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>slept at least 7 hours
>still tired
>stomach hurts
>world is doomed(Christians, yids, pajeets, etc)
>missed out on teenage love
Why does my body insist on waking up? Take a hint.
me on the left, hiking from life to death
Teenage love is overrated
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>teenage love
Complaining about "missing out on teenage love" is pedotalk for "missing out on fucking a teenager legally"
>Order McDs for the first time in ages
>30 minutes later and they haven't even started the order
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very weird to even think this is why
it's true
McDonalds is slow, shit, and expensive
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Age of consent is 16 in most of the US including my state. I could fuck a teenager legally.

QED, you're BTFO
I came up with something a computer program could do for me after watching some videos on league of legends scripts (already know what runescape bots do). I couldn't see what the options they had coded were because it was too blurry and the boxes don't interest me because intro bots are too easy and intermediate bots will just hit you whether you have a box around skillshots or not
I still don't believe in scripting against players but it wojld of been cool to make something to showcase and have to show for myself

I have an idea for what I could do, but it is sort of just like counting. But at least the numbers can add uo to things and make things. It's maybe also sort of like logic gates. I think that unlike scripting (or whatever you want to call it) a counting machine wojld be fair to use against players if it's a count and not something like an actual script which tracks twisted fate cards (which you can do by th3 way) (in your head). But at thr same time, learning how to count and what to count would be skill that not a lot of people have, and definitely higher than where I was
I'm definitely going to bite.the apple simply because I cannot resist finally doing something with the CPU to count numbers which male a program
were you also affected by the microsoft outage?
I am not american
why did those tiny smarts cars never took off, i feel like they would be convenient for living the city
I think there's a skill gap where
Players can do thr bear minimum even if they have other things to keep track of. Fundamentals sich as warding baron
Players who can ward no objectives when they're up just to mention it
Then a skill level above that is doing thr bear minimum except for during the opportunities to not do that for an advantage
Had a craving. Also it didn't used to be slow at least where I live. Shan't be doing this again
Foe the hustle and bustle?
I was asleep
I hope someone would come along and behead me
where are the messicans?
I was asking why McDonalds is so shit, slow, and expensive
Fast food places only get to pick one of the three but McDick's went for all three
Sometimes I'll get the tiny cheese burger and a small fry if I'm feeling lazy
Cosmic insight is the best item on teemo and its not even close
He needs to buy a green trinket and no pinks and the enemy.team needs to green ward for it to be ineffective. This item makes teemo OP

With level 1 ult and Q W max before R you can buy crystal scepter
I hope someone would come along and give head to me
we have maybe 1 real mexican and a proxynigga now. Seem to be extinct in /cum/, we should catch some more.
come to america and i can shoot you
I haven't been to MickeyD's in like 6 years
Cosmic insight is the best item on teemo and its not even close
He needs to buy a green trinket and no pinks and the enemy.team needs to green ward for it to be ineffective. This item makes teemo OP

With level 1 ult and Q W max before R you can buy crystal scepter
Two different items but I mean this for when dark harvest is useless because otherwise it's.void staff every game as well as liandaries. And the Q max with crystal scepter is good with liandaries
>I was asking why
Well for the slow it's probably because they have the most complicated menu of any fast food joint. legit hundreds of items. As for expensive they've been steadily raising their prices since like 2014 for some reason.
>they've been steadily raising their prices since like 2014 for some reason
because people will still buy it
hasn't pretty much everything been steadily raising their prices since 2014, it's not exclusive to mcdonalds
I'm not worried. I just have to stick to my strengths and not worry too much about learning it all yet because I will as I climb and when I climb things will stop working as well as other things getting slightly better. So I can learn both and see these are two separate things which I think is very healthy
Asian women can be very pretty, but they don't look good when they are engaged in a kiss. They turn into weird fish people.
American McDonald's has:
Cheese burger
Double Hamburger
Double Cheeseburger
Big Mac
Quarter Pounder
Double Quarter Pounder
3 desserts
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very true. never thought of that
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I regret doing it already tbqh

