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Paul Ryan edition
still thinking about gen z boss and a mini
Go back to wherever you had that argument, you are not welcome here.
If you have a hairline like this you will never go bald
Don't care still like yanks
gen z boss and a mini > fake tan hands and a hoop > new frank green and a sneaky link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secret product and a trench
(8) push up (8)
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They should have been removed years ago. None of them even work.
5'3 with an attitude second for me then itt bitty titty down bottom
shocking what my trans sisters go through on a daily basis
Should turn them into gloryholes where you go in and just flop your cock out into the street
turn them into mini art exhibitions simple as
alri deegz why no name
fuck offfff
literally me
hull's distinctive white phone boxes are kino
half of them stink of piss but that's par for the course innit
1 more hour till weekend
Because they’re retarded
Look to the left of the tv, he’s got a turntable plugged into Bose computer speakers next to it of it as if he sits down cross legged right in front while playing records
hello belle
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Need to see some of her content
>almost a decade ago
simpler times
alri belle. fancy sitting on me knob?
Feeling furiously Faustian and prostitute pillled
only time I've seen one of these used in the last few years was that video of the wog having a shit in one
>At the moment, the companies that own the kiosks can charge tens of thousands in compensation for lost advertising money from the boxes. The report recommends the law is changed so they are only compensated for the costs of removal.

> “Box blight is a menace hiding in plain sight, attracting litter, cluttering up our pavements and making all our streets and square a little bit uglier and less pleasant. We don’t have to put up with this and we shouldn’t. Other countries don’t."
that picture depresses me
that ugly slabs on the pavement
asphalt area surrounding small bits of grass and trees metal poles and bins sticking out of it
ugly plastic and metal phone boxes with goyslop ads peeling off them

could be any high street in the country as well. this country is an incredibly grim and drab place. Everything is grey and decaying.
wasn't lt corbis that 11 year old girl who talked about politics and was extremely articulate and clued in for her age?
wonder what strain of autism that is
peng a leng
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tru tru
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my surrogate famberg goes yearly
duran duran would be good tho
boring post. Too long.
Looking forward to my run tomorrow
wish windows defender wouldn't give me motivations every time it DIDN'T find any malware, gives me a little heart attack each time, leave me alone unless there's a problem
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drinking beere loil
im diego and i think this is the first time we've ever agreed on something
fucking hell, notifications*
Would love to start a think tank to tell the government how fucking retarded they are and how badly they’ve fucked our country
yesterday you said tomorrow
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>Democrats call for Biden to step aside as nominee after debate disaster, COVID diagnosis
actually i used to find you fairly agreeable, you must've had some kind of psychotic break because now you're nothing but an annoying cock smoker
no excuse, isn't even past midnight over there
both sound fine to me
meh it's a nothingburger
yeah but i've been doing drugs all day
mad how much worse things have gotten in just 10 years, I don't even want to know the horrors of 2034
not my fault this is the first post you've ever made that's not braindead retarded
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>every single device affected by this needs to be manually repaired in person
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thinking about tanks
theres a manual fix thats been known for hours honey its no big deal
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>primary schoolteachers making OF content
>secondary school teachers shagging all their students

