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The Lord edition
Old >>199947052
Kirie eleison!
I Kneel In Bethlem
One On Naxos
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many such cases!

I only like 2D women because they aren't monsters on the inside.
I like only*
"I like only" and "I only like" can mean two different things, thoughbeit. The first comment could imply that I like both 2D and 3D women when that isn't the case.
Which is why I corrected myself in a second post.
Bro writes 4 posts to explain a grammar error. Romania is not Balkan
More like, I'm too retarded to check my own posts (FromSoftware reference).
damn, I sound weird on voice recordings
Crazy what a mess my family is. I gotta be more than satisfied to not be some serial killer but to have landed office job and living a fairly normal life.
frying liver
I hate women so God damn much.
eat it raw you fuckin retard
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our boy looking rough
Schizos used to chase windmills back in the day, now they chase 5G towers.
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1 degree holding sisters I don't feel so good
I remember when I was joking with my friends that we'd all need 5 PhDs to get a job in the future. Nowadays all people have a re credentials but no competency, degree inflation is brutal innit.
Its funny how orthobros ruined the reputation of christianity
lul what
I honestly believe that out of all sects orthodox christians have done the least damage to the reputation of christianity
what's the point of ortodoxi anyway ? like for me not for them, i know it's a job and they get money but outside of ceremonial services i see no value. it's like another sightseeing sight on tourist's map.
кoлкo пapи дaвaт в пaзapджик aкo ce иcлямиpaш
He's probably talking about being cucked by musulmanics. He probably doesn't know how much the catholic church supported the ottomans thoughever.
My first thought was what the fuck have they done that's worse than catholic pedophilia
Thoughts on the future Bulgarian euro design?
Couldn't find a better picture sadly
Stupid and without any political strategy, as usual with landmark decisions here. I wrote a mail to BNB to complain about it.
>t. Acaнчo Eвaнгeлиcтo
Lmao what did you write?
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I asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What is the best deed?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." I asked, "What is next in goodness?" He replied, "To be good and dutiful to your parents." I further asked, what is next in goodness?" He replied, "To participate in Jihad in Allah's Cause." I did not ask Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) anymore and if I had asked him more, he would have told me more.
Missed a golden opportunity to place Kliment of Ohrid on the coins
That they are traitors and retards. One day macedonia will join the euro and will print cyrillic, kliment and samuil on it. Maybe samuil not since they now recognize him as "rather Bulgarian", but the rest sure. As always our traitorous political class has sold us out.
To piss off Macedonians?
Croatia did that to us, they placed Tesla on their cents
Yes and Tesla objectively isnt even Croat. Macedonians will do the same to us.
If you had Samuilo and Greeks had Basil II that would look very based in a collection
that's just moscow coat of arms except it's batu khan or some other national hero of theirs, bulgarians are being thieves as usual. hope their prices raise 1488% once they implement euro
We literally printed political correct shit. Only the cross is somewhat based, mustve somehow slipped through.
>moscow coat of arms
Its a saint you retard.
When this horseman motive was popular here you Mongoloids were still eating mud in the swamps.
Really surprised Levski won't be on a coin, he was stupidly photogenic, this would look great on a coin
It’s the Madara rider you dumb asshat.
Funny how all balkan muslims support each other while christians in each country are divided put their colonial banana republic (founded by foreigners) over their faith and kill each other in countless wars without batting an eye
What a dajjalic religion
When Monteniggers join this will also look make for a great design
>looks like a fucking frog
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Malta has the nicest design though imo
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Summer heat and lack of rain are doing good things to my aloe.
I don't like how t*rkish balkmoons look. If I were the ENTJ fascist dictator of the balkans I would systematically destroy all turkish influence in culture and genetics by selectively breeding out turkmoon influences.
What the fuck lmao
The balkan without Osmanli is turbofolk, selyak alcoholism and styrofoam buildings
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I always liked the way Njegoš looked
We own those Bulgar cuckolds so much they put a Chinese man on a horse instead of the Macedonian bvlls that invented Cyrillic, Glagolitic, etc...
looks like chechen insurgent
What will Macedonians put on their coins once they join the EU in 2124?
Bro you dont own even the name of your country
Nah its not your daddy
No, we will put him
Alongside Andric and another Tesla, so that Serbian and Croatian tabloids can fling shit at each other for a decade
>Family member asks for my help, I waste days of my life helping without so much as a word
>I ask same family member for help and when explaining the issue and the way I would like it to be solved, individual says that if I know better than him I should do it myself
We'll change it back when we enter EU
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Randomly found in the woods. Operation barbarossa 2025 loading.
In that case, the second best candidate for the Fyromian euro would be Leonidas of Sparta.
it's a bulgarian prayer totem
say "мoля дaйтe ни пapи" 10 times while kneeling to it
not funny didnt laugh
Ok impoverished churka bro
It’s actually pretty funny I will give him that.
You have to be a low iq retard to find this funny.
it would be funny if we were grease
Give me a high IQ joke
greeks don't ask for money they just take loans then refuse to return them
It do be kinda funny doe
Every thread starts decent until this churka vermin shows up
CHAD gives oral cancer to staceys and beckys.
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so why'd you show up, churka vermin?
Kral Marko
alo bre
Sad but true.
Too hot but since I must go outside I have a trick, going on with wet clothing to stay cool.
bro pissed his pants
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challenge level: impossible
>simulating wet bubble temperatures on your body with wet clothing
Peak tatar intellect.
Bro you said you smear flour under your armpits
There should be an eastern european youtube going to the shit places in the west and shitting on them
For once you got the right makke.
Westies will schizz out.
Fuck that's a good idea
Imagine there's no religion in balkan region
I don't even think it's about the help itself but rather ego