But McDonalds has increased it more than everyone else
>because people will still buy it
They've hit their limit now
It's funny seeing Chilis make commercials about how it's cheaper to go to Chilis and get their 3/$11 deal where you can get a full main, a side, and a drink for less than the Big Mac meal
and when you get the chance
Filet O fish?
2 tiers of chicken sandwiches?
Multiple types of cookies, donuts, pies, muffins etc?
>mcdonalds prices have doubled in 5 years
I forgot about the Filet o Fish and chicken sandwiches as well as the breakfast in general but that doesn't apply since they only make one menu at a time
We don't have wraps
American McDonalds has:
Apple pie
i think it's because they think they can get away with it, mcdonalds is one of the few of these fast food companies that made worldwide success and at least in third world countries they're massively overcharged but people still do it, it's pretty much a status symbol to eat at mcdonalds here
I used to get a full meal for $3 with their app
>McDouble and McChicken, $2 for 2
>$1 drink
>free fries daily
chinese food: ORDERED
fuckbuddy: on THEIR WAY
lets start this weekend amirite lads?
we have wraps
Maybe your local ones do but most don't
i want soup
no nigga
monitor: ON
dont forget to use protection and lube
Used to have a Romanian fuckbuddy who had giant tits and was incredibly good looking but I found out she's a stripper after we stopped "seeing" eachother
The good old.days
I've never had sex
All the ducks are swimming in the water
So is fat not going to start crying sbojt the brit who showed up, reported.tbe thread, mentioned janny and then left
no protection needed, xes been on T for a while now and cant have kids LOL
>it's friday and all the normalfags are getting uppity
>sexhavers in /cum/

