?
Blessed is the jeet, for he shall inherit the Earth.
this thread is so fucking lame
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/balt/ divided
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I can't stop randomly saying 'SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR' irl
You wouldn't be able to function here.
i say it alone in my room or in my head if i'm outside (rare)
ktim but I shout nigger as well
me. on the right
The twelve tribes of Israel all live in India
Yeah I love Nacionalni$ $u$ivienijima$
Estija negali konkuruoti. /Aus laimejo.
postable horl
how do I stop putting women on pedestal
I need a step by step tutorial
one day i want to be as cool as you
Agreed too bad there are 0 femboys in lithuania
simply judge them for their personality and not their looks that hey are born with.
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what is your relationship vif your parents like in your country?
my parents banished me to vilnius for being too troublesome
I may have to. He resents me deeply now which is a shame
>Is he your gf? If not, why does he sound like a potential gf?
no he's not. Apparently i'm also inconsiderate and uncaring.
does that work for you?
more than you can possibly imagine anon.....
sounds like you were enjoying the benefits he provided but you didn't give him what he wanted and now you are sour the free ride is over.
In relationships of any kind, people usually have a give and take thing going on, and people often, while not feeling very motivated to do so, will give out in hopes of getting something back.
Sounds like you enjoyed the free sample but failed to provide back what the other person needed and they decided it's a waste of time trying.
The natural balance of give and take can either happen if both parties are lucky and naturally put out what the other person needs. Or if people communicate and make it clear for others "this is what I need" and then it's on the other person to follow through if they wish things to continue as they are.
best part is that you will shrug your shoulders on this incident and just move on to the next person, while your friend seethes that they aren't getting what they want.
>no he's not. Apparently i'm also inconsiderate and uncaring.
He probably wants to fuck you
but i don't understand what I was supposed to give...
Should I have said more? How could I have proven that I care? I'm not very talkative...
he's not a homo
>he's not a homo
He sounds like a woman
>but i don't understand what I was supposed to give...
Well what did the friend say he wants?
What are his complaints?
>Should I have said more? How could I have proven that I care? I'm not very talkative...
Again, I don't know what the situation is like, you do. If his complaint was that you don't talk enough, then yes, trying to talk more would have helped.
As an example, if one person does all the inviting to any kind of activity or to hang out. Then it leave a feeling that only one person wants to and the other person doesnt.
Same thing with talking, just being there and not talking leave the impression you dont want to engage with the person.
No he is a femboy
t. knower
Post femboys
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Keep dreaming
is that your waifu or is that you
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>nacionalinis susivienijimas + Holo
Literally me
Reikėtų sinicai parašyti į fb, paklaust kokią anime žiūri
Another word for a homosexual.
Nepatikėsi, bet mano nr. 1 waifu irgi yra Holo ir aš pats esu chudas
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I'd say it's pretty good. I live with the mum, help with household chores, bills and drive her to and back from work etc.
No drama, no arguments with the rest of the family either.
*cute homosexual
There is a difference
me & estvak
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paskutinis alucio bambalis.
drop the "oxy" and what is left is you
Tai Holo turbūt visų kurie žiūrėjo spice and wolf patampa #1 waifu automatiškai, tik po to antra vieta keičiasi
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Va būtent taip ir buvo
Tu prisipazinai esas homoseksualus...
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name me the best bar in tallinn pls
Sigmund Freud Bar.
Yes and? Jei gaidžio zonoj nedarei tai ne bachūras
Depeche Mode Baar if you're feeling more energetic.
fuck do you know about it? Shut the fuck up or we'll turn you into pulp
was there, felt gay
was there after the first one, they were closed already but a friendly bartender invited me inside and offered me a drink
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happens in your cunt?
Im pretty sure thats what people think after meeting me
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The Lithuanian BVLL knows all about the activities of his precious subjects.
Go home and drink or something then. It's close to 12am in Estija, don't bother, especially if you're alone.
people act friendly and nice when they are in your presence, but they don't mean it, they just are doing it to lower risk to themselves.
yeah, which doesn't sting when normies do it, but when even the weirdos of society do it to you, it starts to feel a bit alienating
what happened to wickr.me why cant i log in?
>people act friendly and nice when they are in your presence, but they don't mean it, they just are doing it to lower risk to themselves
is this news in eesti?
this is news to me, because I was under the impression that not everybody is dishonest like that, but frankly it was less of an impression and more of a hope.
But the more I interact with hundreds of people the more I see it as the rule, rather than the exception.
you must be a kaja voter
>yeah, which doesn't sting when normies do it, but when even the weirdos of society do it to you, it starts to feel a bit alienating
I mean I do it to others all the time. Only thing holding my sanity together is my super inflated ego
I'd vote for her if you know what I mean.
your not even eesti you sick pedo get lost
She's banging for a 50 year old woman.
not at all.