There is no trait the average balkmun is more allergic to than humility
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blacked roll curtains stupid third worlder
This became the case when Angelos left our noble general
enjoy your heated interior
You're correct, it's why I doubt I'm really a balkmoon sometime but then my relatives remind me that they're all egocentric boomers that spite each other over the dumbest shit.
that shit is heated regardless of what I put on my windows
This is why I will move to Iceland one day and always be surrounded by high trust polite ubermensch rather than swarthy Balkmuns
You won't be able to erase your balkmoon genes, you're just an anomaly. Your kids will return to the mean.
I will marry an Icelandic woman
Imagine combining Angelic Naivety with Balkmoon Egocentrism. Brutal combination. Actually now that I think about it that's Germany.
Thats the idea. Reels too. Going to the shittiest places there and with clickbait titles just like they do.
>open window
>the sun gets in anyway
Stop stealing my replies
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) claimed that anatomy is destiny
>A kike that died from throat cancer said something.
>Experts say

>even HARDWORK is genetic
Brutal, just brutal.
ikibey from aliexpress and albovlach seem to be the biggest attention whores on this general
go get your TWP wet, nigga
I worked hard the entirety of my teens and early 20s trying to attain what the natural born Chads with wealthy families had. Not only did I fail miserably, but I am actually far worse off because the years of pain, negative feedback, and overall futility have forever scarred my psyche. I’m fucking done ever busting my ass again. I found a low stress job with decent pay and benefits recently, and I’m going to coast in it all the way to retirement. Screw what any of my family or peers think about “wasting muh potential”, I’m done suffering for negative returns.
I see it every time I go to the bar. Skinny, tatted up, borderline homeless dudes that deal drugs or bartend part-time are the ones with all the friends and all the girls coming in and out of their lives. No gym maxxing, no career maxxing, no semen retention, no stem degree, no self help mental gymnastics. Just living and loving their lives while copers seethe and think about their next gym session.
have sex incel
I love how Chadthletes truly believe that no one but them works hard, lol imagine the level of ignorance and pride. Yes you worked so hard to get that multi-million soccer contract at 16, it had nothing to do with your genetics to be tall, run fast and jump high. That miner over there with 40 years of experience doesn't know what hard work or sacriffice is
>skinny, tatted up borderline homeless dudes
Perfect description of krasnochurka
Nobody gets to fuck more than famous athletes bro
Calm down bro
Go smoke a ciggy
I see it every time I go to the bar. Brown, 1.55cm from Kumanovo, borderline homeless dudes that deal drugs or bartend part-time are the ones with all the friends and all the girls coming in and out of their lives. No gym maxxing, no career maxxing, no semen retention, no stem degree, no self help mental gymnastics. Just living and loving their lives while copers seethe and think about their next gym session.
Quiet, before I give you Bulgarian passports against your wishes
he needs to smoke a bbc(this counts as having sex)
Good afternoon, I hate women.
You need some buck breaking.
Is sashko still a faggot?
Lmk, im drunk
Sorry incel, but Nojko gets the dog in the end bro
Bought 5kg of whey
Waste of money
I see it every time I go to the bar. Black, 30cm from Africa, borderline homeless dudes that deal drugs or bartend part-time are the ones with all the friends and all the girls coming in and out of their lives. No gym maxxing, no career maxxing, no semen retention, no stem degree, no self help mental gymnastics. Just living and loving their lives while copers seethe and think about their next gym session.
He declared yesterday that he was bi
He's a closeted homo like the rusian here.
If you had female friends you wouldn't objectify women as much
I have them and they just reaffirm my convictions
I realized that all this crazy amount of effort was just cope, I was simply doing it to avoid confronting my inner turmoil and hopelessness by living in an ideal future. It's easier to force yourself to run 10km and pretend like it will somehow magically change your life than to confront the very real possibility of it simply being over. I'm done 'grinding' for anything, I'm just going to coast until my time on this rock is up.
Fake news
on bi a one nebi
Moving weights up and down would solve all of this guys problems unironically
Did you know that Bulgarians call a blowjob a svirka?
I'm jealous we didn't come up with that
this explains the troon sex
>Michael Douglas reveals: Oral sex caused my throat cancer ... his throat cancer was caused by contracting HPV through cunnilingus
>40 something
yeah right
He should have dubaimaxxed and ran the whores he fucked through extensive medical examinations (to know it is safe to shit in their mouth).
Ke gi jades bubackite
>waste 15k € in degree chasing
>didn't spend it on whores
I see it every time I go to the frontlines. Skinny, prison tatted, borderline homeless finno-ugric mongols that use crocodile or whore out to churka soldiers are the ones with all the std's and all the chechens coming in and out of their tents. No gym maxxing, no career maxxing, no semen retention, no stem degree, no self help mental gymnastics. Just living and loving their lives while ukrainians seethe and think about taking novoselyakovovsk back.
it was katerine zita johnes
literally fixed double click on this poz logicrap mouse by myself
you're welcome