what's going on
where is this wrong'un epidemic coming from
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
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likely due to japanese mangas going mainstream
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even if you were right about me being retarded (which you're not) you've still got a serious attitude problem and deserve to be beaten with sticks and bits of scrap metal
Any tiresboys in?
Anyone else have fish? Looks like quite a cosy thing to have, wouldn't mind having a tank in my office where I can look at fishbergs rather than working.
gods not real you fucking imbecile dickhead
inevitable result of a godless society
>inevitable result of a godless society
Diego won't have a retort to this one.
Prove it
hold on, let me rank them all
why would he
The duality of man
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>Israel bombs 6th UN-run school in Gaza in 10 days, kills dozens
brainless mong
you're unfathomably retarded and unpleasent
at worst i am just the latter
most intelligent australian
Women are FUNNY, ok rorke?
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how am i braindead
The dogs are in the enclosed pool area.
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still waiting for the UN to declare war on Israel in retaliation
Who is this and why should I care
Mental how comically evil Jews are
Don’t see a reason for their continued existence tbqhwy
what? quick run down pls (qrd)
there's a certain contingent of atheist aussies who post here and constantly use reddit phrases and insults
often see rorke chud types saying how no-one makes good art anymore which is simply untrue and very ignorant
can you all spellcheck so you don't set brandley mong off please
pooberg absolutely reeks arseberg is in tatters
Shes a youtuber and wears nice clothes
cannot believe this nigga is in house of the dragon. bro must have some deep state connections
literally the same second
huh almost as if sexualising children has a negative impact on society as a whole and it's not just being 'prudish' to be against it
Who's the video and why are they shooting him? Is he a rapper?
rorke bombing schools during the summer holidays
Big fan of bradleymong myself, keep posting
tesco whoosh order on the way
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With the exception of work where I only use outlook and some office programs, I haven't properly used Windows for over a decade. My missus had a problem with her laptop the other day so I just did a fresh OS install with it being Windows 11 compatible.

Holy fuck, what a steaming pile of shit Windows is now. Everything looks like it's built on some weird version of android (jeetcore), simple things like system settings are FUCKED and now buried behind 30 menus and by default it had some insanely restrictive firewall activated so when I was reinstalling software (some of it pirated) it was like

>No, it's fine, I want to install this
>*turns off all the security in the settings and runs as administrator*

Long story short, I had to go into the fucking registry and manually turn off all of the JEET security SHIT that windows has now.
Name a single good modern art
rosie jones is fab
they should give the England job to a woman, possibly sporty spice if she's available
how pissed do you think biden really is that trump wasn't topped
mustve been gutted
let out the tiniest fart ever a few minutes ago and the room smells like a corpse that's been lying in the sun for 3 weeks. dread to think what terrors will be released when I go to the bog
video games
52,000-Year-Old Woolly Mammoth Skin Retained Its Ancient Genome Architecture: Study


Link to the article in the journal cell is also on this page.
Define 'modern'.
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just saw this picture that was done by a gay furry
wish films at the cinema still had intermissions so you could go do a wee and get more snacks
art only really went to shit after 2016
that's when the clown world really began, but you lot won't want to hear it.....
>looks at the works of matisse, piccasso, dali, stanley spencer
if you cant find anything good there you're unironically braindead
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Hey rorke mate why don't you post the link to the original article?

Oh wait you can't, because it's made up
Works on my machine
I go to the theatre (plays + classical music) and they still do this. I'm usually the youngest person there as well though.
this but 2020
"oh here are some flowers i painted during lockdown"
>Cybersecurity researcher Kevin Beaumont posted on X that he has seen a copy of the CrowdStrike update that was issued and says the file isn’t properly formatted and “causes Windows to crash every time.”
Worth 83 billion by the way.
For me it's Naughty Lada to start with, Eva Eflie main course and then a bit of Mila Azul for dessert.

Then I cum.
Need SEAmonke gf
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>Travel influencer, 27, falls 300ft to her death while filming at waterfall in India
Got a big knob me. I use it to open the bathroom door.
howling that's literally my job
i am so getting fired
yeah well the actors need a break
the reasoning for cutting intermissions out of films is so they can screen more and thus make more money, but wouldn't they also make more money if people had the chance to duck out and buy more snacks? that's how cinemas make the majority of their money anyway
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did this in London and people were buying £50 bottles of champagne like it was nothing made me feel like a right bottom feeder shitheel with my twiglets and fanta
The first 'fuck off yank' was said in a post on the 21st of April 2014 (in reference to someone using American English). The first 'FOY' was said in a post on the 3rd of July 2015.
video games are not art
I go to jazz gigs and they do it there too. I've had to take the walk of shame at the cinema on the odd occasion.
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It's hilarious seeing all these major companies that were previously considered "unfuckable" just crumble at the hands of diversity hires.