>I mean I do it to others all the time.
I don't. I never do it, ever. But people just think I'm a retard for not doing it since it's a social disadvantage and they can't wrap around their heads why I would willingly not put myself into the best position to rise through the social hierarchy
>Only thing holding my sanity together is my super inflated ego
I have nothing holding my sanity together.
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>You DO want to build anti-Russian defense lines on the border, right, anon?
Shame she didn't get the top NATO job. Would have been good for the Baltics.
Maksud ei tõuse.
does she know that you're a faggot?
we are only friends
stop making excuses for yourself boiii
wtf with this captcha i hate it more than estonia already
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Estonia has to accept being Midstonia behind Firsthuania. No King rules forever.
Work today not happy
What excuses, what are you talking about?
Seen any Wombats this week?
you know what i mean.........
why is this captcha so difficulet to solve i feel myself retarded
>you know what i mean.........
No I don't retard. Stop acting like a woman and actually say what you are thinking.
>why is this captcha so difficulet to solve i feel myself retarded
where do newfags like yourself poor in from?
I liked this version. Blackcurrant one tasted good.
No i haven't left my house
you know what you can know you disabled fuck
is it a wine?
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Yes, and she thinks I have good taste in men.
Too bad there are no good men in mongthuania. One more thing we can bond over.
>you know if you know I know you know, just know? You know...
stop posting garbage
Ask her if she likes 21 year old kiwi guys, Cheers.
My music this month
My music last year
> im sorry im very much disabled kaja voter
that was my point thx for proving it
*ive spent an hour solving captcha
>No i haven't left my house
There are Wombats outside your house?
>retarded shitposter
god why do you even show up here, whats the point? You are just generating garbage and killing any form of legitimate discussion in the thread.
> a sound someine shitting their pants
that must be the guy i replied to erarlier....
NOOOOO, i do wish that Scottish poof brought them over instead of wallabies
what place do i go to in tallinn for best party (stimulator based)
Just ignore him, he is clearly mentally ill.
estonias would no better ignore their brothers replacing us with litvians like yourself
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Wombats are native Marsupials to /aus/.
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Do you think they would make a good curry?
What are you drinking this evening, /balt/?
It's cheap and very unpleasantly sweet red wine for me tonight, desu.
Nothing, I'm thinking NOTHING
ur moms piss
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Same, brother.
The sickly numbing sweetness started feeling right quite a while ago, really.
The bottle is empty.
hmm, maybe I should get some wolfs for company, but then I'd be accepting my fate of being a male cat lady...
i like this guys videos
>using Karaliaučius and not Tvankstė
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I am not obsessed with bullying Poles on 4chan (previously 4channel) /int/.
idk, from the looks of it they've been mogging you quite hard in your recent threads
Can't click his videos because I've never used Instagram on a pc and don't want to do the whole password/account retrieval thing. Looks comfy, however.
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Post designated drinking bench in your country.
How did they mogg me? FYI, I have not made a thread this week until today.
>thought it was a sword from the thumbnail
So did I and was disappointed
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Post benches. I have tremendous benches, the best actually. Other guys they have their regular wood plank benches in a very bad place, they drink their cheap Tauras tradicinis there and drop the bottle in the bushes, think about the millions saved if we turned in all the bottles, very sad and disrespectful.
My bench was in one of those pavėsinės in Šilainiai commieblock courtyards(I do not have a photo, but if you know, you know.), back when I had friends.
That was a decade ago. Now I drink in my room. Alone.
im gay. any thoughts on that?
get out of my country and stop posting under my flag
Agree with this guy
Gays should get a VPN and post with a Polish or Russian flag.
check my flag isnt it russian
It gets boring drinking at home. You need to find your bench, the bench chooses you.
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The bench is meaningless without the bros that made it The Bench, bro.
And the bros are gone.
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There is a minimum of 2-3 Lithuanians confirmed by me posting under a British flag (that are not /balt/ shitposters imitating me with a VPN) so please don't conflate me with anything they post.
i have a bench full of ruso drunkies down my sovkoblock appartments, want to join them?
Sirs, there are social benches and solitary benches. One is for socialising the other is for introspection.
Drinking on a bench is not acceptable unless you're 14-22 max (and that is stretching it).
Based doggo anon.
going to start brewing my own beer
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I find brewing kvass/gira better. You just need to have it sit longer and the right mixture for the yeast to have it at 4-8 percent alcohol content, tastes phenomenal, the raisins aren’t optional, don’t skip that step.