true that
I love whores. I try the fwb relationship but women get their feelings iykyk.
I thought education was free in europe anyway
I see it every time I go to the bar. Skinny, f20, borderline homeless dudes that are forum moderators or work in ramstore part-time are the ones with all the friends and all the girls coming in and out of their lives. No gym maxxing, no career maxxing, no semen retention, no stem degree, no self help mental gymnastics. Just living and loving their lives while copers seethe and think about their next gym session.
This place really has become reddit huh.
When I am reborn as a bear I will cross into macedonia and wander to kumanovo to bite nojkovic
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>gypsies are smarter than arabs

sounds extremely selo, we need this word in our language asap
Chadthlete: "It was because of my mentality and hard work... ohh don't mind me missing practice because of the nightclub, Stacies and alcohol"
served a gypsy today
nigga couldnt speak any language nor could he count with decimals, now imagine what subgyppos are like
Did he tip?
probably a tourist from sofia.
Woah gypsies PAY in hrvatska?

Over here they usually serve themselves and leave!

It must be a yugo thing, gypsies here are also well-behaved though they are still beg and wash your car windows forcefully.
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Rare footage of krasnos youth
probably tourists from sofia.
Krasnoburyatsk learned Bulgarian and has memorized the streets and locations in Plovdiv, Sofia, and Velikovo Tarnovo. He has acquired extensive knowledge of the socioeconomic realities and the international standing of the country, current and historical. If that is not tsundere, I don’t know what is.
I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
>probably tourists from sofia
How much do you make as a waiter?
he actually did
i think that i served his daughter yesterday, she could speak serbian but really weird serbian with gypsy words tossed in
couldve probably plapped her if i was charismatic, she kept smiling at me
served some hohols today too
the pig memes are real, they have a very disgusting phenotype
im a cashier, my paycheck should be around 1300 eur
You make more than doctors here
>he throws the same bait two times in a row and you bite
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you should come to crofartia and work bro
there are like 3 maqe workers in the store i work in already
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Finished up this season of the best AMERICAN tv series
Can't wait for big Donnie to get elected so the next and FINAL season will be schizo Liberal Joo ramblings!
Cвeжo мeмe нaпpaвeнo oт 14 гoдишeн peдитop oт c. Гълъбoвo.
Do you like makkes or bosniaks more?
We are born in mediocrity, made men by mediocrity, left dead due to mediocrity.
Confucius say, man under wheelbarrow playing with tool, not necessarily mechanic
kvo si pishesh autobiografiqta
who hurt you bro
If I had the choice to launch a nuke somewhere I'd nuke Ushkup.
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print some of these and hand them over to them whenever they visit