wish i were a normalfag
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A girl from a Catholic school once matches with me on Tinder because she told me I look like I do drugs and drink and she wanted to try drugs with me
i never got to be with a latina or a persian girl. i went; outside, got a job, socialized, and smoked hella weed. none of those bitches ever showed any interest.
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Most of the girls I've been with were Latinas but I grew up in majority Latino neighborhoods my entire life and genuinely feel more comfortable at Latino functions than white functions
im not a normal fag im unemployed but she likes me for me and still lets me hit
Isn't it too hot for most soup?
you definitely should not rape and kill her but it is what she deserves
they only want to fuck their brothers
What is that?
You should it's great. I hope to have some one day.
This was in like 2019 or something and we smoked a blunt and drank a Mexican beer then went to her parent's house because they were gone
I wonder why my brother got me a two bedroom room
What size is /cum/'s bed?
For me, it's a California King
None of you better have anything smaller than a Queen
I've never even had a conversation with a woman outside my family or work
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i have a twin but everyone ive had inside of it was small enough to fit my 6'2 ass and them
double sized air mattress
enjoy i guess
I used to think a twin was enough but you can't go back once you get a queen
Getting a California King makes twin beds feel like they're for gnomes
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Strawberry goes well with orange, I think.
Amazing, god bless America's pioneer's creativity
iv should be flowing demonic big pharma medicine into my vain, my vain shouldn't be pumpic alpha Bulgarian blood up the iv bank
Womens vaginas get tighter when we have a republican president since they arent taking BBC as much
Makes sense
you had sex with her?
>at least in third world countries they're massively overcharged but people still do it, it's pretty much a status symbol to eat at mcdonalds here
You're right. In most countries it means you're middle class to eat there. In Canada and the US it was almost the opposite, a sign of cheap food. It's like internally they decided to make it the same way in firstie countries as it was everywhere else now
no but I would watch her with her bf sometimes
Yeah and then we never talked again
Assuming she went off to college
twin xl all a real samurai nigga like me needs
So happy with this new laptop the government got me
i assume she wasn't a practicing catholic
>raise your daughter conservative
>she will want to rebel behind your bad and be whore and do drugs
>raise her liberally
>she will be a whore and do drugs
so what's the alternative?
Weird that you have less stuff than us. I knew 1 (one) American who said he thought the Canadian McDonalds was better than the US one. But idk if that's true.
weed and covefe. good ol fashioned hippie speedball. that's how we like to wake up
>Getting a California King makes twin beds feel like they're for gnomes
sometimes i think the same since i have to go all the way back or my feet hangs off, i dont think i could afford a bedframe for such a big bed. im interested in getting comfier mattresses THOUGH
actually now that im looking at it i think i have a full size bed or thats what im guessing because it came with the apartment
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not wide enough and not long enough for my height
dont have kids
that's just what women are dude
Raise her reasonably. If she fucks around she'll probably remember what you told her once she finds out how drugs mess you up.
Except you can't. You're 30 and balding. Age of consent doesn't apply to you.
do drugs with her. good bonding. i smoked weed with my parents
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im fucking an 18 year old who was held back one year and im 34
American McDonald's is the worst McDonald's out there
Dog-spinning related accident?
I have one of those adjustable memory foam mattresses that cost several thousands but I got it for free because one of my clients owned a mattress store
It's a good feeling isn't it? My girl has a way better job than me and pays for most shit
come on bro im suffering and you're talking about dog spinning which was only done for a little bit in some retarded little muslim village
I have office365 hopefully forever
tits or gtfo
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who said it was a woman
It's really not hard to lose your virginity or have sex with a random woman
Getting a gf is harder though
having casual sex is harder than getting a gf
My gay uncle's VERY anti-trans and I just think that's the funniest thing, like listening to a 2nd generation Mexican-American whine about how the US needs to seal the southern border from Honduran migrants, or an Irish Catholic talking about how America needs to return to its religious founding.
it's not hard for you because you are a normie
kinda sad that im not getting more attention
The legal immigrants really dislike the illegal ones because they think they cheated the system
Maybe if you date the first girl willing to date you but I lost my virginity years before getting a girlfriend
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no girl has ever been willing to date me
imagine if i really die in my sleep tonight and you never get to see me post again
If everything goes as planned
Need mas alcohol not sure how I'm finna get through this wedding
Yeah I imagine a country that makes it absurdly difficulty for even whites to gain citizenship would end up having a lot of people trying to cheat a system designed to maximize immigrant suffering.

Also, instead of hopping the border, why don't they just get rich and THEN apply for citizenship? Drastically accelerate the process.
Open bar?
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I'm not balding, but I am 30
Most recent wedding I went to was my wedding to your mother
I'm hiding in my hotel room
Why do white ppl kill their whole ass families when they go insane?
I drank lots of vodka and wine at the last wedding I went to
This wedding was also in California and on a farm so copious amounts of marijuana were also smoked
Favstian insanity.
you are gonna lose the /cum/ baseball team shortstop and cleanup and you are gonna lose to the Reddit Trannies
How does it feel having to settle for my sloppy seconds? (you're "penetrating" a vagina I already RUINED on the day of my birth)

You're nothing more than a dog, settling for the scraps that fell from the table.
other races do this too, it's just the "normal quiet white suburban neighbour kills his whole family" plays better for wypipo on the news. Like he could be YOUR neighbour.
My mom is unironically a boomer that had kids in her 40s
going to cum sometime within the next hour
oh no...
I scratched the outside glass holding the yellow ethyl acetate
I'm not doing anything with the dish of sodium hydroxide where the salt has precipitated out. I think (they may have dissolved) there are contaminants in the bottom of thr dish, not good ones. The layers are too confusing but the sale is what I'm after (other salts have contaminants or aren't processed)
*molests you*
So that explains your autism.
Fertile boomer chads/stacies vs. virgin infertile Gen Y/X
so what? sarah had a kid at like 98
My mom had me when she was 34
Anhydrous (with no water) ammonia
Pot of polar or charged molecules and is an acid
mine had me when she was 29. i turned out to be a retard
It's the microplastics and tight pants
I thought autism was correlated with older paternal age, not maternal
I am 5'10 when I literally have 6'8 cousins in my family. brutal
there's estrogen in the water supply
i hate you pathetic losers
I'm the only male cousins below 6'0 (5'11, less than half an inch below cutoff)
At least I'm not 5'5 like my dad
Oh boy the walls are thin
I am not a pathetic loser, so you must like me or at least be indifferent
most likely
I'm down 30lb after giving up drinking because I drank a fifth of vodka every single day for two years straight
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Played a game of CS and my team were slavs so I threw. Slavs are lower than jeets.
That's funny I gained weight after I stopped drinking
People usually give one vice up for another
I quit drinking and started smoking cigarettes and using nicotine vapes
I'm still fucking my body up but at least I'm not drunk every day
is ther anything actually wrong with nicotine patches
Genuinely go fuck yourself