Same with video game companies. There was once a time when getting hired by Google, Microsoft, Blizzard etc. was an incredibly hard task that was worthy of praise in the tech community.

Now you just need to be a fat gay paki with blue hair and you're in.
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>Illinois sheriff’s deputy charged with murder shot Black woman in face after she called police for help
spent most of Dune 2 in the disabled toilets vaping because it was boring and shit
post the bradley where he's just staring at the camera bemused
(8) how do you feel being a girl (8)
>black woman shot
>police going to prison
Win win
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Bet she has a hairy pooper in her chamber of secrets.
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>deputy charged with murder shot Black woman in face after she called police for help
Where's clippy when you need him? He'd sort this in a jiffy
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hello sex
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so many bradleys added to the filter list
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>file isn’t properly formatted and “causes Windows to crash every time.
I don't even know who to blame the file or windows
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how do you know i'm sexy?
All this brad posting has really improved the thread
Me in the back (a mushroom)
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that's not bemused
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this one?
new gen z boss and a mini just dropped
(cels who don’t have an account, just open in a private tab)
i add a pixel to every bradley i post so that they need to be rehashed x
Bradders looking defused in this one
cheers m'dears
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waikting for me mate's gf to come round to hang out with me
um based
Party rorkers in the house tonight
everybody’s going to have a bad time
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bit crowded back there... no mushroom
Rashida Jones still hot
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i was like wuit that's rashida jones
then oh it's thingy leslie knope must be some parks and rec thing
why are the women from parks and rec there
how can grouse be spread across the islands again
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Not on this
fucking love this one
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>that's not bemused
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Washington Post: "What Biden meant by this is that he's 'sick' in the hip hop sense, like a sick beat."
now post the brad where he's laughing hysterically
You cannot believe how raunchy Soho is going to be this morning. Cocks will be sucked. Arses will be fucked. Sodom and Gomorrah concentrated in such a small area.
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It makes me laugh every time
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>see videos of brits crying
man i am pretty sure most british people would kill themselves if they lived here
Labour is about to allow 90,000 "refugees" to gain asylum status at once


90,000 men in a single week. That's enough for a new MP to be formed.
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Ruhm und Ehre der Bradley Poster Brotherhood
>Cocks will be sucked. Arses will be fucked.
gay theoden at pelennor fields be like
Labour will deport at least 30,000 of them which is more than the Tories ever did in one year.
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this has to be the one
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oh my days if someone from my school gave their teacher a thank you present they'd be hanging from the flagpole upside down by their undies
The Labour plan to smash the gangs...is to take their business. Would COULD have guessed this?
The art of hand-drawn animation has been lost
These days the teachers more likely to remove her undies first
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nah he means this one
3 magic wishes you say?

fire and brimstone on Israel until there is nothing and nobody left

unleash a virus that makes everyone non-white infertile

don't need a third
Wish I could get a journal or log of Emma Watson’s bowel movements as she filmed Philosopher’s Stone.
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this one?
Indians destroyes the world because Jews didn't want to pay good wages to men who could program
I challenge any of you to name just one single thing about the UK which has improved during your lifetime.
What was all this in Leeds last night then?
I've seen some far right online figures stirring up hatred?
This is false and you know it. They're going to allow the consideration of 90,000 applications which were placed on hold by the previous government because of the Rwanda scheme.
what's the deal with those guys who shower 5 times a day so they constantly look wet and smell of lynx
Good album
wow.. imagine if we had the entire world to ourselves,,,
Online shopping
population of chester is 92k. did we just have a spare city somewhere waiting to be filled with all these brown men
White women will take them in
the 2nd wish is useless against me anyway
yeah the city of your mum
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ah... hello all
>just crumble at the hands of diversity hires.
Rorke you're unhinged
the food choices, rorke
Chester needs a population of 180k
>pakis burning down shops, buses, and police cars
>let's get mad at this one guy who points out it was pakis
Was just saying this down the Bierhalle
Internet speeds, cycling infrastructure, local play parks, availability and quality of entertainment, restaurants and eateries, general cleanness of towns and cities
brits deserve the current situation, they should've voted BNP
I can't believe I've been posting on here for one whole year

This might be the worst article I've ever read
where the fuck have you been?
they are spread out
even scotland has like over 100k blacks
>local play parks
Streets are cleaner, there used to be litter and dog shit everywhere back in the day.
>general cleanness of towns and cities
BBC to the moon and back
Get them in.