so true, so true. I am a mediocre person. even if I was made rich I'd remain mediocre.
balk should transform in a eastern orthodox thread, most of us here are from eastern orthodox
Tf is Eastern Orthodox? There is only Orthodox.
No because in that case Russian influence would increase exponentially and we can't associate ourselves with losers
Eastern orthodox are from eastern europe and georgia, oriental orthodox are from armenia, coptic egyptian, assyrians and some east african peoples
if you celebrate it before we do you are not christian
>in europe
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>eastern orthodox countries
Such as? Lmao
Russian religion is a death cult ran by the police.
you got me I am a liar
this is why nobody takes christianity seriously
> Heгoвo Cвeтeйшecтвo бългapcкият пaтpиapх Дaниил ce пoмoли Бoг дa изпpaти дъжд и дa cпpe пoжapитe
eating cheese flavored lays
brother please
И в мoмeнтa вaли. Tи ce мoлиш дa eбeш aмa нe eбeш. Дaниил 1, aнoн 0.
so true, I think my death cult religion just told me to launch a missile strike on hohol hospital for polubrainian children. open fire!

macedonians don't know this feel
Of all the junk hesburger is the worst.
>The Colonel-Patriarch approves
It's OVER.
maybe if christianity wasn't practically useless more people would have appreciated it
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what, the fact that there were a few schism throughout history ?
why don't makkkehumans have access to lays?
let's not pretend our christianity is the same as the protestant/catholic christianity in the west, I have yet to see a woman/faggot priest in orthodoxy
Christianity failed to protect us against barbarist invasions.
cause you wont deliver it to them
also cheese is bottom tier flavor of this particular goyslop brand
true, I like salt more
>Christianity failed to protect us against barbarist invasions.
Look at how hard westies backstabbed Byzantium.
The fact that the guy that you worship was a Muslim lmao
what no work or worries does to a mf
salt isn't a real flavor and you're not special for saying you like unflavored chips, every intard says that salt is his favorite how fucking original and sophisticated of you

also it's raining thank you пaтpиapх Дaниил
why so salty bro
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Ἐὰν νόθο τέκνο Βουλγάρων ἢ Γιουγκοσλαύων, ὀνομάζων ἑαυτὸν Μακεδών εὑρεθῇ ἐνωπίῳ ὑμῖν, ἐξοπλίσατε πλησίον ἀντικείμενο καὶ ἐξολοθρεύσατε στόχον ταχυτάτως. Μακροπρόθεσμος ἔκθεσις ἐν ἰδίῳ περιβάλλῳ, ἀποτελῇ θανάσιμον αἴτιον ὑστάτως. Ἐντὸς ὥρας, ὁ μετωπιαῖος λοβὸς προβάλλει ἄμεσον ἀτροφίαν, τὸ ἐν ἐκθέσει ἄτομο ἐπιδεικνύῃ ἀνικανότητα ἀρθρώσεως λέξεων, τάσεις αὐτοτραυματισμοῦ. Μετὰ τὴν τρίτην ὥραν, πλέον ἐν καταστάσει στοιχειωδῶς ζωντανή σωματικῶς -ἐνῷ πνευματικῶς ἔχει ἐκλείψῃ λόγῳ τῆς στυγνῆς ἠλιθιότητος ὁποίας εἶναι μάρτυρας- ὁ ἀσθενής ἐπιχειρῇ αὐτοκτονίαν, διὰ πάσης μεθόδου.
Συλλογιστεῖτε τοὺς ἀγαπητοὺς ὑμῖν, ἐξαγνίστε μία ἀθῴα ψυχὴ ἐκ προπαγάνδας Tito.
how is cheese not good ? it's one of the best ingredients ever, all the dishes that have added cheese are automatically better
Ohnononono SKOPIANS btfo
Another proof of our maymoon heritage
>maymoon needs to fight with other maymoon for toy to be happy
>greek runes
>breaks character and writes tito in latin runes
Why tho?
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twp can't handle real flavors