What is bootlicking about saying I want to visit Cascadia? You fucking idiot
i used to be semi pro in csgo when i was a neet and only played with Americans despite the high ping and as a matter of fact ive only ever enjoyed online games when playing with Americans
Blur were better

Boring posts from you mother fuckers today
go fuck yourself
i'm against medicare for all because i think medicare should only be for whites
I used to be SMFC in CSGO (after the rank shift) and Top 500 in Overwatch but now I can barely leave Silver in CS2
kind of a stupid idea when that group won't exist in 50 years
i used to be supreme too but i haven't played cs in a long time because it's full of cheaters, i'm ascendant in valorant and can hit immortal if i play for long enough
i dont play cs2 its garbage plus i cant play with Americans anymore and online games are unplayable with yurodirts
jason is a 30 year old femboy
you would want to be one too
jason posted his juicy thighs yesterday and I fapped to them
you have no idea how angry you just made me. i nearly punched a wall irl. go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit.
I played CS2 long enough to get a rank and don't play anymore
I just miss the glory days of CSGO
Virtus Pro, NIP, the Fnatic-LDLC controversy, betting skins.......
haha get fucked schizo
do you remember basilisk guy from /csgog/
>/int/ thread deleted
>still can refresh the page and see it
>can reply but the post won't go through
>shows up as normal on the archive also
quite strange
average chud's anger control
I didn't really go on /vg/ for CS I was spending too much time playing or gambling
sminem grew up to be a handsome young lad
so you didnt experience the glory days
All of DC smells like piss
Love when people reminisce about the "glory days" of their niche online communities
/cum/ probably did peak in 2016, but it's still a great general in my opinion
they cut off my medicaid. fuckin dickheads man
old /cum/ was 10x better because despite having namefags and personalities, they werent nearly as bad as the attentionwhores and schizos we have here nowadays
yeah it's embarrassing how bad it got
because election memes or it was just good?
gotta attentionwhore when im dying sorry
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I started playing CS in 2014 and i miss the operations
it was actually pretty nice place to hide from election memes on this site. it was just good
Redditors always cry about 2016 like this place wasn't stormfront 2.0 even before that
/cum/ used to be people talking about their gfs, posting Tinder matches, and talking about drugs
America is by definition a country of immigrants. therefore people who just moved over here are infinitely more american than people who came here a few hundred years ago
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>Love when people reminisce about the "glory days" of their niche online communities
Remember when 4chan posted memes like pic related?
(not true, by the way)
t. visajeet
On a night train to northern italy. Wish me bad luck and disasters and cancer and msts and shit
>people acting like 4chan was some wholesome lefty place outside of /pol/ before 2016
Never understood this meme
inshallah it derails and a railroad spike impales your face
it used to be about extra flags and shit talking other states. bucks, dakotas, montana, st. paul, clackamas, maryland. just goofin and gaming. there was even a steam group that was abandoned in like 2019. now it's nothing but millionaires, lamboghinis, and having sex with instagram models
turin is a comfy city
didnt care for Milan
4chan is the most cucked it has ever been precisely because of people like that coming over
we used to have more people talking about sports too, I feel like only 1 (one) american does that anymore
4chan used to be way more racist until the redditors came here looking for the source of le epic pepes
Used to be one out of every two posts where the word nigger was used
Yeah lots of sports talk
The Californian flags were sexhavers excluding Placer, we had a guy in Washington who had a gf, Dogface in Arizona, some guy moved to Canada to be with a girl he met in college
did the man kick the ball?
that's right thats right. i think washinton even got married
Some unitedstatian keep replying my pictures saying how funny I am. I think he wants to fuck me but I ain't homosexual. Wouldn't mind a green card tho'.
>VGH, my mainstream imageboard isn't as good as it used to be.....
dont forget all the pedo shit too, used to be on here like 24/7 as well
>welcome to 4chan, here's your 10 year old
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the fact that i might leave this world before ever having been to the US and seen a baseball game live just dawned on me pretty hard
my life could have been so much different if i had accepted that job offer in wilmington a couple years back
Northern Italy is great
the gay retarded hillbilly being one of the reasons /cum/ is worse