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You call me based in one post, and tell me to post under a vpn in another.
Mixed signals sending fembrained nigga, make up your mind.
whats the punchline or im leaving
Never trust diaspoo. Zainichi slavs are bad but diaspoos are worse.
I beamed some wisdom to you. Take it or leave it.
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Wht is even a slav at this ppoint. I don't even speak the language.
There are no mixed signals, it's relatively straight forward.
Good posts, do it under a Lithuanian flag.
Bad posts, switch to Russian, Polish, or some other non-Baltic, Aus, or Nz flag.
You should try making mead, far easier to make than wine or beer and imo tastes better. Also we have cheap and great quality honey compared to other countries. Ratio should be atleast 1:1, you can use water (preferaably herb infusion) or juices, mix it warm (you can boil it but I dont bother, it tastes the same afterall) add strong wine yest or special mead yest and youre good to go. Also you need to age it alteast for a year, I mean you can drink it after fermentation but it tastes far better after aging.
>age for a year
I mean what you said is splendid but are there some special guidelines? Because aging for so long is a risk of creating an anaerobic environment and that means botulism. I mean our forefathers did it but there is a higher chance for us fucking it up.
I once got pre-drunk on a bench in inner city London with a gf at the time and during the 1-2 hours we were doing that I had a lot of weird dudes, including lots of homeless guys, approach us and asking questions. I remember one guy initiating the conversation that he had a PhD and I still don't understand his end game.
> risk of creating an anaerobic environment
Kek youre dense, You do understand that fermentation of acoholic drinks like wineand beer must be and always is done in anaerobic environment ? Also you know that literally every single wine in the store is aged in a steel barrel under a presure seal in very same anaerobic environment ?
Would you vote for me when i run for mayor, I promise I represent you <3
I understand but home environment is different, it isn’t as sterile or well kept. I guess honey isn’t a suitable environment for such bacteria to fester but anything involving organic matter has a risk. Few days it’s nothing but a year is different. All I am asking if you keep it in some well washed buckets or something.
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>Remove taxes on buildsing so its only on land value
>Remove zoning laws and regulations and replace it with a simple district system, Rural, Urban, Industrial and Chartered Districts.
>Create a $800 dollar deduction for each resident living in a property
>Create a scooter/ebike registry and build simple parking places for them, making the scooter companies pay for them
>Simplifying the City council taxes, utility cards, transport and other services systems all to work with a simple card or app, also having a student ID auto register you with the system.
There are other minor things but I like to think it would work out, there are a lot of unnecessary expenditures and diversity initiatives I think should be cut to keep things affordable.
Unironically buying out land with government buxx and building cheap housing (while screening residents, certain yt people and n-words only create crime and ghettoes). Is a political chess move any leftoid and rightoid hasn’t capitalised on.
>>Create a scooter/ebike registry and build simple parking places for them, making the scooter companies pay for them
we never had them before globohomo barged into here and why? Because it's american culture.
IT's FAT PEOPLE culture.
fucking walk, or use a bike you retard. Stop enabling globohomo and it's culture.
How will you deal with the Boomer menace who will oppose most of that to avoid getting extra neighbours or decreased property values? You can't really blame them either. If you bought a house 40 years ago that was perfect, but now the government was to build a bunch of shitboxes near your house and move in immigrants or lower income people, why wouldn't you be pissed off by it?
Had some people with let’s put it lightly rather serious blunt trauma to the head leading to some light inconvenience or long term life changing trauma. I ask them if they wore a helmet, the answer is no all the time. Apparently hitting a tree at 30 Km/h with a car is the same as hitting a lighting pole with an e-bike for them, not a big deal.
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No house prices are high cause people want them high so its really hard to do, plus it requires lots of capital.

I am not going to tell people what to do, I am not there mother.

I have a few ways I am working on, one is to try and build connections with trade workers and stuff to try and increase voter turnout, since young people don't vote. The second is to try and split the vote between other candidates. If I do my job right I think I can use the tax reforms to make it a less appealing place for boomers, while also attracting jobs and young people so that they wont be as big of an issue.
I'm not sure what the message of your post is.
>I am not going to tell people what to do, I am not there mother.
das right, which is why rape, murder, theft, drugs should all be legalized, who am I to tell other people what they can and can't do. I'm not their mother.
That doesn't answer the moral question of why does your perfect house deserve more people next to it? Especially if you paid for it to avoid having people next to you?