idk I ate too much of it when was little I guess
also it smells of worn socks
I don't think they sell that here, the only other flavors are bbq, oregano, and sour cream
>Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) sent Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarreh to Bahrain to collect the Jizya. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) had established peace with the people of Bahrain and appointed Al-`Ala' bin Al-Hadrami as their governor. When Abu 'Ubaida came from Bahrain with the money, the Ansar heard of Abu 'Ubaida's arrival which coincided with the time of the morning prayer with the Prophet. When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) led them in the morning prayer and finished, the Ansar approached him, and he looked at them and smiled on seeing them and said, "I feel that you have heard that Abu. 'Ubaida has brought something?" They said, "Yes, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)' He said, "Rejoice and hope for what will please you! By Allah, I am not afraid of your poverty but I am afraid that you will lead a life of luxury as past nations did, whereupon you will compete with each other for it, as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them."
>he does not have bacon lays
might as well move to macedonia
we live in a society
Why are brownoids obsessed with spice?
also just noticed that's an actual insulin pen bahahahahahahahaha
What is the etymology
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The only people I would ever admire in this world are the people in these threads.
The strength of character & sheer willpower needed to realize the cards we were dealt, but still choose to wake up everyday and keep moving forward, is nothing short of incredible.
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true, I'm pretty amazing
Bro how tf did I miss this lmfao.
>e621 deleted all young humanoid tagged images because of "american political changes"
I have a job i like, a gf, a flat and a nice car subhanallah
I bet she fucks gjavur men.
May Allah grant you aql, akhi
I have a very important question
no, it's illegal
How have you been folks? I have been enjoying some German kino.
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Jiren can do better
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Ever read the description of the 72 virgin houris Islamic faithful are supposed to get?
Prepubescent bodies, giant black eyes, pale skin to the point of translucence...

Quranic description

In the tafsirs and commentaries on the Quran, Houris are described as:

37:48[8] "with large and beautiful eyes",[9]
38:52[10] "companions of modest gaze well matched",[11]
44:54[12] wide and beautiful eyes",[13]
52:20[14] "beautiful houris of wide and beautiful eyes",[15]
55:56[16][17][18] "untouched beforehand by man or jinn",[19]
55:58 "as elegant as rubies and coral",[20]
55:72[21] "bright-eyed damsels sheltered in pavilions",[22]
55:74[23] "untouched by any man",[22] "reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets",[22]
56:8[24][25][26] "the people of the right, how ˹blessed˺ will they be"[27] 56:22[28] and they will have "houris maidens[dubious – discuss] with intensely black eyes set against the whiteness of their irises",[29]
56:35[30] "created without the process of birth",[29]
78:31–33[31][32] and as "splendid companions",[33]
44:54 "Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes".[34]

It is thought that the four verses specifically mentioning Houri were all "probably" 'revealed' at "the end of the first Meccan period".[35]

pic is your virgin waifu bro
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Why is he like this?
I feel like people who say they have a good marriage just haven't caught their wife cheating yet
Gypsy genes
It's human nature. The inability to accept harsh truths. People don't seek truth because they're afraid of what they might find. I've been one of those people who've sought truth all my life. It's been my thing since I was a kid and trust me, it's not an easy journey. Some of the things I've learned along the way have caused me severe mental anguish. For instance, the truth about marriage itself led me down a deep, dark rabbit hole. Eliminating marriage won't lead to a utopia. There's just another harsh world waiting for us on the opposite side of matrimony.
Looks like gray alien
True which is why i dont want to get married and have rejected many girls

Because true love doesnt exist
Thats some low iq rambling but ill give you a you because your pitiful
I wonder where he gets the pasta
He copies reddit posts or tries to be smart but thats how far 78 iq gets you
Albovlach is smarter than you.
Tfw no gf
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>So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

It is, and that is the pussy Hasans and Ahmeds are blowing themselves up for.



Even my skin color isnt white nor black its sort of grayish darkish
Just for you
>There is no wisdom in signing a contract with someone who benefits from breaking it.
Maybe he is maybe he is not heres another you because scrolling through the thread made me realize how much more pathetic you are than previously though pretty dry
Dont give up though one day you could learn to fake it cuz for damn sure you would never make it
eднaш видeх кънитa c бyквaлнo чepни oчи нз нeщo дa нe видoх кpивo мa вepнo бeхa тaкиc
>This post may contain erotic or adult imagery.
shaln't be watching this
Бpaт aкo ти вкapaм eднa cepия дaли шe oцeлeeш? Cъмнявaм ce
Churko why are you so unsatisfied with your life?
You can bring civilization to Bulgaria but you could never bring Bulgarians to civilization.
Its nothing erotic in the pic
I remember that movie !
You changed ur name because ACKis threw a hissy fit, how cucked is that. Its clear who the man and who the woman is in this relationship
Again derailing the thread about politics
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Based. It's one of my favorites.
Politics harraser begone.
After I reverted to Islam, I was really able to understand how emasculated western men are by modern women. What a mess. So sad to see children pay the price of this social breakdown.