it's been reddit 2.0 for years
i've seen more pedo shit in the past few years than i have ever before
thread theme:
He moved to Montreal or something
I wonder if he speaks French yet
>Don't like CP? What are you, a moralfaggot?
>not only moving to another country but also having to learn another language for a woman
Cuck behavior
But jason has always been here...
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I post on various boards and generals and websites. /cum/ means nothing to me, I'm an internet globalist. I will extract entertainment from you as I like without regard to your wellbeing.
You mean Michael McDermott, the "Black Irish" homosexual of South Dakota?
acquired my nicorette, soon my lvngs will be at vltimate capacity
also acquired a pint of phish food that I will devour tonight
jailb8 was very popular then as well. Still seems diminished desu
niggas weren't even being ironic
So basically what you are saying is the reddit saved 4chan?
4chan is the only website i actively use and like (for what it's become)
this, /cum/ is my pump and dump for quick interaction. my true good posts go on imageboards where conversations last months
yeah 4chan was always racist that's why nigger was never censore- oh wait
Ahh a ripe unguarded prostate RIPE for the picking
>I'm actually too good for /cum/
>which is why I post here
Moot's attempts at being advertiser friendly are not a reflection of 4chan's userbase
It's like saying him getting rid of /new/ shows that 4chan wasn't Stormfront 2.0
>until the redditors invaded my sekrit klub
4channers are indistinguishable from redditors. Redditors come to 4chan to be racist and vile, because they'll get their precious karma deleted otherwise.
Reddit = 4chan
Both hosted in American, both filled with pasty suburbanites who have their speech policed by fat jannies who do it for free.
I learned a lot about Bucks county and Clackamas from posting here back then
CLACK MY ASS i love oregon bros
I'm China and /cum/ is some African country where I strip mine for minerals to make CPUs.
>implying roody-poo was an attempt at being advertiser friendly
janny on this board has deleted a lot of posts for saying 'nigger' recently, regardless of context!
Love it when people who weren't here try to tell me about 4chan back then when they have no idea about Chan culture, never used Krautchan, Ylilauta, or Dvach
racism is not tolerated on the surface web. go download tor, pedo
Racism? on a blue board? No, never. I only use it in context of course.
I bet y'all niggas don't remember DarkMoot and FWG
what would stop you from voting for a woman president?
Reminder that ja.nitor is ctrl f searching for that one candidate's name and deleting all posts that contain it
Canadians used to be Chang instead of Pajeet
>DarkMoot and FWG
2014 was peak /int/ tbqh. We haven't had a funny hack in how many years
her being a woman
having IQ not measured in the single digits
>it’s genuinely been 10 years
What the fuck bros
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It more comfy then because it wasn't actually happening unlike now...
Back when India Superpower by 2020 was a meme and poo in the loo was fresh
>post something like 12 hours ago
>even later gets me a warning
do NOT understand the purpose of doing that
Bro I'm still here, I'm just never on my laptop and my phone doesn't have redditflags
Manchester is still here too
didn't chang destroy the housing market? though total economic collapse is preferable to sharing space with browns in my opinion
now it's just >>>/wsg/5613547
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/int/ when it was all soyjak and gigachad posting was peak /int/
Let's not talk about the passage of time
Indians buy the houses and then fill them with 50 “students” who take up all the low paying jobs so every fast food worker is Indian
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>/int/ when it was all soyjak and gigachad posting was peak /int/
If Biden "dies of COVID" at a time when he’s stubbornly resisting pressure from the biggest power brokers to step down, we’re all in agreement that it was obviously 100% an assassination, right? Just want to establish this before it happens.
>didn't chang destroy the housing market?
It was already fucked they just made it the most extreme in Hongcouver where a literal shack would be worth $2 million. Even without them it would still be fucked up, as it is now.
I miss him so much. Member when janny made it an instaban whenever we posted him
The absolute dilapidated rundown village of your
When you're hot, the haters and losers take shots at you from all sides!
yeah tbqh
I'm voting for Donnie Drumpf!
I gave up and doommaxxed for the past 2 years, too scared to an hero so I started smoking again after 10 years, started drinking again too, drugs, no excersize. I finally snapped out of it last week, but I went to the doctor yesterday and boom, Cancer.