People don’t want them high, it’s a small group of home owners and real estate businesses buying them up in bulk and keeping the prices artificially raised to perpetuate rent cuckery (a repeat of serfdom from years past mind you) because you make huge money renting to wageslaves and if you want you can just sell the property for huge money either way, an investment which in this market ever since the great 07 crash isn’t depreciating in value, it’s a win-win for all parties involved except for those renting or buying as private individuals via mortgages or cash. It’s the case here and 110% the case in your cunt, it’s an epidemic in firstie and secondie countries.
Wear a helmet
the solution isn't to get fat americanized people to use helemets on their ecuckbikes, but instead remove the ecuckbikes
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People can do what they want with there own property, if you don't want people living next to you, then buy a lifestyle block in the country.

Yes they do, people vote for that shit. The government literally said they wanted house prices to increase and people voted for them. Most people own houses, and most people want money. its simple
I don’t find the bikes the problem, hell it’s better than having the truly americanised means of transport built on cars only with these huge parking lots, 6+ lanes and everyone having 4+ cars including their baby. At least standing on one of those burns more calories. The current issue is they don’t have any legislature, either on speed limits or PPE requirements.
>Yes they do, people vote for that shit. The government literally said they wanted house prices to increase and people voted for them. Most people own houses, and most people want money. its simple
This line of thinking will just be a repeat of 07, instead of faulty mortgages defaulting it will be defaulting on real estate projects and property upkeep because of a run off effect of overinflated places where no one is willing to rent or purchase.
>I don’t find the bikes the problem
bikes where you have to use your legs aren't a problem.
mobility scooters for fat americanized people, is.
>hell it’s better than having the truly americanised means of transport built on cars only with these huge parking lots, 6+ lanes and everyone having 4+ cars including their baby.
thats where this shit is heading
>At least standing on one of those burns more calories.
oh please don't cope, its just a way for americanized people to take a "Car" into places where a car doesn't fit.
> The current issue is they don’t have any legislature, either on speed limits or PPE requirements.
the current issue is that common people let this filth pile up in the street, but then again they let all kind of filth pile up in the goverment as well, so I guess they are fine with all of it, the faggots, the race replacement the american tattoo shooter culture.
just drink that alcohol, suck on that ciggie/vape and don't think about it, everything is fine. And if you want something to complain about then only about muh mordor.
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American politicians are jealous they don’t have the mordor uno card. You can dodge any criticism by just saying muh ruzzia.
I voted for NZFIRST
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Yes, people are retarded. But thats what they want. Sadly people support a government that fugs over future generations, they only care about supporting old people and bringing over 100s of thousands of immigrants while fuking everyone else over.
Bergs have fallen so low they need to have cats save their political career.
its been fed to normies so much that they honestly think that is their only problem
as literal globohomo genocides them in their own nation.
Sometimes I stand there flabergasted, unsure if I should even care about my homeland when this is the kind of people that live in it, that willingly invite doom upon their race and culture.
ask them about any issue any issue besides muh mordor and they will say "Who cares, it's a good thing"
but the moment mordor is mentioned they go into this deep existential crisis about oh no, our live is over,it's over man, us small people, the shire, our way of life its going to be over
Cats are powerful political operators:
>Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office
>Larry has been in residence since 15 February 2011, he is the first cat at Number 10 to be bestowed with the official title Chief Mouser.
Based. I will vote for him again.
Bongs love Larry but he doesn't get very much publicity.
If he got any more publicity then the public would probably say "politics should be about running the country, not showing us stupid cats"

So the amount of publicity he gets right now is probably about right
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Can you guys tell the difference between them?
>hates white nationalists
I automatically don't care about his opinion, he is an outsider, a hostile one at that.
Yes, South Asian Muslims marry there underaged cousins in a Mosques. Gypsies marry their underage Cousins in a snap wedding during a street fighting tournament after she gets pregnant.
i am an internationalist, not a globalist
>ROMAnia is fourth in terms of ROMA population
They all got removed during WW2
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Does this happen in your cunt?
baste lithweeb
Hope not
We can go lower.
What is happening in Australia
Because there was no tech retard
Mostly the mining boom, they need to buy lots of trucks and stuff.
Is your economy fixed yet
i certainly cant do that roma gypsies are human beings and south asian muslims are also human beings
>roma gypsies are human beings
stopped reading here
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did someone say amrpitussy?
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I can spot a slav from 30ft, SA mussie from 10ft and a roma gypsie by the feeling in my pocket

cheers to anons in this comfy thread
brilliant post
thank you here have some more of this sweet armpitussy
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sir put that boner down
(checked again) I actually don't have one rn because I am a 3d enjoying pleb
So you have 0 attraction to 2d girls? now that's weird
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I need s gf, I m lonely and need someone to cuddle so I could sleep.
take sleeping pills
No monat, can't go to the doctor to get a perspiction
Tall and shy girls are so cute

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