Get them housed.

Get them wanked.
My old music teacher would be hanging from my flagpole upside down by her undies
the pub (mainly) lad
Wanked by dainty feminine white hands
Only the best for them
London was fucking grim in the 80s and 90s. You wouldn't know because you're probably like 19 years old
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good mornevening
>Williams lives in South London with her second husband, Will Higham, and his daughter from another marriage, as well as her son, Thurston,[34] and daughter, Harper,[35] who were fathered by her first husband before she married him.[36] Williams married the father, a geologist,[37] of her son and daughter[38] in 2013, after ten years together, and wrote about the wedding from a feminist perspective in her column for The Guardian.[39][40] In 2018, after a divorce, Williams married for the second time.[36]
I have no idea what's going on here
London still is fucking grim. There's so much rubbish and bin bags full of it on every street
Some old hag writing about another dusty slut
How droll
Get the ferry tickets booked
Don't live in London, and I'm 29.
>availability and quality of entertainment
well that's alright then, good lad.
Corr please do regale us with your extensive and wide ranging life experience sage.
I'm a retard
good lad cheers
to where
bit warm innit
grumpy little sod aren't you?
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The weather thanks to global warming
not really cleared it up for me at all have you
your mum's arse is extensive and wide ranging
as is the list of men who have shagged it
There are many more towns and cities than just london
Most blacks in Scotland are fishermen
Locals don't want to die for minimum wage so they hire desperate blacks
Put that cunt in a casket
Mainstream media memholing the STD epidemic right now.
So many people having unprotected sex :/
Even as a virgin I'm taking it seriously but sex-havers don't seem to care that much.
Jesus wasn't black
Fancy a nice big lamb chop
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>quality of entertainment
>quality of entertainment
Infrastructure in Britain is literally crumbling compared to the last Labour government.
>STD epidemic
It sounds based cleaning up scum until your "loyal" wife gives you and your unborn child AIDS
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Just don’t give a fuck about anything anymore
Hope civilization collapses in my lifetime
Feeding him well in prison
It needs destroyed and replaced with parish owned structures
Afternoon little zoomies. Bear in mind that there only used to be 3 channels and they went off at midnight. Your choices for entertainment included Blue Peter or Biker Grove.
tempted to get aids
So labour is just going to give amnesty to these 90,000 claimants?

And they think this will serve to discourage future crossings?
Oh yay more retarded localism
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40% of 30-year-old men are virgins
>Entertainment is solely restricted to consuming media
Utter state of you lmao
true, are ken really fixed up the city
Lunchtime waterfights at school
Tazz, what the hell is PeftyLol doing in the Impact Zone?!
Do you have a source for that?
Kier Starmers first acts

90,000 foreign men allowed in
Closing industry in Labour strongholds
Giving licences for more unaffordable houses in the countryside

He's a great Jew
Idiot child.
100% of virgins have never had sex. Mad that.
Err yeah entertainment usually refers to TV films and music
Sir Poo Barmer
Not true. Those who've had their arses shagged for example.
big if true. is this true
if you were born before 1982 when channel 4 launched then you really ought to sort your life out canslad
furthermore, you said quality, not quantity. quality of british telly has been so bad for the last decade it's actually sad. not to mention how pozzed it is. outside of the 4 main channels it's literally all just reruns or american shows as well and always has been, other than sky one and that which was good for all of 5 years in the late 00s
Starmer just said he's sending the troops to Israel and the Jewkraine
Ancient gif this
someone is doing the shagging

all me
Mong spaz

>the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
Mongy little cret

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