Word to the wise, never "give up" unless you're ready to go all the way.
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peak int was during the SPURDO years :DDD
>I finally snapped out of it last week, but I went to the doctor yesterday and boom, Cancer.
are you memeing rn?
I miss when /int/ was spurdo posting, flag collecting, and krautchan/ylilauta memes
> Me?
>I'm voting for Donnie Drumpf!
It’s her turn
a woman having moodiness relating to her menstrual cycle would not prevent me from voting for her, since men also have mood swings
Everyone is forgetting the biggest part of /int/ culture at the time
Role playing as your country
t. woman
for me it was amerimutt el creatura posting
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i want to vote for this dot png file to be president of the united states, they print it out and frame it and whenever there's a national address they just kinda put it in front of a teenie tiny version of a normal sized podium and he has the teenie tiny oval office of which only he, a framed printed png image, can fit inside
that was less interesting to me, but it did bring about some laughs from brown country anons who didn't fully think through the implications of the amerimutt meme
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The ironic gay posting, "anime, cocks, gaysex....." etc are peak int
Found goshpedos residence
Today i was in my car and a lady was staring at me. She literally kept driving around my car in a circle staring at me. I drove away and she came speeding down the hill to catch me at the red light, then she drove next to me and had her phone recording or taking pictures of me.

I have no clue why.

Now that i experience this, women have no way to convince me being stalked or harassed is so terrible. I am honestly extremely flattered anyone paid that much attention to me even if it was a crazy lunatic.
that’s new /int
it's the incel century
it was OC so it was good to me
okay and?
Be right back forum
that and polandballs are completely dead
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it's actually kind of crazy how few people have extra flags these days. i never got into collecting them but it was big for a while
sounds fucking awesome
Yes, but let that be a lesson to you. It could happen. Don't give up
Best of luck anon
finally, foresight 20/20
It was already dying by then, at least redditors will never accept it or adopt it
Another obscure meme I liked was the Finnish Empire and Korean hyper war
How old are you anon? Im scared of cancer
You can still collect flags: >>199586344

The reason I don't use extra flags is because it just makes you more doxxable
new clean up staff are a bit on the autistic side I must say. very authoritarian as well.
Crying to tears rn lads
don't throw yourself in front of the train ;)
sure but the whole internet has been circling the drain since before then
what's going on
are you okay
kara boga was funny
>trying to tell me
I didn't "try" to tell you anything, I wrote it out and you read it.
My post was also about 4chan, not some foreign chans you illiterate mong.

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Their going away like the Egyptians.
Why'd you delete my shit it was well past 310 what the fuck
my nigga... >>199938736
Yes, Mexicans get hit from all sides. The only people that don't talk shit are black men.

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