I encourage men to walk the walk. If you want a traditional woman, ask yourself, am I a traditional man? Do I have sex before marriage, sleep around, watch porn, use substances? It goes both ways and we need to hold the standards we expect from others.
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In another life all I would have gotten would be working on my farm in my boring Polish village,and paying tribute to my King as a Polish peasant with my Polish peasant wife, having to survive the winters on Polish vodka and big Polish milkers to keep me warm, but in this gay ass reality I am stuck here, in Bulgaria. :')
I don't want a Muslim women, not even Muslim men want them.
Workout routine king?
Marriage's primary purpose was to bind women to men, and thus guarantee that a man's children were truly his biological heirs. Through marriage, a woman became a man's property. In the betrothal ceremony of ancient Greece, a father would hand over his daughter with these words: "I pledge my daughter for the purpose of producing legitimate offspring." Among the ancient Hebrews, men were free to take several wives; married Greeks and Romans were free to satisfy their sexual urges with concubines, prostitutes, and even teenage male lovers, while their wives were required to stay home and tend to the household. If wives failed to produce offspring, their husbands could give them back and marry someone else.
I had one Kraut I met on Discord try to convert me to Islam for the past month, all it did is show me that Islam is truly by the book a false religion. They worship a God who calls himself the Deceiver
>3:54 Allah is the best of deceivers
yeah, how about no.
Why are you quoting religious dogma when marriage predated organized religions?
The Old Testament of the Bible is basically a good summary of all religions up to that point in time.
Also in 1600s they believed the Bible is the oldest recorded historic source left to mankind, this is before the psyops began aka science. Also there were no Israeli modern day psyop Jews back then, Biblical Jews = White people, hence why our ancestors even followed Christianity.
Isn't it funny how posters ITT know more about Nojko than they know about their immediate family? I bet polukranian knows more about krasnoyarsk than his own neglected toddler.
>I bet polukranian knows more about krasnoyarsk than his own neglected toddler.
I still can't tell makkkeposters apart
Don't give too much thought on it, it's Sashko and a couple more, with the one being the utterly undiagnosed schizo with the 500 larpsonas and a massive gay porn collection
calling all Bulgarian anons
what is the price of 95 unleaded per litre at your place?
Is there any website or app to get informed about gas prices at Bulgaria? I am suspecting that the gas stations near the Greek borders are rip-offs
They fall in the category "highway gas stations", of course it's a ripoff bro, the prices there are ALWAYS hiked
Imagine how much cooler being a murderer would be if biological aging was cured
Every time you kill some prostitute for shits and giggles, you'd be killing an immortal
>image if you could take a mortgage for 99999 years bro!
I would shrimply not sign the mortgage papers
True wisdom cannot be expressed by articulate sounds.

The language of fools-is words.

In the labyrinth of the alphabet the truth is hidden.
how antivlachic
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Big moon today
I don’t know how reliable the site is, I can take a pic at a gas station tomorrow. https://m.fuelo.net/m/prices
I wonder how biological immortality would affect the economy
i dont think about fiction
new f20 story on the 'gram about some brazilian company or something
>anger issues
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Bpъщaм ce oт пopeднaтa тиндъp пpoвaл cpeщa. Heлeпo кaкви ca жeнитe бpaт

massive redpill from a decade ago
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You can see where Africa begins.
Please do If possible. I'll check this thread or the next one If this one goes overboard tomorrow. Thanks.
A new battery for an e-scooter is 200 euro, and you're basically forced to replace it after 2-3 years

How the fuck did people get convinced to buy electric cars? It'd be like if your car's engine had to be changed every 5 years
seems that everyone hates hohols here, at least as tourists from what other workers have told me
>indirectly admits Florina and Edessa are truly Greek (and always will be)

Heh thanks ziglet
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